Impulsively he snatched her clothes. “Huh-uh. Naked. All day. My rules.”

  “Caveman rules, you mean.”


  “Do the rules of the jungle apply to you?”


  “Great.” Her shyness vanished as she eyed his dick. “I have a few fantasies.”

  One smoldering look from her and his cock went from semi-aroused to hard-as-nails. “Such as?”

  “Tarzan and Jane.” Lacy smiled, circling her fingers around his girth. “Can I lay on something soft this time? That bark raked my back.”

  Guilt beat at him. “Let me see.”

  “You will. When you bend me over, rutting on me like a stag, you can kiss it and make it all better.”

  Becker found a flat spot where cool breezes blew off the water and spread out the sleeping bags. He lowered Lacy to the soft flannel, using his mouth and hands to render her mindless. Sucking on her fingers. Her toes. Her nipples. Her juicy sex. He drove her to the brink with gentle kisses. Fleeting touches on every inch of her trembling flesh until she begged him to stop.

  Then he’d begin again.

  When he entered her, oh-so-slowly, she came on a long sigh that floated away on the pine-scented wind, but boomeranged to implant in his soul.

  Not to be outdone, Lacy whispered dirty suggestions in his ear. The leisurely loving became frantic. Harsh kisses and harder thrusts. His sweat-slicked skin slapped hers. His balls pulled up, blanking his mind to anything but pure animal instinct.

  He grunted, slamming into her wet channel. Taking them both higher, until Lacy milked him to an orgasm so ferocious he roared like a beast.

  Afterward, Lacy’s sweet breath tickled the back of his neck as she curled around him.

  He’d fallen into that peaceful half-asleep/half-awake state, when she asked softly, “Why did you wait for me, Sam? No one else in the hiking group noticed I was missing.”

  Because you piqued my interest more than any woman ever has.

  Another voice whispered, Because she’s your fate.

  Shut-up, Mom.

  Becker kept his tone light. “You were my responsibility.”

  “That’s it?”

  Why did she sound disappointed by his answer? “No.” He faced her and the truth in himself. “I’d been watching you.” Becker caressed her cheek. “Wanting you. Admiring your determination even when the unknown scared the hell out of you.”

  “You admire that? Why?”

  “Because I’ve been thinking about making changes in my own life.”

  Lacy gestured to the great outdoors. “But your life is a new exciting adventure every day.”

  “You’d be surprised at the mundane aspects of my day-to-day existence.”

  “Does having uninhibited sex in the woods count as mundane?”

  “No. This is a first.”

  She smiled sleepily. “I’m glad.” Seeming content, she snuggled closer.

  He traced lazy circles on her back. “Tell me something about yourself that no one else knows.”

  “Besides the submissive side you’ve uncovered?”

  “Smart-ass.” He pinched her butt.

  Lacy giggled. “Hmm. How about…my dream of making love in a field of wildflowers?”

  Becker rolled his eyes. “You and every woman on the planet. Not good enough. Try again.”

  She ducked her head, delving her fingers into his scant chest hair. “It’s hokey.”

  “Tell me.

  “I want to be like my Grandma Ingrid.”


  “She’s always happy. Whether she’s living in the woods or in a rest home. She’s never afraid and embraces change. Whereas, I’m scared of change, even when I’m hoping for a fresh start.”

  A fresh start with him?

  Surely she wasn’t one of those women who altered their life on a whim after meeting a man? But Lacy had agreed to undertake the hike at the urging of her ex, even with her frightening past experience. “Like moving to Wyoming to live in a shack in the boonies?”

  “With a real, live mountain man like you?” Her smile didn’t sugarcoat the bitter tone. “That didn’t sound like an invite, Becker.”


  “Don’t worry. I’ll be on a plane to LaGuardia in another week. It’s on my mind because I visited Grandma last week. She told me change is good for the soul.”

  “Your soul doesn’t need to change.”

  “That’s sweet. But I need a change. So, I made a decision. I’m going to quit my job and take Cat’s offer to manage her store. Then she can concentrate on creating more of these.”

  Lacy lifted her arm. Her smile died when she realized the charm bracelet was gone.

  “Omigod!” She leapt up, blood pounding in her ears as she ran to the river. Why hadn’t she noticed it was missing?

  Because Sam-the-orgasm-man made it impossible to focus on anything else.

  She frantically sifted through her socks and shoes. Nothing. She scoured the rocks and mud on the bank until her feet were submerged in silt.

  A large hand circled her upper arm, angrily yanking her back.

  “What the fuck are you doing?”

  Lacy shook him off. “Looking for my bracelet.”

  “The hell you are.”

  Seeing something shiny, she bent down.

  And found herself airborne. The sinewy arms circling her waist were striking against her paler bare skin. She gasped. How had she forgotten she was naked?

  “Becker! Let me down.”

  Water splashed.

  She kicked, which increased his grip. She swore, which earned her a solid slap on the ass.

  He tossed her on the sleeping bag. Imprisoned her flailing arms above her head, using his body on hers as dead weight.

  “Let me go!”

  “Not until you’re acting reasonable.”

  “But my bracelet—”

  “Is lost.”

  “So I need to find it!”

  “Not at the expense of your safety. You don’t even know when you lost it, do you?”


  “I’m responsible for you and you aren’t chancing another unexpected swim in the river for a trinket. Are we clear on that?”

  Sam’s eyes were clouded with concern, not anger.

  Finally Lacy nodded. She hid her face. Frustrated tears leaked out. She knew Sam was right. But dammit, that bracelet wasn’t a trinket. It’d meant something to her. Something he didn’t understand.

  Sam tenderly kissed the top of her head, folded her in his arms and let her bawl.

  When the crying jag ended, he handed her a canteen.

  She took a tiny sip.

  “Drink more,” he demanded.

  “No. I’m hungry and confused, not thirsty. I’m—” Lacy started sobbing again.

  “Ssh. You’re just tired.”

  She felt like an idiot for many reasons, but mostly for needing Sam to stick around. “You’ll—”

  “Be right here.”

  “Okay.” Before she drifted off, she whispered, “Since I lost the bracelet, that means I’m doomed to repeat past mistakes, doesn’t it?”

  Sam stroked her hair. “Don’t worry. Just rest.”

  * * *

  While Lacy dozed, Becker dressed and dragged deadfall for the fire. Two days had passed. They were out of food. Hiking out tomorrow until they reached something resembling civilization was a must. Dave might’ve already sent out a search team.

  He glanced at Lacy. Possession rolled through him like a hot wind. They’d created a connection deeper than phenomenal sex. Would their lives be simpler if he could cart her off into the woods and keep her to himself forever?

  Nice fantasy. He couldn’t even feed or protect her for the short-term. Speaking of…why hadn’t Lacy demanded that he hunt or fish to fill their rumbling bellies?

  Did Lacy suspect he wasn’t an outdoorsman, but a suit-and-tie wearing workaholic? Since it appeared she’d given hi
m her blind trust, how would she react when she found out he’d deceived her?

  She’d be upset. He never wanted to see hurt in her big blue eyes.

  He picked up her socks and shoes. Her shorts. He grabbed her shirt and tried to turn it right-side-out. Something was caught on the inside and he gently shook. Charms jingled as the missing bracelet fell from inside the shirt and hit the dirt.

  Becker froze. Thank God. Now maybe she’d lose the forlorn look. Maybe she’d get inventive in the naughty ways she’d show her gratitude that he’d found it.

  But what if…he didn’t hand it over? What if finding her talisman was his sign that the changes he’d been searching for started with her? His mother claimed destiny and blind faith were intertwined. Alone the fragile threads could snap. Together they were a steel cable. He fingered the twisted silver chain.

  Romantic nonsense? Or the leap of faith he’d been lacking?

  Destiny aside, he needed a plan. How could he convince her these past days meant more than a random romp in the woods?

  It hit him. Dave had Lacy’s address on file. After she returned to Manhattan, Becker could show up at her place, bracelet in hand. Confess his true “city slicker” identity. They could start fresh. Go out for a latte or something.

  Right. Like a civilized coffee date would cut it after screwing like wild animals in the forest.

  What to do?

  Wait, which he was lousy at. He shoved the bracelet in his backpack for the time-being and hoped he hadn’t already screwed this up.

  * * *

  Half a protein bar didn’t slake Lacy’s hunger. Sam hadn’t complained about the lack of food. He hadn’t said much either.

  There were plenty more interesting things to do besides talk.

  Did she have the guts to make the first move?

  The fire crackled. Sam caught her leering as he swiped a damp bandana over his face. “What?”

  Lacy swallowed the fear that surly Becker had returned and would rebuff her. “I watched you cleaning up in the stream yesterday.”

  “You did? Why?”

  “Duh. Because you were half-naked.”

  He grinned.

  “I wanted so bad to—”

  “To what?”

  “Touch you.”

  “Why didn’t you?”

  “You didn’t like me much.”

  He lifted a brow. “What’s stopping you now?”

  She seized the dare and gave him a once-over. “Your clothes.”

  Sam stood. Shed his shorts and shirt in a flash.

  The red glow from the fire threw shadows over his sculpted form, making him appear cast from bronze. Her mouth watered. Slinging the canteen over her shoulder, she eliminated the distance between them.

  Lacy placed her hands on his chest. Smoothed her palms over his chiseled pecs. “Yum.” She took his flat nipple in her mouth, sucking until it puckered on her tongue. Then she gradually slid her hands down his center. His flat belly quivered from her touch, giving her an incredible sense of power.

  As she kissed a path to his neglected nipple, she urged his body against hers by grabbing his muscular ass. Sam’s erection fit perfectly in the cradle of her hips. She ground into him.

  His head fell back, but his heated gaze remained on hers.

  She circled his impressive shaft and pumped from root to tip.

  Sam hissed when she flicked her tongue over the hard nipple in time with her thumb sweeping across the weeping tip of his cock.

  Lacy nibbled the column of his throat, swirling damp kisses up to his ear where she blew softly.

  Sam moaned.

  “You want my mouth on you?”

  “God yes.”

  “Do you trust me?”


  “Stand still and close your eyes.”

  Her heart raced as he obeyed. She retreated, uncapped the canteen and dumped cold water on his straining cock.

  He jumped. “Jesus—”

  She dropped to her knees, sucking his water-cooled dick deep into her warm mouth.


  Lacy’s teeth scraped the length as she slowly released the silky hardness. Mmm. He tasted clean. Musky. Her sex grew wet, her thighs sticky as she tightened her lips around the thick, purple head, licking the glans with her curled tongue.

  Sam clutched her hair.

  She made soft, passionate noises as he thrust in and out of her eager mouth.

  “Say my name,” she demanded before taking him deep again.


  She increased the rhythm, hollowing her cheeks, gripping him in her hand as she sucked his rod to the back of her throat.

  “Say it again when you’re as far in as you can go.”


  “Say it!” Her hand pumped rapidly, the wetness from her mouth made the faster pace easy as she sucked.

  “Lacy! Enough!” he bellowed.

  Sam hauled her up and carried her to the sleeping bag.

  “What? Didn’t you like it?”

  “Jesus? Are you kidding? I loved it.”