
  That evening at dinner, her mother, as always, asked about her day. She took a deep breath, and explained about her vision. “Everyone over the age of 20 in the entire world is going to die. We have six years to prepare for it. We have to start now.”

  Her kid sister, Emily, scoffed at her. “You’re making this one up. There’s no way.”

  Hannah shook her head. “I only wish I was.” She handed her mother a piece of paper with six numbers written on it. “Those are the numbers for tomorrow night’s Mega-millions. Go buy a lottery ticket. The pot’s over one-hundred-million. We’ll need the money to ensure the survival of the human race.”

  Leah stared at the paper. “Are you sure, Hannah?”

  Hannah shrugged. “As sure as I ever am about these things. If the numbers aren’t right, then I dreamed it. If they are? It’s time to take action.”

  Emily was the exact opposite of Hannah. They’d both been adopted, and they looked nothing alike. Emily was as dark as Hannah was fair. “You’ve lost it this time, Hannah.”

  Hannah sighed. “I really hope so, Emily. If not, we have a lot of work to do, and it’s not going to be fun.” Hannah knew her words were a huge understatement. She hoped she was wrong and her sister never found out what an understatement they were.