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When she turned to say thanks to Tell for bringing her another drink, he was a kiss away.
The kiss, while short, was shockingly possessive. As was the hand sliding up her thigh. The man just smirked at her, silently daring her to move his hand, because guaranteed, he’d slide it up higher.
Every time Tell looked at her with heat in his eyes, she felt the answering fire ignite her blood. And Tell didn’t care if everyone else noticed. The connection between them was getting stronger, despite Georgia reminding herself it was just sex.
“They’re setting up the buffet,” Tell said.
“Think it’s better than cafeteria food?”
“Probably not. Think Sally will act like the grumpy old lunch lady, Miz Farnsworth, and dismiss us table by table to get in the chow line?”
“Probably. She was a control freak. ”
“So let’s freak her out and cut to the front of the line. ”
“You’re such a bad influence on me, McKay. ”
He whispered, “Admit the good girl in you always wanted a bad boy. ”
“And lucky me, now I’ve got one. ”
“At least for the rest of tonight, right?”
That off-the-cuff comment left her a little unsettled. Like this was the last night they’d be together.
Isn’t that what you wanted? A date to the reunion and hot sex?
Maybe at first. But everything had changed in the last week. Or at least since the night Tell had shown up on her doorstep after his nephew’s birth, so sweet and vulnerable. Then so unbelievably hot and forceful during their sexy romp in the backyard. Although she’d known Tell was okay to drive home, she still called him to make sure he’d arrived safely, and they’d ended up talking for another hour.
Then they’d yakked on the phone for several hours the following night, during Tell’s last-minute trek to Casper to stay with Landon overnight. As much as she admired his dedication to his family, she couldn’t help but suspect his family took advantage of his good nature and willingness to always lend a hand.
Wednesday night they’d met at the Golden Boot for a night of dancing and managed to stay through the band’s first set. But they were so desperate for a physical connection, they hadn’t even made it onto the bed in her room; Tell had taken her on the floor. Dragging out the passionate encounter until they were both soaked in sweat, shaking and sated.
She would’ve been happy curled up on the couch with Tell watching a movie Thursday night, but he had other see and be seen plans. Fun plans. A scavenger hunt picnic, where they picked up a food item from each restaurant in town and ate it at the park. Followed by an obstacle course race on the playground—which he’d won. Then dropping by the bingo hall for a game of bingo—which she’d won. And ending the evening with them jockeying for position for who got to be on top in her bed. They’d both won that one.
Georgia found him incredibly easy to be with. The thought of this ending, just as it’d gotten started, gave her a tiny feeling of loss. But she wouldn’t push him for more, especially since he hadn’t brought up extending their agreement.
She’d enjoy it—and him—while she could.
After a bit she excused herself and headed to the restroom. Unlike high school, there wasn’t a line of girls gossiping at the mirror. She checked her makeup, smoothed her dress and walked down the hallway.
Straight into Deck.
She attempted to sidestep him, but he blocked her. As she looked up at him, she experienced a punch of bitterness that she’d wasted part of her life on this man. Being this close to him again, Georgia was hard-pressed to remember any happy memories. “What do you want?”
Deck loomed over her. “Bet you think you’re clever, showing up here in front of the whole class, like you’ve got a real thing going on with McKay. But I know better. It’s all bullshit. ”
“I stopped giving a shit a long time ago about what you think, Deck, not to mention not caring what anyone else thinks. I am with Tell. ”
“He’s a fuckin’ loser. Always has been, always will be. ”
“That’s what sticks in your craw, isn’t it? Were you afraid I might act on that attraction to him back in high school and I’d figure out you weren’t half the man you pretended to be?”
A mean smile distorted his mouth. “You were only trying to make me jealous back then and you remember exactly how I handled shit like that. ”
With his fists.
“You’re still trying to make me jealous. Guess what, Georgie? It ain’t workin’. Tara-Lee is my life now. You’re nothin’ but a memory. ”
“So why did you follow me out here?” she demanded. “What does it matter that I know how much you adore your wife? I’m nothing to you. ”
“I know you’re jealous that life could’ve been yours. ”
“Would’ve been a little crowded, with Tara-Lee in our bed and all. ”
“Your daddy would be so ashamed of your crude mouth, Georgia. ”
“He stopped being my daddy when he became yours. ” Why had she blurted that out?
Deck gave her that mean smile again. “See? You are jealous. ”
“No, I’m heartsick that my father accepted you as a substitute for RJ. ”
He stepped back as if she’d slapped him.
“Georgia, darlin’? Is everything okay?”
Deck looked over her shoulder at Tell approaching her from behind. “Don’t get your jock in a twist, McKay. She’s fine. ”
“I’ll make that determination since she ain’t your concern anymore,” Tell said evenly. “You probably better get back inside anyway, bein’s your baby mama is lookin’ for you. ”
Giving them both another scowl, Deck retreated.
Georgia didn’t have time to say anything before Tell took her hand, leading her deeper into the bowels of the school. “The reunion is the other direction. ”
“I know. Which is why we’re goin’ this way. ” They cut through the hallway to the main floor. As soon as they reached the locker bay, he crowded her against the cool metal, bracing his hands by her head. “I imagined doin’ something like this every damn day for almost three years. Since the very first time I saw you. ”
“Imagined what?”
“Pressing you up against the locker and kissing the livin’ hell out of you. ” Then Tell lowered his mouth and did just that. Turning her anger into passion. Passion he could coax forth with just the touch of his lips to hers.
The potent kiss hit her like a fifth of Scotch.
He broke the kiss and buried his face in her neck. His hot breath teased the damp skin and she shivered.
“Did reality live up to the teen hype?”
“Way better. ” A grinning Tell stepped back and grabbed her hand. “Come on. I have another fun idea. ” He towed her behind him through the hallway, stopping in front of room 226.
“Mrs. Wall’s classroom. ”
“Yep. ”
Butterflies took wing in her belly when Tell asked, “How adventurous are you feelin’, Miss Hotchkiss?”
“Very. ”
“Remember you said that. ”
Chapter Fourteen
He propelled Georgia into the room and shut and locked the door.
“I had at least one class with you every year, throughout high school. And every one of those years I had a fantasy of some sort about you and me. ”
“What did these fantasies of yours include, Mr. McKay?”
He ran the backs of his knuckles over her jawline, tempted as always by her soft skin. “Typical teenage guy stuff. Groping. Kissing. More groping. You whispering in my ear what a stud I was, because I didn’t have a freakin’ clue about sex. ”
“You’re telling me that your fantasies about me were innocent?”
“Back then? Yep. But now that I’ve got the experience… Well, I’ll remind you that I ain’t exactly t
ame these days. ”
“Thank God for that. ”
“You willing to do a little play actin’ with me? Takin’ a trip back in time?”
“What do you have in mind?”
“Revisiting history class. Senior year. ”
“Sure. ” Georgia smiled and fingered the ends of his bolo tie. “Lose the sport coat and the hat. The you from ten years ago wouldn’t have worn those to class. ”
Hot damn.
Tell took his seat, his heart pounding ridiculously hard. “Start at the front of the classroom and walk to your desk like you always did. ”
Georgia wandered up to the front of the classroom. She took her time reading a laminated sign. Then she walked to the other side of the chalkboard and studied the fire escape route and building layout placards.
Tell was getting antsy. He almost called out to hurry up, but he realized this was part of the game. Every day he’d been in his seat early, waiting for that first glimpse of her as she sashayed into the room. On game days, she’d worn the super short, super tight cheerleading uniform. He’d always loved game day.
Georgia took her seat, not looking at him at all. No different than when they’d been in class together. She tossed her head and the aroma of her hair wafted back to him.
That sweet blast from the past hit his lungs and traveled straight to his groin.
Then Georgia stretched her arms above her head and released a soft groan. Twisting her upper body sent her hair flowing back and forth, as mesmerizing as a pendulum.
Years before, he’d been too afraid to touch her. But he wasn’t now. Keeping his hand as light as a helium balloon, he stroked that black silk. So tempting to twine his fingers through it and tug to get her attention. But he reminded himself that Hot Lips never paid him any mind unless she wanted something from him.
She turned in her chair to face him, gifting him with her megawatt grin. “Tell McKay. Just the man I needed. I’m hoping you can help me out. ”
“With what?”
“The assignment. I didn’t get my homework done because I was up late cleaning stalls, since we’ve got four horses set to foal at any time. ”