The Naked Truth

  December 29th, 2017:

  “You’re not going to make it out of here alive, VA Gina!” a man shouted from afar.

  A blonde woman hid behind a black leather couch panting nervously-well sort of. Her panting were more like mini moans as if his threat was secretly giving her pleasure. Apparently she was a police officer although her attire consisted of a police shirt that was very low cut, a push up bra that pushed up her breasts causing it be higher toward her chin, short sequin covered shorts that barely hid her assets and in her hands; was a pink and white bedazzled gun.

  “Give it up Dr. Bigincher! Your days of gang banging on the streets of ‘MourningWoode’ is over. I’m going to arrest you ooooooooh, and you will be punished in the appropriate mann-“

  Without warning a light fixture from the industrial ceiling above them, fell and crashed onto the ground a few feet away from the officer and thug. Both people flinched and the woman stood up from the ground facing away from the culprit. “Dammit Brix! I thought you fixed that from last week!”

  A loud beep was heard causing everyone within the studio to stop what they were doing and evaluate the mishap.

  An older man got off of the director’s seat and he walked over toward the actress, “My apologies Patty. This won’t happen again.”

  “You’re damn right this won’t happen again! If it does I will quit! Do you hear me? Quit! I don’t need this crap. There were no safety violations over at Bullhung studios.”

  The director nodded his head sympathizing with the scantily clad actress. “I know, just please give us a chance. You have my word this won’t happen again. How about we all take ten and come back so we can film the big scene.”

  Patty rolled her eyes and placed her hands on her slender hips. The light fixture falling could’ve happened anytime on set. It could’ve been when she was filming the capture scene or when she was filming the money shot. In other words, she could have died a very gruesome death!

  She let out a sigh of frustration and gave the director a reassuring nod. “Fine. But make sure this glass is cleaned up. I will not lay on my back or get on my knees if there is glass on the floor!”

  Patty turned around and made her way toward a large brown table where a pink bedazzled cotton robe laid. She grabbed the robe and placed it over her body quickly tying it closed.

  Patty Valentine has been working in the adult industry since she was twenty two years old. This film ‘V.A Gina Vs Dr. Bigincher’ was going to break her three hundred movie streak but it was going to be hard to do if she gets severely injured or worst on set.

  As she made sure every part of her body was safely tucked inside of the robe, the sound of high heels echoing from the outside of the studio could be heard on set.

  “Who the hell is wearing heels?” She asked out angrily causing the crew to look at her in fear and confusion. “I specifically put it in my contract that no one, I repeat no one wears heels except me!” Her speech was caught off when she saw a woman wearing a black trench coat enter the set.

  ‘Who the hell is this?!’ Patty thought to herself.

  The woman looked around the set filled with half naked actors-some weren’t really half naked- and she was clearly looking for someone. Patty didn’t care who the woman was, she was the only one who was supposed to be in heels and by the looks of it, this Auburn haired woman could possibly be a new actress trying to make her big break. She certainly had the long legs, beautiful face and God knows what she was truly hiding underneath that trench coat.

  Patty realized that some of the crew members as well as her costar Douglas Nasir were slowly taking an interest in this mysterious woman.

  The adult actress cleared her throat and walked toward the woman. “This is a closed set and I’m not sure who sent you or what you’ve heard but the studio isn’t auditioning anyone for this film.” Patty’s tone was filled with assertiveness and she was very confrontational for no apparent reason.

  The woman gave Patty a smirk and looked her up and down, from her clear latex six inch stiletto shoes to the messy over the top blonde hair. “Hmmm. Bad attitude and horrible perfume. You must be Patty Valentine.”

  Trying not take offense to what the woman said she gave her an impatient nod. “Glad you know me. Now what’s it to ya?”

  “My name is Laurel Quinn and your ex-boyfriend Adam Ritter sent me.”

  Patty let out a chuckle. “Ha! That bastard really did move on didn’t he?” She stepped a few inches toward Laurel so she was staring deep into her eyes trying to intimidate the woman. “So let me guess, he knocked you up and now you’re here to tell me to back away? Well let me tell you something Red, if you’re here to intimidate me it isn’t going to work.”

  Laurel wiped off a small spot of spit that flew out of Patty’s mouth and landed on her right cheek. “Rest assured Carmen Electra, I’m not here because I’m with Adam. Trust me I would break him in two seconds.” She stated. “I’m actually a Crisis Manager and he hired me because you’re extorting him.”

  Patty quickly looked around the set and noticed that the crew members didn’t hear anything Laurel said because they were too busy admiring the woman’s figure. She rolled her eyes and looked at Laurel. “Can we talk about this in private?”

  “That would be an appropriate idea.”

  Patty tied her robe again and walked through a red door which was opened already to let in the cold winter air. Laurel followed her as most of the crew members watched in admiration and envy as both women left the set and made their way to an RV parked only a few feet away from the opened door.

  “I know it isn’t as luxurious as to what those Hollywood snobs in West San New have but it’s cozy.” Patty stated as she pushed the RV’s door open and walked up three steps leading into the small cozy space.

  Laurel didn’t mind the space nor did she care about the size of the RV since she wasn’t there on pleasurable terms but instead strictly for business.

  She got up the steps and walked over to a small sitting area where she sat down and Patty sat on the sink’s counter just a few feet away from Laurel.

  “Okay, so I know why you’re here but what exactly are you hoping to get out of this meeting?” Patty asked clearly not happy.

  “As I said, Adam hired me because you’re extorting him for $7.5 million a month. If he refuses to those terms you-as I understand- will tell the media all about the-erm- intimate details of when you two were together.”

  Patty gave her a quick nod never once denying any claims.

  Adam Ritter is known throughout San New, Los Angeles, Canada and New York City as ‘Dr.Molecule’. He is the host of the science fact show ‘Chemistryville’, which is a show geared towards children from ages 1-14 and he teaches them all about Chemistry, Biology, and basically any Science the Public Education system puts on their curriculum. The show has been a smash hit for over eight years and Adam has become a household name for many, many mothers- for obvious reasons.

  A scandal like this could ruin everything Adam had worked hard for not because he was dating an adult actress but because parents never enjoy hearing about the sexual exploitations of others.

  “Yes and I was being generous. I deserve a lot more.”

  “Do you? If I’m not mistaken, you two were never married. You were dating for a year and a half and even then, you two never had a child together. So you’re not even entitled to a ‘Hello’ on the street.”

  “I don’t understand why he is so reluctant to pay me a dime. He and I were private in our relationship. Not even the limo driver knew we were dating, I mean that alone is enough to have me press charges against him citing emotional and psychotic abuse. I’ll tell the judge and even the geezers on Mox News how Adam didn’t want anyone to know we were dating and he kept me locked in a room, so that no paparazzi would photograph us together.” Patty smirked in victory at the mere thought of all the damage she could do to ruin this man’s reputation and she knew right then
and there, Laurel would have to convince Adam to give her the money she wanted.

  The Crisis Manager nodded listening to the woman’s words that echoed off the walls of the musky smelling RV. “You’re right. With those claims Adam’s entire reputation could be jeopardized. He would be seen as ‘manipulative, possessive, controlling and dominant’. Which would in turn form a huge backlash from the mothers who let their children watch his program…-“. She straightened her posture and gave Patty a smirk, “-But that wouldn’t necessarily work on your end because I will gladly go on the record and share with the public a fictitious story on how you were addicted to painkillers and were abusive towards Adam. Not only will that make you the most hated person on the planet, it will give Adam more sympathy and increase his fan base. The interesting thing is-because I am amazing at my job- none of anything I say can be true but I am such a gifted liar that I can come up with thirty lies and have evidence to support each and every one of them!”

  Patty didn’t know if she should admire this woman or fear her- but one thing Patty never did in her life was fear anyone. She flashed Laurel a devilish grin realizing the Auburn haired woman wasn’t backing down. “I’ll tell everyone the truth about our sex life. Not only will that ruin him but it’ll also make him a laughing stock in the entire world. So it’s your choice Red. Get on your phone and tell Adam he better pay up.”

  Laurel let out a small snicker as if Patty had said something that amused yet baffled her at the same time. “What in the world are you gaining from blackmailing him?”

  Patty arched her right eyebrow at the stupid question that came out of the Crisis Manager’s mouth. “Money obviously!”

  “I am aware of that.” Laurel stated controlling her anger and sarcasm from coming out. “But you’re doing it all for the wrong reasons.”

  Patty crossed her arms across her chest in frustration. “And you’re a professional at extortion all of a sudden?”

  Laurel had to restrain herself from answering the question the original way she wanted to. She had to remind herself about the ‘Professional Etiquette Video’ Tony made her watch last week. She kept on the smile and began to speak in a calm tone, “Not at all but you must remember you work in an industry that strives in secrets. An industry where many actors-like yourself- are trying to make an honest living and here you are; seconds away from destroying your own career for greed. After all, this industry doesn’t like a pair of loose lips-no pun intended.”

  “Greed?” Patty chuckled shaking her head. “Greed isn’t the reason I’m doing this. That son of a bitch broke my heart!”

  Have you ever seen those commercials on television about some prescription drug that would help you get relief from constipation? In the commercial the paid actor would describe having a realization about his bowel movements and he called it his ‘Aha Moment’. Well this moment didn’t require anyone to care for their bowel movements but Laurel had her own ‘Aha moment’ when Patty proclaimed that Adam ‘broke her heart’.

  What the Adult Actress didn’t know was that Adam told Laurel the entire story and it differed from anything that Patty was saying.

  Adam and Patty dated for a year and a half. Throughout that time Adam was falling for the blonde bombshell. He enjoyed everything about her and he even wanted to come out of the “Dating Closet” to let the world know who the lucky woman was, but Patty didn’t want to. She was scared if she was seen as being in a relationship any and all chances she had on upcoming movie deals would be scrapped once everyone saw she was in a monogamous relationship. Because of this decision she decided to break up with Adam never wanting to see him again. It was a hurtful decision for her to make but at the end of the day her career was more important. However, Laurel knew the Adult Actress’ attitude toward Adam changed when it was revealed last month he was now going out with Pop Singer Elizabeth Glitters; a new relationship that made Patty both furious and jealous!

  Laurel cleared her throat not at all because it was dried but mainly because she wanted to say something that she felt would’ve really hurt the actress, so she chose to just clear her throat and choose her words carefully. “You and I both know, he didn’t break your heart. He didn’t even cheat on you. You were the one that dumped him to save your precious career.”

  “Because at the end of the day, what I’ll have is my career not some stupid man who will wake up one day next to me and realize I’m worthless! He’ll then leave me without even a goodbye.”

  It was evident Patty had some unresolved issues from a past relationship but Laurel wasn’t there to play mediator or psychiatrist. “Whatever issues you have with whatever demons you’re fighting, it has nothing to do with Adam. I’ve met him and he is a genuine sweet guy; and this is coming from someone who can’t stand Hollywood men. He did love you and it hurt him when you chose your career over the future you two could’ve had. But that choice was made and that ship sailed. Right now a man who didn’t think he could ever find someone like you, found someone who makes him happy –for whatever Godly reason- and you have to be the bigger woman here and move on. Leave the past behind you.”

  Patty knew everything Laurel said was correct. She spent so much time thinking about getting revenge on the man who hurt her in the past that she was sabotaging her image in the eyes of Adam. Patty hated many things in life, like obesity, sugar, empty calories, hairy men and men with beer bellies; but one thing she hated more than anything was swallowing her pride and apologizing. She took in a deep breath and spoke, “Fine! I’ll…I’ll leave Adam alone. I don’t need his damn money anyway.”

  Laurel didn’t think she had anything else to say. The job was pretty much done and if Patty decides to back track in the future and blackmail Adam again or go straight to the public, Laurel had a few plans stashed away.

  “Well, that’s all I came here for.” Laurel said smiling as she got up from the small couch and Patty stood up straight admiring the woman in front of her.

  “You have balls Ms. Quinn. Not a lot of women can have the courage to do what you do. It’s fascinating to see not all women can be judgmental of me. If you were anyone else, they would’ve treated me like I was nothing. Not you. You spoke to me as if I was someone…a human.”

  The Crisis Manager couldn’t put herself in the plastic clear stiletto shoes of the blonde bombshell, all she could imagine were the side eye glances the woman must get on a daily basis, the whispers and gasps following her as she made her down the street and of course the judgment she gets from other women.

  “I’m many things in this world but being judgmental or thinking I’m better than anyone else? Never. We all bleed the same color, we all hurt and we all die. So why would I ever put myself on a higher pedestal than anyone else? Especially a woman whom is standing her ground and doing everything in her power to make it in this world. You’re beautiful and from what I can see you are very talented acting wise.” Laurel opened up her black designer purse and took out a small business card. She handed it to Patty who took it in her hand and read it.

  “I could use someone like you. Give me a call when you get tired of the baby oil and douchebags.”

  Patty smiled at the Crisis Manager, “No pun intended?”

  Laurel gave her a shrug and walked down the steps opening the door of the RV and she closed it behind her. Patty looked down at the business card she held in her hand and smiled to herself contemplating the next step in her life.

  Laurel thanked Goddess her Purple Mercedes Benz was parked only a few feet away from the RV because the last thing she wanted was to walk back through the set and get gawked at again.

  She walked to her car in her confident stride one hundred percent positive that Patty would make the right decision, before she would reach for the handle of the car’s door her cellphone began to ring.

  Placing her purse on the roof of the car Laurel dug inside and took out her cellphone, she saw the caller ID read ‘Tony’ and she swiped the answer button. “Why are you calling me? I
gave you a full week off with pay.”

  “I know! Jace and I decided to return back to San New.”

  “Why the hell would you two decide to do that?”

  “He found out about Darlene Hart’s death and – well to make a long story short, he found something very interesting and I think you need to come and take a look.”

  “How bad is it?” Laurel asked her tone was filled with curiosity and smothered in fear.

  “Just get back to the office as quickly as possible.”

  “Okay see you soon.” Laurel hung up the phone and threw it back in her purse. She quickly pulled open the driver’s door to her car and entered not even wanting to think about what Jace could’ve found and why Tony was invested in it.

  Ten Minutes Later:

  Laurel stepped out of the elevator as she had done many times before, this time she was speeding and her heart was racing. Tony didn’t sound like himself on the phone and he was very hell-bent on surprising Jace in New York City, question was what could’ve been so important that could’ve cut the vacation short?

  She made her way toward the glass door of the agency where she was greeted by her assistant Tony Vincetti. He wasn’t dressed up as normal with a buttoned up shirt and a tie, instead he wore a red and black v neck shirt and his hair was ruffled as if he had spent too many times running his fingers through it in frustration.

  “Seriously, I lied to Jace to make sure you surprised him.”

  “Yeah we’ll talk about that later.” Jace stated as he stood up from Tony’s chair and walked over to Laurel. “But right now you need to see this.” He handed her a clear zip lock bag that contained a bloody note and she took it from him.

  “What is this?”

  “That’s the note that was found on Darlene’s body.” Jace replied back.

  Laurel’s eyes widened and she stared at the Private Investigator completely shocked at what he just confessed to her. “How were you able obtain this from the Police?”

  Jace flashed her a sinister grin. “Do you really want to know?”

  Laurel had learned many things and throughout those life lessons it was to never ask a Private Investigator how they were able to get the information they did. She shook her head answering the question and looked back down at the handwritten letter in her hand.

  “Good.” Jace said taking a breath indicating that he was going to continue on speaking. “Now I dug deeper into the dark web thanks to my techy friend and I found out that TSK isn’t some sound I make when I see an older person about to ask me a question. It’s actually an acronym.”

  “An acronym? For what exactly?”

  “The Star Katchers. Instead of spelling it with a ‘C’ they use a ‘K.”

  Tony shook his head crossing his arms across his chest. “Bloody illiterates.”

  Laurel couldn’t help agree with her assistant. “Is this all you found?”

  “Not at all. The code 5/11 isn’t a code or a date. It’s a chapter and verse in the Bible. Ephesians Chapter five verse eleven to be exact. ”

  There was a moment of silence that fell upon the room for a mere twenty seconds as Laurel tried to wrap her head around the fact that Jace even knew anything about the Bible. He noticed how shocked she was and he shrugged his shoulders. “When you get the Bible thrown at you on a daily basis you tend to pick it up and read it a few times. Anyways, the quote says: “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of Darkness, but rather expose them.”

  The Crisis Manager furrowed her eyebrows as she heard him quote the verse. “So we’re dealing with a Lunatic West Boro member?”

  “Yes and no“. Jace continued. “I compared the note found on Darlene to the note in the actor’s mailbox and while the first note was typed, this one was written. Not to mention the numbers were written differently as well. “

  “You think we’re dealing with a Bonnie and Clyde situation?” Tony finally asked never once hearing about this new deduction Jace had until now.

  The twenty six year old shook his head, “At first I did. But based on the name as well the notes and the phrasings…I think we’re dealing with a Cult.”

  Tony let out a small gasp shaking his head. “Are you Bloody kidding? A cult? What would a Cult get out of blackmailing and murdering people?”

  “Isn’t it obvious?” Jace asked turning to face Tony. “This Cult, ‘The Star Katchers’ have targets and from what I’ve seen in their chatrooms as well as the news…Their targets aren’t celebrities or commercials actors. Their target?...Is Hollywood.”

  Laurel looked down at the bloody note in her hand and sighed in frustration. Scandals? She can handle that. Extortion? She can handle that. Ex-husbands who hired a hit man to kill her? She handled that already. But a killer Cult? She might have to drink a few more black coffees before she could deal with that situation. Assuming of course, that time isn’t running out.

