Page 11 of Hex Hall

Page 11


  Chaston opened her mouth to reply, but Elodie stopped her. "Let her figure it out on her own. " She opened the door. "Good luck surviving Hecate, Sophie. Youll need it. "

  If that wasnt a dismissal, I didnt know what was.

  I was so distracted thinking about my dad that I walked right into the middle of the circle, kicking over the candle as I did. I hissed as hot wax spilled over my bare foot. I couldve sworn I heard Anna giggle.

  I limped to the door. Before I left, I turned to Elodie. She was watching me stonily.

  "Im sorry," I said again. "I didnt realize turning down a coven was such a big deal. "

  For a second I thought she wasnt going to reply. Then she dropped her voice and said, "I spent years in the human world being looked at like I was a monster. No one gets to look at me like that anymore. " Her hard, green eyes narrowed. "Certainly not a loser witch like you. "

  Then she slammed the door in my face.

  I stood there in the hall, very aware of the sound of my own breathing.

  Had I looked at her like she was a monster? I thought of how Id felt when she said shed made some poor girl disappear.

  Yeah, Id probably looked at her like that.

  "Okay, that is IT!" someone shouted.

  A door flew open across the hall, and Taylor stomped out of her room.

  She was wearing an oversize nightshirt, and her hair was tangled around her face. Once again her mouth was full of fangs.

  "Get OUT!" she cried, pointing down the hall. Through the open door I could see Nausicaa and Siobhan, along with a couple of other faeries, sitting cross-legged on the floor. A green light glowed from the center of the circle, but I couldnt tell what it was.

  The group stood. "You cannot keep me from performing the rituals of my people," Nausicaa said.

  Taylor pushed her hair away from her face. "No, but I can tell Casnoff that you four were trying to communicate with the Seelie Court with that mirror thingie. "

  Nausicca frowned and bent down to pick up the glowing circle of green glass. "It is not a mirror thingie. It is a pool of dew collected from night-blooming flowers found on the highest hill in--"

  "WHAT. EVER," Taylor shouted. "I have to be in Classifications of Shapeshifters at eight, and I cant sleep with your stupid mirror thingie shining in my face. "

  Siobhan leaned over, her blue hair obscuring her face, and whispered something in Nausicaas ear.

  Nodding, Nausicaa gestured to the other faeries. "Come. We may continue this somewhere less . . . primitive. "

  Taylor rolled her eyes.

  The faeries glided past me. Siobhan shot me a disdainful glance, and then they transformed into circles of light, roughly the size of tennis balls, and drifted down the hall.

  "Good freaking riddance," Taylor said under her breath before turning to me with a bright smile. Her fangs were nearly gone now, but her eyes were still golden. "Hi again. "

  "Hi," I said weakly, giving a wave.

  "So what are you doing up and about?"

  I nodded my head toward Elodies door. "Just, you know, socializing.

  Shouldnt you be outside, running in the woods or . . . whatever?"

  Taylor looked confused. "No, thats only the weres. "

  "Theres a difference?"

  The friendliness vanished from her face. "Yes," she snapped. "Im a shifter. That means I become an actual animal. Weres are somewhere between animal and person. " She shuddered. "Freaks. "

  "Dont listen to her," a voice growled from behind me.

  The werewolf was bigger than Justin had been, and her fur was reddish instead of gold. She was standing at the opposite end of the hallway, near the stairs.

  "Shifters are just jealous because were so much more powerful than they are," she continued, leaning against the wall. It was a very human posture, and it made her look that much scarier.

  I gulped and shrank back against Elodies door. Taylor didnt look scared, just annoyed. "Keep telling yourself that, Beth. " To me she said,

  "See you tomorrow, Sophie. "

  "See you. "

  The werewolf stayed put at the end of the hall, her tongue lolling out and her eyes bright. I would have to pass her to get to my room.

  I struggled to keep my face impassive as I strolled toward her. My foot still stung from the wax, but I wasnt limping anymore.

  When I reached the werewolf, she startled me by thrusting out one large hand, tipped in deadly-looking claws. For a second I thought she was trying to disembowel me. But then she said, "Im Beth," and I realized I was supposed to shake her paw.

  I did, gingerly. "Sophie. "

  She smiled. It was terrifying, but that wasnt her fault.

  "Nice to meet you," she said, her voice thick.

  Okay, this wasnt so bad. I could handle this. So she had eaten someone. She didnt seem to want to--

  She plunged her snout into my hair and took a deep shuddering breath.

  A warm string of drool dripped from her open maw onto my bare shoulder.

  I forced myself to stay very calm, and after a moment, she released me.

  Giving a bashful shrug, she said, "Sorry. Werewolf thing. "

  "Hey, no problem," I said, even though all I could think was, Slobber!

  Werewolf slobber! On my skin!

  "See you around!" she called after me as I hurried past her.

  "Yeah, sure thing!" I said over my shoulder.

  When I reached my room, I dashed over to my desk and pulled out a handful of tissues. "Ugh, ugh, ugh!" I moaned, scrubbing at my shoulder.

  Once I was de-drooled, I flipped on my lamp to search for some hand sanitizer.

  I remembered Jenna, and turned to look at her bed. "Oh, sor--"

  Jenna was sitting up in bed, a bag of blood pressed against her mouth.

  Her eyes were bright red.

  "Sorry," I finished weakly. "About the lamp. "

  Jenna lowered the bag, a smear of blood on her chin. "Midnight snack.

  I . . . I figured you wouldnt be back for a while," she said softly. The red slowly faded from her eyes.

  "Its fine," I said, sagging into my desk chair. My stomach was turning over, but I wasnt about to let Jenna know it. I remembered Archers words: Youre at Hecate now.

  And man, had tonight proved that.

  "Believe it or not, its not the weirdest thing Ive seen this evening. "

  She wiped her chin with the back of her hand, still not meeting my eyes.

  "So did you join their coven?"

  "Oh, heck no," I said.

  She did look at me then, obviously surprised. "Why not?"

  I rubbed my eyes. I was suddenly really tired. "Its just not my thing. "

  "Probably because youre not an evil bimbo. "

  "Yeah, I think my lack of evil bimbo-ness was the death knell. Then I watched a shifter fight with some faeries--Oh, by the way, what the heck is a Seelie?"

  "The Seelie Court? Its a group of good faeries who use white magic. "

  "I would hate to see the bad guys, then," I muttered.

  Jenna nodded toward the tissues in my hand. "Whats up with that?"

  "Huh? Oh, right. After the faerie fight, a werewolf smelled my hair and drooled all over me. Its been quite a night. "

  "And then you came back to your room to watch a vampire chowing down," Jenna said. Her tone was light, but she was twisting her Electric Raspberry comforter in her hands.

  "Dont worry about it," I said. "Hey, werewolves gotta drool, vampires gotta eat. . . . "

  She laughed before picking up the blood bag and shyly asking, "Do you mind if I . . . "

  My stomach clenched again, but I made myself smile and said,

  "Knock yourself out. "

  I flopped back on my bed. "They were pretty ticked off at me. "

  Jenna stopped slurping. "Who?"

  "The coven. They said I needed their protection against social ruin because of, uh . . . "

ecause Im your roommate?"

  I sat up. "Yeah, that was part of it. But they also said something about my dad. "

  "Huh," Jenna said thoughtfully. "Whos your dad?"

  I lay back down, pushing my pillow under my head. "Just a regular warlock, as far as I know. James Atherton. "

  "Never heard of him," Jenna said. "But then Im always out of the loop. So you think Elodie and those girls are mad at you?"

  I remembered Elodies hard eyes. "Oh yeah," I said softly.

  Suddenly Jenna burst out laughing.


  She shook her head, her pink stripe falling in front of one eye. "Just thinking. Man, Sophie, its only your first day and youve already befriended the school outcast, pissed off the most popular girls at Hecate, and developed a full-blown thing for the hottest guy. If you can manage to get detention tomorrow, youll be like, legendary. "


  By Jennas definition, it took me a week and a half to become legendary. The first week went smoothly, all things considered. For one thing, the classes were ridiculously simple. They mostly seemed to be excuses for our teachers to talk us to death. Even Lord Byron, whose class Id been really excited about, turned out to be a major snoozefest. When he wasnt waxing poetic on his own awesomeness, he was sulking behind his desk and telling us all to shut up--although there were a few days when he let us take long walks around the pond to "be one with nature. " That was kind of fun.

  Id hoped for classes on how to do spells, but according to Jenna, those classes were only taught at the "real" Prodigium schools, the fancy places where powerful Prodigium sent their kids. Since Hecate was technically a reformatory school, we were stuck learning about witch hunts in the sixteenth century and things like that. Lame.

  The one bright spot was that Jenna was in almost all of my classes.

  "They dont have any special vampire classes," shed explained. "So last year they just gave me the same schedule as Holly. Guess they decided to do the same thing this year. "

  The only class Jenna didnt have with me was P. E. , or as they called it at Hecate, "Defense. " It was on my schedule every other week, so I was halfway into my second week at Hecate before I went.

  "Why is it only every other week?" I asked Jenna that morning. "All our other classes meet every day. "

  I was pulling on my truly heinous Hecate-blue P. E. uniform, which consisted of bright blue cotton pants and a slightly-too-tight-for-comfort blue T-shirt with "HH" printed in swirly white script just above my left boob.

  "Because," Jenna answered, "if you had Defense every day, or even every week, youd be in the hospital. "

  So I wasnt feeling exactly confident as I headed down to the converted greenhouse they used as a gym.

  It was maybe a quarter of a mile from the main house, but by the time Id walked thirty feet, I was soaked in sweat. I wasnt stupid: Id known that Georgia was hot, and Id lived in hot places before. But those places, like Arizona and Texas, didnt have this kind of heat, the kind that seemed to suck all the will to live from me. This was a wet kind of heat that made you feel like mildew must be growing on your skin.


  I turned and saw Chaston, Anna, and Elodie walking toward me. They looked amazing in the fugly gym uniforms. Shocker.