Page 31 of Hex Hall

Page 31


  I told myself that I wasnt jealous, and that it was fine Alice hadnt made any attempt to contact me in the past few weeks. Elodie was a better student anyway. I glanced over to the closet, where Id stashed Jennas lion, Bram. Id had to hide it a few days after shed left because it hurt too much to look at it. Last week Id hung the necklace Alice had given me around Brams neck for a similar reason. Not like I needed it to keep me awake anymore anyway.

  I was still looking at the closet when my door opened.

  "Miss me?" Jenna asked with a grin. I dont know which one of us was more shocked when I burst into tears.

  She was across the room in an instant, wrapping her arms around me and leading me to my bed. She hugged me while I cried.

  Jenna reached behind her and pulled a box of Kleenex off my desk.

  "Here," she said, handing it to me.

  "Thanks. " I sniffled into my tissue. Then I let out a deep shuddering breath. "Whew. I feel better. "

  "Rough couple of weeks, huh?"

  I glanced at her. She looked the best Id ever seen her. Her skin was still pretty pale, but there was a light rose flush on her cheeks. Even her pink stripe looked brighter.

  "Did they fill you in?"

  Jenna nodded. "Yeah, but I cant believe it. Archer really didnt strike me as the secret demon hunter type. "

  I snorted and wiped my nose again. "You or anybody else. You were with the Council. Are they freaked?"

  "Big time. From what I heard, Archer and his whole family disappeared off the face of the earth. No one knows what happened, but it seems pretty clear they were all in on it. " Jenna ran a hand through her hair.

  "Its crazy to think he was hiding that all this time. "

  "Yeah," I said, looking down at my hands. "It just sucks because . . . "

  I sighed.

  "You hate him for what he did, but you miss him," Jenna finished.

  I looked up at her, surprised. "Exactly. "

  She reached up and swept her hair to one side, revealing a pair of light blue puncture wounds just below her ear. "I know a little something about falling for the enemy. "

  With a sad smile, she let her hair fall back.

  I shifted on the bed to make more room for her, and we both leaned back against my pillows.

  "So tell me about London. "

  Jenna rolled her eyes and kicked off her shoes. "I never even got to London. The Council has a house in Savannah they use when they have stuff to do at Hecate. I just hung out there while they asked me a bunch of questions, like what vampire made me, and how often did I feed. Im not gonna lie: it was pretty scary at times. I was sure they were bringing in Buffy at any moment to give me the ol stake and shake. "

  I choked on a laugh. "The what?"

  Blushing, Jenna looked away and rubbed one foot on top of the other.

  "Its just this thing this girl there said. "

  "A pretty girl?" I asked, bumping shoulders with her.

  "Maybe," she said, but she was grinning from ear to ear. All I could get out of her was that the girls name was Victoria, she worked for the Council, and she was a vampire too.

  "They have vampires that work for the Council?"

  "Yeah," Jenna said, more animated than Id ever seen her. "They work all sorts of cool jobs, mentoring younger vamps and acting as security for VIPs in the Council. "

  "Speaking of which, you didnt run into my dad by any chance, did you?"

  Jenna shook her head. "Nope, sorry. But I overheard Vix say he would be out here in a few days. "

  "Vix?" I asked, doing my startled eyebrow thing.

  Jenna blushed all over again, and I laughed. "Wow, does Bram know he might have to share you soon?"

  "Shut up," she said, but she was still smiling. "Hey, where is Bram?"

  "Saved him for you," I said, hopping off the bed and going to the closet. I fished Bram out from underneath some laundry and tossed him to Jenna. She caught him with a smile. "Ah, Bram, how Ive miss--"

  Her expression changed, and I watched that pretty flush seep from her cheeks as she stared at the stuffed lion.

  Or, more accurately, at the necklace around his neck.

  "Where did you get this?"

  "The necklace? It was a present. "

  "From who?" She raised her eyes to mine, and I saw real fear in them.

  An uncomfortable prickling sweat broke out on the back of my neck.

  "Why? What is it?"

  Jenna shuddered and pushed Bram away from her. "Its a bloodstone. "

  I crossed the room and picked up Bram, pulling the necklace over his head.

  The large flat stone looked nothing like a bloodstone. It wasnt even red.

  "Its black," I said to Jenna, holding it out to her, but she scooted back against the headboard.

  "Thats because its demon blood. "

  Everything within me went completely still. "What?"

  Jenna reached into her blouse and pulled out her bloodstone. The liquid inside was pitching and rolling, like there was a storm inside the tiny capsule. "See?" she said. "Theres white magic in my stone. It only reacts like that if black magic is near. And thats some seriously dark stuff, Sophie. "

  Her fingers were clutching her necklace so hard her knuckles were white. "It did this the day of the ball too," she said, her eyes still on the pendant in my hands. "When you got that dirt out. I should have said something then, but you seemed so happy with the dress, and I thought black magic couldnt make something so pretty. "

  I was barely listening to her. I was remembering that Mrs. Casnoff said no one knew how Alice had become a witch. How she had only spoken to me after Chaston was attacked, how much more alive shed seemed after Anna.

  And Elodies face when Alice had given her her necklace.

  Elodie was with her right now.

  I dropped the necklace, and the stone cracked against the corner of my desk. A drop of black liquid seeped from the crack and sizzled on the floor, leaving a small burn mark.

  I was amazed at how stupid Id been. How naive.

  "Jenna, get Mrs. Casnoff and Cal. Tell them to go to the woods, to Alices and Lucys graves. Shell know where that is. "

  "Where are you going?" she asked, but I didnt answer. I just ran--the way I had the night Id found Chaston.

  I plunged into the woods, branches scratching at my face and arms, rocks cutting my feet. I was only wearing pajama pants and a T-shirt, but I barely felt the cold. I just ran.

  Because now I understood how Alice had been corporeal, how she had all that power even though she was supposed to be dead. That black magic ritual Alice had gotten caught in hadnt turned her into a witch: it had made her a demon.

  You too, my mind whispered. If thats what she is, thats what you are.


  I was certain Id find Elodie lying bleeding or maybe even dead when I got to the cemetery. So I was shocked when I saw her standing next to Alice, smiling as she faded away--only to reappear seconds later about a yard away.

  Shed finally mastered the transportation spell.

  Alice saw me first and lifted her hand in greeting. I stared at her and wondered how Id ever believed she was just another ghost. None of the ghosts at Hecate had ever looked so real, so whole. Life radiated from her. I felt stupid for not seeing it before.

  I neared them, fear racing through me. Elodie had stopped smiling the instant she saw me and was now looking somewhere over my head.

  "Elodie," I said in what Id meant to be a calm voice, but I know I sounded as strained and scared as I felt. "I think we should go back to the school. Mrs. Casnoff is looking for you. "

  "No shes not," Elodie answered. She reached down into her blouse and pulled out her necklace. "It glows whenever someones looking for me, and tells me who it is. See?" The pendent was glowing, and I could make out my own name etched across it in dull gold.

  "Family heirloom, huh?" I asked Alice.

  She smiled, but I saw some
thing flicker in her eyes. "Now, Sophia, dont be jealous. "

  "Im not jealous," I said too quickly. "I just think Elodie and I should head back to the school now. "

  Mentally, I was calculating how long it would take Mrs. Casnoff and, I hoped, Call to get out here. If Jenna had found them right after Id left, surely they were only a few minutes behind me.

  Alice frowned and lifted her head, sniffing the air--there was nothing even remotely human in the gesture. I felt myself start to shake.

  "Youre frightened, Sophia," she said. "Why on earth would you be afraid of me?"

  "Im not," I replied, but again my voice gave me away.

  The wind blew through the trees, making them creak against each other and sending strange shadows skittering across the ground. Alice turned her head and took a deep breath. This time her expression hardened. "Youve brought intruders on us. Why would you do such a thing, Sophia?"

  She flicked her hands toward the woods, and I could hear a loud groaning, like the trees were uprooting themselves and moving. She was slowing Mrs. Casnoff and Call down, I realized with horror.

  "You led Casnoff here?" Elodie asked, but my eyes were locked on Alice.

  "I know what you are," I said, my voice little more than a whisper. Id expected Alice to look surprised or at least angry, but she just smiled again.

  Somehow, that was much scarier.

  "Do you indeed?" she asked.

  "A demon. "

  She laughed, a low throaty sound, and her eyes flashed a reddish-purple.

  I turned to Elodie. She looked guilty, but she didnt flinch from my gaze.

  "You did summon a demon," I said, and she nodded, like Id just accused her of dyeing her hair, or something equally innocuous.

  "We had no choice," she insisted. "You heard what Mrs. Casnoff said: our enemies are getting stronger all the time. I mean, my God, Sophie, they turned one of ours and used him against us. We had to be prepared. "

  She said all of this in the patient tone of a kindergarten teacher.

  "So what?" I asked, my voice shaking. "You let her kill Holly?"

  Now her eyes dropped, and she said, "A blood sacrifice is the only way to bind a demon to you. "

  I wanted to run at her, hit her, scream, but I was frozen in place.

  Elodie looked at me with wide, begging eyes.

  "We didnt mean to kill Holly. We knew we needed four to hold the demon and make it do our bidding. But we had to have blood. So I did a sleeping spell on her and Chaston pierced her neck with a dagger. We thought we could stop the bleeding before it was too late, but she just bled so much. "

  I could taste bile at the back of my throat. "You could have taken blood from anywhere," I said. "You took it from her throat so you could blame Jenna for it. Kill two birds with one stone, huh?"

  I went on. "You knew that you killed Holly, but you let everyone think it was Jenna. You made me wonder if it had been her. "

  "I thought it was her who attacked Chaston and Anna," Elodie said, a tear trickling down her cheek. "We just thought the ritual had backfired. I never saw Alice before that night with you, I swear. "

  Now I looked at Alice. "Why didnt you appear to them?

  Alice shrugged. "They werent worth my time. They pulled me out of hell, but I felt no need to serve three schoolgirls. "