Page 14 of Styxx

Chapter Fourteen


  "You could never disappoint me, Hector. " She took his hand into hers and led it to the center of her body.

  Styxx couldn't breathe as he felt how wet and warm she was. But his hand in hers . . .

  He cringed at the memory of Estes.

  "What's wrong, akribos?"

  Unable to answer, Styxx had no choice except to pull away. He couldn't deal with the painful memories that slammed into him and left him impotent and shaking.

  Damn you, you bastards! Why couldn't he forget what they'd done to him for even one heartbeat? Why?

  I am worthless.

  Bethany frowned at his actions until she put everything together. His reluctance to kiss or touch her. His fear of harming her . . .

  The scars that lay in extremely private parts of his body. All the way to his scrotum.

  He'd suffered something a lot worse than being burned. Someone had raped and tortured him.

  In that moment, she felt her god powers surge. She was the goddess of fury and vengeance. It was her job to avenge those who'd been so wronged.

  He's Greek.

  It didn't matter. She wanted the heart of whoever had done this to such a gentle and caring man.

  Clearing his throat, he reached over her to retrieve his chiton. "I'm sorry. This was a mistake. I shouldn't have. . . "

  Bethany placed her hand to his lips to stop him. "Let me replace your evil demons with happy ones. "

  "I don't know if you can. "

  "Will you let me try?"

  Styxx pulled her against him and held her close as self-loathing and hatred shredded his soul. "I'm sorry, Beth. You deserve a man, not-"

  "You are a man," she said, interrupting him. "More so than any I've known. It's not manly to hurt others or belittle them. Respect and kindness require more courage because people take advantage of those. I don't know what horrors haunt you, but I know that you haven't allowed them to destroy the most beautiful part of yourself. You have the heart of a lion. Fearless. Tell me what is manlier than that?"

  Styxx savored the sensation of her hand on his cheek. In spite of her impassioned, wonderful words, he felt so weak and pathetic. I can't even make love to the woman I gave my heart to.

  For all intents and purposes, they had gelded him.

  She nibbled at his chin. "Forget the animals who've hurt you. Think only of the woman who loves you with every bit of her heart, and that, Hector, is a part of me no man has ever touched before. Not even close. You're the only one who has held it. The only one who ever will. "

  He sucked his breath in sharply as she kissed her way down his chest and ran her sweet tongue over his scarred nipple. She pulled back to smile at him then nudged him to lie back on the ground. He obliged. She straddled him and took his hands into hers then led them to her breasts. Large and well shaped, they overflowed his hands. Leaning forward ever so slightly, she slid down his stomach to rest against his hips.

  The moment she did, his body erupted and he was even harder than before. Smiling wider, she began to sing to him. Between the sound of her sweet contralto and sight of her naked in his arms, he forgot about everything else. There was no past to hurt him. No future to worry over.

  Just Bethany.

  She lifted herself up onto her arms and slid her legs between his in one sensuous wave that left him breathless. Still singing, she kissed her way down his abdomen to the scars he hated so much. But as she laved them, he no longer saw them either. She brushed her hands through the hair at the juncture of his thighs then played gently with him.

  He sucked his breath in sharply as pleasure speared him to the ground. With a wicked grin, she took him completely into her mouth. For the merest heartbeat, he flashed to a memory he didn't want. But he refused to stay there. Rather he watched as she toyed with him while she continued to hum.

  His hand shaking, he reached down to stroke her cheek and lay the back of his fingers against skin so soft it wrung his heart.

  Bethany savored the salty taste of him while he gently sank his hand into her hair. She knew he was struggling to forget. He would tense and then relax. Yet he bravely stayed with her. In that moment, she wished she could see the face of the man who was so haunted and still so giving.

  But his looks didn't matter to her. At this point, she wouldn't care if he were a three-headed toad. He held her heart and it was as blind as her eyes in human form.

  Wanting only to soothe him, she gave one last lick then crawled up the long length of him to lie against his body.

  Styxx sighed at how good her soft curves felt flush to his skin. Cupping her head, he kissed her deeply then rolled over with her. She opened her legs so that his body lay between her thighs while they kissed.

  She didn't know it, but she'd saved his life. In the darkest moment when he'd wanted nothing more than death, she'd appeared and given him a reason to get up each morning. Now, he lived solely for the time they shared. It made everything else bearable. Just knowing he'd be able to see her sweet smile. Hear her precious voice . . .

  He kissed her lips then carefully slid himself inside her. They moaned simultaneously. For a full minute, he couldn't breathe as the warmth of her body cradling his overwhelmed him. It felt so good it made him shiver. This was the first perfect moment of true happiness he'd ever known.

  She had no idea how much she meant to him. Words would never be able to convey the depth to which his heart beat solely for her.

  Styxx brushed the hair back from her face as he stared down into her hazel-gold eyes, wishing she could see how happy she made him. "I love you, Bethany. "

  She smiled at him. "And I, you. "

  Nipping her chin, he slowly began to rock himself against her hips.

  Bethany arched her back, drawing him in deeper. She groaned at his thick fullness inside her. He was absolutely huge and yet so very gentle. She ran her hands over his muscular back and down to his waist then to the scars that made her want to hunt down whoever had dared to mar his perfection and make them pay for their cruelty. But she didn't want to think about them right now.

  She only wanted to feel Hector and the love she had for him. Lifting her head, she kissed him lightly on the lips. "What color is your hair?"

  He paused then gave a light laugh. "A strange time to ask, my lady. "

  "I know. But I'm curious about the man inside me. "

  "I'm blond," he whispered in her ear as he deepened his strokes.

  "And your eyes?"

  "Blue. "

  She sank her hands into his hair and imagined the beautiful blond curls that teased her skin. Then she traced his brows above his blue eyes, and his sharp cheekbones and jaw. Her Hector was handsome. She knew it.

  Styxx bit his lip as she met him stroke for stroke. Every part of him felt like it was on fire and yet strangely calm. Bethany swept her hands from his face down his chest and then even lower.

  He gasped as she placed her hand to where they were joined and touched him as he slid in and out of her. The pleasure was so intense that he growled with it. He'd always loved how she used her graceful hands to see, but never more than he did right now. Most of all, he loved that she wasn't timid or reserved. She gave every part of herself to him.

  Arching her back, she cried out as she clutched him to her and shook in his arms. He took his cue from her and moved faster and harder. She sang louder and laughed.

  Relieved that he'd pleased her and not embarrassed himself, he felt his body starting to tip. But he forced it down until he was sure she was completely satisfied. Only then did he bury himself deep inside her and growl as his own release came. His senses reeled with exquisite pleasure.

  For a full minute, he couldn't breathe or think as every part of him shouted in joy. Then ever so slowly, it faded.

  Spent and sated, and breathing raggedly, he lowered himself and savored the way she cradled him with her body. His heart pounded so f
iercely, he was surprised it stayed inside his chest. A fine sheen of sweat covered both of them.

  No wonder men killed over their women. He fully understood that possessiveness now. The need to keep her safe from all threat or harm. There was nothing he could think of that would ever compete with the complete peace and quiet he felt right then in her arms. He never wanted to leave her.

  "That was amazing," he breathed in her ear.

  "Yes, you were. " Her smile made his breath catch as she lifted his hand so that she could nibble his fingers and send even more chills over him.

  Styxx tilted his head as he saw the necklace that never left her. It was her sole piece of jewelry. He tugged gently at the thin leather cord until the small silver, oddly-shaped disk was untangled from her black hair. It held the impression of a bow and arrow, and appeared as if it were half of a larger amulet. "What is this you always wear?"

  She reached down to cover his hand with hers and touched it then smiled. "My father gave it to me when I was a little girl so that I could feel loved wherever I went. "

  No wonder she treasured it. Almost every gift he'd received had eventually been taken from him or destroyed as punishment. It was why he didn't like to be given anything at all.

  "What does the symbol mean?"

  "It's my personal emblem for the goddess of the hunt. "

  Styxx ran his thumb over it as he remembered the bracelet he'd given his mother before she stabbed him. The goddess of the hunt, Artemis was said to be the protector of women and children . . . She must have been favoring his mother over him that day.

  He placed the disk between her breasts where it normally fell. "I hope she always protects you, Beth. "

  "She will. "

  Not wanting to think about the gods who hated him as much as he hated them, he ran his index finger along her bottom lip, wishing he could stay with her forever. It was so hard to contemplate going back to a place where no one wanted him while he lay cradled by her warm body.

  But unfortunately, it was getting late and she didn't need to be walking home in the dark. If anything were to ever happen to her . . .

  He would be driven insane by it. The mere thought of any harm coming to her filled him with rage.

  "As much as I hate to withdraw from you, it'll be dark soon. " Rising, he swept her up in his arms.

  Bethany's eyes widened as he carried her to the stream as if she weighed nothing at all. Because of her height, she was used to towering over most men, not having them make her feel petite in comparison. And no one had carried her since she'd been a child.

  In truth, she loved the feeling of it.

  He set her down in the water so that she could wash.


  She paused. "Yes?"

  "I will do my best to see you at week's end, but I might not be able to. My father usually has an annual banquet he throws for my uncle then, and if I don't attend, he'll be furious. "

  Straightening, she put her hands on her hips and glared in what she hoped was the correct direction. "So that's it, eh? You sleep with me and then you abandon me. " She tsked at him.

  "Never!" The intensity of his denial shocked her.

  She reached for him to comfort the pain she'd heard. "I'm teasing you, akribos. It's fine. I'll see you the next time. "

  He pulled her against him and held her as if he couldn't bear to let her go. "I would kill or die for you, Beth. Only you. "

  She held him tight. "I know, sweet. I love you, too. "

  He kissed her then went to dress while she continued her bath.

  By the time she finished, he had everything packed up for her. She smiled at his thoughtfulness. "You really can't wait to get away from me, huh?"

  This time he took it as she meant it. "What can I say, my lady? You're such an onerous burden. The sooner I'm away, the better. "

  Laughing, she took her basket and pole from him.

  He cupped her face in both of his hands and kissed her lightly on the lips. "Be safe, my heart. "

  "You, too. " Bethany waited for a few more seconds before she laughed. "Hector? I can't leave if you don't let me go. "

  "Sorry. " He forced himself to release her. "I will see you later, my lady. But never soon enough to suit me. "

  "Good night, my fair prince. Until I feel you again. "

  Her parting words made him suck his breath in. She had no idea how close to the truth she was.

  Still, Styxx didn't move until he watched her vanish into the woods. Only then did he swing himself up to the back of his horse and turn toward home.

  What he didn't want to scare her with was the fact that he knew war was coming soon. His father and advisors had been preparing for it for weeks now. All their allies were rallying for the march to the south.

  And when it came, he could have to go fight it.

  While he wasn't afraid, he didn't look forward to the days of not seeing his Bethany.

  Would she wait for him, or would he be forgotten as soon as he left?

  August 19, 9532 BC

  Shocked and confused, Bethany paused outside her temple in Katateros as she saw Archon with Apollo.

  A Greek god in their sacred lands?

  It was forbidden. Of course it'd been forbidden by Archon, but still . . .

  Why would a Greek god be here? It was as shocking as one of them going to Mount Olympus for tea. Normally whenever they had business with Apollo, it was conducted in one of their temples in Atlantis.

  Curious, she walked closer to them to see what was going on. Like her, Apollo was said to be born of more than one pantheon. There were several contradictory stories about the identity of his mother, and the Greek god had never owned up to any of them. He enjoyed the mystique of it all.

  One of the stories would make him her cousin through her father's family. But she didn't think he really had Egyptian blood in him. If he did, she should be able to perceive it. All she'd ever sensed from the Greek was a vicious streak of cruelty that made her wonder how his people ever thought him benevolent.

  Obviously, he didn't let the Greek humans see him often, or they'd know better.

  "You are well aware of my feelings on this," Apollo said to Archon. "If you want to attack Greece, you have my full backing. "

  Archon held his hand up to keep Apollo from saying anything more. "Who goes there?"

  She stepped out of the shadows.

  Both of the gods breathed in relief, which made her all the more curious. Why would they welcome her presence when it was obvious they were conspiring something?

  Bethany moved to stand beside Archon. "What are you two talking about?"

  Archon glanced to Apollo before he answered. "War. "

  That was always one of her favorite topics. People were never more honest than when they were fighting for their lives. Cowards were exposed and heroes sprang from the unlikeliest of places.

  Apollo crossed his arms over his chest. "I was just telling your uncle, that as always, I would fully back Atlantis in the coming conflict with Greece. I haven't forgotten how your people welcomed mine in when Zeus ordered my Apollites killed. It's a debt I will always be loyal to and respect. "

  The Apollites were the race Apollo had created after a disagreement with his father over mankind. Taller and stronger than humans, and possessing advanced psychic abilities, the Apollites had quickly decided to subjugate their Greek brethren. Something Zeus had taken offense to. He'd ordered Apollo to kill his "children" and Apollo had adamantly refused.

  Feeling sorry for them, the Atlanteans had opened their doors to the Apollites, who had become "model" citizens for Atlantis. As a result, the relations between Greece and Atlantis had been strained ever since. And it'd left Apollo with loyalties to both pantheons and nations.

  So far, he'd always sided with them over the Greeks, but Bethany still didn't trust him. She suspected his only real loyalty was to Apollo and no one else. . . .
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  There was just something about him that had always made her skin crawl. An innate distaste.

  "Just tell me what you need and I will do my best to make it happen," Apollo assured him. "Now I'd best return before I'm missed and the other Olympians wonder where I've gone. " He vanished.

  Bethany narrowed her gaze at her uncle. "We've barely had a truce with Greece. I thought you wanted it maintained. "

  "That was before Apollymi hid a baby in their ranks. He should be old enough to fight now. I'm hoping he'll be among the Greek soldiers we kill, especially if we attack the whole of Greece. Our primary targets will be their royals and noblemen. No one will think it odd if they all die in battle, or as a result of conquest. "

  Insidious . . .

  Frowning, Bethany tried to make sense of the emotions she felt from him. "Apostolos is your son, Archon, can't you-"

  "He's not my son. That's the problem. "

  She froze at those growled words. "What do you mean?"

  He lowered his voice. "After the debacle of Apollymi's firstborn, we all decided that I was to marry her and keep her happy. As you know, I am not barren, and neither is she. I've purposefully kept her from conceiving. And the fact that I don't know who the father of her bastard is. . . "

  Oh crap. She stared incredulously. "You honestly have no idea who fathered him?"

  "No. Most likely it would be one of her Charontes or another god. " The Charontes were Apollymi's army of demons. Morally ambiguous, they were absolute killing machines with the powers of gods. To mix one of those with Apollymi's powers and with her army to back him . . .

  Yes, that would be a very bad thing.

  "Why haven't you told the others?"

  Archon's nostrils flared. "No one can ever know that he's not mine. Can you imagine what they might do out of fear?"

  He had a point. Even gods were known to panic. And this situation was highly panic-worthy.

  An unknown rogue god with no known loyalty and an army of morally ambiguous demons to command . . . Scary stuff, that.

  Archon's eyes darkened to red. "I don't care if we have to slaughter every Greek prince of his generation, her son has to die before his powers are unleashed. "

  As much as she hated to admit it, he was right. "Then I will back this war with you. "

  "Thank you. And I can trust in your discretion?"

  "Of course. "

  Inclining his head to her, Archon returned to his temple.

  Bethany swept her gaze over the breathtaking landscape of Katateros, which had been the home of the Atlantean gods since before the dawn of human time.

  Counted among the oldest of gods, Apollymi was a mighty force that only one other had ever been able to fight with success-a goddess that had long ago vanished.

  And after all these centuries, Bethany finally understood Apollymi's temperament and motivation. First, for the husband she'd once loved who had betrayed her with other lovers. Second, for the loss of two sons. It wasn't until Hector that Bethany had any real knowledge of love. If he were to touch another woman . . .

  She would gut him where he stood.

  That being said, she could think of no sweeter gift than to have a baby with him. Strange how she'd never wanted one before. She'd always found children whiny and gross. Odious. Little tyrants who needed to be locked up until they became human.

  But now . . .

  She would love to have a little blond baby to hold and love. One with its father's quick witticisms and soft curls. And if she were ever so lucky as to have one, she would annihilate anyone who threatened it.

  Just like Apollymi.

  Honestly, the thought of killing the goddess's son didn't sit well with her. It never had. But sometimes the one had to be sacrificed for the many.

  Or did it?

  Maybe, just maybe there was another way out for all of them.

  August 20, 9532 BC

  Styxx stood behind his father as his uncle rode through the palace gates with his friends. His blood ran cold at the sight of his uncle's entourage and what it meant for him.

  Panic, cold and brutal, gripped him and it took everything he had not to run and bolt himself into his room. Only the knowledge that his father would batter down the door and beat him for it kept him where he was.

  Estes dismounted and rushed to embrace his father. "Xerxes! It's so good to see you again. "

  "And you, my brother. A pleasure as always. "

  Estes walked up the three steps to pull Styxx into his arms. "How's my favorite stallion?" he whispered in his ear. "Are you ready to ride?"

  Styxx would have shoved him away, but Estes held him too tightly.

  Kissing him on his cheeks, Estes stepped back so that he could return to his father's side.

  Styxx refused to look at the men who'd traveled with his uncle. He had no wish to see their faces or the hunger he was sure darkened their gazes. Nor did he pay attention when his uncle introduced them.

  His father threw his arm over his uncle's shoulders. "I can't tell you how glad I am that you're here. Even more so than normal. "

  "How so?"

  "I have to journey to Thessaly in the morning and I didn't want to leave Styxx alone for so long. "

  Styxx stumbled at that.

  His father scowled at him. "Are you all right?"

  Fuck no. Literally.

  Styxx glared at his father. "Why didn't you tell me about this?"

  "I only found out two days ago and didn't want to worry you. " Against his will, Styxx glanced to his uncle. The lascivious light in Estes's eyes nauseated him. "I'll be more than happy to stay as long as you need me to, brother. "

  Of course you would, you sick bastard.

  As his father led them inside, Styxx hung back, his head reeling with panic. Why had he not gone to the summer palace with Ryssa and his mother last week?

  Because they hated him and would have made his trip and stay with them miserable. Not to mention, he wouldn't have been able to see Bethany until his return.

  But this . . .

  He felt suddenly queasy. His stomach cramped in dread. No one would be here to keep Estes from him. No one.

  Day or night . . .

  His heart pounding, he waited until his father was alone to speak to him.


  Sighing, he turned to Styxx with high agitation showing on his face. "What?"

  "May I please go with you to Thessaly?"

  His father scowled. "Are you insane? Didymos needs someone in the capital to make decisions, especially now that war's looming. "

  "Estes is here. He can do it without me. Please, Father. "

  Still his father glared at him. "He's not the heir. You are. We're on the brink of war. Our people need to know they have strong leadership should I have to be away for any reason. "

  Styxx couldn't breathe as true fear gripped him. He couldn't stay here with Estes. Alone . . .

  "Please, Father. "

  "What is wrong with you?"

  Estes's threats rang in his head and he had no doubt his uncle would carry out any and all of them. He wouldn't hesitate to drag Styxx off to Atlantis and use him for his perverted games and personal profit.

  Styxx couldn't breathe a word of his fears to his father. If he did . . .

  Somehow, like Ryssa, his father would blame him for causing it. He'd be thrown out like Acheron and then forced to whore for a living.

  I have no one. . . .

  With no choice, he backed down. "Nothing, Majesty. "

  "Then leave me in peace to make preparations. "

  Styxx bowed then headed to his room, intending to bolt himself inside until his father returned.

  He fastened the door and turned around only to realize he wasn't alone. Shit.

  Estes was seated in his receiving room. "Greetings, fair nephew. "

  "What are you doing here?"

  Estes d
ropped his hungry gaze to Styxx's groin. "I'm sure you know what I want. "

  Styxx started for the door, but Estes cut him off faster than he'd have thought a man could move.

  Estes leaned back against the door with a taunting grin. "Should we call for your father?"

  His breathing labored, Styxx glared at him. "Why did you sell me to Didymosians?"

  That knocked some of the cockiness out of the bastard. "What?"

  "Contrary to what you told me, I heard them talking. Two of my father's senators. How many more of our citizens know what you've done to me?"

  That evil, lewd light returned to his uncle's eyes. "I don't really think you want that answered. For the sake of your mind. But don't worry. They won't tell your father. He'd kill them for it. " Estes jerked him into his arms. "Now give me a proper welcome, nephew. " He moved to kiss him.

  Styxx shoved him away. "Get off me. " He tried to run to his bedroom, but Estes tripped him, knocking him to the ground.

  Before he could regain his feet, Estes had him pinned with his arm twisted painfully against his spine and his wrist between his shoulders. "Shh, little squirrel. " He bit Styxx's earlobe then breathed into his ear. "While I adore your brother, there are some things that you do excel at over him. " He shoved something into Styxx's mouth and held his jaw shut. "Swallow. "

  Styxx did his best to spit it out, but it was useless. Against his will, Estes forced it down his throat.

  Laughing, Estes kissed his neck. "That's it, my little stallion. We're going to have a lot of fun in the coming weeks while we wait for your father's return. But don't worry. I shall be kind and you won't remember any of it. "

  The room began to spin out of control.

  Styxx closed his eyes as he thought about Bethany. If he didn't show up for weeks would she still be there for him?

  Or would his lengthy absence make her hate him, too?

  September 17, 9532 BC

  Styxx felt a single tear slide from the corner of his eye as his uncle finished with him and "dismounted. " As their latest twisted game, they'd tied him facedown on a table with his arms spread and his ankles secured to the table legs. But the worst was the mock bridle Estes used to gag him with. A bridle they'd utilized while "riding" him.

  Laughing and congratulating him on his "skills," his uncle's friends applauded Estes and handed him a kylix of wine. Estes took a drink then grabbed a handful of olives before he returned to kneel down beside the table so that he met Styxx's shame-filled gaze.

  He tsked. "Sorry, little Phallas. I hadn't realized you were lucid, and here I'd promised you I wouldn't do that to you, didn't I?" He brushed the hair back from Styxx's face.

  Bellowing in rage and horror, Styxx tried to break free. He wanted his uncle's throat so badly, he could taste it.

  Estes laughed then stepped back.

  Before Styxx could stop it, his gaze swept the room to see that there were more than just six men in it. He slammed his eyes shut as complete humiliation racked him. He was the center entertainment for a party of Didymosian noblemen. . . .

  Damn you, Estes!

  And damn me.

  Estes pressed Styxx's head against the table then kissed his brow. "Shh, squirrel. Calm down before you hurt yourself. " He opened the small chest that was near Styxx's head and rummaged through it. "This should make you quiet and compliant again. "

  Styxx winced. He was so tired of being drugged, especially against his will.

  Estes moved out of his line of sight so that he could insert the drug in the rudest manner possible while the others bid for the next ride on him. As his uncle held it inside him to make sure it took effect, Xan stepped forward to speak alone with Estes. "I heard the princess returns next week. "

  "She does, indeed. "

  "How much for a night with her?"

  Estes tsked. "I can't do that. She has to go to the marriage bed pure. Or else my brother would have both our lives. "

  "A woman has more than one hole in her body. Put a chastity belt on her and name your price. I want her, Estes. "

  "It will be as dear and costly as my sweet niece is. "

  "I knew it would be. You'll do it?"

  "I'll make it so. "

  Styxx tried to fight as those words slammed into him, but there was nothing he could do as his head and the room began to spin. Closing his eyes, he expelled a breath and let the drug take him far away from their cruelty.

  * * *

  Styxx came to as someone cut his hands loose from the table. Groaning, he winced as the bridle was rudely yanked from his mouth and he saw his uncle in front of him.

  Estes freed his legs. "Get up. "

  Styxx tried, but his arms and legs were numb from having been tied for so long. His entire body was stiff and aching. He wasn't sure how many hours or days had passed. With Estes and his herbs, there was never any telling.

  His uncle pulled an Atlantean formesta around him. "Your sister and mother have returned early. " He backhanded Styxx. "I need you lucid enough to greet them. "

  Styxx licked the blood away from the corner of his lips as he tried to focus.

  Growling, Estes seized him and dragged him into the bathing room. He threw him down beside the pool then dunked Styxx's head into the water to revive him.

  Styxx sputtered and coughed as his thoughts finally cleared enough for him to think for himself again.

  "Your mother and sister just docked a few minutes ago. They're on their way home. Wash and dress, and meet me downstairs. Hurry. " Estes dunked his head one more time then got up and left.

  His breathing labored, Styxx coughed the water out of his lungs then crawled into the pool to bathe the stench of Estes and the others off him. And as he did so, he remembered Xan's proposal for Ryssa.

  Estes's acceptance.

  Dear gods, they were going to do this to Ryssa. That sobered him instantly. While Ryssa hated his guts, he couldn't allow them to rape his sister. The shame alone would kill her. She wasn't strong enough to survive something so foul.

  Or worse, she'd tell their father and he would throw her out for it. A ravaged princess would be worthless to the king, and she was just stupid enough to think her father wouldn't do that to her.

  Styxx pulled himself out of the pool and quickly dressed. When he reached for his razor, he froze at the sight of his reflection. His eyes were sunken and swollen. Red and bloodshot from the drugs. He barely recognized himself. He'd lost weight and was extremely pallid. His wrists were bruised and cut from where he'd fought to free himself and there were small cuts around his mouth from the bridle. Even his lips were chapped and bleeding.

  Gripping his razor, he quickly groomed himself so that neither his mother nor Ryssa would berate his disrespectfulness in meeting them unkempt. As soon as he could, he went downstairs to find Estes and the staff waiting to greet the royal envoy.

  Estes smiled at the sight of him. "I forget how handsome you are when you're fresh and upright. "

  Styxx seized him and shoved him back into the wall. "You touch my sister, you bastard, and I will bathe in your entrails. "

  His uncle laughed. "Ryssa holds no interest for me. She never has. It's only beautiful men I covet. "

  "You sell her and-"

  Estes grabbed his throat in a grip that instantly immobilized him. "Keep your impotent threats to yourself. I'm not one of your servants to be cowed by a royal frown, boy. I'm a veteran of more battles than you'll ever see. And I've made meals off bigger and tougher men than you. So don't think for one moment you can sober up and intimidate me. You ever threaten me again and you will pray to the gods to return you to these days where I actually care what happens to you. Do you understand?" He tightened his grip to the point that Styxx almost lost consciousness.

  Then he shoved him back and released him.

  Panting as the blood returned to his head and pierced his skull with a pain so foul Styxx saw stars, he glared at the b
astard. I have to stop this. It was bad enough that Estes abused him and Acheron.

  "She's your sister, boy. You protect her, no matter what. " His father's words rang in his head.

  It was the only thing he'd never failed to do. And it was the one thing his father would find unforgivable.

  The musicians began playing outside. Estes nodded to have the doors opened and went out to greet them. His throat still burning from Estes's hold, Styxx followed then descended the steps so that he could help his mother and sister down from their chariot.

  The moment she saw him, his mother curled her lip. "You look appalling. I don't know what whore you withdrew from on my arrival, but you could have at least washed before you approached your mother. " She refused to take his hand. Instead, she brushed rudely past him, letting everyone know that the queen had no use for her son.

  But then he was used to that.

  He held his hand out to Ryssa.

  Like her mother, she refused to touch him. She stepped down and raked him with her disdain. "What have you done? Drank and whored every day Father's been gone? Your condition is execrable. "