upset by the tragic news. We received a telegram from

  Dr. Huxtable yesterday afternoon, which told us of your


  "I must see the Duke, Mr. Wilder."

  "But he is in his room."

  "Then I must go to his room."

  "I believe he is in his bed."

  "I will see him there."

  Holmes's cold and inexorable manner showed the secretary

  that it was useless to argue with him.

  "Very good, Mr. Holmes; I will tell him that you are here."

  After half an hour's delay the great nobleman appeared.

  His face was more cadaverous than ever, his shoulders had

  rounded, and he seemed to me to be an altogether older man

  than he had been the morning before. He greeted us with a

  stately courtesy and seated himself at his desk, his red

  beard streaming down on to the table.

  "Well, Mr. Holmes?" said he.

  But my friend's eyes were fixed upon the secretary,

  who stood by his master's chair.

  "I think, your Grace, that I could speak more freely in

  Mr. Wilder's absence."

  The man turned a shade paler and cast a malignant glance

  at Holmes.

  "If your Grace wishes ----"

  "Yes, yes; you had better go. Now, Mr. Holmes, what have

  you to say?"

  My friend waited until the door had closed behind the

  retreating secretary.

  "The fact is, your Grace," said he, "that my colleague,

  Dr. Watson, and myself had an assurance from Dr. Huxtable that

  a reward had been offered in this case. I should like to

  have this confirmed from your own lips."

  "Certainly, Mr. Holmes."

  "It amounted, if I am correctly informed, to five thousand

  pounds to anyone who will tell you where your son is?"


  "And another thousand to the man who will name the person

  or persons who keep him in custody?"


  "Under the latter heading is included, no doubt, not only

  those who may have taken him away, but also those who

  conspire to keep him in his present position?"

  "Yes, yes," cried the Duke, impatiently. "If you do your

  work well, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, you will have no reason to

  complain of niggardly treatment."

  My friend rubbed his thin hands together with an appearance

  of avidity which was a surprise to me, who knew his frugal


  "I fancy that I see your Grace's cheque-book upon the

  table," said he. "I should be glad if you would make me

  out a cheque for six thousand pounds. It would be as well,

  perhaps, for you to cross it. The Capital and Counties

  Bank, Oxford Street branch, are my agents."

  His Grace sat very stern and upright in his chair,

  and looked stonily at my friend.

  "Is this a joke, Mr. Holmes? It is hardly a subject for


  "Not at all, your Grace. I was never more earnest in my life."

  "What do you mean, then?"

  "I mean that I have earned the reward. I know where your son

  is, and I know some, at least, of those who are holding him."

  The Duke's beard had turned more aggressively red than ever

  against his ghastly white face.

  "Where is he?" he gasped.

  "He is, or was last night, at the Fighting Cock Inn,

  about two miles from your park gate."

  The Duke fell back in his chair.

  "And whom do you accuse?"

  Sherlock Holmes's answer was an astounding one. He stepped

  swiftly forward and touched the Duke upon the shoulder.

  "I accuse _you_," said he. "And now, your Grace,

  I'll trouble you for that cheque."

  Never shall I forget the Duke's appearance as he sprang up

  and clawed with his hands like one who is sinking into an

  abyss. Then, with an extraordinary effort of aristocratic

  self-command, he sat down and sank his face in his hands.

  It was some minutes before he spoke.

  "How much do you know?" he asked at last, without raising

  his head.

  "I saw you together last night."

  "Does anyone else besides your friend know?"

  "I have spoken to no one."

  The Duke took a pen in his quivering fingers and opened his


  "I shall be as good as my word, Mr. Holmes. I am about to

  write your cheque, however unwelcome the information which

  you have gained may be to me. When the offer was first

  made I little thought the turn which events might take.

  But you and your friend are men of discretion, Mr. Holmes?"

  "I hardly understand your Grace."

  "I must put it plainly, Mr. Holmes. If only you two know

  of this incident, there is no reason why it should go any

  farther. I think twelve thousand pounds is the sum that I

  owe you, is it not?"

  But Holmes smiled and shook his head.

  "I fear, your Grace, that matters can hardly be arranged so

  easily. There is the death of this schoolmaster to be

  accounted for."

  "But James knew nothing of that. You cannot hold him

  responsible for that. It was the work of this brutal

  ruffian whom he had the misfortune to employ."

  "I must take the view, your Grace, that when a man embarks

  upon a crime he is morally guilty of any other crime which

  may spring from it."

  "Morally, Mr. Holmes. No doubt you are right. But surely

  not in the eyes of the law. A man cannot be condemned for

  a murder at which he was not present, and which he loathes

  and abhors as much as you do. The instant that he heard of

  it he made a complete confession to me, so filled was he

  with horror and remorse. He lost not an hour in breaking

  entirely with the murderer. Oh, Mr. Holmes, you must save

  him -- you must save him! I tell you that you must save him!"

  The Duke had dropped the last attempt at self-command,

  and was pacing the room with a convulsed face and with his

  clenched hands raving in the air. At last he mastered himself

  and sat down once more at his desk. "I appreciate your conduct

  in coming here before you spoke to anyone else," said he.

  "At least we may take counsel how far we can minimize this

  hideous scandal."

  "Exactly," said Holmes. "I think, your Grace, that this can

  only be done by absolute and complete frankness between us.

  I am disposed to help your Grace to the best of my ability;

  but in order to do so I must understand to the last detail

  how the matter stands. I realize that your words applied

  to Mr. James Wilder, and that he is not the murderer."

  "No; the murderer has escaped."

  Sherlock Holmes smiled demurely.

  "Your Grace can hardly have heard of any small reputation

  which I possess, or you would not imagine that it is so

  easy to escape me. Mr. Reuben Hayes was arrested at

  Chesterfield on my information at eleven o'clock last night.

  I had a telegram from the head of the local police before

  I left the school this morning."

  The Duke leaned back in his chair and stared with amazement

; at my friend.

  "You seem to have powers that are hardly human," said he.

  "So Reuben Hayes is taken? I am right glad to hear it,

  if it will not react upon the fate of James."

  "Your secretary?"

  "No, sir; my son."

  It was Holmes's turn to look astonished.

  "I confess that this is entirely new to me, your Grace.

  I must beg you to be more explicit."

  "I will conceal nothing from you. I agree with you that

  complete frankness, however painful it may be to me, is the

  best policy in this desperate situation to which James's

  folly and jealousy have reduced us. When I was a very

  young man, Mr. Holmes, I loved with such a love as comes

  only once in a lifetime. I offered the lady marriage,

  but she refused it on the grounds that such a match might

  mar my career. Had she lived I would certainly never have

  married anyone else. She died, and left this one child,

  whom for her sake I have cherished and cared for. I could

  not acknowledge the paternity to the world; but I gave him

  the best of educations, and since he came to manhood I have

  kept him near my person. He surprised my secret, and has

  presumed ever since upon the claim which he has upon me and

  upon his power of provoking a scandal, which would be

  abhorrent to me. His presence had something to do with the

  unhappy issue of my marriage. Above all, he hated my young

  legitimate heir from the first with a persistent hatred.

  You may well ask me why, under these circumstances, I still

  kept James under my roof. I answer that it was because I

  could see his mother's face in his, and that for her dear

  sake there was no end to my long-suffering. All her pretty

  ways, too -- there was not one of them which he could not suggest

  and bring back to my memory. I _could_ not send him away.

  But I feared so much lest he should do Arthur -- that is,

  Lord Saltire -- a mischief that I dispatched him for safety

  to Dr. Huxtable's school.

  "James came into contact with this fellow Hayes because the

  man was a tenant of mine, and James acted as agent.

  The fellow was a rascal from the beginning; but in some

  extraordinary way James became intimate with him. He had

  always a taste for low company. When James determined to

  kidnap Lord Saltire it was of this man's service that he

  availed himself. You remember that I wrote to Arthur upon

  that last day. Well, James opened the letter and inserted

  a note asking Arthur to meet him in a little wood called

  the Ragged Shaw, which is near to the school. He used the

  Duchess's name, and in that way got the boy to come.

  That evening James bicycled over -- I am telling you what he has

  himself confessed to me -- and he told Arthur, whom he met in

  the wood, that his mother longed to see him, that she was

  awaiting him on the moor, and that if he would come back

  into the wood at midnight he would find a man with a horse,

  who would take him to her. Poor Arthur fell into the trap.

  He came to the appointment and found this fellow Hayes with

  a led pony. Arthur mounted, and they set off together.

  It appears -- though this James only heard yesterday -- that they

  were pursued, that Hayes struck the pursuer with his stick,

  and that the man died of his injuries. Hayes brought

  Arthur to his public-house, the Fighting Cock, where he was

  confined in an upper room, under the care of Mrs. Hayes,

  who is a kindly woman, but entirely under the control of

  her brutal husband.

  "Well, Mr. Holmes, that was the state of affairs when I

  first saw you two days ago. I had no more idea of the

  truth than you. You will ask me what was James's motive in

  doing such a deed. I answer that there was a great deal

  which was unreasoning and fanatical in the hatred which he

  bore my heir. In his view he should himself have been heir

  of all my estates, and he deeply resented those social laws

  which made it impossible. At the same time he had a

  definite motive also. He was eager that I should break the

  entail, and he was of opinion that it lay in my power to do

  so. He intended to make a bargain with me -- to restore

  Arthur if I would break the entail, and so make it possible

  for the estate to be left to him by will. He knew well

  that I should never willingly invoke the aid of the police

  against him. I say that he would have proposed such a

  bargain to me, but he did not actually do so, for events

  moved too quickly for him, and he had not time to put his

  plans into practice.

  "What brought all his wicked scheme to wreck was your

  discovery of this man Heidegger's dead body. James was

  seized with horror at the news. It came to us yesterday

  as we sat together in this study. Dr. Huxtable had sent

  a telegram. James was so overwhelmed with grief and

  agitation that my suspicions, which had never been entirely

  absent, rose instantly to a certainty, and I taxed him

  with the deed. He made a complete voluntary confession.

  Then he implored me to keep his secret for three days longer,

  so as to give his wretched accomplice a chance of saving his

  guilty life. I yielded -- as I have always yielded -- to his

  prayers, and instantly James hurried off to the Fighting

  Cock to warn Hayes and give him the means of flight.

  I could not go there by daylight without provoking comment,

  but as soon as night fell I hurried off to see my dear Arthur.

  I found him safe and well, but horrified beyond

  expression by the dreadful deed he had witnessed.

  In deference to my promise, and much against my will,

  I consented to leave him there for three days under the

  charge of Mrs. Hayes, since it was evident that it was

  impossible to inform the police where he was without

  telling them also who was the murderer, and I could not see

  how that murderer could be punished without ruin to my

  unfortunate James. You asked for frankness, Mr. Holmes,

  and I have taken you at your word, for I have now told

  you everything without an attempt at circumlocution or

  concealment. Do you in your turn be as frank with me."

  "I will," said Holmes. "In the first place, your Grace,

  I am bound to tell you that you have placed yourself in a

  most serious position in the eyes of the law. You have

  condoned a felony and you have aided the escape of a

  murderer; for I cannot doubt that any money which was taken

  by James Wilder to aid his accomplice in his flight came

  from your Grace's purse."

  The Duke bowed his assent.

  "This is indeed a most serious matter. Even more culpable

  in my opinion, your Grace, is your attitude towards your

  younger son. You leave him in this den for three days."

  "Under solemn promises ----"

  "What are promises to such people as these?

  You have no guarantee that he will not be spirited away again.

  To humour your guilty elder son you have exposed your innocent

  younger son to imminent and unnecessary danger.

  It was a most unjustifiable action."

  The proud lord of Holdernesse was not accustomed to be so

  rated in his own ducal hall. The blood flushed into his

  high forehead, but his conscience held him dumb.

  "I will help you, but on one condition only. It is that you

  ring for the footman and let me give such orders as I like."

  Without a word the Duke pressed the electric bell.

  A servant entered.

  "You will be glad to hear," said Holmes, "that your young

  master is found. It is the Duke's desire that the carriage

  shall go at once to the Fighting Cock Inn to bring Lord

  Saltire home.

  "Now," said Holmes," {3} when the rejoicing lackey had

  disappeared, "having secured the future, we can afford to

  be more lenient with the past. I am not in an official

  position, and there is no reason, so long as the ends of

  justice are served, why I should disclose all that I know.

  As to Hayes I say nothing. The gallows awaits him, and I

  would do nothing to save him from it. What he will divulge

  I cannot tell, but I have no doubt that your Grace could

  make him understand that it is to his interest to be

  silent. From the police point of view he will have

  kidnapped the boy for the purpose of ransom. If they do

  not themselves find it out I see no reason why I should

  prompt them to take a broader point of view. I would warn

  your Grace, however, that the continued presence of

  Mr. James Wilder in your household can only lead to


  "I understand that, Mr. Holmes, and it is already settled

  that he shall leave me for ever and go to seek his fortune

  in Australia."

  "In that case, your Grace, since you have yourself stated

  that any unhappiness in your married life was caused by his

  presence, I would suggest that you make such amends as you

  can to the Duchess, and that you try to resume those

  relations which have been so unhappily interrupted."

  "That also I have arranged, Mr. Holmes. I wrote to the

  Duchess this morning."

  "In that case," said Holmes, rising, "I think that my

  friend and I can congratulate ourselves upon several

  most happy results from our little visit to the North.

  There is one other small point upon which I desire some light.

  This fellow Hayes had shod his horses with shoes which

  counterfeited the tracks of cows. Was it from Mr. Wilder

  that he learned so extraordinary a device?"

  The Duke stood in thought for a moment, with a look of

  intense surprise on his face. Then he opened a door

  and showed us into a large room furnished as a museum.

  He led the way to a glass case in a corner, and pointed

  to the inscription.

  "These shoes," it ran, "were dug up in the moat of

  Holdernesse Hall. They are for the use of horses; but they

  are shaped below with a cloven foot of iron, so as to throw

  pursuers off the track. They are supposed to have belonged

  to some of the marauding Barons of Holdernesse in the

  Middle Ages."

  Holmes opened the case, and moistening his finger he passed

  it along the shoe. A thin film of recent mud was left upon

  his skin.

  "Thank you," said he, as he replaced the glass. "It is the

  second most interesting object that I have seen in the North."

  "And the first?"

  Holmes folded up his cheque and placed it carefully in his note-book.

  "I am a poor man," said he, as he patted it affectionately and thrust

  it into the depths of his inner pocket.

  {-------------------------- End of Text ---------------------------}


  {------------------------- Textual Notes --------------------------}

  {Source: Strand Magazine, 27 (Feb. 1904)}

  {Italics in the text are indicated with (_)}

  {1} {"encyclopaedia": the a&e are a ligature}

  {2} {only an approximation of the cattle track graphics. See the}