Page 13 of Quarterback Draw

  "Okay. I just don't want you to get the wrong idea."

  His eyes twinkled, and she saw the teasing glint there. "So I shouldn't be upset if you don't call me in the morning?"

  She shook her head. "Very funny."

  He slid down the mattress, his mouth where his hand had just been, this time kissing her hip bone. He lifted his gaze to her. "But you'll still respect me, right?"

  That teasing, oh-so-hot look he gave her made her breathing harder, especially when he turned her onto her back and spread her legs.


  He shifted, moving between her legs. "Good. Because I'd hate to think you were just using me for my superior sex skills."

  If his skills got any better, she wasn't sure she'd survive the night. But this was the night of her education, and she intended to learn and experience everything.

  Like the feel of Grant's mouth against her sex. Heat and wetness, moving over her clit. Down, then back up again. Nothing she could do to herself could match this. It was overwhelming in the best kind of way.

  She raised up on her elbows, needing to see what he was doing to her. The sensations were mind blowing. She didn't think she could come again so soon, but what he was doing to her unraveled her.

  He had a very talented mouth, and used it in creative, relentless ways. She spiraled out of control faster than she expected, her body tingling as her clit and pussy quivered under the mastery of Grant's lips and tongue. Before she could even gasp in surprise, she was coming, lifting against his mouth, never wanting this to end.

  Suddenly he was above her, taking her mouth in a kiss that tasted of her. It was erotic and hot and she wrapped her hand around his neck to hold him there, licking at his lips as she continued to come down from that incredible high.

  Her gaze met his when he pulled back. She was out of breath, her mind more than a little blown by all these firsts.

  "Thank you," she said.

  "It was my pleasure. You taste like hot, salty cherries."

  She shuddered, then rolled with him as he went to his side. He handed her a glass and they each took several long drinks of water.

  She swept her hand over his shoulder, still unable to believe she was lying in bed naked with a man. With Grant, who wasn't just any man, but a hot, built, extremely sexy--no, wait--that wasn't even the right word for him.

  Extremely sexual man.

  She laid her water on the table, then rolled over onto her back and stretched, raising her arms above her head.

  "You look satisfied."

  She tilted her head toward him and smiled. "I do, don't I?"

  He grinned, then finished his glass of water and set it down. "Yeah, and we haven't even gotten to the best part yet."

  "No, we haven't." She rolled back over and skimmed her palm over his chest. "I have to tell you, Grant, that you're a very good teacher."


  She walked her fingers down his chest and over his abs, loving the rock-hard feel of him, especially when she got to his cock. She fisted it in her hand.

  "So how about we get to the best part now?"


  GRANT PRIDED HIMSELF ON HIS SELF-RESTRAINT. BUT the past hour with Katrina had been a test of that restraint. She was beautiful, her scent drove him crazy, and the way she responded to his touch and his mouth had nearly put him over the edge.

  She might not have done this before, but her hand on his cock told him she'd done her research.

  "I like you touching me," he said.

  "I like feeling you. You're hard, but the skin is soft. And hot. You're really hot."

  "You have no idea how hot I am right now."

  "Am I doing it right?"

  "Anything you do with your hand on my cock is right."

  She lifted her gaze to his face. "No. Seriously. Teach me."

  He laid his hand over hers, closed his fingers, and directed the pace. "A little harder. You won't break me. Short, fast strokes, then shift to longer, slower ones. Mixing it up feels really good."

  He let go once she got the hang of it, because he wanted her hand on him, not his own. Katrina learned fast, and damn if she wasn't an expert at jacking him off.

  Maybe too much of an expert. He finally grasped her wrist.

  "That's enough for now."


  "Because if you keep doing that I'll come."

  She gave him a very hot smile. "Isn't that the idea?"

  "Generally, yeah, but I want to come in you, while I'm fucking you."

  "I like that idea. How about we do that now?"

  Her eagerness to explore excited him. And he couldn't deny he wanted to fuck her. Hell, he'd wanted her since the first time he'd laid eyes on her in Barbados. Now she was naked and in his bed.

  What he hadn't expected was her lack of experience.

  He was going to take care of that now. But he was going to take it slow.

  He rolled over and pulled the box of condoms out of his bedside drawer, lifting a packet out.

  "Glad you're prepared," she said. "Also, I'm on the pill. Not that I expected to have sex tonight--or any night, for that matter. It's to regulate my periods."

  She paused, then stared at him. "You so didn't need to know that, did you?"

  He caressed her leg. "It's a good thing to know. We're doubly covered that way. But either way, I'm always safe."

  She wrapped her arms around her knees. "I like knowing that. It makes you more attractive."

  "So, I was less attractive before I whipped out the condoms?"

  She laughed. "I don't think it's possible for you to be less attractive."

  He pushed her back onto the bed. "I'm glad you think so."

  He pressed his lips to hers, moving his body on top of hers to test how she'd feel about that. She opened her legs and he nestled his body between them, letting his cock ride against her sex.

  It felt good to be there, to feel her legs wrap around his hips. He thrust against her, letting his erection tease her clit, warm her up as he deepened the kiss and threaded his fingers into her hair.

  He wanted her relaxed, not tense and thinking about what was going to happen, so he took his time teasing her mouth with his, listening to her moans, connecting with the movements of her body.

  She was turned on and into what they were doing. So was he, and it was damn hard not to thrust into her, to feel her heat wrap around him, especially when she arched her pelvis against him.

  He wanted to feel her come when he was inside her, to feel that grip of her pussy squeezing him when she climaxed. Just the thought of it, of how that would send him reeling into his own orgasm made him thrust against her sex.

  "Grant," she whispered, her fingers digging into his shoulders. "I need you inside of me now."

  He knew that urgency. He pulled away from her to open the condom wrapper.

  "Now that's sexy," she said as she watched him apply the condom.

  He'd never thought so, but having her watch him so intently? Now that made his dick twitch.

  He spread her legs and slid into her, easy and slow.

  "Tell me if it hurts."

  "I told you I'm not really a virgin. I've had other things in there."

  "Things. Tell me what kinds of things." He inched in a little more. She was tight, hot, and wet, and he wanted to drive in deep. But he held back.

  "Dildos. Vibrators." She breathed in and out and lifted against him. "I even tried a cucumber once."

  "Fuck, Katrina." Unable to resist anymore, he shoved to the hilt, burying himself in her.

  She gasped. "I had to know what it felt like to get fucked."

  He scooped her butt in his hands and tilted her pelvis up, needing to angle her so he could feel her--really feel her. God, she felt so good.

  "Well, now you know what it feels like to get fucked." He withdrew, then thrust again.

  She planted her feet on the mattress and met his thrusts with one of her own, giving as good as she got. "Yes, I do. It feel
s good. Really good. Now give it to me hard. And don't hold back."

  She was going to make him explode. His brains were going to leak out his ears and he was going to die fucking this woman.

  And he didn't think he'd care.

  KATRINA HAD NEVER FELT ANYTHING LIKE THIS. OF course she'd never felt anything like this, because this was a man. A living, breathing, human male and not a toy.

  It was an amazing feeling having Grant's cock moving inside her, his body sliding over hers, his chest rubbing against her breasts.

  And, oh, God, he knew just how to maneuver his body so that he rubbed her clit.

  "You feel good," he said, his lips brushing against her ear. "Hot. Tight. Wet. Do you know how that squeezes my cock, Katrina?"

  The way he spoke to her, his voice husky and dark as he moved within her, made her body tighten around him.

  "You make me want to come," he said. "And when I do, I'm going to push deep inside you and fill you."

  She'd dreamed about this, about what it would be like to have a man fuck her. But never in her wildest imaginings had she thought it would be this ...


  He didn't just use his cock on her. He kissed her neck, her mouth, teased her earlobe with his teeth. And he swept his hands down her rib cage to grasp her hip, to raise her leg so he could sink deeper inside her.

  He talked to her, told her how it felt for him, about how she felt to him.

  It was sensory overload of the best kind. She was swept away, her mind and body both trying to process everything she was experiencing.

  And when she tightened around his cock and came, she tilted her head back and expressed herself with a loud cry. In response, Grant gripped her tightly and groaned against her neck, laving her neck with his tongue and shuddering against her.

  She never knew that experiencing a man's orgasm could extend her own, but it did. She wrapped her legs around him and held him deep within her, riding out the waves of pleasure that fully swamped her.

  Breathing was difficult after that. They clung together, their bodies attached by sweat and tangled limbs. The ends of her hair stuck to his chest.

  She'd never known anything more perfect.

  Or more terrifying, because now that she'd had this, self-induced pleasure was never going to be adequate again.

  Grant caught her attention by pressing his lips to hers. "You okay?"

  "I'm ... perfect."

  He grinned down at her. "Yeah, you are."

  She laughed. "No, seriously. That was awesome. You were amazing."

  "See? I told you I'd get to awesome and amazing."

  She laughed. "You did, didn't you? Well, you succeeded."

  He rolled away and disposed of the condom, then held out his hand to her. "Come on. We both need a shower."

  He was right about that. She followed him into the bathroom, where he indulged her even more in his oversized shower. He soaped her back--and her front--which she found all kinds of fun. Plus she had the opportunity to touch him by soaping him up. She liked having free rein to run her hands over his body, and wasn't at all surprised when he got hard again.

  "If I didn't feel like I'd already used you enough tonight, I'd want to be inside you again."

  "I'm not a fragile flower, you know."

  He gave her a hot look, turned off the shower and tugged her out, barely giving her time to dry off before her threw her on the bed.

  He was inside her again before her feet were off the floor.

  Grant was apparently a master at condom application, because he'd done it so quickly she'd hardly noticed. She had no complaints about that, because having her hands all over him in the shower had done erotic things to her thought processes, and all she'd wanted was to feel him buried deep.

  This time it was quick and dirty. He sucked her nipples and fucked her hard, rubbing his pelvis over her clit.

  She didn't think she could come again.

  She was wrong. She came hard and fast and bit his shoulder when she did. He groaned against her and took her mouth in a deep, wholly satisfying kiss when he came, leaving them both out of breath.

  When he lifted his head, his eyes looked dark and dangerous, his hair still a little damp. She brushed it away from his face.

  "We might need another shower," he said.

  Her lips curved. "I can do this song and dance all night."

  He rolled her over on top of him. "So can I. Should we see who gives in first and passes out?"

  "I've done all-night shoots on two hours of sleep, Cassidy. You might be surprised which one of us gives in first."

  Around four a.m., they both fell asleep in the middle of sex.

  Katrina would call that a joint victory.


  KATRINA'S MAKEUP ARTIST HAD GIVEN HER THE EVIL eye the entire day, making harsh comments about the dark circles under her eyes.

  Yeah, she'd screwed up.

  Grant had driven her back to her hotel at seven that morning. And okay, maybe three hours' sleep wasn't such a great idea the night before a shoot, but despite his comments, Carlos had put cucumber slices on her eyes before he'd applied makeup.

  It wasn't like she hadn't gone without sleep before a shoot. She'd done late shoots the night before an early shoot and she'd always managed just fine. Maybe not three-hours-of-sleep fine, but she'd done okay.

  Today, though, she was sore and tender, and Carlos had asked her about a couple of suspicious "marks" on her body he'd had to cover up with body makeup.

  "Is that a hickey on your neck?" he'd asked with mock horror and a knowing smile.

  She'd slapped her hand to her neck. "I do not have a hickey. Don't be ridiculous."

  Though she had recalled, in the fuzzy part of her brain that was semi functioning, that maybe Grant had sucked on her neck while he was moving deep inside of her.

  She hadn't minded at the time. In fact, she recalled that particular maneuver had made her come pretty hard.

  Just the thought of it had her tightening all over.

  "Quit flushing," Carlos had said, which had gotten him started all over again about staying up too late and how hard he was going to have to work to mask the effects of her partying.

  "I assure you, I was not partying."

  "Well, whatever you did into the wee hours of last night, it's all over your face. And, apparently, your neck."

  She knew he was baiting her for details, which would not be forthcoming.

  The shoot had gone well so far, despite her exhaustion. She was a professional. It didn't matter if she was tired or sick or whatever, she'd suck it up and do her job. They'd done two sets of shoots today--one by herself and one with bridesmaids. Next up was a change of outfits and they were going to do a shoot with her and a groom.

  "I'm looking for--oh, there you are. They said you'd be in here."

  She looked up at the sound of Grant's voice.

  She was shocked to see him there. "What are you doing here?"

  "Practice ended early today, so I thought I'd pop in and check you out."

  He looked good in jeans and a white short-sleeved T-shirt. He was tan, his hair looked freshly showered, reminding her of their escapade--okay, more than one--in the shower last night.

  "Your face is flushing again, Katrina," Carlos said. "And who might this be?"

  "Carlos Zenera, this is Grant Cassidy."

  Grant came over and shook Carlos's hand.

  Carlos gave Grant an up-and-down critical examination.

  "Are you the hickey guy?"

  Grant frowned, then glanced down at Katrina. "I gave you a hickey?"

  Carlos stepped behind her. "No use denying it now, honey. Hot stuff has confessed."

  She was mortified.

  "Also, oh my God," Carlos whispered at her back. "Well done."

  Now everyone was going to know about her and Grant, because when you sat in the makeup chair, Carlos gossiped about everyone he knew and what and who they were doing.

  "So you came
to see Katrina?" Carlos asked Grant. "How do you two know each other?"

  Katrina got up. "I need to go get dressed. Take a walk with me," she said to Grant. She kissed Carlos on the cheek. "Thank you for the makeup fix. We'll chat later."

  "You can bet on it," Carlos said, giving her the fingers to the eyes and back as she walked away.

  Grant laid his hand on the small of her back as they walked, his touch burning through the thin material of her silk robe.

  They walked down the hallway toward the dressing area.

  "So ... a hickey, huh?"

  He couldn't look more pleased with himself.


  "You cannot tell anyone about us."

  He arched a brow. "Yeah? Why not?"

  "Because you just ... can't. That's why."

  He folded his arms over each other. "So I'm okay to fuck, but not bring out in public?"

  She hurriedly looked around. "Oh, my God. Why would you think that?"

  He laughed. "Relax. I know you're working. I just wanted to watch since I had some free time. If you need me to leave, I can cut out."

  He was taking this so well. Probably a lot better than she would have if he'd said to her what she'd just said to him. She took a deep breath, then exhaled. "No. It's okay. You can stay. Though frankly, I think you'll find it boring. There's a lot of standing around and resetting for the shoots. Well, you know. You've done this kind of thing before."

  "I don't mind. And if I get bored, I'll take off."

  She nodded. "All right. I have to go get dressed. My next shot is by the building. You'll see us."

  "I think I can handle it."

  She went and met the staff, who dressed her, then her assistant led her outside.

  "We're ready for you, Katrina," the photographer said. "I need you and Elliott here."

  She'd worked with Elliott before on other shoots. He was professional, always showed up on time and he sometimes brought his wife along to the exotic locations to take vacations. He was a really nice guy.

  She smiled at him. "How's it going?"

  "Good. I just have the shoot today, then Sharma and I are heading out to St. Thomas."

  "Oh, such a great place for a shoot. I'm jealous."

  He grinned as they turned to face each other according to the photographer's directions. "Yeah. We're finally ready to settle down and make a baby, so I figure that's the perfect place. I only shoot for three days, then we're taking a week extra for 'us' time."

  She couldn't help but smile at the thought. She laid her hand on his arm. "Aww. I hope it's a great baby-making spot for the two of you."