Page 18 of Quarterback Draw

  "Mmm," she said as she laid her forehead against his. "The things I'm learning about you."

  "Yeah? What kinds of things?"

  She brushed her index finger against his bottom lip. "You have a very talented mouth."

  He smiled. "Glad you enjoyed that."

  She took a deep breath and sighed. "Very much. Now how about you go sit on that tiny little bed in there? Oh, and take off your clothes."

  He was ready to be inside of her, to feel her tight pussy surrounding him. He headed into the small bedroom, jerking his shirt off and tossing it on the floor. He kicked off his shoes and undid the button on his jeans as Katrina entered the room. He had shrugged off his pants and boxers by the time she reached him.

  He threaded his arm around her waist and tugged her close. Skin to skin, he felt a surge of heat surrounding them. It was hot in here, so he reached over to raise the window, letting the night air blow in.

  But he really didn't care about the heat, not when Katrina pushed him down on the bed. He sat, and she grabbed the pillow off the bed and kneeled on it, then spread his legs.

  "I've been wanting to try this. It feels so good when you do it to me."

  He leaned forward and slipped his fingers into her hair. "Yeah, I want you to suck me, Katrina. I want to feel your hot, wet mouth around my cock."

  It was all he could do not to grasp her mouth and shove his cock in there, to hold her head and fuck her mouth. His balls tightened at the thought of her sweet lips sucking him. But this was her first time doing this, and he wanted to use restraint, to take it slow and give her all the control.

  He read the excitement on her face as she leaned her arms on his thighs and took his shaft in her hands. "You know I haven't done this. But I've read a lot of books. Some erotica that had some very enticing oral sex scenes."

  Her talking about it only dragged him up the ladder of need one tortured rung at a time. "Is that right? You know doing isn't the same as reading about it."

  "So I've discovered. So is there anything you particularly like--or dislike--I should know about?"

  "Yeah. I like your hands on me. I'm gonna love your mouth on me."

  Her lips curved--a sexy, deliberate smile that told him she was looking forward to having the control.

  And he was looking forward to giving it to her.

  Because as she bent and licked the head of his cock, he hissed. She scooped her hair out of the way so he could watch as she took his cockhead between her lips, swirled her tongue around it, then closed her lips.

  "Christ," he whispered, wanting to put his hands on her, to thrust, to do anything to ease this torment. But he held perfectly still as she raised up and took more of his shaft in her mouth.

  The heat and wetness of it sizzled, a sensual fire that threatened to burn him from the inside out. Sweat dripped down his forehead as he fought for control. He grasped the sheets and held on while she continued to experiment, using her tongue, her lips, and the roof of her mouth. She varied the pressure, squeezing, then licking him, slow and easy, like she was going to torture him the rest of the night.

  Until she engulfed him, taking him deep.

  It was perfect. She was perfect, and when she met his gaze, he felt like the top of his head was going to come off. He fought the orgasm for as long as he could, wanting this to last forever, yet wanting it to end right fucking now.

  "I'm gonna come," was all he could say, because he was lifting into her mouth, enjoying the sweet heat of her and he couldn't hold back anymore.

  She gripped his shaft and squeezed, pumping more of his cock between her lips.

  His hips rocketed off the bed as he came with a roar, jettisoning what felt like a gallon of come along her tongue. He felt it throughout his body, saw her cheeks hollow and her throat work as she swallowed, and when he was empty, he was covered in sweat and was unable to form words. All he could do was lift Katrina up and drag her on top of him as he fell back on the bed.

  "Your heart is beating fast," she said.

  "I'm surprised my heart is still beating at all. You really did do some heavy reading on the topic."

  She raised herself up on his chest, gracing him again with that sexy smile that, despite the epic orgasm he'd just had, made his cock twitch. "Indeed."

  He tunneled his fingers into her hair and dragged her up for a kiss, rolling her to her side so he could cup her breast and tease her nipple as he kissed her. She slung her leg over his hip, arching her sex against his quickly hardening cock.

  "I don't suppose you brought a condom with you," she said.

  "Do I look stupid? Of course I did." He reached onto the floor and pulled the condom packet out of his jeans pocket. "The whole reason I brought you here was to get you alone and seduce you. Though I think I feel a lot more seduced right now."

  She grinned. "You do? Excellent. My work here is done."

  She rolled over and tried to get up.

  "I don't think so. We're not finished here."

  She laughed and lay back down, scooting close to him. "Don't I know it. I believe that's what they call foreplay."

  "It was a hell of a lot more than foreplay, hot stuff." He raised up and she grasped his cock, stroking him to full erection. "I'm pretty sure you blew out a few of my brain cells with that blow job."

  "Now you're going to make me blush."

  "I don't think it's possible to make you blush. You might not have had any practical experience, but you know what the hell you're doing."

  He spread her legs and dropped down on top of her, then shifted them to their sides again, bending her knee so he could position himself against her sex. When he entered her, she leaned back to watch.

  "I wish I could see where we're connected."

  All he could think about was doing just that. "Next time I'll make sure we're in front of a mirror. So we can both watch me fucking you."

  She pushed on him, and climbed on top. "Or me fucking you."

  He grasped her hips, rolling her forward, then back, giving her clit friction. "Fucking each other."

  She gasped. "Yes. Like that."

  He cupped her breasts, plucked and teased her nipples until she rolled herself out lengthwise fully on top of him.

  He felt encased within her, and as he thrust, she tightened around him.

  "Oh, that hits me right in the clit when you do that," she said, her nails digging into his shoulders.

  "So you want me to do it again." Which he did, and she moaned, which made him thrust again.

  "Grant. Please."

  He knew exactly what she was asking for. The same thing he wanted. Within a few thrusts she was coming, and he'd held back long enough because the way she'd positioned herself squeezed his dick in the best way possible and he was ready to go off. He came, hard, powering into her as pleasure surrounded him.

  After, they lay in silence listening to the crickets outside.

  "If it wasn't so damn hot outside and this bed wasn't so small, we could hide out here all night."

  Katrina didn't even lift her head. "We might have to. I'm not sure I have enough energy left to get dressed and make the walk back to the house."

  "Okay by me. I like you right where you are."

  She managed to lift her head. "Sweating on top of you?"

  He smoothed his hand over her butt. "It's a good spot."

  She finally sighed and climbed off. They got dressed and walked back to the house.

  "Quiet in here," she said as they entered the living room.

  "I'm going to go check on Leo," Grant said.

  Katrina smiled. "Thanks for that. I'm going to head up and take a shower. I'll check in on Anya before I do."

  He stopped downstairs. Leo was still playing games. Since it was nearing midnight, he told Leo he could play for another half hour. No more. Leo didn't even balk, just nodded and said okay.

  Grant shook his head as he grabbed a couple of waters to take upstairs. He kind of felt like a parent there for a minute, which was a unique
position for him.

  He had no rights to these kids. They were under Katrina's care.

  But he was beginning to care for them.

  And for her.

  They sure as hell didn't fit his lifestyle, though. He'd been single for a long time. He'd had a few relationships here and there, but nothing serious, and none of the women he'd ever dated had kids. He came and went as he pleased. He had a lifestyle that was all about travel during the season. He didn't have anyone who depended on him, and he liked it that way.

  He was totally out of his element here, and yet the whole situation felt ... normal. He was comfortable with Leo and Anya.

  And he sure as hell felt good with Katrina.

  But he knew better than to rush things, especially when kids were involved.

  It was time to slow down a little, maybe reevaluate where things were in this relationship.

  And he knew exactly what the next step was.


  KATRINA, ANYA, AND LEO SPENT THE FOLLOWING morning lazing by the pool. It was fun and relaxing and Katrina couldn't recall the last time she had done absolutely nothing.

  She'd checked her e-mail and nothing was pressing at the moment. There were a few e-mails from her business manager about booking jobs in the fall, but she'd look into those more closely when she got back home. No reason to rush into that when she could take a day off and enjoy hanging out with her brother and sister. It wouldn't be long before they'd be headed back to school, she'd go back to work, and they'd see a lot less of each other. The time together today--and this whole week--was an unexpected gift.

  She had Grant to thank for that.

  He arrived home in the middle of the afternoon and told everyone to go change clothes because they were heading out to see the Arch.

  The kids loved riding the elevator up to the top of the St. Louis Gateway Arch, and Grant obviously enjoyed taking them to the historical portion, telling them about how it had been built and all the history behind the expansion into the western territories. Katrina was surprised Anya and Leo paid such rapt attention.

  "Now for the fun part," he said after they left the Arch.

  "What's that?" Leo asked.

  "Well, Six Flags, of course."

  Anya stopped. "Aren't we a little old to go to the amusement park?"

  Grant shot her a look. "Do I look old to you?"

  "A little," she said, offering up a saucy smirk.

  Katrina was going to let the kids fight this one out with Grant.

  He kept walking to the car. "I'll have you know you are never too old to go to an amusement park. I'm shocked. You mean you all don't love roller coasters?"

  He stopped and stared at all of them, as if he dared any of them to object.

  "I'm a huge fan of things that go around and around and upside down until I want to throw up," Katrina said, giving him a deadpan look.

  Grant arched a brow at her.

  "You'll get no complaint from me," Leo said.

  Anya said, "Six Flags it is, then."

  He put his arm around Anya's shoulders. "Promise, you're going to love it."

  He was right. The amusement park was so much fun, and Katrina couldn't remember the last time she'd been to one. Maybe when Leo was about seven? That had been a long time ago.

  This one had a water park as well, so Grant had stopped at the house on the way so they could all pack up their swimsuits. They rode every ride until Katrina thought she really might throw up. She also distinctly heard her sister laugh uncontrollably on the roller coaster--several times. And then Anya insisted they ride it again.

  The water park was fun, too, and on a hot day it was perfect. Grant rented a private cabana at the water park, and while Leo and Anya had run off to the waterslides, the two of them sipped cool drinks. Until Grant grabbed her hand and they took a tube ride down the river.

  "I don't know when I've had more fun," she said as they held hands and coasted along the water. Kids shuffled past, splashing water everywhere. She didn't care.

  "It's good to have fun. You should have fun every day."

  She didn't know about that, but she was definitely enjoying this week. And so were the kids.

  "Thank you for taking the time to do all these things with us. I know you're so busy with football."

  He linked his fingers with hers. "Can't work all the time, Kat. Gotta spend some moments on what's important, ya know?"

  She knew what was important. She had always had her priorities straight. Work and her family. That had always been it.

  Right? She'd done it all right, like she was supposed to do.

  But maybe a little fun now and then wasn't a bad thing.

  "Hey, you two." Leo bumped his tube into theirs.

  "Hey, yourself. Where's Anya?" Katrina asked.

  Anya brushed her tube alongside Katrina's. "Right here."

  "How was all the water sliding and such?" Katrina asked.

  The kids filled them in on their death-defying waterslide activities. When they were all sufficiently waterlogged and exhausted, they left the park and grabbed pizzas on the way home.

  Katrina couldn't recall pizza ever tasting quite so good before.

  "Do you have work scheduled for next week?" Grant asked her as they were all eating.

  Katrina shook her head. "Nothing on the horizon for a while."


  She took a long swallow of ice water. "Why?"

  "I was thinking. I have a game against Dallas next week, but I have a few days off before practice starts. I was planning to visit my parents' ranch down in Texas. It's my dad's birthday on Monday, so everyone's going to try and make it in. I thought maybe you and the kids would want to go."

  Leo's eyes widened. "The Cassidy ranch? Where your dad lives? Can we go, Kat?"

  "Never been to a ranch before," Anya said. "Are there horses?"

  "Yeah, there are horses. And some cattle, too."

  "No kidding. We should go, Kat," Leo said. "I really want to meet Grant's dad. He's like a legend in football."

  Katrina really wished he hadn't asked her in front of the kids. "I'll ... think about it."

  "Think hard about it," Anya said. "It would be really fun."

  Katrina looked to Grant, who just offered up a hopeful smile.

  They finished pizza and everyone gathered downstairs in the media room to watch a movie. After, Katrina wanted to wash off the chlorine from the day, so she went upstairs to take a shower, then put on a pair of shorts and a tank top and sat on the bed to read a book.

  But thoughts of Texas kept pulling at her.

  The kids wanted to go, but she didn't think it was only because they'd never been to Texas, or that Leo wanted to meet Grant's father.

  She knew the kids were pushing her at Grant, shoving her toward a relationship with him. Mainly because they liked him. She got that. Logically, she understood their rationale. But she shouldn't foster it. She couldn't, because it wasn't realistic.

  They lived in New York, and soon enough it would be time to go back to school. She had her work. Her priority. Grant had his job as well. While right now she and Grant were having fun together, that's all they had. There was no permanence to this.

  Even if he was smart and fun and hot and sexy and she did like spending time with him as much as the kids did. But she was an adult, and she could make the break easier than they'd be able to.

  Was she hurting Leo and Anya by allowing this to go on any longer? Wouldn't it be better to break it off now instead of heading down to Texas to meet his family? That would only prolong the inevitable and make the kids' heartbreak even more painful.

  She knew what she had to do.

  The problem was, she didn't want to do it.

  Not right now.

  Which was so selfish of her. What was wrong with her, anyway? She always made the right decisions. She'd always sacrificed what she wanted in favor of what was best for the kids.

  She heard a knock on the door. It couldn't be
Grant. "Come in."

  It was her sister.

  "So I was thinking," Anya said, slipping into her room and climbing in bed with her. "Wouldn't it be easier to do some shopping along the way rather than flying all the way home to unpack and repack? There are stores in Texas, you know. And we've already done laundry here. We've actually bought more clothes when we went shopping the other day. We'd only need to pick up a few things."

  "I haven't yet said that we're going."

  Anya tilted her head up to meet her gaze. "Oh, come on, Kat. You know you want to go. You like Grant. We all do. Let's go to Texas."

  Her little sister wasn't so little anymore. Katrina uncrossed her legs and stretched out alongside Anya on the bed, unable to fathom how long her sister's legs were now. She remembered a time when Anya would huddle with her in the bed, and they would read stories together.

  It wouldn't be long now before Anya would be going off to college. She wouldn't need Katrina anymore. She wouldn't be in her life as much.

  That's what growing up was all about.

  Maybe she was overthinking this whole thing with Grant. She had to constantly remind herself that the kids weren't little--or as impressionable anymore.

  Maybe she wasn't worried as much about how the kids would feel after breaking away from Grant as she was herself.

  She grabbed a piece of Anya's hair and gave it a gentle tug. "I'll ... think about it."

  "You keep saying that. But you know you want to go as much as we do."

  She cocked her head to the side. "Really. And what makes you think that?"

  "You like Grant."

  This was a topic she didn't really want to get into with her sister. "Yes. I like Grant. But you do realize there's a difference between liking someone and having a serious relationship with them."

  Anya rolled her eyes. "I'm not a kid anymore, Kat. Of course I know the difference. And you know I don't have a boyfriend. Who has time for that nonsense? I'm going to college after next year. I don't even want to think about the drama of boyfriends. Dating is one thing. Relationships are a whole other package of cookies."

  Out of the mouths of babes. "Indeed they are."

  "Not that you would know since I've never seen you bring a guy home before. Until Grant."

  "I didn't exactly bring him home. He showed up at the apartment."

  Anya shrugged. "Same thing. Why? Don't you like him ... I mean like him, like him? Like in the boyfriend way?"

  In some ways, she was having a very adult conversation with her sister. In other ways, she had to remind herself she was still talking to a teenager. "He's not my boyfriend."