I’m shocked. I thought he had stopped talking about me a while ago. Obviously I was right about him.

  ‘What do you mean?’ I ask, confused.

  ‘He kept asking questions about you. We broke up the first time because I thought he wanted to get closer to you by dating me and I think I was right. He wanted to know why you were going to the beach so early that morning. We had a huge fight about that because I questioned why he wanted to know. I got angry and started screaming, and then he just left. I haven't seen him for about a week after that. Then he text me to say that he was in London and that he really loved me and to give him another chance, but I’m not sure if I want to be with him,’ explains Amy.

  ‘I don't think he likes me in the way that you think,’ I say.

  She narrows her eyes and drinks more water. ‘I don't want to talk about him. Anyway, how come you’re not in London? I thought your mum was back from Russia?’

  ‘I can't really concentrate on studying while I’m there,’ I explain, feeling guilty that I have to lie to her, but I'm not ready to tell her about the adoption papers I found during my last visit to London.

  ‘I totally forgot to tell you: there’s is a fancy dress party tonight. Would you like to come with me?’

  ‘What do you mean by fancy dress party?’

  ‘We’re supposed to look like someone else – the posters were out a few weeks ago. I bought a blonde and a ginger wig yesterday. One for you and one for me,’ she says, while the excitement is spreading across her face.

  I look at her for a moment, digesting her new idea. I haven’t been out in ages, so maybe Amy is right. I should relax and forget about all the problems for one evening and have a night without staring at the four walls and my books would make a change.

  ‘Okay, count me in,’ I say, smiling.

  After I’ve showered, we get ready in Amy's bedroom. I put on the blonde wig and she puts on the ginger one. The Student Union organised the party and it’s somewhere on the campus. I’m quite excited about being able to get drunk and not be judged by anyone. Gabriel promised to keep away from me, so I hope he won't be around. I put my blonde wig on and look in the mirror; the colour definitely suits me. Amy's clothes are too small for me; she’s only five foot four, so I decide to wear my own red trousers and a pink top. Amy wears a dress that’s too long for her shorter frame. She looks bizarre with the ginger wig, but I don’t say anything. She has killer heels on and once outside, she realises that she can't really walk in them. After a few attempts, we take a taxi, as Amy is struggles to keep her balance, plus we are already late. I can't help but notice Amy's Sprite, who is staring at us, looking amused. Gabriel, however, is nowhere to be seen. I am planning to get really drunk tonight and try to convince myself that alcohol will allow me to forget about everything that happened recently for at least one evening.

  It is dark outside when we leave and the taxi driver makes me laugh. He shares stories with us, bringing back memories of his college years. When we finally get to the campus, we follow the other party-goers as Amy isn’t sure about the location. We pass the main building and get to the student blocks. There are a lot of Sprites walking around the building, talking to each other and staring at the people arriving for the party. We take the lift to the top floor and go into flat No. 33 where the blaring music welcomes us to the party. The air is filled with smoke and the sweat of drunken students lingers. A lot of boys are dressed as girls. The room is crowded; everyone is touching and pushing each other. For a moment, I’m not sure if I really want to be here.

  ‘Okay, from now on, I will call you Amy and you have to pretend that I am you,’ says Amy, making sure I am following what she is saying.

  I nod, trying not to roll my eyes. I look around for some drinks.

  ‘Yes, all right, Ania,’ I say.

  She smiles and assures me that she will find a date for both of us tonight. It is a four-bedroom flat with a sizable kitchen; I find the table full of appetising food and pour myself a generous glass of rosé. I look around for something stronger, but I fail to find my favourite spirit. I say hello to a couple of people from my course. I notice a few Sprites staring at people with disapproving looks on their faces. The music is good and slowly I begin to relax as the alcohol works its magic into my bloodstream. I start dancing to the music. I drink my wine and start to forget about all the pessimistic thoughts. I pretend that the alcohol will make me feel better, but deep down I know I am just covering my emotions. Around midnight, I have to take my wig off. I am sweating and I am too drunk to care about Amy’s request to keep the wig on and pretend to be her all night.

  'Are you okay?'

  It takes me a minute to realise that Amy is talking to me. She has managed to catch the company of a blond student. My vision is hazy, but I notice that her companion is wearing a party dress; he looks comical with makeup that isn't applied correctly. From his expression, I am guessing that he is happy with the arrangement.

  ‘I’m great, Amy – sorry, Ania,’ I answer, smiling.

  ‘I brought someone with me,’ she announces, like she has conjured up another tall handsome student herself. Luckily for me, he isn't dressed as a girl.

  At this point, I don't really care what’s going on. The music is incredible and the alcohol loosens me up and allows me to have a good time. I shortly discover that my new friend is from Sweden.

  ‘How are you doing?’ he asks, making himself comfortable next to me. His eyes are blue, but the intensity isn't anywhere near the eyes that I know. He has a can of beer in his hands and he is staring at my lips.

  ‘I am very drunk and very happy,’ I slur my words as I try to focus on him, but I am dizzy.

  ‘That's what I like to hear,’ he says.

  I hang onto his torso for the rest of the evening, inhaling his cologne and imagining that I am holding Gabriel. Around three o'clock in the morning, I kiss the Swedish guy. His lips are firm and he returns my kiss, moving his hands to my thighs. After that, I feel someone dragging me away from the loud music and out of the room. I don't know what's happening and where I am until the fresh air hits my lungs. We are outside and I have Amy next to me. She is holding me under her arms. My mind is intoxicated with the wine that I have been drinking the whole night.

  ‘Amy, I am sorry,’ I mumble, trying to hold my balance.

  ‘Yes, darling, I know,’ she says. She is still wearing her red wig and she is barefoot, dangling the straps of her killer hills in one hand. It’s raining and I feel tired. Amy is almost dragging me to keep up with her. We stop on the street and I vomit.

  ‘Poor thing. You’ve had too much to drink,’ says Amy, holding my hair.

  After being violently sick, I feel that all my energy is fading away from me. I want to lie on the wet ground and sleep. The exhaustion is slowly taking over my body. I tell Amy to leave me here alone and go to hell, but she insists on walking me home.

  ‘I want to sleep,’ I say, dropping my head between my legs.

  ‘I know, darling, but we have to go,’ she says, trying to help me to stand up.

  ‘How far is home?’

  ‘Not far now; just help me out here.’

  ‘No, Ania, let me stay,’ I beg her, sitting down on the wet path. Then I start crying, the tears streaming down my face.

  ‘What's wrong?’ she asks, squatting next to me.

  ‘I’m pathetic.’

  ‘Don't be silly. You’re just drunk and tired,’ she answers and then something else catches her eye. ‘Someone’s coming.’

  I look to her right and notice a tall individual coming towards us. I also see a female Sprite appear next to Amy; she looks frightened. The wind starts howling and it seems that darkness falls upon us. I widen my eyes to see the person that is approaching us, but I am too dizzy. I can hardly keep my balance.

  ‘Come on, get up,’ Amy says and tries to help me again, but gives up when I don’t move. I expect the man to pass over us, but he stops in front
of Amy. His face is hidden under the hood, but he has large hands.

  ‘Do you want me to help you?’ he asks in a rough, husky voice. He is tall, well-built and is wearing a long black coat.

  ‘No, thank you. We’re fine, she’s just had too much to drink,’ answers Amy, when I stumble backwards holding her arm. She glances furiously around, moving away from the cloaked figure. The smell of burnt wood encircles us.

  The Sprite whispers frantically in Amy’s ear.

  ‘I don’t mind giving you a hand,’ says the man, louder. I can feel that Amy is terrified, sensing that we might in trouble. She keeps glancing at me and then around the street, but she can’t fool herself. The street is empty.

  ‘No, we are okay. Thank you,’ says Amy, tensing her whole body, shifting her weigh to the left. The woman Sprite keeps whispering in her ear.

  ‘This is none of your business, so stay out of it!’ he shouts impatiently towards the Sprite. The fairy ignores him and carries on talking to Amy, but she keeps glancing at him, not moving, and keeps talking to Amy.

  ‘What are you talking about?’ Amy looks confused, staring at the man with fear. 'What do you want?’

  I try to get up but my legs are heavy. My breathing quickens from the fear that is slowly creeping over me.

  ‘I am just ending this before anyone else takes it,’ he says and grabs her throat.

  At this point, I focus all my energy and I get up. My mind is blank and my heart is hammering in my chest.

  ‘Leave her alone!’ I scream and rush towards him.

  ‘Stay out of this, Blondie; it's for your own good!’

  Amy is choking. Her face is purple and if he won’t let her go she will suffocate. I am prepared to fight, but he is strong and he pushes me down to the ground. I can feel the blood in my mouth when I realise what's happened. I look at the man and in the shadow of the moon I see him lifting Amy off the ground. He is holding a knife in his hand. I try to scream and beg him not to do it, but I can't move and no sound comes out of my mouth. I can hear the last breath coming out of Amy's body as she falls to the ground like a doll. There’s a lot of blood and silence immerses us completely. I drift off into dreams, leaving the world behind.