Page 15 of A Dyeing Shame

  Chapter Nine

  Detective Lieutenant Perkins was no fool— a fact that was very irritating indeed. Myrtle very delicately brought up a couple of questions, and he’d said, “No offense, Mrs. Clover, but I’d rather enjoy this delicious supper and forget about work tonight.” Myrtle finally gave up in disgust and concentrated on the fried chicken and the crumbly corn bread muffins.

  Elaine and Red gamely made conversation with the stern-faced Perkins. After a few minutes, he loosened up and quick intelligence and dry humor surfaced. Too bad he took his work so seriously.

  After supper and dessert, Myrtle excused herself and went into the den to play with Jack. Red nodded his head towards his mother and said to Detective Lieutenant Perkins out of the corner of his mouth, “Don’t let Mama fool you. She’s smart as they come. Buys those New York Times crossword puzzle books by the dozens and knocks them out in minutes. Took the Mensa tests for fun and blew the top right off of them.”

  “Really?” Perkins was impressed but not surprised. Red was sharp, too, and Perkins figured his good-old-boy act was just a front.

  Myrtle returned to the dining room, saying crossly, “Red, where’s the remote? Elaine says she taped Tomorrow’s Promise this afternoon and I can’t find the thing anywhere.”

  Perkins smiled at Red’s sheepish expression. “She can’t always watch Masterpiece Theater,” Red mumbled.