“It’s trying to get away! Move your men back!” Major Robinson yells into the radio. His voice can be heard without the radio. He continues on the radio in a lower voice, “HCT55 unit, initiate protocol 1.”

  The men on the ground run and take cover. Fifteen seconds go by and a helicopter is heard hovering nearby. Wind is blowing in all directions from the blades chopping like a high-speed fan. The helicopter stops directly over the UFO with something underneath it. The helicopter drops a metal net over the UFO and quickly pulls away. The net starts to light up with electricity. The tractor-trailer engines turn off and the driver gets out and starts to run. The UFO humming sound goes silent and there is a loud thump. The chains are relaxed and the trailer wheels are back on the ground. 

  ‘What the hell was in that net?’ Jaden asks. Then everything goes black through the nanoeye. ‘This isn’t good. I feel like I just closed my eyes, everything is black.’

  He tries different nanoeyes and they are all black.

  Sergeant Peters runs over to Major Robinson.

  “Sir, what was in the net? The sound is gone and the UFO looks as if it lost power along with the tractor-trailer.”

  “Good old fashioned American technology. The net contains trillions of electromagnetic impulses. Guaranteed to destroy and disable anything electrical or mechanical underneath it.”

  Sgt. Peters looks down at the UFO with a confused look on his face, and asks, “What about the tractor-trailer?”

  “We have time for another one to come in. The backup tractor-trailer should be here in a few minutes. We don’t take chances here, Peters. Get your men down there to untie the UFO08 and get it ready to be put onto the next truck.”

  “Yes, sir,” Peters says while running away.

  The white-bearded Caucasian driver of the tractor-trailer approaches Robinson. He speaks with a southern accent while waving his hands outwards, “What did you all do to my truck? My watch and beeper stopped working also.” 

  Jaden sees a big alien symbol in red. It gets smaller and he reads Restart underneath it. Then he reads, Protect mode, protecting Jaden’s human body.

  ‘Damn, I was beginning to shit bricks sitting here in the dark, thinking the entire ship had a blackout.’ English words and alien symbols start to scroll by very fast all over the screen.


  ‘Alright! Cool, the ship is restarting as if Windows 3.11 just crashed.’

  The flight screen lights back up and he quickly changes view. Jaden is looking outside the ship and quickly moves between the nanoeyes.

  ‘I’m still tied down. Let’s see what this ship can do. I’m getting the hell out of here.’ Jaden concentrates on raising the anti-gravity engines to ten percent. He then sees Morphing for flight.

  A low humming sound is heard again outside the ship and quickly gets louder. Robinson turns and looks with his eyes wide open. He knocks over his coffee; it spills all over the small table, and finds its way to the dirt.

  “What the hell is this bullshit?” he asks in a disgruntled voice.

  The men stop untying and tighten the chains again. The soldiers and Uf1-retrac team cover their ears near the UFO.

  “HCT-55 unit 2, initiate protocol 1!” Major Robinson yells over the radio.


  Everything is happening very fast. A soldier covering his ears near the UFO has his helmet come off and float upwards into the air. The UFO begins to lift upwards very slowly, lifting the chains and the trailer. The ship begins to glow brightly causing the men to cover their eyes. Light particles can be seen moving up and down the body at high speed as the ship begins to change shape. There is a bright flash as the humming sound continues to get louder. The bright flash and light particles fade away. The body of the ship morphs into a gigantic, metallic, carrot-shaped UFO. Something metallic comes out of the ship’s sides on both sides. They pass directly through the chains. The pair extend out four feet from the body and lay flat like floating wings. The metallic wings are about three feet wide and nine feet long. They extend from the middle of the ship towards the small end of it.

  Everything seems to be happening in slow motion. Robinson continues yelling in a deep voice. The entire tractor-trailer lifts into the air, and then the cabin area of the truck detaches from the rear trailer and slams to the ground. The loud crash echoes in all directions, shaking and vibrating the ground. The men take steps back. The rear trailer and the UFO are floating nine feet in the air. Small yellow particles begin to come from the bottom of the wings. The soldiers and men in white suits become weightless. They are trying to run, but they levitate in one place and lift with the ship. The men begin to scream and yell, while saliva comes from their mouths and quickly turns to small bubbles. They attempt to grab onto something and another helicopter quickly approaches. Suddenly it goes very quiet. Inside the ship, Jaden feels as if he is stretching his body. Outside the ship, the only sounds are screams and helicopter blades cutting the wind. Peters is holding onto cornstalks with his right hand while trying to keep a soldier from floating away with his left.

  “Hold on to my hand tight!” Peters yells as his legs begin to float upwards.

  Yellow bubbles float from the pants of the soldier. The soldier Peters is holding onto grabs another soldier’s foot and they form a human chain. Other soldiers are not so lucky and spin out of control upwards.

  Their arms and legs are out of control. There is a spark of bright electricity around the chains. Major Robinson covers his eyes from the light. Pieces of the trailer, ropes and chains levitate in one spot and leave the UFO. Soldiers and retrac team bodies are still floating fifteen feet in the air. Some are upside down and running while others are screaming trying to grab onto something.

  There are men holding on tightly to the frozen cornstalks and have fear in their eyes. The UFO lifts up faster and is about thirty feet from the ground. Robinson extends his neck to look in bewilderment at his prized possession floating away. Suddenly the rear of the ship extends outward like a liquid metal wave. Something comes out of the rear and morphs into a tail. The ten foot wide and three feet deep tail levitates three feet behind the ship. The bottom piece of the silver metallic tail looks like a frown and the top part extends upwards like a smile.

  A sniper bullet is shot at the UFO from a distance. The bullet slows down and approaches the UFO. It stops six feet from the UFO and disappears into a small spark of light. Another HCT-55 helicopter hovers over the UFO taking off and drops another net over it. Electricity lights up six feet around the UFO, quickly traveling around it at high speeds. From the ground, you can see a clear energy shield around the ship. The net instantly disintegrates and the electricity fades away. The UFO lifts up faster, slowly turning clockwise. Small yellow particles can be seen being emitted from the tail and wings.

  Major Robinson continues to have an astonished look on his face. He can’t believe what just happened. The trailer and chain pieces slowly descend to the ground. The helicopter tries to move out of the way. The UFO is spiraling up at breathtaking speed and clips the rear of the helicopter. Four feet of the helicopter tail disappears including the rotor. The engine sputters and the helicopter quickly spins out of control. The dozen or so men floating fifteen to twenty feet from the ground quickly drop to the ground. Pieces of the trailer, ropes and chains also fall to the ground making loud clanking and thumping sounds. Half of the rear and front tires on the trailer are disintegrated. The helicopter sputters and continues to spin out of control towards the ground. The two pilots jump out of the sides screaming; one lands in a pig’s sty and the other in a cow’s pen. The helicopter crashes into the barn and explodes. Sounds of men moaning on the ground can be heard echoing in every direction. Guns are being shot at the UFO from all directions. Major Robinson’s cell phone starts to ring. He keeps his eyes on the disaster in front of him. He rubs his head and continues looking in shock at the UFO getting smaller and smaller. The sunlight reflects on the
newly morphed UFO as Robinson’s cell phone continues ringing.

  Chapter 2: UFO08 vs Airforce