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  If found, please return to ME for REWARD!


  Dedicated to YOU, my BFF !

  Love, Nikki Maxwell


  Fellow Dorks, grab your pens!

  If you’re a diary fanatic like ME, you are SO going to love your OMG! All About Me Diary! This book is filled with 365 questions, plus a bonus question (written by yours truly) that’ll have you thinking, laughing, and learning surprising new things about yourself.

  You’ll have fun writing about the JUICIEST gossip, the funniest stories, and your most embarrassing moments! I’ll also ask you to share your dreams, wishes, and secret thoughts.

  You can write in your diary every single day for TWO whole years! And when you read these memories, you’ll be amazed at how much you’ve changed or stayed the same.

  I came up with all these questions myself. And to keep things interesting, I’ve actually spilled my guts and answered a few of them. But, hey, I’m not worried! I know I can totally trust you with my secrets !

  You can start your diary on January 1 or today’s date. If you happen to miss a day, don’t sweat it! You can always go back and fill it in later.

  Have fun, and happy writing! And always remember to let your inner Dork shine through.

  Your dorkalicious friend,

  Nikki Maxwell

  JANUARY 1: Why should YOU be crowned PRINCESS of the DORKS?

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  JANUARY 2: What is your New Year’s resolution? Why is this important to you? What can you do TODAY to help you achieve it?

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  JANUARY 3: “Mirror, mirror, on the wall . . . !” If you could ask your MAGIC looking glass anything and get the honest truth, WHAT would you ask it?

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  JANUARY 4: You have a tall, steaming mug of hot chocolate! Extra whipped cream or extra marshmallows?

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  JANUARY 5: What message would you like to find in a fortune cookie? Why?

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  JANUARY 6: Which three songs could you listen to one hundred times and never get tired of hearing them? What NEW song do you need to add to your playlist?

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  JANUARY 7: Look in the mirror and finish this sentence: My __________ is/are SUPERCUTE!

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  JANUARY 8: If you could be any other person in the world for ONE WEEK, who would it be and why?

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  JANUARY 9: Someone just left a HUGE package on your doorstep with YOUR name on it! What do you hope is inside?


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  JANUARY 10: Have you ever been SO embarrassed you wanted to dig a deep hole, crawl into it, and DIE?! Details, please!

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  JANUARY 11: You just got stuck babysitting Brianna! YIKES! What will you do to entertain her?

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  JANUARY 12: Do you feel SWEET, SOUR, or SPICY?

  NIKKI’S ANSWER: I feel sour. Mostly because I need a shower. Really BAD!

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  JANUARY 13: Chloe and Zoey are my BFFs! Who are YOURS?

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  JANUARY 14: What TV show are you totally obsessed with right now, and what show do you hate? Why?

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  JANUARY 15: I know you’ve been taking a sneak peek at my Dork Diaries! Hey, who can resist reading them?! Which one is your most favorite and why?

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  JANUARY 16: What’s the latest dance that you know? How did you learn to do it?

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  JANUARY 17: What’s the FIERCEST outfit in your closet? Why do you love it?

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  JANUARY 18: What outfit in your closet is so HIDEOUS you’d love to burn it? Why do you hate it?

  NIKKI’S ANSWER: The roach costume Dad made me wear to hand out free bug inspection coupons. When I see it, I relive the trauma all over again!

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  JANUARY 19: List the foods that make you want to GAG!!

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  JANUARY 20: List the foods that you LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!

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  JANUARY 21: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream that one day ALL people would be treated equally, regardless of the color of their skin. What dream do YOU have that would make the world a better place?

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  JANUARY 22: You just had a really BAD day ! What do you do to CHILLAX?

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  JANUARY 23: Who’s the KOOKIEST person in your family?

  NIKKI’S ANSWER: Everyone in my family is a little nuts! But it would have to be a tie between Brianna and my grandma for the kookiest.

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  JANUARY 24: You’re throwing the ultimate birthday party! What twelve people are on your fantasy guest list?

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  JANUARY 25: If YOU were a lip gloss flavor, what would you be and why? Give you
rself a flavalicious name!

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  JANUARY 26: School is canceled because of SNOW! Woo-hoo! How will you spend most of your day?

  A) Snuggled in bed, catching up on sleep

  B) Lounging in your pj’s, reading your fave book

  C) Playing outside in the snow with your BFFs

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  JANUARY 27: You have a big test tomorrow! Out of Chloe, Zoey, Brandon, and me (Nikki!), who would you choose as your STUDY BUDDY and why?

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  JANUARY 28: What was the last thing that made you so ANGRY you wanted to SCREAM?

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  JANUARY 29: What’s the latest juicy GOSSIP?!

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  JANUARY 30: If you could hang out with a cartoon character in real life, who would it be and why?

  NIKKI’S ANSWER: I’d like to hang out with SpongeBob SquarePants because he seems fun, friendly, and DORKY!

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  JANUARY 31: If I were your fairy godmother and could grant you ONE WISH, what would you ask for?

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  FEBRUARY 1: Who are you crushing on? Why?

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  FEBRUARY 2: In gym class, are you a scared-of-balls person, average, or a star athlete? Why do you think so?

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  FEBRUARY 3: If you were principal of your school for a day, what would you do to make it more fun and exciting?

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  FEBRUARY 4: You got trapped in the mall overnight with your BFFs ! Make a list of the things you would do.

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  FEBRUARY 5: Complete this sentence: “I would absolutely DIE if my friends found out my DEEP, DARK SECRET that _____________.”

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  FEBRUARY 6: Have you ever done something CRAZY to try to impress your CRUSH?

  NIKKI’S ANSWER: Yes. I pretended I could ice-skate!!

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  FEBRUARY 7: Create a recipe for the crush of your dreams! (Like, 2 cups of kindness, 3 teaspoons of cuteness, etc.)

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  FEBRUARY 8: At this moment, who do you feel the most like: ME, Chloe, Zoey, or MacKenzie? Why?

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  FEBRUARY 9: Whenever you get SUPERhappy and excited, what do you say that’s probably kind of silly?

  NIKKI’S ANSWER: I smile really big, close my eyes really tight, and squeal, “SQUEEEEEE!” !

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  FEBRUARY 10: WHO would you LOVE to get a Valentine’s Day gift from?

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  FEBRUARY 11: I need your advice! What do you think I should do to show Brandon that I like him? Or should I just keep it a big secret so I don’t ruin our friendship?! HELP!!

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  FEBRUARY 12: WHO or WHAT gives you a severe case of RCS (Roller-Coaster Syndrome), also known as butterflies? WHEEEE!! !

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  YEAR 2: