“Wasn’t your fault,” she said, finishing with a moan as she stopped shifting so that he could slide his tongue deep inside her.

  “Yes, it was,” he said, when his tongue slid out of her wet, welcoming sheath.

  “No,” panting, “it wasn’t.”

  It really was, but at the moment he was too busy to argue with her. He slid his tongue back inside her and stiffened it so that she could ride his mouth. She did with absolutely no hesitation, damn near making him lose it.

  “You feel so good, Robert,” she said, further testing his control.

  He rewarded her with a flick of his tongue that-

  “Oh, shit,” he groaned as her sheath suddenly tightened around his tongue and she started screaming.

  He needed to be inside her, would fucking die if he didn’t slide inside her soon, but he didn’t move. He laid there and took it as he gripped her ass and forced her to ride his tongue harder and faster. She tasted so fucking good.

  “Oh, Robert,” she moaned, riding him harder, desperate for more. “Oh, Robert, mmmm.”

  Then she was screaming his name as she went still on top of him, her sheath tightening around his tongue, threatening to break it off, but he didn’t give a damn at the moment. Before she’d finished screaming his name, he had her on her stomach and was sliding into her throbbing sheath.

  “So fucking good,” he groaned as he enjoyed her wet sheath’s final contractions squeezing his cock as he slowly thrust inside her.

  “Oh, God,” she gasped just as a second orgasm hit her, completely destroying his control. He reached down and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her up just far enough so that he could freely fuck her.

  He tightened his grip around her as he placed his free hand on the ground and used his hold around her to keep her where she was so that he could continue fucking her hard.

  “Oh, God, Robert,” she said, moaning and whimpering as he slid inside her.

  “Love you, minx,” he groaned long and loud as her sheath greedily held on to him and her large breasts bounced against his arms with every thrust.

  “I love you, too,” she managed to get out as he pulled back and slammed back inside her before she was screaming his name again.

  This time he happily joined her, panting and licking his lips as he came inside her.

  When he was finished, he dropped on the blanket beside her and pulled her closer. He kissed the back of her damp shoulder as he closed his eyes, more than ready to finally fall asleep and put an end this horrible trip when she said something that instantly woke him back up.

  “Oh, umm, by the way I meant to tell you something,” she said, still panting as she pushed back so that she was closer to him as she announced, “I’m pregnant.”


  “I love you,” he whispered as he softly kissed her, savoring the taste of Mrs. Brown’s famous blueberry pie as he slowly slid inside her.

  With that devious little smile that he adored so much, she leaned up and returned his kiss as she tightened her arms around his should and used the move to wrap her legs around him.

  “Do you want to go inside today?” he asked, praying that the answer was no as he continued to thrust inside her.

  “Not just yet,” she said, smiling against his lips as she added, “Maybe tomorrow.”

  “Or the day after that,” he threw in, hoping that she would go for it, because he wasn’t ready to leave this barn yet.

  For the last week they’d stayed in the barn, sleeping, talking and making love all day and most nights. It was crazy, but he just couldn’t seem to get enough of her. He was definitely putting a proper bed up here for their “trip” next year, he’d decided the other night when he’d rolled over and a had a hard piece of hay lodging itself in a place that it definitely didn’t belong.

  Christ, he really couldn’t wait to do this again.

  For the first time since they’d married he could finally devote himself to her without any distractions. He could make love to her whenever he wanted without worrying about the boys walking in their room or Mrs. Brown catching them since the woman seemed to go out of her way to drive him crazy.

  In his opinion, a man should have the right to bend his wife over the dinning room table and fuck her whenever the need arouse, but Mrs. Brown felt differently and made sure that he knew it. He’d lost count of how many times he’d been forced to pull Elizabeth into a closet, their room and the barn just so he could enjoy her body without Mrs. Brown finding them, but not this past week.

  He’d been free to make love to his wife whenever he wanted with absolutely no worries since everyone knew better than to step foot in his workshop without permission. It really was the perfect spot, he decided, making a mental note to find more ways to get her up here in the future.

  Definitely needed a bed though, he decided with a wince as another piece of hay poked through the blanket and stuck him in the knee.

  Elizabeth moaned softly as she began to kiss her way down his neck, making him lick his lips as pumped inside her. She felt so damn good. He could happily live the rest of his life inside her.

  “I’m hungry,” she said as she teased his neck.

  “I’ll go see what Mrs. Brown has cooked today,” he said, not mentioning that he planned on helping himself to it since they both knew what he was doing, but he felt it was important not to tell her too much since there was always a chance that Mrs. Brown would catch him. He just couldn’t bring his wife down with him, especially now that she was pregnant again, he thought with a smile.

  Another baby…

  He hoped this one was a girl with Elizabeth’s beautiful eyes and generous heart. Then again, he’d probably wind up in jail in a few years after he killed every man that dared to look at her for too long. He already knew that she was going to be his soft spot and he couldn’t be happier. He’d buy her pretty dresses, dolls and have tea with her every day, making sure that she knew from the start that she deserved to be treated like a queen so that she wouldn’t settle for some fucking loser that he would be forced to kill.

  Then again, if he sent her to a convent…

  “Do you think she made bread and honey butter?” she asked, making him laugh, because the cravings were already starting.

  “I tell you what, if she hasn’t then I’ll sneak up to our room, get dressed and go into town to get some for you. How does that sound?”

  “Would you be willing to get me some stew from O’Malley’s to go along with it?” his greedy little wife asked against his neck as she shifted her hips to pull him in further.

  “If that’s what you-” he started to say when all his plans for the future were shattered.

  “Robert Bradford, you and I need to have a talk,” Mrs. Brown said, earning terrified squeak from his minx as she shoved him off, grabbed a blanket and dove behind a pile of hay.

  “And you as well, young lady,” she said firmly, letting him know that they were both in serious shit.

  “It wasn’t Elizabeth’s fault. I-” he started to explain only to once again get cut off by the woman who seemed hell-bent on driving him crazy.

  “You need to have a talk with your sons,” she said, not sounding particularly happy about it. Not that she ever sound happy, he reminded himself as he grabbed the remaining blanket and wrapped it around his hips.

  “What did they do?” he asked with a heavy sigh, wondering if he was going to have to apologize to someone or fix something.

  God, he really hoped not, because he needed to get back inside Elizabeth soon or he was afraid that he would die tragically.

  “Look down,” Mrs. Brown practically snarled, piquing his curiosity.

  Holding the blanket in place, he walked closer to the and looked-

  “Oh, hell,” he said when he saw them, his sons grinning up proudly at him while Mrs. Brown, who was covered in what looked like the paint he’d left in the basement, glared murderously at him.

  “I suggest that you have a word with
your sons,” she said tightly as she released the boys’ hands and walked away, but not before she added, “And I know you’re pregnant, young lady, so I expect you in your bed within the hour to rest.”

  It didn’t surprise him when Elizabeth didn’t respond since she was probably trying to convince herself that Mrs. Brown hadn’t just walked in on them with their boys no less.

  “What do you have to say for yourself, boys?” he asked, trying to suppress a grin when the boys shot him a mischievous smile.

  “We love you, daddy?” they said in unison, making him chuckle even as he shook his head and sighed.

  Yeah, he definitely wanted a girl this time.


  Present Day…

  “And there you have it,” Uncle Jared finished with flourish as he sat back in chair, looking quite pleased with himself, she noted, biting back a sigh that would only make him start all over again.

  Darrin nodded firmly as he said, “We’ll wait,” earning a glare from her, because there was no way that she was going to wait to go on their honeymoon, not with three babies on the way. After they were born, it would be years before they got a chance to go. As excited as she was about the babies, and oh God, was she excited, she also wanted to have a little alone time with her husband before their lives were filled with dirty diapers and mixing up formula.

  Uncle Jared nodded, smiling as he stood up, “Glad to hear it.”

  “Thanks for coming by,” Darrin said, getting to his feet so that he could walk his Uncle out while she sat there, glaring at his back.

  She continued to glare even when they disappeared around the corner. If he really though that she was going to let Uncle Jared scare them off from doing something that they’d been looking forward to over more Bradford bullshit. They were going and that was-

  “We leave for Boston in two days. Have your beautiful ass ready,” Darrin said as he strolled by the living room and headed for the kitchen where a big plate of brownies was waiting for him, making her smile.

  She should have known that he’d handle Uncle Jared, she thought with a chuckle as she grabbed the remote and turned the television on. She settled back and-

  “That fucking bastard ate my brownies!”

  Coming in October 2015

  Danny and Jodi’s Honeymoon…

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