Chapter 28 Making Plans
Extract from ‘The Hidden Peoples’ by Solin D’Teinde.
Perhaps only the Grûndén themselves know how many they number, but even this I somehow doubt, I have long suspected that if all the Grûndén people came home to Gwéldølĩn, then the poor city would be totally overcome, certainly the inns and pubs would be out of ale in seconds!
But I met one of those sturdy people once a long time ago, he was a flowery character (as are all his people) and he put this conundrum into an amusing perspective, one I still use today.
He told me over an ale in a pub, “ach, m’lady, be sure that if ye stood every Grûndén side b’ side they’d reach as a girdle right around t’ world, not once only mind ye, but thrice at least. Then if ye told ‘em all t’ dig, they’d slice t’ world in two in five days.”
Such an absurd idea perhaps, but a superb story none the less!