‘So both your brother and your sister died?’ he would be asked, sometimes.
‘I didn’t meet my sister until I was older. When I was little, I didn’t know she existed.’
But some things were never shared. He never spoke of his biddable parents, of money, of Bath or cars, chauffeuring, mechanics and bar work. And he never revealed that every year, a few weeks before his own birthday and so in time for hers, he would send to England a single lipstick in a shiny gold case, engraved with the words My Angel, only you have I ever truly loved.
About the author
Life has so many possible outcomes. From the simple question what if? a thousand stories can evolve. This is how novelist, Barbara Jaques, finds inspiration, through questions of coincidence, uncertainty, superstition and faith.
Born in a tiny town in Alberta to wandering parents before their return to Bristol, Barbara has also wandered a little, although is now settled in Wiltshire with her family, close to her childhood home.
Barbara is also the author of:
The Cult of Following (Novel)
Nathaniel’s Waiting Room (Novel)
Love of Grace & Angels (Novel)
The Front Door (Short Story)
Baggy (Short Story)
If you want to receive an automatic email when Barbara’s next book is released, sign up at www.barbarajaques.co.uk. You will only be contacted when a new book is released, your email address will never be shared and you can unsubscribe at any time.
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As always, I owe a huge thank you to friends and family who have read and commented, and in every way contributed to this book.
It was originally written eight years ago, and titled Parking Space. A rambling epic, it was the first novel I’d written. After many cuts, rewrites, edits and tweaks, Love of Grace and Angels formed, published now not as a debut novel but as one that has matured with me.
Thank you for your support and encouragement:
Frances Jaques
Roger Jaques
Alex Knox
Sam Barber
Alexandra Bockfeldt
Helene Gammack
Melinda Hammond
Police advisor Ken Jaques
Bereavement advice John’s mom
Useful links:
Author www.barbarajaques.co.uk
[email protected] Cover www.thedesigncooperative.com.au
Formatting www.elizabethfreemanweb.com
Samaritans www.samaritans.org
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