Page 16 of Dare to Love

  Because Rafe can make to-do lists too--and his plan is to seduce Belle back home where she belongs. At his side. And in his bed.

  Warning, this title contains the following: Smokin' hot monkey love and naughty wish fulfillment, a few words you wouldn't say in your grandma's presence.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for To Do List:

  Belle let the heat of the alcohol settle into her, bringing a languid fluidity to her muscles. She sighed and looked at the man in bed with her.

  "You're really gorgeous, you know that?"

  "I like it when you've been drinking, Belle." He winked and she snorted.

  "Whatever. You were going to tell me why you're suddenly interested in my bases after giving me sweaters for Christmas for the last dozen years."

  He grabbed her ankle and yanked, pulling her down as he rolled on top of her. Wow, he was good.

  His mouth met hers, insistent, wet and hot. It was just the two of them, no worries about someone walking into the hallway. She let go of her control and gave in, sliding her hands up his arms, over his shoulders and into his hair. Soft, so soft and cool against her skin.

  Heat licked at her insides when his tongue confidently invaded her mouth. When he rolled his hips, she moved, wrapping one of her calves around his ass, opening herself to him and holding him in place.

  He broke the kiss, and looked into her face. "Just making sure you're still with me. I think about your bases a lot. I have for several years now. I told myself it was stupid to give in but you taste too good to resist. You're here, I'm here and we're both adults who know and like each other."

  "I'm still with you, although you're not feeling me up or anything, which if I recall correctly, is part of the bases thing, right? And how long? God, you've wanted to kiss me and..." she shivered violently when he trailed fingertips up her belly, against her bare skin under her tee shirt, " that? You just kept it to yourself when I've like had the dirtiest fantasies ever about you?"

  He tweaked a nipple then as he appeared to have to make a lot of effort to breathe.

  "Christ, Belle, I can't believe you just told me you had dirty fantasies about me." He leaned down and sucked her nipple right through her tee shirt, leaving her no alternative but to hold on and enjoy it.

  "I do. I did. All the time. You have no idea how good you look. Or crap, maybe you do. Should we get under the sheets?"

  He laughed, breaking free of her nipple and looking at her again. "Honey, it's killing you to muss these blankets isn't it?"

  "Well, the coverlet will get wrinkled and...oh my..." She lost her ability to think when he reached between them, into the waistband of her loose cotton pants and stroked over her pussy through her panties.

  "You're so wet and hot I can feel you through your panties."

  "Fuck the coverlet. Let me touch you! Why do you keep moving away?" she demanded.

  "First things first. No fucking tonight. I want us to be totally sober when that happens so I can take my time and make you fuck drunk instead. I will make you come though because I have to see it. I'd invite you to sleep with me tonight but I have to be up at four-thirty and you need your rest. Tomorrow night you will tell me all your naughty fantasies though."

  She blew out an exasperated sigh. "Whatever it takes to get you to let me touch you."

  He laughed and she thought he'd never looked sexier. Rolling away a moment, he pulled off his jeans and shorts while she made quick work of her clothes too. When he turned back to her he groaned.

  "Belle, you're beautiful. A glorious invitation to sin right there wrapped in velvety pale skin." As he moved to touch her, they both gasped at the shock of pleasure from bare skin meeting bare skin.

  His mouth touched every part of her. The spot just below her ear, the hollow of her throat, the sensitive skin just beneath her breasts, her nipples, the backs of her knees. All the while, his hands touched wherever his mouth didn't.

  But he wouldn't let her do much other than receive pleasure. "No, Belle, if you touch me I won't last. Please, let me love you." A lock of hair fell over his forehead, obscuring his right eye.

  She managed a shaky nod, needing him so ridiculously bad she couldn't speak.

  However, that was nothing compared to the way it felt when he slid down, between her thighs and shouldered them wide open.

  Belle watched, fascinated by the way he drew his tongue over the seam where thigh met body. He stopped, breathing her in and she knew somewhere in the back of her mind she should be embarrassed but all she felt was utterly turned on and wildly flattered by the possessive action.

  And then his mouth was on her pussy and she fell back against the pillows with a gurgled gasp of pleasure. Over and over, his tongue flicked, licked and teased every inch of her pussy until she thought she'd explode.

  Her nipples throbbed, her skin tingled, her toes pointed and still he drove her relentlessly higher. He devoured her with avarice, devastated her with the way he seemed to crave her cunt. No one had ever gone down on her like this.

  Finally, he drew her clit between his lips, gently scraping his teeth over it while at the same time sliding three fingers into her gate. It was too much and she lost it, falling hard into an incredibly intense orgasm.

  He's going to give her the Christmas gift of her triplicate.


  (c) 2007 Jaci Burton

  When Justin Garrett accidentally views Amy Parker's private online journal, he sees the cold corporate exec in a brand new light. It seems the icy, unapproachable Amy has fantasies. Fantasies that both appall and intrigue her.

  No one knows the real Amy Parker, and she's satisfied to keep it that way. A woman with kinky tastes wouldn't cut it in the straight-laced law firm where she's fought her way to partnership. And she certainly refuses to let an underling use her to advance in the firm. Justin Garrett might be brilliant, gorgeous, and sexy as hell, but he's firmly restricted to her fantasies and that's where he'll stay.

  While working together on a corporate acquisition in Hawaii over the Christmas holidays, Justin sets out to make Amy's secret fantasy come true--a night of passion with two men who adore her. And he knows the ideal other man to help Amy unwrap the perfect Christmas gift.

  But first he has to melt her heart and convince her he sees her as a woman, not a rung to climb on the career ladder. In fact, by giving Amy exactly what she's always wished for, Justin hopes to climb right into her heart.

  This title contains the following: explicit sex, graphic language, menage a trois, a trip to Hawaii and maybe a glimpse of Santa on a surfboard.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Unwrapped:

  The sand was hot. She hurried to the water's edge, relieved when the waves lapped at her feet and ankles. It was cold. She needed the cool water to knock some sense into her.

  As soon as she was in waist high, she dove in, letting the waves crash over her.

  It was heaven. She swam out a few yards, loving the feel of the waves undulating under her. It was incredibly freeing, and oh so relaxing. She finally stopped, treading water and feeling for footing, landing on a sandbar. She stood in the water up to her breasts. Mitch swam up next to her and grinned as he stood up, shaking his head.

  "Now that was refreshing," he said with a wide grin.

  "Yes it was. I needed that."

  She screamed when arms encircled her waist and swept her off her feet. Flailing about, she turned, realizing she was being held in Justin's arms.

  "You scared the hell out of me," she said, splashing water in his face.

  He shook his head and laughed. "Thought I was a shark, didn't you?"

  "Maybe." All too aware of how good it felt to be nestled against his chest, she said,

  "You can put me down now."

  One raven brow arched. "Oh, I don't think so." Instead, he bent a bit, then lifted her, clear out of the water, and she went sailing in the air, screaming at the top of her lungs.

  Instead of landing somewhere in the water
, she was caught by another set of strong arms.

  This time, it was Mitch.

  She glared at both of them. "You guys are not funny."

  "We think we are," Mitch said, cradling her close, turning her toward him so her breasts were mashed against his chest. "You're safe with us, Amy. Don't worry."

  She wasn't worried at all. Justin swam up and linked hands with Mitch underneath her, dropping her into the middle between them. She lay in their arms in the water, cradled against their chests while the two of them carried on a conversation about sports, seemingly ignoring her. It was a man hammock. She was comfortable, safe, and absolutely petrified. She was a sandwich in the middle of two amazingly desirable men.

  Finally, she relaxed, letting her head rest against Justin's chest as they rocked her back and forth, the sound of their voices a constant comfort. She closed her eyes and let the sun bake her, the waves lapping over her skin.

  She imagined the two of them taking her right there in the water, stripping off her top and each of them sucking a nipple into their greedy mouths, licking and biting until she writhed on top of the waves and begged them to fuck her. Her pussy clenched and she whimpered with need. Too long. She'd waited too long for an orgasm. Too long for a man. She craved strong, callused hands between her legs, searching her swollen slit and pumping fingers into her core, caressing her clit until she cried out in climax and demanded a hot cock to replace those fingers.

  Maybe Santa would bring her that for Christmas. A nice fantasy come true in her stocking.

  She smiled. Then felt the press of lips against hers.

  Her eyes drifted open and Justin's face loomed in front of hers.

  A million words hovered on her lips, all of them denial, every single one of them obliterated when his mouth came down on hers again, this time harder, hungrier. She gasped against him and his tongue slipped between her teeth, finding hers. It was an electric shock, a velvet fire as he licked her, his lips doing dangerous things to her senses.

  He dragged her upright. She bobbed in the water, her legs adrift, her arms clasping around his neck as he drove into her mouth with more intent.

  She'd always known there was a primal side to Justin, this barely unleashed animal he kept tucked away in business suits. Now he was letting it out, letting her see it, and she couldn't get close enough to this side of him. She wanted more.

  But another set of arms came around her, dragging her away from Justin. Justin smiled at her, nodded, and as she was turned she found Mitch in front of her, his hands slipping around her waist to draw her against him. Her heart slammed against her ribs, her mind nothing but liquid. She couldn't think this through.

  "Don't," Mitch said. "Don't think about it. Just let it happen."

  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  It's all about the story...









  Red Hots!


  Science Fiction


  Young Adult



  Jaci Burton, Dare to Love

  (Series: # )




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