Page 10 of Taunting Destiny

  She’s his match.

  She’s everything to him that he has ever wanted.

  Our cock grows in size, and we smile as we nudge it inside her tight sheath. We pull back a few inches until we’re no longer inside her and then we thrust sharply, impaling her until we push against her womb. Encased in her warmth, we move, slowly at first to ensure she can handle us.

  When she bucks back, we let loose. We hold her legs apart with our hands, holding her feet up. We push harder and close our eyes as her whimper of desire caresses our skin. We feed her more until we feel her pulling back, away from it. We pull out with what she needs and watch as her sweet pussy moves to invite it back inside. We lunge and catch the scream from her lungs with our mouth, smothering it.

  I allow him to take control, fucking her hard and slow. He snarls hungrily as she accepts him in her mindless state. He licks her carotid, but I snap at him. He’s had her blood once tonight; it’s enough. He snarls, but listens to the advice. We don’t want to hurt her. We want to give her pleasure—absolute, unrivaled pleasure. We agree on this.

  He sends his magic out, and I marvel at the absolute control he has over her. She’s exploding around him until her body is wrapped in ecstasy. She rides him, giving him back what he gives her, and he purrs. He fucking purred! He’s an endless killing machine, and right now he’s reduced to a fucking kitten, lapping at cream!

  I watch them from inside my head, watching as he kisses feathery-soft kisses over her delicate flesh. “Mine,” he snarls.

  “Ours,” I growl answering him.

  “Yes,” he snaps hungrily and smiles as he continues to drive our cock inside of her. He wants to touch her soul, he wants to consume her, and own her. I watch him, ensuring he pulls back from what could hurt her. I rumble a warning, and watch as he pulls our magic back from her body.

  “So good,” he whispers, and my eyes bulge. “Need to, have her!”

  “We have her,” I answer. “She is ours now. You marked her flesh.”

  “Not enough; need to possess her; need to be here, like this, forever. Understand?”

  He thinks I’m the weaker half. “My turn. Give me back control. She’s not ready for you, yet.”

  “Need her. Want her. You have to chain her for control. I can tame her, make her need me!”

  “She’s chained for her protection. I won’t share her; she could sift out and be hurt by others. Smell her, smell her utter fucking perfection. What Fae could walk away from that, even with your mark on her?”

  He sniffs, and I feel our eyes turn obsidian. “Need to taste her,” he replies and pulls out, and fuck if he doesn’t go to town on that sweet pink flesh. Sucking, licking, and fucking her with his eight inch tongue. She comes instantly. He can’t control secretions as I can. He makes inhuman noises; as does she as she rides his face greedily. I feel our hand go to our cock and stroke the hard silken flesh.

  I’m fucking her without touching her. She wanted to know how I did it. This is how. I’m not alone in this body. I can do things other Fae can’t. I can do bad things, and really fucking good things. I watch as our cock explodes, pumping juices on the sheet. Her body quivers as it continues to come for the beast who is feeding at her core gluttonously.

  He pulls away and howls hungrily, even though he is sated and fed from her sweet juices. “So good, so pure. Need to go deeper, to own, control, fuck! Mine! She’s mine.”

  “Ours,” I remind him. I trade places with him. He goes, but not willingly. Like a child denied his favorite toy, he sulks, and I shake my head. She’s the only female he has ever let live. It rattles me and makes me wonder if I shouldn’t set her free.

  Magic ripples through the room. It’s not ours, it’s hers. She’s turning. I want, no, I need, to be inside of her as she changes, to see it unfold as I take her. I push inside her, watching as her head rocks from side to side as I feed her more inches. She spreads her legs and begs for more. She's so wantonly glorious; her wet slick folds soaking wet, because I made them that way. She's turning Fae, even as I watch her. She’s losing the fight, and I bide my time riding her body, fucking her hard, and making her come over and over, until she's boneless. She won’t feel the pain from the change; I won’t allow it.

  So far, the only thing changing is her beautiful eyes. The purple is light, the color of freshly bloomed lilacs in spring. The blue is now as electric as its owner. The black ring surrounding it, marks her as royalty. As I watch, crimson brands begin to appear and pulse beneath her skin as she wiggles her tight ass, impishly, against my cock. I nudge it against her ass and watch as her eyes grow hooded with need.

  I move to watch her Transition; those red brands growing darker as they set in against her skin, until they are such a deep crimson that they almost look black. They will lighten later, as she comes into her full power. They continue to appear and spread out, delicate thin brands that grow up her arms and around her torso. Dainty little Celtic knots of womanhood sit on her shoulders, beautiful against her pale flesh. She's Blood Fae. I think with a smile. She's mine, and I own her, every succulent fucking inch of her. I pull her up against me, bringing her to her knees as I flip her over on the bed, before I push her back down until her ass is exposed. I bring her bound hands out, releasing the chains as I hold her hands behind her back and enter her body slowly.

  “Syn,” I growl, needing to hear my name on her lips, but knowing she’s too far gone to know who is taking her.

  “Ryder,” she whimpers, and I freeze going utterly still in shock that she’s knows I’m inside of her.

  “Pet?” I ask again, and close my eyes as no reply comes.

  And then it does.

  “Move, Fairy. I’m hungry. I need you, Ryder, please,” she replies as her beautiful backside sways invitingly.

  “Who is fucking you, Synthia?” Un-fucking-believable! She’s aware of what is happening to her, when she should be utterly mindless with need.

  “You are, Ryder. I need to feel you moving inside of me,” she cries, her body trembling with need.

  I sink inside of her, amazed that she’s coherent. How the fuck!? Not even I managed to understand fully who was riding my slick cock through Transition. She’s utterly amazing.

  “Synthia, I plan to keep you forever,” I whisper softly as I rain magic kisses all over her body.

  “Mmm,” she sighs as she moves against me.

  She’s fucking mine.

  We both struggle, pushing, riding each other, and then we collapse in a mess of limbs and exhaustion. I smile against her hair as she rubs her ass against me again. She turns over and smiles like a cat in need of having its tummy rubbed. Her eyes flicker to my cock that’s already growing from the sultry look of her eyes. She pushes me down and lowers her head. I swallow a groan, watching as her tongue strikes out and runs the full length of my cock.

  My hips buck and she moans, taking my cock inside of her mouth, relaxing her throat until she can take no more. She pulls away and slides her tongue down the hard silky length of it, sending pleasure to my balls. I feel it then, her teeth. Canines—she has fangs. I should be taking notes; instead, I’m at her command. Her teeth drag over my flesh, and I groan from the intense pleasure. She takes the head in more and I run my hands through her hair, and growl with approval. And then her fangs sink into my flesh, and I explode in her mouth, her hungry moan the only sound in the room.

  I swallow another groan that tries to tear from my lungs. Eventually, I pull her off and looked into her glowing eyes. She has fangs; they’re tiny, but there. I smile as she wipes the blood from her chin and climbs up on my body.

  “You took my blood,” I accuse huskily.

  “I want more,” she replies, smiling as her tongue tests her new fangs.

  “No one takes my blood, Synthia, ever.”

  “Planning on killing me then?” She’s teasing me.

  Fuck! She’s amazing. I push her back down on the bed and my cock enters her greedy warmth, as she smiles impishly. Too bad she
won’t remember any of this. She’s the most erotic thing I have ever encountered in my entire life. She moves, and I moan as her cries join mine.

  I feel my chest tighten as I watch her. Something feels like it is cracking inside of me and allowing her in. I should push her away, make her hate me. The thought of it makes my chest tighten, and my stomach drop. Fucking hell! I shouldn’t feel this shit—it’s deadly, and she’s deadly to me.

  Chapter Eleven

  She sleeps, oblivious to the fact that she's finished her Transition in neck breaking time. Ristan watches her closely from where he stands, beside the bed that Syn and I lay on together. “Anything?” I ask, impatiently.

  “She's like a blank fucking slate. I can't see tomorrow, hell, today is blurry. She Transitioned in less than three days. From the brands, I can tell you she's some kind of Blood Fae, but you already knew that. She's very strong and exceptionally beautiful,” he finishes, ignoring the growl that rips from my throat. He smiles, and turns to level me with his silver and black eyes. “You need to curb that shit now. We don’t have time for it if we are going to save Faery and figure out who the fuck is killing our kind.”

  “You think I haven't tried? She accepted him. She fucking fed him, and she baited him for more.”

  His eyes grow large and round. It was almost fucking comical. “And he allowed her to live?”

  “He more than allowed it, Ristan. She made him purr like a fucking kitten. My beast fed from her, and he backed off instead of feasting. He didn't want to hurt her. He even pulled away when he thought he was close to doing so. He's never done that before. He has never wanted anything as much as he wants her.”

  “Are you sure she won't remember him?” Ristan asks carefully, his eyes guarded.

  “Why the fuck do you think I called you in here? It sure as fuck wasn't so that you could stare at her naked!” I scrub my hands over my face in exhaustion. She had fucking worn me out, and I loved every minute of it.

  “She's an enigma to me. I'm not even sure how she managed to live this long. I can't see enough of her future to even know if she actually has one. I’m not sure what you want from me here. Either she’s being shielded from me seeing it, or I’m not supposed to. I could sit here all day making excuses, but the truth is this, I can’t get shit from her.”

  “How can that be? She’s here, I claimed her, and you can't see her with me at all?” I ask, growling in frustration. I wasn't losing her. Not after what we’d just done.

  “I have no idea why I can’t see her future. I’m only shown what I need to see most of the time. This could mean any number of things that range from you not being able to claim her, or that you free her to choose and she leaves—I don’t know. Maybe there is a specific reason I am not supposed to see hers or Adam’s futures. I’m trying to figure it out, but, again, it’s not like I can just tap in and ask Danu why she won’t allow me to see their futures.”

  “Try to figure it out. Send some feelers out. See just how many of the Blood Fae have missing daughters. Check the larger as well as the smaller clans. If she’s pure Blood Fae, I could potentially keep her for myself, seeing that we have a rather convenient feud with them right now. I could lay claim, and no one could challenge it. Nothing is ever that simple with her, though.”

  “What if she isn’t? What if she’s only half?”

  “If she isn’t, then she still belongs to me. Otherwise, her family could put up one helluva fight to get her back. Let's not get ahead of ourselves, though.”

  “Would you fight for her? I could understand you wanting her as a pet when you thought she was human, but she’s Fae now. It’s a game changer. What if fighting for her means giving up the fight for Faery?”

  “I can fight for both, and she’s more than a pet, Ristan. I’m finding it hard to stay away from her at all. She’s like a drug in my veins.”

  “And if she doesn’t want you? What then, Ryder?”

  “She wants me; she just hasn’t come to terms with it yet. If she were just Blood Fae it would make this a simple thing. She’s got royal blood in her though, and that might cause some issues.” I’d planned to keep her when we’d assumed she was human, and even took steps to ensure that I could, but he was right. This changed everything. Can I actually keep her now that she is Fae? I have no plans of letting her get too close to me, and it really isn’t fair to her. My past is dark, and filled with things that still haunt me. I’d done things that she would cringe at, because she was raised as a human, and if she ever catches a glimpse of it, she’ll willingly walk away from me and not look back. I’ve done things that I now regret, and if she finds out, she’ll hate me for them.

  In her eyes, I will be a fucking monster.

  “Is that something you are willing to risk, now that we’re so close to being done here? Could you give up who you are, and lose the advantage we have struggled to keep, just because you like fucking her?”

  “No, that's not an option. I'll figure it out when the time comes. She also has the look of a few of the Light Fae, so let’s cross that bridge when we get there. We need to worry about who is killing Fae. You and Z didn’t reach out, so I assumed nothing happened.”

  “They didn't find any more bodies. No one came back to the park either. We’ve been out searching, but nothing has happened in the last few days. It’s been pretty quiet. We’ve been lucky in that aspect, since you had a Transition to deal with. You made the right choice trusting the men with this. It gives them a sense of responsibility. They need it now that we are close to being finished here.”

  “Good. We need to see if this is connected to the Mages, or if it is connected to whoever is trying to kill off Fae. Ristan, if it is the Mages, I want Syn left out of it. She's going to be unstable after Transition, and she isn't going to like it. I'm not sure I can control the beast if she is harmed again. I almost lost control when we found her in that apartment.”

  “Are you sure he hasn’t chosen her for more than just food?”

  I wince at the thought. “If he has, we're fucked. I can easily keep her, but I can't force this on her. Syn is too strong to be bent to anyone’s will, including mine; which isn’t the easiest thing to admit. Not to mention it would breach the laws of our people. You have seen some of my future, and you know I always do what is right for our people in the end.”

  “And if she willingly chose you?”

  “You think she would want me? If she knew who I was, and what I have done in the past? No, she'd run. She's unpredictable. Fuck, Ristan, she went into full Transition with me standing beside her and I didn’t feel it. I felt the tension and aggression, and then, I felt her need. There is nothing normal about her, or anything surrounding her for that matter. Someone went through a lot of effort to keep her existence secret. I want to know why and who it was. She’s mine for now, either way.”


  My entire body felt as if I'd run a marathon. I blinked and lifted my head before laying it back down as the room started to spin. I brought my hand up and tried focusing, but it was a blur, like everything else in the room. I could make out voices, but couldn't see where they were coming from. I felt no different in my body or mind; unless you counted the ‘unable to see shit,’ part.

  “Hello?” I asked the room in general.

  “Synthia, you shouldn't be awake yet,” Eliran said from somewhere beside me.

  “I can't see,” I whispered through parched lips.

  “You need more sleep,” Eliran continued.

  “How much more sleep does she need?” Ryder's rich baritone sounded from right beside me, making me jump. “Easy, Syn. I took the collar off. If you sift right now, you could easily be hurt.”

  I must have blushed over my entire naked body. I turned toward his voice and lifted my hand to find his face through the blurry vision. “Did I change into a monster?”

  “I would like to say a three-headed one,” he said with his mouth against my cheek.

  “Well, shit,” I
said for lack of anything better to say about turning into a fucking monster.

  “I'm teasing. You held human form the entire time. You are Blood Fae, or at least half—fangs and all.”

  I felt my stomach churning. “Fangs?”

  “Sexy little ones’ that felt unfucking believably hot on certain body—parts.”

  I groaned at him, and pulled the sheet over my head, trying to close out the world and what I had done. I remembered some of it and some of the things that fell out of my mouth, like telling him his dick was the best treat and that I'd rather have it than chocolate. I mean, c'mon, I gave his dick a better rating than chocolate—who does that?

  “Can we pretend it never happened?” I asked when he had stopped snorting.

  “Not on your fucking life. Not when you said my dick was better than—”

  “Okay, Ryder, she looks good, healthy. I'd say she needs more sleep so her senses could come in, but she's a stubborn patient. I'm going to go and give you two some room,” Eliran said a moment before the door closed across the room.


  “Seriously, I'm at a disadvantage here, and I might have to apply for a handicap sticker for my ass.”

  “Your ass doesn't need a sticker. I promise it was just as amazing as the rest of you.”

  I swallowed and shook my head. “Did you also kick my ass while you were at it?” I asked, feeling each and every muscle cry with the slightest movement.

  “It got rough; you got rough. It should go away after your body heals with sleep.”

  “Ryder, where exactly did I bite you?” I asked, pulling off the sheet and blinking as I tried to gain control of my eyes.