Page 35 of Taunting Destiny

  “I, uh,” I replied, trying to think of anything to say and failing, I settled on nodding my head at him.

  “Sòlas,” Ryder chided from where he stood in line. “She was not raised among us. You need to tell her you are joking, or she might kick your ass when she figures it out for herself.”

  “As it should be,” Sòlas said. “If Adam doesn’t suit your need, pick me. But, all jokes aside, I’m available.” He wiggled his eyebrow’s playfully.

  “Good to know,” I said with good humor. My eyes instantly sought Ryder, but he’d lowered his face again.

  “I’d make a better husband to you,” Sòlas said, shrugging his shoulders as he boyishly winked once again.

  “I have no doubt of that,” I said letting my eyes settle on his handsome face. “It’s always good to know I have backup options, Sòlas, but thank you for offering me an alternative.”

  He smiled and nodded. “I’m glad you think so, and relieved to know you are not immune to my charm. Adam asked me to give you a few pointers since he was not allowed back to see you. We Fae like to puff out our chests; we will taunt you just to see if you have bite. Bite back Syn, says Adam,” He winked with a small smile. “He also said do not kill anyone tonight,” Sòlas grinned wider as he recited Adam’s words. “But since he says you have enough skill to pull it off, I wouldn’t mind pointing you toward a few people who need it.” The rest of the brothers chuckled at this little jab.

  I smiled and shook my head. He held his arm out indicating it was time, and all sane thoughts flew right out of my head as I accepted it. “How many people are down there?” I asked to try and calm my nerves.

  “Few thousand—everyone wants a peek at the woman who will cure the land. They also think you must be completely disfigured because the Light Fae gave you away. Their King is now claiming you; says he made a mistake.”

  “Made a mistake?” I asked.

  “Made a mistake in not claiming you. He’s saving face basically. Your mother will not give birth to another heir while you breathe, so he is claiming you as his own,” Sòlas said.

  “How nice of him,” I muttered. We’d reached the bottom of the steps, and the gigantic throne room was filled with people, some of the gathering had cleared a path for us to follow. Against my better judgment, I took a step back, and away from the enormous assembly of Fae.

  “No fear, Syn,” Sòlas gently reminded me. “Adam says you are the strongest person he has ever met. If these fuckers smell fear, they will swarm like tigers in heat.”

  “Got it. Let’s do this,” I said, stepping back up to where he stood. I put my ‘I’m a badass mask’ back on. The one that told them I wasn’t afraid; that I was the meanest one inside this room. I felt better knowing Ryder was right behind me, and having him at my back gave me a soothing calmness that I wouldn’t have felt without him.

  We walked through the path until we reached a raised dais where we paused. There had been several of these set up around the crowded room. The most imposing one was toward the far back, which was probably where the Dark King’s throne usually rested. Adam waited for me on the dais, wearing an exquisitely tailored black tuxedo that truly showed how gorgeous he had become. I smiled and lifted my eyes to his. His smile was blinding, and yet there was sadness in his eyes. I climbed the couple of steps that led to the top of the dais and moved to Adam’s side. His brothers moved behind us in a show of support. I exhaled and waited to be instructed what to do next, and I didn’t have long to wait.

  “My son, Cadeyrn, will make his announcement now,” Kier said, coming up to stand beside Adam in a matching black tuxedo. Who the heck would have known the Fae wore tuxedos? Maybe they had a Starbucks around here as well?

  “Caitlín of the Light Fae, Heir in waiting to the throne. I, Adam…Cadeyrn, Prince of the Dark Fae and acknowledged reigning Heir, choose you to become my Queen, and rule this kingdom beside me,” his voice rang out as he went down to one knee.

  “You sure, Adam?” I whispered, or tried to. Adam’s brothers laughed from behind me.

  “Very sure, Synthia,” Adam said, narrowing his eyes.

  Yes, I was stalling like a panicked schoolgirl, trying to buy time before losing it on prom. “Okay,” I said, trying to make my arms work.

  “Syn, give me your hand, please,” Adam said quietly with shining eyes.

  I closed my eyes and lifted my left hand until it was high enough for him to take and slip the solid gold band onto my third finger.

  “Would you honor me with a dance?” he said, releasing my hand and standing back up.

  “Sure,” I said and flinched as utters of disapproval went through the crowd. Shit! “Yes, Adam, I will dance with you.”

  He shook his head, but he had a genuine smile on his mouth as he did so. He formally took my hand and escorted me down the stairs. We stopped and he held out his hand, helping his mother up to his father hand, where we created a circle by hands. The crowd applauded, and music started up as the Queen stood in approval, beside her King.

  We moved around the dance floor silently, and awkwardly. I couldn’t keep count of how many times Adam and I both stepped on each other’s feet. We laughed, and, even knowing neither one of us wanted this, it was like old times again. We talked for several minutes in hushed tones about his encounter with Larissa. Fashions ranged from suits, like Adam and his brothers wore, to some outfits that belonged in a museum. Some of the male Fae wore what Adam called man-dresses and tights, which threatened to make me lose it laughing.

  Adam apologized and told me he’d help me find a way out of this—together. When we’d danced for long enough, I kissed him softly on his cheek and excused myself.

  I turned to flee to the sidelines and the safety of a wall when Ryder pulled me against him. “Dance with me, Princess. I would be humbled.”

  I smiled as my heart accelerated. “You are not humbled by anything, Ryder,” I swallowed and allowed him to fold me gently into his arms.

  Chapter Thirty Nine

  I inhaled his scent and closed my eyes. The feel of him against me just felt so right, but I didn’t allow myself to embrace him any more than was proper for dancing, since we were at my wedding. I was about to become Adam’s bride, and I owed him the respect of being faithful, even if it killed me.

  “You look so beautiful this evening, Synthia. You make everyone here pale in the face of your beauty,” he said softly against my ear.

  “Says the man in a tuxedo. You, out of everyone else here, should be banned from wearing something that makes you look so,” I stopped talking because if I finished that, I’d be begging him to sift me out of here to do inappropriate things. The man was sinful in a t-shirt, but in a Versace styled tux, the man was dangerously seductive.

  “Sexy, huh? Can’t look at me?” he purred as he inhaled my scent. It made heat pool to my core for him.

  “We shouldn’t be dancing,” I said, trying to pull away, but he kept me there.

  “Why? Because you still want me or because I want you, Synthia?” he growled low against my neck as he flicked his tongue against my pulse wickedly as his head hid his actions from everyone else in the room.

  “You want me to be honest? Both. I want you. Right here, right now. Is that what you wanted to hear? Are you happy now, because the answer is yes? I’m afraid you’ll make me do things that I shouldn’t do. I’m not the type to cheat on anyone. I refuse to become that woman to any man, and Adam deserves better from me. I can’t cheat on him; not even for you, Fairy.”

  He smiled, and it made me blush with how sinful it looked on his beautiful mouth. Knowing that this would be the last time I allowed myself around it, hurt deeply. I felt hot tears pushing against my eyes, but I managed to keep them hidden, just barely. He held me as we effortlessly continued to dance, oblivious to everyone else around us.

  “Have you fed from him?” he asked quietly, and as I lifted my eyes, I flinched as I saw the pain bared in his bronze depths. “Have you fed from Adam, yet?”

/>   “No, I was well fed before I left your bed this morning. You are a beast when it comes to hunger, but you make sure I’m always fully sated,” I replied with a small smile.

  “Good,” he whispered, but his smile had gone behind the clouds as surely as the sun on a rainy day.

  “Are you fully healed now, from the iron?” I asked.

  “Worried about me?” he asked as a smirk lit up his generous mouth.

  “Always,” I replied with mischief dancing in my eyes. “Someone has to worry about my fucking Fairy.”

  “Your fucking Fairy?” he asked, lifting a brow.

  “Syn,” Adam said from behind me. “It’s time. Ryder, Eliran was looking for you a few minutes ago. He said it was urgent.”

  “Time for what?” I asked as he pulled me closer to his side.

  “We have to sign the binding agreement with our parents,” he answered. I ran my thumb over Ryder’s arm before dropping my hands and stepping back and away from him. He dropped his arms at the same time, but where my face was a mask of pain, his was blank again.

  I accepted Adam’s arm and walked back toward the area that had been set up for this formal signing of the contracts. The signing was more than uncomfortable, considering I wanted nothing more than to wipe the ugly smirk off of the Light King’s face.

  We moved closer as the Kings discussed something quietly, and then stopped as they noticed we were approaching. I felt the vise around me loosen with the smirk Adam shot me. He leaned over and whispered in my ear softly.

  “My dad can take yours. Willing to bet on it?” he asked in a stage whisper, making me laugh outright.

  “I don’t like my dad, so no. I’m willing to help yours just to make sure he wins,” I replied in a voice as I winked back, which caused him to beam a wide smile.

  “Sign the contract,” Dresden growled, not finding our little joke funny at all. I hesitated and turned to look at Adam.

  “Can we have a minute?” I asked.

  “No,” Dresden growled.

  “Of course,” Kier answered.

  “Which is it?” I asked, raising a brow at them both.

  “You have a minute, but make it fast,” Dresden said with annoyance stamped across his brow.

  When we had enough privacy I turned to face Adam. “What’s up, Adam?”

  “Nothing. Why do you ask?” he replied, but he wouldn’t look me in the eye.

  “Oh, no reason; besides the fact that I have known you long enough to know when you’re upset. Now spill it.”

  “There’s nothing wrong; this is just moving fast.”

  “Do you want out of this? Because, if you do, I’ll personally scour the earth to find another way to save Faery.”

  “You know as well as I do, that there is no other way. Had there been an alternative, Ryder would have found it by now and kept you,” Adam replied.

  “This is me and you, Adam. We can handle this. We will make the best of it, and I do love you. We have more than most people would in our situation.”

  “We do, don’t we?” he said, smiling. I nodded at him, and we both took a deep breath like we were going into battle or something.

  We walked over to where our parents stood with our hands entwined. I watched as Adam bent down to sign his name on the leathery vellum of the contract. No blood was called for on this one, but it felt as if I’d signed it with much more than my own blood.

  I smiled at Adam as both sets of parents shook hands warily over the table and we stood together in silence. We were doing this; we were getting married and saving Faery—together. There were more pros here than cons. I wasn’t alone; I was with my best friend. It could have been a lot worse. The Demon could have seen me married to some complete stranger, and then I’d be here with him. I would marry Adam, and I’d learn to love him to the best of my ability, and, in time, it could become so much more.

  Of course, I was in love with Ryder, but I wouldn’t let that come between us. I could forgo what I wanted, for what was needed. We would make strong babies, and who knew? Maybe someday I would fall in love with Adam; truly fall in love with him.

  Adam watched as I bent down to sign my life away with a grim look on his face. When our parents had done the same, something passed between us—acceptance at the cards we’d been dealt I guess. He held out his hand, and I accepted it. We made our way to the raised dais where we would be presented the children of the land. We were seated in comfortable looking chairs, which was a blessing as the heels Mari had glamoured were already killing my feet. It was supposed to have been the first thing on the agenda from what Mari had mentioned, but everything was off kilter here tonight. Maybe the Fae needed to hire some wedding planners or something to keep each stage of this event on track.

  A long line of women with children and tiny infants lined up in front of us. I was overwhelmed as one after another pushed her child into my arms for a blessing. This went on for at least an hour, and Adam watched with a grin on his lips. Or, at least he did until I placed one in his arms.

  “What the hell, Syn!? What do I do with it?” he exclaimed as he took the squirming bundle and held it in front of him with a look of sheer horror.

  “Hey, I’m not the only one who needs practice here,” I said, smiling impishly. My smile dropped as a hush stole over the entire crowded gathering. I looked across the room to find everyone staring at Adam. “Give me back the baby. I don’t think you’re supposed to hold it,” I whispered.

  He handed it back as we watched the crowd. They continued watching us closely as if Adam would have gobbled it up and digested the small being I now held against my chest. The mother quickly snatched the small child from my arms and glared down at me.

  “Oops?” I offered with wide eyes, unsure of what else to say. What the hell was wrong with these people?

  “Synthia, a future King does not show interest in the young. It’s a woman’s job, and for Adam to do so would mean he has other interests in them,” Mari placed a hand gently upon my arm. A small tug at her lips and a gentle twinkle in her eyes at least told me that she didn’t think I was a complete idiot.

  “Oh, well I assure he has no interest in your child other than the normal prince type stuff. I’m sorry if I gave you that worry,” I said a little sheepishly to the mother of the infant. Mari smiled and nodded approvingly, and gave a dismissal of the woman who was gone with the simple gesture. The woman sifted out of the room the moment she had been allowed to by the reigning queen.

  “I think I’m going to need a notepad to keep up with the dos and don’ts here,” I mumbled under my breath.

  “I may need to borrow it,” Adam said, smiling impishly as he elbowed my shoulder.

  Another infant was placed in my arms within moments of the other. I looked at it, and felt its pale, cold skin; it didn’t look as healthy as many of the others had. “It’s sick,” I said to Adam who had also gone still at seeing the child’s pale color. I looked up at the mother to find fat tears rolling down her cheeks. “She is sick already,” I said and watched as the mother nodded with fear lighting in her blue and green eyes.

  I felt my heartbeat accelerate, and the beat of it throbbed in my ears. I sent my power rushing through the infant and pushed with a gentle probing that made the tiny infant wail. The mother cried out, but Adam leapt from his chair to hold her back for a moment as I cleansed the infant from the sickness that was killing its small chance of survival.

  When I had finished, it had a radiant glow that the other infants had. No longer was the small pale infant sickly, its eyes had opened, and it was staring at me with the same wonder that it’s mother now held. “I‘ve done what I could for the baby for now. We have to figure out what is wrong with the earth, and why Danu isn’t accepting them before it will truly be safe, though,” I said softly as I handed the child back; the entire assembly sat in awe of what I had done.

  “That’s enough infants for now,” Mari choked out. She had her hand over her mouth and looked like she was holding back
tears. She took a few deep breaths and composed herself. “Time for the binding of the hands,” she whispered and smiled reassuringly at the line of women.

  I stood, with help from Adam; the long sweeping skirt of the dress making it impossible to do it on my own. When his mother had fixed the train and made sure I passed another quick inspection, we headed for the dais where the Dark King’s throne was usually placed. Adam’s father and the Light King stood at arm’s length and the Light King had a calculating gleam in his eyes as he watched us make our way to them. Asshole was probably trying to figure out how to kill me after the ceremony was done without getting caught.

  We climbed the stairs and stopped just in front of the two Kings. We stood with our hands entwined, and I looked through the crowd gathered around us as we held our hands out for the fathers to wrap the handfasting silk around them and complete the ceremony. I knew who I was looking for, even though I tried to keep him from my mind as I stood next to Adam.

  Ryder was standing to my left with his men, close to a set of large cedar doors, as if he was planning to leave me without saying goodbye, again. It was probably for the best; seeing that I had fallen in love with him and was marrying Adam. I hadn’t even thought it was possible for me to love a Fae, and yet, I did. His eyes were locked on our hands as Kier presented the long multi-colored silk ribbons that would bind our wrist together.

  When Adam’s father began addressing the assembly, my heart increased in tempo as I felt the silk ribbons begin to wrap around our wrists. I felt a moment of panic before the calm settled over me as the warmth from Adam’s hand sank into me. Or maybe it was a comfortable numbness, since I was giving up my Fairy; my enemy and one of the only men I’d truly ever loved.

  I watched Ryder as he looked toward me, his eyes narrowed with a dangerous glint lighting in them. Eliran was telling him something with a helpless gesture of his arms and Ryder turned to him, his mouth slanted at an ugly angle as he snapped at the healer. When he turned toward us with his men at his back, I saw victory shining his eyes.