Page 16 of Plastic Hearts

Page 16

  Author: Lisa De Jong

  How can you not go to bed happy when your day ends like that?

  Chapter Ten

  We fell into a nice pattern for the remainder of the week. Dane came to my dorm room every morning with coffee and walked me to class. Some nights we grabbed a bite to eat together and quietly studied afterward. He picked up a shift at the bar on Wednesday night and I had to admit I missed him. He texted me every night before bed to tell me goodnight and then texted me every morning to say good morning. The guy I once thought of as cocky and arrogant was turning out to be sweet and thoughtful.

  It was now Friday. It sucked having a boyfriend who worked every Friday and Saturday night, but Jade agreed to go to Loft 10 with me so I could see him. Dane said they had a live band playing and he would save us a table. I decided to wear my light grey skinny jeans with my black boots and a fitted black tank top and to let my hair fall down my back with natural waves. Jade approved and that meant I would pass anyone’s inspection.

  The club was crowded when we arrived. We walked up to the bar and placed our orders with Jay. Jade ordered her regular vodka and grapefruit juice while I decided to stick with beer; after what happened last time, whiskey shots were off the table for tonight. When Dane saw us, he pointed to a small round top in the corner with a reserved sign placed on top. Tyler joined us soon after. I wondered how serious things were between them; it was hard to tell because Jade was so tight lipped about her love life.

  The band started to play and Jade and I made our way out to the dance floor. It felt good to be out there and after a few songs, I was completely relaxed. After a week of classes and studying, it was nice to let loose. Tyler eventually joined us and was all over Jade; she was enjoying herself according to the huge grin on her face. There was definitely something going on there as I watched their hands exploring each other’s bodies. I was a little jealous; I desperately wanted to dance with Dane.

  I saw Kevin and Chris walk in a short while later; I was a little nervous because of what happened last time we were at a bar together drinking and dancing, but I waved them over anyway. I’d seen Kevin a few times since the incident a couple weeks ago, but we hadn’t talked. I had resolved that what happened between Kevin and I that night was due to alcohol consumption and that it wouldn’t be happening again.

  “Hi guys, you can put your drinks on our table if you want to dance,” I said as they approached. Chris shrugged and headed toward the table. Kevin stood in front of me, arms crossed and staring me down like he was going to confront me. He was making me uncomfortable. “Kevin, I don’t care what you were trying to accomplish the other night; I think you know it was a mistake. We both had too much to drink so can we just forget it ever happened?”

  He let out a breath he had been holding in. “I’m really sorry for being an asshole. ”

  “Yes you were, but I won’t be dancing with you tonight,” I said, giving him a teasing smile.

  “I completely understand. If anyone attempts that with Dane in the building, they’re freaking stupid,” he said, before he walked over to the table to set his drink down.

  We were all laughing and having a good time as the band played song after song. Chris was actually a great dancer so I decided to move with him; dancing with a partner was always better than dancing alone. He was a nice guy and I was confident he wouldn’t pull a Kevin since we’d only had one drink each. Besides, if I danced with Chris I wouldn’t have to worry about other hands finding there way onto my body. He placed a hand on my hip as I wrapped my arm around his shoulder making sure our bodies weren’t pressed too close. The band played songs with an upbeat tempo and I completely lost myself in the music.

  After a few minutes I watched Dane walk up behind Chris, tapping him on the shoulder until Chris turned to face him. I wasn’t sure what was said, but Chris stepped back with both hands raised in the air; he didn’t even bother to look in my direction before he walked away. The scowl on Dane’s face made my stomach drop as his eyes locked on mine. I stood motionless before he pulled me close, wrapping both arms around my lower back. I didn’t know what to do; he looked so angry one minute and the next he had me wrapped up in his arms. I buried my face into his chest, feeling his rapid heartbeat on my cheek. The band wasn’t playing a slow song, but we stood locked together on the dance floor like we were dancing to one. I needed to be close to him and help wash the anger away.

  When the band announced a break, I looked up to see he still had his eyebrows pulled in and a frown played on his beautiful lips “Hey, what’s wrong?”

  He remained silent as he pulled me closer, burying his nose in my hair. “You only dance with me,” he said, touching his forehead to mine.

  I couldn’t think of anything to say, so I nodded. Jealousy may be offensive or annoying to some people, but Dane’s possessiveness sent heat through my whole body. He kissed the top of my nose. “I’ll be at the bar, Baby. Come find me in a bit. ” And just like that he walked back to the bar, not waiting for my response. I was left stunned and speechless as I headed back to our table. I needed another drink.

  We were all having a good time, laughing and joking, but I noticed that Chris wouldn’t even look in my direction. “What did Dane say to you?” I finally asked.

  He scanned the bar before he turned to me. “He said I shouldn’t touch what’s his. ”

  His words sent shivers down my back. I liked feeling wanted, but hearing I was his sends electricity down my entire body. “Seriously?”

  “Trust me, I’m not joking about anything Dane Wright. ” I knew he wasn’t joking because I got the exact same message. “Be careful with that one,” he continued while taking a swig of his beer.

  “What do you mean?” I pulled my brows together as I thought of one million different answers he could give me that I didn’t want to hear. I had to know, though.

  “He has a reputation. I’ve never known him to do the relationship thing. ” I tilted my head to the side while I waited for him to continue. “I’m not saying you’re not relationship worthy because believe me, you are, but he’s far from innocent. ”

  “What do you mean by that?” I searched Chris’s eyes for any bit of truth, but all I saw was nervousness.

  He seemed to consider what to say before he replied. “That’s for him to tell you, not me. ”

  For the first time all week, I wondered if I really knew Dane at all and decided to get to the bottom of it after his shift ended tonight. We each came from a different place and the last thing I wanted to do was hold his background against him. I wasn’t sure where this thing between us was going, but if there was something I needed to know, I would rather know it now before things got too complicated.

  I caught a glimpse of Dane behind the bar and couldn’t help but smile. The man was beautiful on the outside, and over the last few weeks I was starting to see the beauty he held on the inside. He was a little rough around the edges, but that only increased his appeal. I knew there were some girls who were extremely attracted to bad boys, but I had never considered myself to be that way.

  My attraction to Dane was about passion. I saw a passion in him that I didn’t often see in people our age. There was mystery around him and every day I felt like I was peeling back a little bit of him. He was true to himself, my complete opposite in every way.

  I turned back to join the conversation when I saw Jade glance behind me, lines forming between her eyes. What I saw when I turned around to see what caught her attention caught me completely off guard. A tall brunette in a very short black dress had her hand on Dane’s chest as he whispered something in her ear. She said something back to him before throwing her head back in laughter.

  I felt sick to my stomach as I turned back around, not wanting to see anymore. Jade gave me a weak smile and exchanged a look with Chris who had also witnessed the scene behind the bar. I could tell she was thinking the same thing I was. Her face dropped when sh
e looked behind me again, causing me to spin around. When I did, I saw Dane and the brunette had disappeared. The anger building in me, combined with the sinking feeling in my stomach, was too much. He wouldn’t let me dance with Chris, but it was okay for some other woman to have her hands all over him? Maybe this was what Chris warned me about.

  “I think I’m going to head home. It’s been a long week and I’m really tired,” I said. Not the full truth but what was I supposed to say, “The boy who is sweeping me off my feet is flirting with another girl right in front of me and I don’t want to witness another minute of it”?

  “Oh, sweetie, do you want me to go with you?” Jade asked as I stood to put my coat on. My whole body was shaking, making it difficult to get my arms in the sleeves. I gave up and threw it over my arm. The anger rolling off my body should be enough to keep me warm.

  I shook my head. I didn’t want to ruin her night. “No, you stay. I’ll be fine. ”

  “It probably isn’t what you think,” she said, but I could see in her eyes that she didn’t believe her own words.

  She mouthed sorry to me before I turned and walked out of the bar. The night was chilly, but I didn’t care. I just wanted to go home, put on my sweats and bury my face in a pillow. How could I be so stupid? More importantly, why was I letting this man I’d only known for a few weeks affect me so much? I had let my guard down just this once and look where it got me, alone on a cold Friday night.

  It only took me a few minutes to get settled into bed before the tears started to fall. I wanted Dane to be different. I wanted to prove to my mother that her opinions and ideals were wrong, but once again she was right. Men like Dane Wright would only break my heart.

  I must have drifted off to sleep because some time later I heard a loud knock on my door. “Alex, please open the door. I need to see you. ” It was Dane. I rolled over and looked at the clock; it was just after two in the morning.

  I remained silent as he continued to pound on the door, begging me to open it. I was concerned that he would wake up others in the building, or even worse the police would be called. “Go away. I have nothing to say to you. ” My voice quivered as I tried to hold back my emotions.