Page 27 of Plastic Hearts

Page 27

  Author: Lisa De Jong

  When I turned to walk toward the table, he grabbed my wrist. “It was the glasses. ”


  “The glasses,” he repeated, pointing at them where they rested on top of my head. “They are sexy as hell and if you wear them to the library or anywhere else again, I’m going to. . . ”

  “Going to what?”

  He pulled me close and whispered in my ear. “I’m going to f**k you and I won’t care who’s watching. ” He released me and I walked back to the table in stunned silence. His words sent another shot of warmth through my body and a red tint to my face. He sat down with a big grin; part of me wanted to smack it off his face and part of me wanted to return it.

  We sat there studying quietly for a few hours as the library started to empty out. I glanced over at Dane and he must have sensed it because his eyes met mine before he looked down at my book and then back at me. I knew what he was asking; he wanted to know if I was done with my studies, but he wouldn’t say it out loud. He knew how important this was to me. I smiled at him and turned my attention back to my textbook. I was ready to go, but making him sweat for a few more minutes sounded more fun.

  He cleared his throat. “Alex. ”

  I looked up at him again, taking the glasses from the top of my head and placing them on my face. His eyes grew big and I could see his jaw working back and forth. I loved that I could do this to him. “Yes, babe. ”

  He quickly closed his book and shoved it into his bag before turning his attention back to me. The quiet, patient Dane had left the building. He abruptly got up from his chair and walked around the table, reaching from behind me to grab my book and put it into my own bag. He did the same with my notebook and pen. I didn’t say anything. I knew he was telling me that it was time to leave. He zipped my bag and placed it on the table in front of me.

  “What did I tell you about those glasses?” I could feel his warm breath on my ear and it sent a bolt of electricity through my body.

  “You said-”

  He didn’t let me finish before pulling my chair back slightly and offering his hand to me. I stood and grabbed my backpack, watching Dane do the same before he led us out of the library.

  “Let’s go. We’ll grab some dinner on the way back to my place. ” He didn’t wait for any sort of confirmation from me. This level of spontaneity and excitement was something I would have to get used to. It was doing things to me that I didn’t know were possible.

  We stopped at a deli between campus and his apartment to grab sandwiches. Dane never once stopped touching me; he had his hand in mine or on my back the whole time. I knew exactly what was going to happen the minute we got into his apartment; I could see it in his eyes. I was happy he didn’t keep his original promise to make it happen on the spot. Alex Riley wasn’t ready for that. . . yet.

  We entered his building and Dane took the steps two at a time as I tried to keep up. I had little choice since my hand was clasped in his. He let go of my hand just long enough to unlock the door before pulling me forward again. As soon as we were inside, he released his backpack and set the deli bag on the counter. He came back toward me, not wasting a single second before removing my coat. My heart was beating out of my chest as he backed me up to the door and placed an arm on either side of my head. God, if he didn’t kiss me soon I was going to scream.

  He grazed his lips up and down my neck, making me absolutely crazy with need. I’d never wanted anything more than I wanted him right now. The tension in the library, combined with our activities between the shelves and his constant touching, excited me more than I thought was possible. I thought he knew what he was doing and I wasn’t far away from begging. He finally brushed his lips over mine, teasing at first, not quite giving me all the contact I needed. “Please,” I said, bringing my head forward so my lips could meet his. He pulled back, grinning at me with his all too sexy grin.

  “Don’t you like being teased, Baby? I thought you liked playing games. ” He was making me insane with need. The look on his face just made me want him even more.

  “Dane, please. I need you now. ” I was breathless and desperate.

  “Let me think about it for a minute. ” He moved closer to me again, putting my body on full alert. “Do you want me to kiss you here?” He kissed me below my ear before pulling back to look at my face again. I shook my head. “Do you want me to kiss you here?” He placed another soft kiss on my collarbone. God, he was making me freaking crazy. I shook my head again. “Do you want me to kiss you here?” He leaned in close and I swore he was going to kiss my lips, but he kissed my chin instead. I was done playing his game; it was time to play mine. When he moved back to look at me again, I put my bottom lip between my teeth, glancing up at him through my eyelids. I knew that drove him crazy.

  “Fuck” was all he said before his kissed me where I needed him to kiss me most. We were both so wound up that it didn’t take long before we were completely n**ed against the wall, and on the bed, before finally ending in the shower. It was different from the other times; I felt crazy and free. It was just another piece in the puzzle of Alex that Dane was continually piecing together.

  It was well after midnight when we finally sat down to eat our sandwiches. I was wearing one of Dane’s t-shirts and he was in a pair of black athletic shorts; he looked good and it was hard not to reach out and touch his chest. The evening’s activities had left me tired and hungry, but it didn’t stop me from smiling. Dane rested his hand on my knee while we ate in silence, both too tired to talk.

  When we were both finished eating, he pulled out my chair and picked me up in his arms, putting one arm under my knees and another behind my back. “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Taking my girl to bed,” he replied, placing a kiss on my forehead.

  “Dane, I’m tired. ” There was no way I was going to go another round. I had a midterm in the morning and I had already lost enough sleep. Not to mention that I didn’t think my body could handle it.

  “Shhh,” he said softly near my ear, “no more talking. ”

  He laid me in the middle of the bed before crawling in behind me, curling his body around mine. It wasn’t long before his breathing slowed. I whispered, “I love you,” before falling asleep in Dane’s arms.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Dane woke me up by rubbing his hand up and down my leg; he had proven himself to be the best alarm clock a girl could ask for. I thought about the night before and all the things I did that I’d never done before. Dane had led me through so many firsts. Each one seemed to open me up a little more and I couldn’t wait to see what he still had in store for me. I turned around to face him, kissing his lips as he brushed my hair off my face.

  We just looked at each other for the longest time, neither of us speaking. “I love you, too,” he finally whispered. I pulled my brows together, confused. “Last night, before you fell asleep, I heard you. I love you, too. ” Where on Earth did I find this guy? He seemed more perfect with every day that past and I felt myself waiting for the other shoe to drop. He had to have a flaw or a secret, didn’t he? Even I had my secrets.

  We kissed for a few minutes before getting up to dress for class. I had my Biology midterm this morning and then I had a lunch date with Jade before spending another evening in the library getting ready for my Calculus midterm tomorrow. Jade and I hadn’t seen much of each other since I had started to sleep at Dane’s most nights. I wanted to know how things were going in her life; I missed her.

  Dane and I walked to campus together, stopping to get our morning coffee on the way. While I missed his early morning texts and visits to my dorm room, this was so much better. He had a midterm this morning and a project due this afternoon, but he didn’t seem nearly as nervous as I was. Just one of the many ways he balanced me.

  He walked me to the door of my Biology class and wrapped me in a tight hug. “I will see you at lun
ch, okay? And stop stressing, you’re going to do great. ”

  “Good luck on your test,” I said before I kissed his cheek and walked into class. I wished that I had every class with him so I could sneak looks at him when I was stressed. Just being with him made me calmer.

  I finished my midterm a little earlier than I intended and handed it to my professor before starting toward the student center. It felt good having the first one under my belt; there were only a few questions I had to guess on.

  I grabbed my usual grilled chicken salad and sat down at a small table in the corner. Dane was always late for lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays; his morning class was all the way across campus. I wanted Jade all to myself today. We were long overdue for some girl talk and I wanted to tell her all about my nights with Dane; I needed her advice on a few things. This was all so new to me and I had no one else to talk to. I could picture the smile on her face already; she had experienced so many things that I hadn’t and now we were on more even playing ground. I understood her a little better.

  My phone beeped from my purse. As I reached in to grab it, I noticed I had a new text from Dane.

  Dane: I am not going to make lunch. I forgot my project at home.

  Alex: Miss you! Meet me in the library again tonight?

  My heart flip-flopped a little when I looked back down at the word library. I would never think of that place the same way again.

  Dane: Library again?

  Alex: To study!

  Dane: Whatever you want, Baby. See you at 4?

  I wanted to see him now but I wouldn’t be selfish.

  Alex: Sounds good. Luv u!

  Dane: Love U 2, Baby!

  Those words never got old coming from him. My heart did a happy dance every time I heard them. I threw my phone back in my purse and waited for Jade. If I couldn’t have lunch with Dane, at least I would have more time for girly gossip.

  I saw her cross the room with a tray in hand. I waved to let her know where I was and couldn’t help but notice the serious look on her face. I expected the smile that usually greeted me. Maybe she and Tyler were having problems again or maybe her midterms weren’t going very well. Whatever it was, I wanted to cheer her up like she had done for me so many times. She sat down and wasted no time before beginning the grilling I wasn’t quite expecting.