Page 11 of Prophesy

Chapter Seven

  Keegan woke to sunlight warming his face – an odd occurrence for him since he was usually at the office before sun-up. Odder, still, was the warm body snuggling against him. He couldn’t remember the last time a woman had slept over, but definitely never since he’d moved into the cottage.

  Her lips were parted slightly, her breath tickling his chest. One arm was draped across his mid-section, her splayed hand cupping his hip.

  They had fallen asleep in this position and neither of them had stirred.

  He never wanted to leave that bed, and even gave serious thought to the idea.

  That was what being in love felt like. He smiled, liking the feeling. He wouldn’t give up on them. He’d fight to his dying breath if that was what it took to convince Echo to remain on his plane. He didn’t know if that was even possible for her to do. What he knew for certain was that his life would mean nothing without her. He might as well be dead.

  There was nothing about her he didn’t like…well, he could do without her growl when she became excited. That would be something they could work on. If not, he would get used to it. It was kind of sexy, really.

  His heart flowing with happiness, he kissed the top of her head.

  Echo groaned awake. “Are you always such a morning person?” she asked, slipping her leg from between his and stretching her arms high above his head.

  “Morning, Sunshine.” He chuckled. Apparently, she didn’t share his enthusiasm for the start of a new day.

  She mumbled something he couldn’t decipher, but the words had a cranky tone to them.

  The sheet covering her slipped off her breasts. He was tempted, but seeing as how Echo awoke pernickety, he didn’t think she’d take it kindly if he made a move on her.

  “Stop staring. It’s impolite.”

  How did she do that? She must possess an extremely high level of intuition, which, he supposed, was a good thing to have in her line of work.

  As if with a mind of their own, his gaze migrated from her ringlets to her breasts. In the same instant, want defeated his will and, knowing he risked her wrath but unable to stop himself, he leaned forward and kissed her breasts.

  “You are so bad.” Smiling, she faced him and combed her fingers through the hair at the back of his head.

  He looked into her eyes. “You’re too much of a temptation for me.”

  “A temptress, huh? Show me, then, Sir, in what way I tempt thee.”

  He appreciated a challenge. This, however, was more gift than challenge.

  With the barest of touches, she ran her nails over his chest, circling, twirling, and caressing, driving him wild, showing her playful side.

  There was something else, too, in those coy eyes. Skepticism, perhaps.

  He suspected that she wanted to trust him, but doubted she could. “I will never hurt you, Echo. You have my word.” He caressed her lips with his.

  Sunlight streamed across her face, highlighting the sprinkle of freckles over the bridge of her nose and glittering her eyes. He fell in love with her all over again.