Page 18 of As You Wish

  “Would you like to stop for some lunch before I take you back to Rancho?” Todd’s dad asked.

  “Sure.” Since Christy hadn’t been around Todd’s dad much, she welcomed the chance to know him better.

  They were walking out the automatic front doors of the hospital when Christy spotted some of her and Todd’s closest friends, Doug and Tracy, coming toward her, calling her name. As they greeted her with hugs, Christy began to cry again. She didn’t know why.

  “Everything is okay,” she told them. “The doctor thinks he’s going to be all right.”

  Doug enveloped Christy in one of his famous Doug hugs. “Katie called us this morning. I wish she had called last night. We would have been here in a flash. You know you always can call on us if you need anything.” Doug pulled back and gave Christy a concerned, close-up look. “How are you doing?”

  “Okay. Good, actually. I’m tired, but I’m okay.” She made her tears stop, and that felt good.

  Christy thought petite Tracy looked older than last time she had seen her friend. More mature. She wore small oval glasses, which complemented her heart-shaped face.

  “Do you think we can see him?” Tracy asked.

  “Sure,” Todd’s dad said. “He’s been sleeping ever since the surgery last night. Don’t be surprised if he doesn’t wake up or acknowledge you.” He went on to give Doug and Tracy an update on the surgery and what the doctor had told them.

  “Were you both leaving now?” Doug asked. He was as tall as Todd’s dad, but his face still held the little-boy look he always had. His short, sandy blond hair stuck straight up in front, accentuating the mischievous look.

  “We were about to eat some lunch, and then I was taking Christy back to Rancho.”

  “We can take her,” Tracy said, reaching for Christy’s arm and pulling her close. “Do you mind, Christy? I’d love to spend a little time with you, if you don’t have to hurry back.”

  Christy looked at Todd’s dad. She was too tired to form an opinion on anything. “Would that be okay?”

  “Of course. Here’s my cell phone number. Would you call me if there’s any change? I plan to come back tomorrow afternoon and stay awhile.”

  Christy nodded and took his business card. “Thanks.”

  Bryan Spencer smiled appreciatively at Christy. “No, thank you, Christy. You’re an exceptional woman. Everything Todd told me about you is true.” He leaned over and kissed her soundly on the cheek. “Call if you need me for anything at all.”

  “I will,” Christy promised.

  Tracy, Doug, and Christy returned to Todd’s room. He was sleeping, as his dad had predicted. Tracy cried quiet tears when she saw his swollen, black-and-blue face.

  Doug suggested they pray, and so they did, joining hands with Christy holding Todd’s left hand and Doug resting his hand on Todd’s right shoulder. When Doug said, “Amen,” Christy whispered, “As you wish.” She liked those words being her secret message of surrender to the Lord.

  They stood close to the bed, talking softly, until the nurse came in and said she needed to take Todd’s temperature and adjust his medication.

  “Why don’t we wait in the cafeteria?” Doug suggested. “I could use some food.”

  “I wish Todd at least knew we were here.” Tracy looked longingly at him.

  “We can come back,” Christy suggested.

  They found an empty table at the cafeteria and talked like the old friends they were, catching up on what had happened since they had seen one another. Christy found herself telling Doug and Tracy that she had come to some conclusions about Todd. Both Doug and Tracy leaned forward, as if they had been waiting as long as Todd to hear what Christy was going to say.

  With a self-conscious little shrug, Christy said, “I love him. I love Todd. I haven’t told him yet—at least, he hasn’t heard me say it—but I know without a doubt I love him.”

  A charming giggle escaped Tracy’s lips. Doug leaned back with a satisfied look on his face and nodded. “It’s about time.”

  Christy gave him a look that said, “Well, thanks a lot!”

  “It’s just that Todd has been sure of his love for you for so long,” Doug said. “I know he never wanted to rush you. This will be good. This will change his life.”

  “Change his life?” Christy asked.

  Doug and Tracy glanced at each other in a way that indicated they both held a few of Todd’s confidences. Apparently they were confidences Christy didn’t hold yet.

  “Should I ask what you two are thinking right now? You look as if you can read each other’s minds.”

  “We can,” they said in unison.

  All three of them laughed.

  Tracy took off her glasses and placed them on the table next to her half-finished turkey sandwich. “Christy, you probably know this already, but Todd has been in love with you for a long time.”

  Christy had hoped that, but her insecurities had caused her to doubt it many times.

  “A long time,” Doug said. “I didn’t know that until after Tracy and I were married. Todd was over at our apartment one night, and we were talking about when you and I were going out while Todd was in Spain. He asked Tracy if that had been hard on her.”

  Christy gave her friend a sympathetic glance. Looking back, Christy wished she hadn’t caused Tracy any pain by going out with Doug when Tracy was so intently interested in him.

  “I told Todd that, back then, we didn’t know for sure we were supposed to be together,” Tracy said. “Neither Doug nor I was ready to make a commitment. I mean, I was hoping, praying, and thinking things might work out for us one day, but I didn’t know for certain.”

  “And that’s when Todd told us that he knew,” Doug said. A grin grew on his boyish face. “He said he knew you were the one for him from that first day when we met on the beach. Do you remember, Christy?”

  Christy buried her face in her hands. “How could I forget? I was only fourteen years old, and this wave scooped me up and tossed me at your feet all wrapped in seaweed.”

  Doug chuckled. “Then Todd and I taught you how to ride a body board.”

  Christy looked up. “You both were so nice to me. I’ll never forget that day.”

  “Todd won’t ever forget it, either,” Tracy said. “He told us he knew then and there that you were the one for him. The one woman he would love for the rest of his life.”

  “You’re kidding,” Christy said. She had heard Todd make comments to that effect before, but she had thought he was teasing. She looked at Doug and then at Tracy to make sure they weren’t teasing her. They both looked serious.

  “I’m sorry,” Christy said, “that is just weird. How could he know something like that when he was . . . how old was he? Sixteen? That’s crazy.”

  “See?” Tracy said. “That’s the same thing I said when Todd told us, but Doug got upset with me.”

  “I wasn’t upset with you.”

  “You told me I shouldn’t judge another person’s feelings and call them crazy. You said that right in front of Todd.”

  “What did Todd say?” Christy asked.

  “He didn’t say much of anything. He didn’t defend himself or act embarrassed. He just seemed real matter-of-fact about how he felt.” Tracy looked at Doug again before saying, “Todd said he knew he loved you and he didn’t have to do anything to prove it. To anyone.”

  Christy let Tracy’s words sink in. She knew she had liked Todd when she had first met him. She had spent plenty of hours dreaming about him and dreaming about what it would be like to end up with him. But love? Forever, true love? No, Christy couldn’t say she knew Todd was the one for her until last Saturday during their crazy dune buggy ride.

  “You know what?” Tracy said. “I don’t think we should have told you all this. This is really personal. It’s between you and Todd.”

  “It’s also between Todd and you two,” Christy said. “I mean, he told all this to you guys, so he must have trusted you with his thoughts and feelings
about me. I don’t mind you telling me. It’s good, actually, because it helps me to know he started out thinking I was special to him.”

  “Special?” Doug echoed. “Christy, you were it. You are it. No other girls have ever been in his life. It was always you.”

  “Only you,” Tracy agreed.

  Christy couldn’t believe how quickly the tears found their familiar trail down her face. She never imagined that Todd had chosen to commit his heart to her all those years ago or that he never had wavered from that decision.

  “I wish I weren’t so bad at making decisions,” Christy said between tears. “Why did it take me so long to open my heart to Todd? Why did I ever go out with any other guys?”

  “Oh, Chris, don’t feel that way,” Tracy said. She placed her hand on Christy’s shoulder.

  “Yeah,” Doug agreed. “Speaking as one of the other guys you went out with, I’d like to think you don’t regret that time in your life.”

  Christy quickly sobered. “I don’t, Doug. Your friendship and what I learned while we were spending time together were extremely valuable.”

  “And fun,” Doug added. “Don’t forget fun. We had some great times.”

  Tracy said, “What you went through to come to the conclusion that you really love Todd is normal. That’s what I was telling Todd that night at our apartment. Maybe it’s different for women. I thought I loved Doug, but I wasn’t positive until we were in England. Do you remember when I asked to be taken off your team? That was because it hit me so hard that I was in love with him, I couldn’t be around him. Especially when I knew he didn’t feel that way about me.”

  “I know,” Christy said. “But that’s why I feel so bad. I’m thinking of how much I hurt Todd when he was sure about me, but I wasn’t sure about him.”

  “Don’t worry about Todd,” Doug said. “He’s tough. Tough and patient. It’s good that you didn’t know before, Christy. I think going to Switzerland was a great choice for you. If you and Todd had decided a year ago or even five years ago that you couldn’t live without each other, you both would have missed out on so many important experiences. It’s all God’s timing. There can’t be any regrets.”

  Christy knew Doug was right. It was God’s timing. The verse from Song of Solomon about “not arousing nor awakening love until it so desires” was a hidden blessing in her life. Apparently, God now pleased to awaken love fully within Christy.

  She composed herself and remembered something Dr. Mitchell had talked about in class on Monday when she had felt compelled to leave and find Todd. He had said something about blessings coming upon you and overtaking you because you obey the Lord’s voice. Christy knew she had no reason to regret the way things had gone.

  With a little smile she said, “I guess God has been working out the details between us for a long time. A deeper level of love for Todd has just awakened inside me, you know?”

  Both Doug and Tracy smiled.

  “We know,” Tracy said.

  “I feel as if God has overtaken me with something new. Something stronger and deeper than ever before. It’s so real. I know Todd is the one. He is the one for me.” Even as she heard herself speaking the words, Christy ached to go back to Todd’s room and declare her love to him.

  “You know,” Doug said, “some of what you’re feeling could be from the shock of the accident.”

  Tracy swatted her husband on the arm. “Don’t try to take it away from her! Christy is in love. Let her just be in love without analyzing it.” She turned to Christy and shook her head. “Men!”

  “Okay, okay,” Doug said. “So it’s different for everybody. I’m happy for you, Christy. Todd will be thrilled. And, sweetheart,” he said, turning to his pretty little wife, “are you going to finish the other half of your sandwich?”

  Christy laughed for the first time in two days. “Some things never change. Doug, you still eat more than anyone I’ve ever met.”

  He chomped into the turkey sandwich and said, “And I’m getting the love handles to prove it, aren’t I, Trace?”

  “Hardly.” Tracy shook her head. “You don’t slow down long enough to let all that food find a place to stay on you.”

  “Have things been really busy for you guys?” Christy asked.

  Tracy nodded. “Everything is going well, though. Did you hear that we ran into Rick Doyle? He is so changed, Christy; you wouldn’t even recognize him. God has . . . what was the term you used earlier? Overtaken? Yes, that’s what you said. God has overtaken Rick.”

  “It’s awesome,” Doug said with a bite of sandwich still in his mouth.

  “Katie heard from him,” Christy said. “It sounded as if he was doing great.”

  “Well, God was certainly tough and patient with Rick,” Doug added. “I ought to know—Todd and I were roommates with him when we were in San Diego.”

  “I remember,” Christy said.

  “You don’t remember half of what I remember,” Doug said. “And you don’t want to.”

  “He’s definitely changed,” Tracy said.

  “What’s that phrase you were telling me, Tracy?” Doug asked. “Something you read in a book about God pursuing us?” Doug pushed aside the empty plate.

  “God is the relentless lover,” Tracy said. “And we are His first love. He will never stop pursuing us because He wants us back.”

  “Yeah, exactly,” Doug said. “That’s how God is. That’s how He was with Rick. I’m telling you, Christy, it’s awesome. When Todd’s better, we’ll have to all get together and go to the beach or something.”

  “I would love that,” Christy said.

  “Are you guys ready to go back upstairs and check on Todd?” Tracy asked.

  “I am,” Christy said.

  They returned to room 302, and Todd opened his eyes long enough to recognize Tracy and mumble a few words to Doug. Christy held Todd’s hand the whole time, and when Todd fell back to sleep, Doug asked if she was ready to go back to Rancho.

  Christy hesitated. “I think I’d rather stay here. I can call Katie and have her pick me up later. I just don’t want to leave him yet.”

  “Are you sure?” Doug asked.

  Tracy smiled and tugged on her husband’s arm. “Trust me, Christy is making the right choice.”

  “Do you need some money for food?” Doug asked.

  “No, I have money. Thanks. And thanks for buying lunch.”

  “Anytime.” Doug gave her a strong hug. “I’m serious about our getting together as soon as Todd is ready. You let us know when a good time is for you guys.”

  “We really missed you while you were in Switzerland.” Tracy gave Christy another hug good-bye. “I’m glad you’re back, and I’m glad that . . .” She glanced at Todd. “I’m glad that everything is settled in your heart.”

  “Me too,” Christy said.

  Tracy whispered in Christy’s ear, “And I’ll pray that Todd wakes up all the way real soon so you can tell him what you told us.”

  About half an hour after Doug and Tracy left, Todd woke up.

  “Hey, you,” Christy said.

  Todd’s eyes were wide, staring at Christy and barely blinking.

  Thrilled to have his complete attention, Christy came close and said, “Todd, I have something important to tell you.”

  He looked at her peacefully, waiting.

  “Todd, I love you. I love you with all my heart.”

  When he didn’t respond, Christy repeated her declaration. “I love you, Todd.”

  Todd moved his left hand slowly. Christy thought he was going to reach up and touch her face. Instead, he brushed his fingers across the top of the blanket. His eyes grew wider, and he flicked invisible bits of something from the blanket. His breathing became more rapid.

  Christy reached over and pushed the buzzer for the nurse. “Are you okay?” Christy asked Todd.

  “There are so many of them,” he mumbled. “Look out! They’re coming! So many!”

  The nurse stepped into the room, and C
hristy said, “Something’s wrong.”

  “Todd?” the nurse said in a loud voice. “Todd, what is it?”

  He continued to flick his hand across the blanket without answering her.

  “Do you see something, Todd?” the nurse asked.

  “Spiders,” he muttered. “So many of them. They won’t leave.”

  Christy’s heart began to pound fiercely. Did the accident affect his brain? What’s going on?

  “Okay, Todd,” the nurse said firmly. “We’ll take care of the spiders. You’re hallucinating. We’ll put you on a different pain medication right away.” She checked the IV bag and detached it from the metal stand.

  “The medication is making him hallucinate?” Christy surmised.

  “Yes, it’s common. We can put him on something else that won’t affect him. Don’t worry. He’ll be okay.”

  Christy did worry. She stayed beside Todd for the rest of the afternoon. He slept soundly and didn’t appear to have any more bouts with invisible spiders. By evening, Katie came to the hospital and urged Christy to return to the dorm with her to get a decent night’s sleep.

  “You’re going to need a shower pretty soon,” Katie said, “if you don’t mind my saying so. You really should sleep in your own bed tonight.”

  Christy convinced Katie to stay a little longer. She was glad Katie did because, at about nine o’clock, Todd woke up and talked to both Katie and Christy, telling them how much better he felt. He even laughed a strange, hoarse kind of laugh. The nurse had warned Christy the new medication would make him a little high, and he wouldn’t necessarily remember what he said or what they said to him.

  Despite the nurse’s admonition, Christy nestled in close to Todd and said, “Todd, I love you.”

  He grinned oddly with his swollen lips and said, “Of course you do.”

  Katie sympathetically pulled Christy’s arm and said, “We need to go. Let him sleep. He’ll be able to hear you and process your words better tomorrow. Come on, Chris.”

  Reluctantly, Christy left room 302 once Todd was asleep again. She followed Katie to the parking lot. When they reached Baby Hummer, Christy stopped.