Page 13 of A Secret Proposal

  Sakura nodded and before she could ask the question that was burning in her mind, Mr. Tachibana hugged her tightly again. When he let her go, Sakura said, "However, I will have to ask Lady Suzuki first before going off to Hawaii."

  "Don't worry, Sakura," Sosuke said from behind. "Oba-chan and I will be going as well. It was decided a month ago when Akira agreed to model for Tachibana-sensei."

  "Oh," Sakura replied.

  As they were walking out the door, Mr. Tachibana said to Sosuke, "And what about you, Sosuke-kun? Have you decided yet if you'd like to model for me?" At this, Mr. Tachibana glanced briefly at Sakura and back again at Sosuke.

  "I'd be terrible at it, but yes, I'll do it," he said with a grin.

  Jane blinked. "You're going to be one of the male models?"

  Mr. Tachibana laughed merrily. Once he managed to stop, he said, "Real business billionaire, darling. I want real, young, hot business billionaires."

  Jane couldn't deny the fact that Sosuke was indeed a billionaire, young, and hot. In fact, he'd burn the pages of the magazine with his hotness. But it was going to be a lot of hard work for Jane because she didn't know whether she could handle ogling at the handsome Asian man while he posed in expensive suits and, yes, shirtless on the beach. She'd die for sure.

  Once Sakura managed to escape another of Mr. Tachibana's suffocating hugs, she turned to Sosuke and said, "Thank you so much for the ride, Sosuke. We can take the taxi home from here."

  Sosuke grinned as he said, "No problem at all. Please get in, Sakura. I did promise Oba-chan to take you home."

  "Get in, Sakura," Jane said, nudging her friend toward the back door. "The man offers."

  "All right." Sakura chuckled.

  It was half past six when they arrived at the gallery, which was now closed. Sakura instructed Sosuke to take Jane home and then thanked him again for the ride. She watched the car leave, with Jane opting to sit in the front seat instead of the back. She noted the grin on Jane's face and knew the woman had a crush on Sosuke.

  As she unlocked the door and then walked into the gallery, she wondered if she should play cupid and match Sosuke and Jane.

  Toby greeted her the moment she was on the second floor where their living area was located. She picked the dog up and stroked him lovingly. Her nose twitched, and she frowned.

  "You smell different, Toby." She cocked her head to one side and sniffed again. "Colognes?" As she came around the corner and walked past the living area, she paused. Again, she smelled cologne. Expensive ones. There was a mixture of them. She frowned at this as she came into the kitchen. "Ned? Did we have visitors?"

  Ned looked up from his spot at the stove. "Yes, a few boys."

  "Boys?" Sakura put her bag down on the dining table and taking a seat. "That explains the colognes I smell in the living room."

  "You can smell them?" Ned asked curiously. At Sakura's nod, he said, "I can't."

  Sakura laughed. "Your sense of taste and smell are getting worse, darling."

  Ned raised a brow and shot back, "And you're losing your sense of logic of reality, my dear."

  Sakura didn't reply, and Ned continued as he stirred his bolognese sauce. "Did you know one can smell her soulmate from a distance? And after he's gone, she can still smell his scent wherever he's been?"

  Sakura raised her brows and laughed. "What nonsense is this, Ned?"

  Ned returned his attention to his sauce and hummed.

  "I'm going to shower." She grabbed her bag and headed to the door.

  "Don't be too long. Dinner is ready in a minute," Ned said over his shoulder.

  "Okay." Then she was gone.

  It was just before midnight when Ned poked his head in Sakura's bedroom door to tell her he'd be out early the next morning, and he saw her packing up.

  "What are you doing?" he asked curiously.

  "I'm moving. Oh Shit! I forgot to tell you, Ned. I've been so busy today and got a bit tired during dinner."

  Ned came into the room and folded his arms across his chest. Whatever she was going to tell, he wasn't going to like it.

  "Do you remember the necklace?"


  "Lady Suzuki offered me a job in replacement to paying her..."

  "Yes, go on," Ned said.

  "I'm going to be her personal companion slash assistant. I won't get paid, but--"

  "Good, that's good. I don't doubt it'll cost at least a couple hundred thousand to replace that pink diamond."

  Sakura chuckled. "Yeah. So I'm starting tomorrow."

  "Yes, good. I'm happy it worked out for you. So where is this apartment?"

  Sakura clamped her mouth shut. She returned to her drawer and took out clothes instead.

  "Sakura? Are you planning to keep the whereabouts of the apartment from me?"

  Sakura closed her eyes and sighed. "Oh, Ned. Please understand that I can't tell you. I mean, what if the brothers found out you live here with me. What if they interrogate you about me and my address? It'd be easier for you not to know."

  Ned thought it was too late about the brothers and their interrogation now. He straightened and headed out the door. "Just text me your new address when you're ready to tell me. And don't you dare avoid my phone calls, understand?"

  Sakura sighed in relief. She couldn't help herself and ran up to him and hugged him tight. "Thank you, Ned dear, for understanding."

  He kissed her on the forehead and said, "Don't thank me just yet, you stubborn darling. Now I'm off to bed. Got to be up early next morning for a business trip."

  Sakura unwrapped her arms from him. "Good night, Ned dear."

  "Good night, Sakura. Sleep well," he said and left her.


  It was to the brothers' surprise that Mr. Tachibana appeared at their doorstep, along, of course, with Ms. Ruka. Beth ushered them in. As he requested it, the brothers all made their appearances.

  Mr. Tachibana couldn't help himself and counted the number.

  "One, two, three, four," he said, now looking at Conrad. Then, "Five, six, and seven." He ended with Darcy, standing farther away from them with a dark scowl on his face.

  "What's this about?" Darcy asked the designer, coming down the few steps that separated the dining from the living area.

  Mr. Tachibana shuffled himself in his seat to make himself comfortable, of course. Then he cleared his throat and began. "Did you call me earlier today, Nicolas-kun?"

  At Nicolas's nod, Mr. Tachibana asked, "What did you want me for?"

  "I was going to ask you if a certain young woman was there to see you about the gown."

  At this, Mr. Tachibana laughed. "Of course she did. And might I say what a lovely young lady she is."

  "Mr. Tachibana," Sebastian said suspiciously. "You're here for something else. Spit it out."

  Ms. Ruka, who was sitting beside Logan, chuckled and said, "Sebastian-kun, you see right through my sensei." Of course, she couldn't help not touching the handsome Logan, who was frowning at her darkly. She was stroking the man's arm.

  Logan felt a little weird and quickly moved to the side, a little away from Ms. Ruka. She wouldn't have any of it, of course, and came after him. She touched his arm and gave him a big grin. Logan looked heavenward and wondered why he was the one who ended up being Ms. Ruka's pet.

  Mr. Tachibana relaxed back in his seat and folded his arms across his chest. He said, "My request for you brothers to become my models still stands."

  Logan chuckled, slapping Ms. Ruka's hand away from his thigh. "More like begging."

  "No. No. Not begging, Logan-kun. This time not begging. This time really is a request because I am sure you will not turn me down."

  Hayden laughed sarcastically. "Good luck with that."

  "Well, that is too bad," Mr. Tachibana said. "Because Sosuke-kun has just agreed to be one of my male models this afternoon. Of course, his sister, Akira-chan, is also one of the female models, as well as your sisters, Alaina and Tara."

  At the mention of the last two
, Darcy's nose flared and his face hardened. Sebastian scowled and said, "That is enough, Mr. Tachibana. We've already told you--"

  "Oh, and I forgot to mention the young lady Sakura Tanaka has already agreed to be my model for the shoot as well."

  "What?" the brothers shouted out in unison.

  Conrad said, "Sakura? She agreed to be part of your female cast?"

  Mr. Tachibana looked around at the brothers in satisfaction. They were no doubt shocked all around. "Yes, like I said. The young lady Sakura Tanaka. She has agreed to be my main female model. Oh, you should see her. She's perfect for most of my outfits. Of course, she'd be shooting with all the eight male models. That is if I could find them." He narrowed his eyes shrewdly at the brothers, particularly at Nicolas because he was the top dog.

  "We'll do it," Darcy said without hesitation.

  Sebastian chimed in, "When is it? The end of this month, wasn't it?"

  Mr. Tachibana thought that was fast and clasped his hands together. "Marvelous. Thank you so much, everyone, for helping me out."

  It wasn't long after that when Mr. Tachibana and Ms. Ruka went on their merry way again, with their intended mission accomplished.

  "He blackmailed us with Sakura," Hayden said sourly. "The bastard."

  Tristan laughed. "Well, he's resourceful; that's for sure."

  Logan said, "I hope Sakura isn't going to flip when she finds out we're to be her co-models."

  Tristan leaned back and smiled. "I heard there's a bedroom scene. I hope I'll be paired with Sakura for that. I like bedroom scenes."

  Conrad scowled at his brother. "That's not going to happen. Maybe Nicolas will get the bedroom scene with Akira. He's the oldest, and Akira is the most experienced model."

  "Maybe I'll talk to Mr. Tachibana about it," Tristan said.

  "Not if I get there first, bro," Logan put in, and the brothers laughed.



  Close Encounter

  Sakura got up early the next morning before Ned was off to the airport, heading for Los Angeles. She made him some coffee and toast, which they had together. At exactly six o'clock, Ned picked up his small backpack and headed out the door.

  "Have a good trip," she shouted across the corridor.

  Ned said over his shoulder, "Don't get into any more trouble while I'm gone."

  Sakura laughed. "What trouble?" This was followed by a chuckle. A while later, she heard the door shut.

  Alone, she looked down at Toby, who was snuggling comfortably on the chair in the corner of the kitchen. She slowly sipped the hot coffee as she pondered about her sudden change in residence. From what she'd seen yesterday, Lady Haruka's apartment was absolutely beautiful. There was no doubt about that. It was exactly to her taste. She thought if she were to have her own apartment in the future, if she had money, she'd design it exactly how Lady Haruka had designed hers.

  She took another sip of the coffee just as she heard her phone ring. She placed the mug down on the table and raced out the kitchen door. She came into her bedroom, picked up the phone that was sitting on her bedside table, and said, "Hello?"


  Sakura heard the voice and instantly smiled. "Mary!" Then she laughed. "My God, are you back from Europe?"

  "Yes, my dear friend, a week ago."

  "How come you didn't tell me?" Sakura threw herself onto the bed as she stared up at the chandelier. "How's the morning sickness?"

  "The morning sickness is gone, and I swear, Sakura, I look and feel like a bloody balloon. Peter said I look beautiful. He lied. That bastard husband of mine."

  Sakura laughed. "Of course you're beautiful to him, Mary. It doesn't matter that you are literally carrying another human life in your belly and you look and feel like a balloon."

  Sakura smiled when she heard her friend laugh loudly on the other side of the line.

  "Oh, Sakura. I do miss you. I just wish you'd tell me where you're staying so we can come visit you."

  Sakura sighed, tears suddenly brewing in her eyes. "I'm sorry, Mary." She wiped the damn things away with the back of her hand and sniffed a little.

  "Sakura, things happen. I just wish you'd trust me a little more. I already told you I won't tell the brothers if they ask. I mean, I have been keeping it a secret for like nine months now. You know, Uncle James and Aunt Brenda are just heartbroken about you leaving them."

  Sakura felt her heart constrict at the mention of her adopted parents. She closed her eyes and took a shaky breath. The images of them back at the hotel on Saturday night really undid her. She felt weak as once again the sight of their shocked face appeared in her mind's eye.

  She changed the subject. "How was Europe?"

  "Awesome!" Mary replied. "You have to do it, Sakura. Go to Europe, I mean."

  "Yes, I have plans for that," she said. "That is when I have enough savings. I'm a little more than broke at the moment."

  "What do you mean?"

  "You wouldn't believe me if I tell you."

  Mary laughed and said, "Try me."

  Sakura did. She told her best friend everything that had happened on Saturday night.

  "Holy shit, Sakura!" Mary laughed. "What the heck is wrong with your life? It's like a soap opera or something."

  "Yeah, well," Sakura said, getting off the bed and heading out the door. "Welcome to my life."

  "Let me tell you something," Mary said.

  "What?" Sakura asked. She was in the hallway now. She cocked her head and turned the corner into the living room. She frowned. Odd. She could still smell cologne. That unique musky smell she found oddly soothing and alluring.

  She came to lay on the sofa and rest her long legs on top of the back.

  "The brothers are going to find you sooner rather than later."

  Sakura paused at this and asked, "What do you mean? Just because they saw me Saturday night doesn't mean they could easily find me in this beautiful city with more than three million people in it."

  Mary laughed. "Well, did I tell you I have psychic power?"

  Toby appeared at the door. Sakura waved her hand as invitation. The dog gladly came running to her and hopped onto her belly. Sakura stroked him as Toby make himself comfortable.

  "No, you didn't, and I know you don't, Mary."

  Sakura heard a big harrumph. "Well, that was a good try, though. Oh, when am I ever going to see you? I want to see you. Can't we just meet somewhere?"

  Sakura blinked and it hit her. She sat up so fast it made her dizzy. "I know!"


  "I'm going to Hawaii for a fashion shoot end of this month. We can meet there."

  "Sakura. Yes! It's perfect. I'll tell Katherine about our plan as well. She'd probably want to join us."

  "Yes," Sakura said, laughing. "I haven't seen her or Michael for ages. You do that, and I'll send you an email about when exactly this photoshoot is so you can book flights."

  "Sure thing," Mary said.

  "Shit!" Sakura muttered once she'd seen the time on the clock. "I'm going to be late."


  "Yes and no," Sakura said. "I'm expecting someone. He's helping me move."

  "You're moving?"

  Sakura laughed. "Only temporary. It's to do with my new job."


  "Don't oh me, my dear. I don't have time right now. But I will tell you later when I'm free. Okay?"

  Mary sighed. "Oh, all right. Take care and don't you forget to send me that email regarding our catch-up in Hawaii."

  "Yes, yes," Sakura said. "Kiss, kiss, and say hi to Peter for me. Oh, and Katherine, Jim, and Michael as well. God, I miss them."

  "Will do."

  "Bye now." With Mary saying good-bye, Sakura hung up. She put Toby down on the floor and headed to her bedroom. It was then she remembered she had to call Melissa to tell her not to come in, as she'd be closing the gallery for a week while Ned was away. Somehow, she wasn't looking forward to calling the woman.

  She turned on her heel
and rushed downstairs to the office to make the call before she forgot. A few minutes later, the unpleasant chore done, she headed back up to take a shower. She was done and dressed twenty minutes later. While she waited for Sosuke to arrive, she checked her luggage again to make sure she had all the essentials. She was just finished organizing the office when she saw Sosuke parking his car along the street. She rushed over to open the door for him.

  "Ohayo, Sakura-chan," Sosuke greeted with a warm smile the moment he came in. "I hope I'm not too early."

  Sakura waved his apology aside. "No. I'm usually an early riser. Everything is sorted. Are we leaving now?"

  "Traffic is only going to get worse," he said.

  "Yes, that is true." Sakura rushed over to pick up Toby. "This is Toby, my dog. Are you sure it's okay for me to take him with me?"

  Sosuke laughed. "Oba-chan loves dogs. I'm okay with it. This one isn't very active, is he?"

  At this comment, Sakura glanced at Toby. Sure enough, the dog didn't look very excited about anything, which was unusual for him. A worried frown appeared on Sakura's face, and she told herself she'd have to take the dog to see the vet once everything was sorted.

  She gave the dog an affectionate pet, then turned to Sosuke. "Shall we?"

  At Sosuke's nod, they left the gallery, Sosuke carrying the heavier baggage.

  They arrived at the apartment within thirty minutes, thanks to Sosuke's expert driving skills and the not so heavy traffic at such an early hour.

  "Ohayo," Akira greeted Sakura the moment the girl stepped into the apartment. "Oh my God, what a beautiful dog!" She rushed over to Sakura and begged for the dog before Sakura could put her bag down. When she handed the sleepy Toby over to her, Akira giggled and stroked the pup. "Oh, you're so sweet and cute and white and fluffy."

  "There she goes again," Sosuke commented.

  Haruka appeared with a broad smile on her face. Without even a good morning, the woman surprised Sakura by giving her a tight hug.

  "Did you sleep well?" Haruka asked.

  Sakura nodded, feeling a little overwhelmed that these people were so nice to her. They reminded her of Daddy James and Mom Brenda, and her heart constricted at the thought of her adoptive parents.

  Akira frowned and uttered, "What's the matter?"

  Sakura quickly shook her head. "It's nothing." With Haruka's concerned look, she confirmed, "It's been a while since anyone has been so nice to me."