Page 26 of A Secret Proposal

  Tears blinded Sakura now as she stared at the woman before her. Her whole body shook when she whispered, "You're my mother?"

  Haruka nodded. "The moment I saw you on the runway that day, Sakura, I knew you were my daughter. I just had to find a way to be with you. And well..." She glanced up at the brothers, who nodded and understood perfectly.

  Sakura still couldn't believe it. She'd spent the majority of her life praying and dreaming and searching for the woman who had given birth to her, and now, here she was. In fact, she'd been living with the woman for almost three weeks, yet Sakura just couldn't believe it.

  "You're my oka-san?" Sakura asked.

  "Yes, I am, Sakura," Haruka said, hugging her tight. "I wanted to tell you so many times, but I... I was afraid you'd reject me. I am a horrible mother, Sakura."

  "No, you're not. You must have your reasons," Sakura said.

  The two stayed there, hugging each other tightly, mother and daughter at long last reunited. It wasn't until much later when everyone settled down after the shocking revelation had completely sunk in that James drew everyone's attention to him.

  "Sakura," he began, "The woman you've bumped into is Mrs. Margaret Byrd. Although, she's going by the name Julie Clark now."

  Sakura swallowed and nodded.

  "As for Tara, we're unsure yet whether she knows about her mother being alive and has any connection with her."

  "This is just unbelievable," Nicolas said. His brothers agreed, nodding their heads.

  Haruka, who looked very concerned about Sakura's wellbeing now, said, "Mrs. Byrd is the headmistress of the orphanage?"

  "Yes," Brenda confirmed.

  Haruka turned to her daughter. "Sakura, I sent you letters. Too many to count. Didn't you receive any?"

  Sakura frowned. "You sent me letters? No, I never received letters from anybody."

  Haruka looked confused. "I sent countless letters and checks with them. You didn't get any of those?" At Sakura's shake of her head, Haruka said in outrage, "This is unbelievable. I wanted to make sure you had the best of everything. I wrote letters to Mrs. Byrd and gave her instructions, Sakura. That money was for you."

  Sakura still shook her head. "I've never received anything."

  James said, "I believe this needs further investigation."

  "How much in total did you send to Sakura?" Nicolas asked, being the one good with money management.

  "It had to have been at least over three million," Haruka said.

  Sakura nearly choked on her breath. Over three million? She couldn't believe it. If there was no Mrs. Byrd, then Sakura wouldn't have suffered the torture and bullying. If there was no Mrs. Byrd, Sakura would have had a lovely childhood, what with all that money saved up for her. But that was not to be.

  "Sakura," James said, "you do understand you might be in danger where Mrs. Clark is concern?"

  Sakura nodded.

  "If she knows Sakura recognized her," Sebastian said, "she'd make sure Sakura stays quiet."

  Sakura said, "She knows I recognized her. I saw it in her eyes. She was scared, Sebastian."

  "Then there's no doubt she'll be planning on something?" Darcy asked his father.

  James nodded. "Erick said she owns a gentlemen's parlor. She has a number of men working for her."

  The brothers understood what men meant in their father's context. They were ruthless gangs who went about doing their own things regardless of the laws. They were men the Princetons didn't like, going about doing drugs and killing anyone they were asked to, provided there was good pay.

  Sebastian turned his attention to Sakura. From now on, they'd have to be on guard where she was concerned. There might be a chance Mrs. Clark wasn't going to do anything to Sakura, but that chance was slim, considering the extent the woman had gone to in order to gain her second identity and lifestyle. What they needed was more information, and that would take time. Meanwhile, they'd just have to look after Sakura as best they could.

  It was some half an hour later when everyone bothered to leave Haruka and Sakura alone so they could do some catching up. It was a long session since they hadn't seen each other for twenty-five years.



  Mother and Daughter under the Stars

  The whole day flew by after the reunion between Sakura and her biological mother Haruka. The Princeton brothers and their father James went about devising plans to protect Sakura. After all, it was better safe than sorry. In the end, it was decided it was better for Sakura to live with the brothers and one of them had to be with her at all times, regardless of where she went. More importantly, especially when they were in Hawaii next week for the photo shoot where Tara would be around.

  It was decided also that the relationship between Haruka and Sakura was to be kept secret until the DNA results were received. The brothers knew if this Mrs. Clark were to find out about the two being reunited, her urge to completely annihilate Sakura would be stronger because proof of her guilt would be more damning.

  Now all they needed to do was tell Sakura of the plan, and James left it to his sons to take care of it. After all, they wanted more responsibility where Sakura was concerned, and James was only too glad to hand it over to them. Over a five-minute discussion amongst the brothers, it was decided Sebastian would tell Sakura after dinner.

  The brothers returned into the living room to hear their mother proclaim, "You boys are helping me cook dinner tonight."

  Tristan and Conrad groaned. Logan laughed.

  Hayden said, "Good for practicing your potato peeling technique, Tristan."

  Tristan chuckled and said, "You're right. I'll show Sakura how good I am with my potato peeling ability so she won't be able to help herself she'll have to kiss me."

  Conrad gave Tristan a sour look. "I bet I can do better than you. Ha-ha."

  "Bring it on, bro," Tristan said, marching into the kitchen.

  Darcy and Sebastian looked at one another and shook their heads.

  Meanwhile, Sakura and Haruka were outside the penthouse, talking. Haruka had Sakura in her arms the whole time, refusing to let the girl go even just a little.

  "Tell me about your childhood," Sakura said. "I want to know about you and your childhood."

  Haruka stroked Sakura's long hair and nodded. "I was brought up very strict. The Tanakas are a very wealthy and traditional family. I was the younger of two children. My older brother, Sora, is now the head of the Tanaka Empire. You have three cousins. Two boys and one girl. Rui is the oldest. He's about Sosuke's age. Yuki is the second son. He's about Sebastian's age. And Hana is five years younger than you. She has a different mother from her older brothers."

  She laughed brokenly. "Every time I saw Hana, I remembered you." Tears started brewing in her eyes again. "My family values name and status above all. We weren't allowed to do anything that would tarnish our noble line. But then I met a man and..."

  "My father?" Sakura couldn't help but ask. She had always wanted to know more about that mysterious biological father of hers, and now she had the chance to ask, to find out what this person was like.

  "Yes. I was only twenty then. Young and very naive... and very much in love."

  "Do you still love him even now?"

  "I haven't seen him for over twenty-five years, Sakura," Haruka said. "It's very unlikely I'd meet him again. I loved my husband, Kenji. He was such a wonderful man. But we couldn't have children together. He was sterile."

  Sakura smiled. "I would have siblings if he weren't."

  "Yes, you would have," Haruka said.

  "Tell me about my biological father," Sakura urged her newfound mother.

  Haruka took a deep breath as she stared off into the distance and the buildings beyond New York City.

  "He wasn't a strikingly handsome man, Sakura. But there was that something about him. He was kind and understanding and, above all, had that dry sense of humor that attracted me to him." She returned her eyes to her daughter and chuckled. "You're so m
uch like him. Doing all sorts of artsy stuff. He was an artist. He painted a lot. Nature, portraits of human and animals."

  Sakura perked up. "Had he ever painted you? I would really love to see his paintings."

  Haruka laughed. "Yes. He painted me." Her eyes softened, and deep down, that feeling slowly came back to her. The feeling of being loved wholly and completely. A feeling that her dead husband Kenji had never been able to give her.

  Once again, Haruka flashed her mind back to that morning long ago when she'd woken up to see the man she'd had a short affair with drawing her.


  "What are you doing?" she asked.

  "Painting you," he said. "Although, this is only the outline. Stay still and don't move so much."

  "I'm naked here," she muttered. "You baka! Stop drawing me."

  "You're beautiful, Haruka. Now be a good girl and stay still."

  She laughed and flew off the bed, wrapping the bed sheet around her body. She came to peek behind him and saw it was indeed a sketch of her lying in bed with only a thin sheet covering her naked body.

  "Oh!" She chuckled. "You're good."

  "Of course I am," he said, pulling her into his arms.


  A shaky breath escaped Haruka's lips as she remembered that day. One of the many days she'd spent time with the man she had loved. That was until the day she found out she was pregnant and knew in her guts he didn't want the child. Hadn't he said all along that they were too young to think about kids? That he might never want them for the rest of his life? She'd known he wouldn't accept her child and had made a decision that it was best he didn't know about the pregnancy. Hence, she left him. It was best that way.

  "What was his name?" Sakura asked. When she saw Haruka stiffen at her question, she quickly said, "I'm sorry. I'm prying into your private life."

  Haruka relaxed and then chuckled. "No. The past is the past, Sakura. Are you planning on trying to find him as well?"

  Sakura thought about this for a moment and then shook her head. "No, not at the moment. For now, just having found you is enough. I've always thought about you. Always wondered why I was thrown away. I..."

  Haruka tightened her embrace on her daughter and once again felt guilt overwhelming her. "I'm so sorry, my love. I never wanted to throw you away. I was young and stupid. I would do anything to go back to that day and change the course I'd taken."

  "Even meeting my biological father and giving birth to me?"

  Haruka shook her head. "No. I would never change that even if I had the chance to. I never regret having a relationship with him or having you. But if I ever had the chance, I would never leave you at the orphanage. I would take you back with me to Japan and damn the consequences."

  Sakura thought if that were to happen, she wouldn't have had such a horrible childhood, especially at the orphanage with Mrs. Byrd and Tara. But then again, she wouldn't have been adopted by James and Brenda either.

  And then there were the brothers. Two of which she loved, Sebastian and Darcy. She wouldn't have met them. She wouldn't have fallen in love with them. Her heart skipped a beat at that thought.

  Was she glad her mother had thrown her away and in turn allowed her to meet the brothers, or was she upset that in doing so, she'd the most horrendous childhood one could ever imagine? She didn't know.

  "His name is Edward," Haruka said, drawing Sakura's attention from her thoughts. "Edward."

  "Edward," Sakura said softly, the name rolling effortlessly off her tongue. "He's my biological father."

  It was then the two heard someone say, "Sorry for interrupting the reunion."

  Mother and daughter turned to the door to see Tristan standing there, grinning from ear to ear. "But dinner is served." He even bowed low as a servant would.

  Sakura laughed once she saw the mess on Tristan's shirt and pants. "Have you been helping out in the kitchen again?"

  He confirmed with a nod. "Yes, Sakura. And if you must know, I didn't cut myself with a potato peeler this time."

  Haruka said, "How did you manage to do that? It is very hard to cut oneself with a potato peeler."

  Tristan looked like his balloon had just burst, and Sakura laughed. "It'll be a delicious dinner. I can't wait to try it."

  That statement pleased Tristan mightily. He said, as they came toward him, "Shepherds pie. I did the mashed potatoes that go on top. Mom said it was delicious," he boasted.

  "I bet it is," Sakura said as the three entered the penthouse.



  Sakura and Her Two Knights

  Sebastian had watched Sakura all throughout dinner, thinking of how he'd approach the topic of them being her bodyguards. He knew she wouldn't like the sound of that, but heck, it was for her own safety. Of course, it was only until they were really sure Mrs. Clark wasn't going to take any action against Sakura. But they doubted that.

  Dinner was over, and he was just finished helping clearing the table when he noticed Sakura missing. Everyone was in the living room, chatting away. Nicolas was pretty cozy with Akira, while Darcy was talking to Sosuke. His mom and dad were speaking with Haruka, while Tristan, Logan, Hayden, and Conrad were in the kitchen, doing the dishes, freaking out the maid so much that she complained to Brenda.

  Sebastian was just walking across the corridor when he saw Sakura in the courtyard. Knowing this was a good time to bring up the subject of her moving in with them, he headed out toward her. Once he was outside, cool night air greeted him and he inhaled in satisfaction, a smile on his lips.

  "Hey," he said the moment he was beside her.

  Sakura jumped at his voice. She turned to look at him, giving a surprised smile. "Sorry, I was just thinking. I didn't hear you coming."

  He nodded in understanding as he gazed at the vast night view before them.

  "What were you thinking about?"

  "Everything." She raised her eyes to him again and said, "Everything just kind of happened unexpectedly, you know, with... with my mother." Oddly enough, she still found it a little hard to refer to Haruka as her mother. She'd get used to it, she knew that, but for now, it was just that little bit overwhelming.

  "Yes," he said. "Isn't that what you've been wanting?"

  She nodded. "For so long." Involuntarily, she hugged herself and shivered a little.

  Sebastian thought she was cold and moved closer. He wrapped his arms around her and made her rest her head against his massive chest. Sakura obliged, glad to be in his embrace, glad to have his warmth and support.

  "So Dad and us brothers have been talking." He began evasively.

  "Oh?" Sakura made the sound as she stared at his bulging bicep that suddenly caused her skin to tingle deliciously.

  "We think it's best you move in with us when we've returned from Hawaii."

  She trailed her gaze from his arm to his handsome face. "Why?"

  "Look, I know how much you want to stay with your mother, but it's for your safety."

  "Mrs. Clark?"

  He nodded.

  Sakura didn't like the sound of that. "So you brothers will protect me?"


  "But what if she doesn't do anything? Wouldn't that just be like wasting your time?"

  He chuckled. "Sakura, for you, it is never a waste of time. I can spend the rest of my life with you and I'd never complain."

  That statement struck deep within her heart. She felt so warm and wanted. She blushed and felt more than little too hot and bothered. She tried to move out of his embrace, but he wouldn't let her and tightened his arms around her.

  "Sebastian," she said softly, trying not to offend him. She knew he and his brothers were concerned about her wellbeing. She knew they wanted to help her. But really? Did she need to move in with them? She didn't want to be an inconvenience to them. She also wanted to stand on her own two feet. She was sure she'd be fine.

  "Look, I understand you and your brothers want to protect me. But really, this is getting a little too out of con
trol. I mean, I'm old enough to look after myself. Besides, there's Sosuke as well. And you brothers are just one floor above. Also, the apartment building is fully secured, right?"

  At his nod, she continued. "So really, there's no need for me to move in with you. I don't want to bother you guys."

  Sebastian said, "So your problem is you don't want to bother us even if your life is in danger?"

  She nodded at his statement. Then she quickly changed her mind and shook her head. "No, that's not it."

  Sebastian couldn't help himself. He threw his head back and laughed out loudly. Sakura was mesmerized by his laughter. When he stopped and turned his attention to her, he had a big grin on his face. Sakura sucked in her breath. Because of her problems for the past few days, she'd forgotten how disarmingly handsome this man was and how much he could affect her. In a good way, though. Gosh, she really did love him.

  She said, "You're making fun of me."

  "Perhaps it would be easier for you to move in with us if you're my girlfriend, Sakura," he said, matter of fact. "How about that? Do you want to be in a real relationship with me?"

  The question took her by surprise, and Sakura just didn't know how to reply. She bit her lip and stared hard at his chin. Gosh! He did have very good chin. Strong and firm. She wanted to stroke his chin and feel that five o'clock shadow beneath her palm. The thought caused a thrill of delicious sensation to rush through her body.

  Sebastian felt her shivering and thought he'd gone too far. He shouldn't have asked her that, knowing how much she loved Darcy as well as him. He couldn't really back down now, could he? It was too late. Yes, he admitted he was greedy where Sakura was concerned. But damn, he loved her and would do anything to protect her.

  "I..." She began.

  "Sakura," he said, nudging her chin up so she looked him in the eyes. "Do you love me?"

  Sakura didn't need to think twice about that. "Yes," she said without hesitation. "I love you, Sebastian."

  "Then be my girlfriend," he said. "Come and live with us."

  Sakura stared up at him, wondering how to give him her answer. As she dug deep into her thoughts, she didn't notice Darcy was standing just at the door. In fact, he'd been there for a little while and had heard their conversation clearly. He hadn't intended on eavesdropping, but when he'd heard Sebastian asking her about whether she loved him or not, he found his legs couldn't move.