Page 8 of Paradise Lost

  Her door creaked open and slammed, and I dove under the still-warm water, quickly rinsing my hair. I finished cleaning up and rinsing off and felt as if I'd actually accomplished something. Beaten the hot-water clock. And learned my first lesson of international travel. Smiling, I turned around to grab my towel.

  My hand caught air. I blinked, my eyes adjusting to the relative darkness. There was nothing hanging on the door. No towel. No clothes. No bathing suit. Nothing.


  I heard a giggle and my heart dropped.

  "Who's out there?" I asked.

  More snickering. It had to be Paige, Amberly, and Sienna. Noelle, Kiran, and Taylor weren't about to steal my clothes. In fact, the immaturity of the stunt had Amberly Carmichael written all over it.

  "Very funny, you guys. You just won the award for cleverest fifth-grade prank. Can I have my stuff back now?" I asked as the last of my shower water gurgled down the drain.

  "You wish," Amberly replied, giggling.

  "You are so going to wish you hadn't done this," I said through my teeth.

  "Feeling kind of cocky for someone who's standing there in her birthday suit, Reed," Paige teased.


  "And a piece of friendly advice," Poppy added, her voice firm. "Back off Upton."

  "Poppy?" I said, surprised. "Where the hell did you come from?"

  "I live here, remember?" she replied. "Wow. You blokes weren't kidding. She really is a stupid cow."

  They all laughed and my face burned. I narrowed my eyes.

  "We haven't officially met," I said loudly, talking over their giggles. "I'm Reed Brennan. Do you always treat the guests at your parents' hotel this way?"

  "Only the daft ones," she replied. "Just because I've been playing nice up till now doesn't mean I haven't noticed what's been going on."

  No. It just means that you're totally two-faced, putting up a good carefree, sweetie-pie show for your friends, when you're actually a complete bitch.

  "Last time I checked, you and Upton were just friends," I said. "Wanting him to be your boyfriend doesn't make it true."

  Poppy was silent, and I knew I had her.

  "He may not be mine yet, but he will be," she finally sputtered. "Stay away from him from now on, if you know what's good for you."

  My jaw dropped. I had barely even spoken two words to this girl and she was threatening me?

  "Or what? You'll steal my clothes again?" I asked sarcastically, hugging my dripping body. "What could possibly be worse? "

  "We'll see how you feel in about an hour," Sienna said. "Come on, girls. I'm suddenly starving. Let's go join the others at the restaurant."

  They giggled and started walking away. My heart skipped a beat.


  Everyone else had already left the beach and gone inside? That meant no one was going to be walking by here anytime soon. I was already starting to shiver. Not good. I moved my feet back and forth and jumped around a bit, trying to keep warm.

  I waited and listened, hoping someone would step into the next shower or walk by on their way to the beach, but I heard nothing.

  "Hello?" I called out. "Is anyone there?"

  Silence, save for the waves crashing into the shore.

  "Anyone! Hello! I need some help in here!" I shouted louder.

  Somewhere near the pool, a reggae band started playing some happy-go-lucky tunes over some seriously cranked-up speakers. Happy hour was starting. Great. No one was going to hear me now. My heart started to pound as my skin tightened and grew colder still. How long was I going to have to stand here? What if Noelle and the others never came back to the beach? I was sure that if anyone asked about me, Paige would make up some stupid story about how I went home on my own or something. I could be standing there naked for hours.

  A stiff breeze rattled my little hut, and I stepped back against the wall for warmth, hugging myself as tightly as I could. I was really starting to hate the Upton Game.



  Goose bumps covered my skin. My whole body shook uncontrollably. I gritted my teeth and held my breath and tried to control it, but nothing helped. I had tied up my hair off my neck with the hair band I had kept around my wrist since I'd gotten to St. Barths, so the soaking strands were no longer hitting my shoulders. That was something, at least. But how long had I been standing there? How much longer was I going to have to wait? Every moment seemed like an hour.

  And then, voices. Angry voices. Adrenaline instantly warmed me. It was Upton. Upton was shouting at someone.

  "... stupid, immature, ridiculous thing to--"

  "We were just having a bit of fun," Sienna's voice replied.

  My blood boiled with anger. I was going to scratch those girls' eyes out the moment I saw them.

  "You should be ashamed of yourselves," Upton scolded, his voice just outside now. "Reed! Where are you?"


  "Right here!" I said meekly, lifting my arm so it could be seen in the space between the top of the door and the canvas roof.

  "Are you all right?" Upton asked.

  A towel appeared over the door and I whipped it down, wrapping it around my shoulders. My eyes closed in ecstasy as warmth radiated over my skin.

  "I'll live," I replied.

  "Here are your clothes," Upton said, folding my dress and bathing suit over the door.

  Oh, thank God. I quickly stepped into my dry bathing suit and yanked the T-shirt dress on over my head. They felt so warm--like they had been tumbling in a dryer for an hour--but that was probably just in contrast to the frigid temperature of my skin. I took a deep breath to calm the trembling, and I opened the door.

  "I'm so sorry," Upton said immediately, pulling me into his arms. I closed my eyes and pressed my cheek against his chest. The warmth of his body chased away the last of the shivers. "They said you'd gone back to the Langes'. That you'd come down with a headache."

  "I figured," I said, glancing over at Sienna, whose arms were crossed over her chest as she looked imperiously out at the ocean, as if she owned it. Amberly, Paige, and Poppy weren't there. I wondered how Sienna had ended up taking the blame solo, but honestly, I didn't care.

  "I believe Sienna has something to say to you," Upton said, loosening his grip on me.


  Sienna glanced at my angry face and rolled her eyes. "We're sorry," she said, with no sincerity whatsoever. "We were just having some fun." She offered me her hand and arched her perfectly waxed eyebrows. "Friends?"

  Anger clenched my chest and I pulled away from Upton completely, stepping toward her. "You and I were never friends, and we're never going to be friends," I said, causing her face to fall. "In fact, you and your little posse can stay away from me for the rest of the trip. Far, far away. And I suggest, for your own sake, that you do."

  Sienna's thin lips parted in indignation as I turned on my bare heel and stormed off toward the pool and the restaurant behind it. The sun was just dipping behind the hotel. I needed to find my friends and vent before I exploded.

  "Reed! Wait!"

  Upton caught up to me near the shallow end of the pool and grabbed my arm.

  "Thanks for finding me and everything, but I really need to talk to Noelle right now," I said, wresting myself from his grasp.

  "Wait. I just wanted to say I'm sorry," Upton told me, his eyes pleading. "Sienna's just being a spoiled child. She doesn't know how to handle jealousy, you see--"

  "Jealousy? Wait a minute. I thought she was new here too. What's she jealous of?" I asked, a niggling feeling of ignorance gnawing at the back of my neck.

  Upton bit his lip and looked away. "Yes, well... we kind of had a thing last term when she and Poppy came to visit me at school. ..."


  An incredulous laugh escaped my throat and I backed away from him. "Oh my God! You are a total man-whore!"


  "Is there any female on this planet you haven't had a thing with? " I asked, liftin
g my palms to the sky. "Maybe it would be simpler for you to list your non-hookups than your hookups."

  "Reed, none of that matters," Upton said, reaching for my hands. He held them both in his and looked into my eyes. "You're the one I want to be with now. Only you. I swear it. All of that is in the past. It doesn't matter anymore."

  I was amazed at how sincere he made it sound. For a second I almost believed him. And maybe a year ago I would have. But I wasn't that naive anymore. Reed Brennan had gone through some changes.

  "It kind of does matter when I spend over an hour freezing my ass off in a dark shower stall," I told him, yanking away my hands. "This was supposed to be a fun little vacation fling. And the fun just officially ended. I have to go."

  This time, when he called after me, I didn't look back.



  "I should have just stuck with the original plan and stayed out of the Upton Game," I ranted to Noelle, Kiran, Taylor, and Tiffany as they followed me down the hall to the Langes' guest room, past all the indigenous pottery displayed on glass tables along the wall. "Clearly I was not cut out for this particular sport. And does he really think I believe that he's only into me now? After however many years of being England's number one player?"

  I threw open the double doors to my room and stopped in my tracks. Noelle barreled right into me, and Kiran tripped over Taylor, knocking into the wall and taking down a potted plant. Tiffany caught the vase just before it hit the floor.

  "Can you warn us when you're going to do that?" Kiran asked, straightening her top.

  I couldn't respond. I was too stunned. Every inch of my room was covered in flowers. Huge pots lined the floor. Vases bursting


  with white and orange blooms were arranged on the bedside tables and atop the dresser. Long glass boxes overflowing with gorgeous tropical buds had overtaken the windowsills. Loose petals were strewn all over the floor and on the bed. A handwritten note sat propped up on my pillow.

  "My mother is so going to fire Maritza when she sees this mess," Noelle said, nudging some petals with her foot. "Dammit. There goes her good espresso!"

  "Who're they from?" Taylor asked, her eyes bright.

  My first thought was of Josh. Had Josh talked to Ivy and explained that he still loved me? My heart beat wildly with curiosity as I picked up the card, not daring to imagine what it might say. The handwriting was unfamiliar, and my eyes went directly to the signature. I forced a smile. "They're from Upton," I said, silently scolding myself for letting my thoughts turn to Josh. That was over. I was moving on. And clearly Upton was more than willing to help me speed up the process.

  "How did he pull this off?" Tiffany asked, lowering her nose to the nearest arrangement. "We just left him. Does he have the florist on speed dial?"

  "Dear Reed," I read. "Please accept these flowers as my sincere apology. I promise that tonight, you will have my full and undivided attention, if you so choose to allow it. Love, Upton." My heart fluttered.

  "Wow. He really likes you," Taylor said, fingering the soft petals of a huge white lily. She took a deep breath and let her hands slap against


  her thighs. "Well, that's it. I'm officially dropping out of the Upton Game."

  "Really?" I said.

  "What's the point?" Taylor asked, lifting her arms to take in the entire room. "You have his full and undivided attention."

  Kiran sighed audibly. She took a lipstick out of her clutch and leaned toward the mirror on the dressing table. "Guess it's Graham Hathaway for me."

  "Poor guy has no idea what he's in for," Noelle joked.

  "No, he does not," Kiran agreed, pressing her lips together.

  The flutter in my heart took on a whole new excited rhythm. My competitive side couldn't help but feel a bit proud. Apparently I had won. Upton, the most coveted and sought-after guy in their group, was all but mine.

  Unless, of course, Poppy had anything to say about it.

  But in the past few hours, I had taken Tiffany, Kiran, and Taylor out of the game. Three very worthy contenders. If I could intimidate them, I could intimidate anyone. Even Poppy Simon.

  Suddenly, I couldn't wait until tonight.



  Upton wasn't kidding. All night he danced with me, sat down with me when I needed a break, ran to get me drinks the second I mentioned I was thirsty, and got me chips to munch on when I was hungry. All night I ignored the hostile stares of Sienna and Amberly and Paige. It was like I was Cinderella, and they were the ugly stepsisters watching me steal the prince's attention. It was perfect. But not just because I had won some stupid game. That felt good, of course. But it wasn't about that. It was about Upton. Me and Upton. It was as if we were in our own little world where no one else could touch us.

  That is, until Poppy arrived.

  Upton and I were on the outskirts of the dance floor--basically a lacquer platform set atop the sand and surrounded by pillow-topped benches--when Poppy walked in, turning heads. She wore nothing but a skimpy white bathing suit under a see-through gauze miniskirt, and the thin woven straps of her heeled sandals wound all the


  way up her toned calves. Her first stop was at the DJ booth, where she whispered something to the shirtless spinner, then grabbed his microphone.

  "Where're my girls? " she shouted at the top of her lungs, throwing her arm in the air. Sienna, Paige, Amberly, Kiran, Taylor, Noelle, and Tiffany--all of whom were in the center of the dance floor--hollered in response, throwing their arms up as well. "Ladies! It's time we show the rest of these slags how to party!"

  Poppy jumped down from the DJ booth and danced her way through the crowd, pressing up against every hot guy as she made her way over to her friends. Girls danced with her, and guys eyed her appreciatively. Clearly Poppy knew everyone on this island, and everyone was stoked to see her. Everyone but me.

  "Noelle wasn't kidding. Poppy definitely knows how to make an entrance," I said. My black mini-dress suddenly felt like a garbage bag in comparison to her outfit.

  Upton glanced over his shoulder at her. "Yes, but we don't care about her, remember?"

  Perfect response. My heart turned to goo. I grinned and reached up to wrap my arms around his neck. "Oh, I remember."

  Upton smiled and gave me a questioning glance, as if he were afraid to misread the obvious signal I was broadcasting:

  Kiss me! Kiss me! Kiss me!

  Then he finally leaned in and touched his lips to mine. Every one of my limbs went limp, and I momentarily forgot where I was. Normally I'm not one for huge, prolonged public displays of affection,


  but we stood there on the dance floor and just kissed for a long, long time.

  When Upton finally broke away, he kept his arms wound tightly around me. "I've been thinking about that all night."

  "Me too," I said, resting my cheek on his chest and sighing happily.

  So not caring about Poppy. So not caring...

  But it was total crap. Of course I cared about her. I cast a sidelong glance in Poppy's direction and saw that, sure enough, Sienna was whispering in her ear and glancing pointedly at Upton and me. Poppy's eyes narrowed as she spotted us.

  Adrenaline filled my veins, bubbling hot as lava. I held Upton tighter as we danced. Two seconds later, I felt a sharp finger jabbing repeatedly into my back.

  "Excuse me."

  I checked Upton's face before I turned around. He looked rather ill. Not a good sign. I steeled myself and faced Poppy.

  "Yes?" I said.

  "I thought we had an understanding," she said, with a smile that didn't reach her eyes. "Or were you not paying attention?"

  "Oh, I got the message," I said coolly. "I just chose to ignore it."

  Then I turned my back on her and reached for Upton. Her hand gripped my shoulder, her bony fingers digging into my skin.

  "May I cut in?" she asked through her teeth.

  The music pounded inside my head as I waited for Upton to say something. Anything. I waited a good sixteen bars. Upton just stood


  there behind me, silent, while my body temperature climbed steadily with each driving beat.

  "Is she deaf or just slow?" Poppy joked, glancing past me toward her "boyfriend." "I said, may. I. Gut. In?"

  "I don't know," I replied. "It's up to Upton."

  I looked into his eyes. It was now or never. Time to see what the Up-man was made of. If he blew me off, I would walk away. Even though I so didn't want to walk away.

  Upton took a deep breath and sighed, looking at the ground and scratching his eyebrow with his index finger before facing her.

  "Poppy, we need to talk," he began.

  He took her hand and walked her off the dance floor, just a few feet away from where we'd been standing. Unsure of what to do, I glanced around and saw Daniel exchange an interested glance with Paige. They both made their way over, hanging back a respectable distance, but definitely within eavesdropping range. Soon enough, most of the crew was gathered in the same way, pretending not to be listening in. Pretending quite badly.

  "What is it, poodle?" Poppy asked, putting her arms around his waist.

  Upton took her wrists and placed them back at her sides. She blinked, obviously upset, and glanced around. She noticed a few people watching and lifted her chin, trying to mask her surprise.

  "This has to stop," Upton said, firmly but not unkindly. "I'm sorry, but I don't know how much clearer I can be. We've never been together--and we never will be together. We're friends. And


  as your friend, I'm telling you to stop embarrassing yourself."