Page 17 of Boelik


  The days passed, and life became a habit. Bo would go hunting or walking throughout the day, come back and train with Kian and Ryan, then go home and finish the day. Once in a while he would have a demon to deal with, as Dayo was right; they were multiplying. Too much like rabbits, in Bo’s opinion. And much less edible.

  It was three years before Bo had another ‘assignment’. Half-demons, unlike normal demons, hadn’t been multiplying much at all. In fact, it seemed that the more demons there were, the fewer half-demons there were. Bo wasn’t sure if it was because demons would just mate with other demons or if other demons—or humans—would kill the offspring. In any case, it made Bo’s life generally easier.

  As Bo received the assignment, he alerted the Quirkes of his upcoming leave. “How long will you be gone?” Kian asked. He’d grown tall—he was already at Bo’s height.

  “Oh, I don’t know. It depends. Sometimes it’s a year—sometimes five.”

  “Five years?” Kian asked, his face sullen.

  Bo nodded. “Don’t look so sad,” he said. “It’s unfitting. I promise, I’ll be back. And I doubt it will take five years.”

  “Well, be back soon,” Ryan said, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Kian’s learning a lot from you, and I’m not very good at hand-to-hand combat myself. You’re the only other teacher around.”

  Bo looked at Ryan’s mismatched eyes. “Don’t worry.” Then, with a small smirk, he added, “And if you’re so bad at it, maybe you should have Kian teach you what he’s learned.”

  “Maybe I should,” Ryan replied, grinning back at him as he pulled his hand away.

  “In any case,” Bo said, getting back on topic, “I’ll be leaving now.” He shook hands with Ryan and Kian before beginning to walk away. But Kian couldn’t seem to hold back any longer and came up behind Bo. And when Bo turned around, Kian gave him a large hug.

  “Okay,” Bo said, embracing him in return. “Come on, you pile of mush. I have to leave.” Kian separated from him to watch him go with soft brown eyes that threatened to overflow.

  Bo was back at his cabin in a matter of a few moments. He gathered his things, staring for a moment at Ryan’s hat on the chair before heading to where Dayo waited in the field. Then he left for his newest assignment.

Amy Lehigh's Novels