Page 1 of Macabre Dairies

Macabre Diaries

  Adriano Fernandes da Silva



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  Copyrighted work by Adriano Silva

  Registration date: December 01, 2015 - 11:29 AM

  Copyright number: YSZM-QQXY-JC8E-T7NF

  Title: Macabre Dairies

  Words of the author and thanks.

  I dedicate this book to all fans of horror and mystery stories.

  Please forgive any translation mistakes, since it is a book freely translated by the same author of the original “Diários e Relatos Macabros”.


  All the stories here are fictional works.



  March -1

  I decided to create this diary because of the things I have heard at home.

  I do not have a camera, If I had, I would have caught something in tape, probably some animal movement inside my house.

  I have heard, around midnight, a strange noise down below... Downstairs, like steps, but aren't heavy, so I think it can be any animal walking through the house, trying to find food.

  Maybe a dog, since they make noise when walking, or a large mouse who wants to chew something.

  When I move, in bed, I hear the noise stop, like an animal would, because they have that kind of thing, the strong hearing hability.


  March -6

  I came home from school yesterday and, for the first time, my mother complained of having heard some things similar to what I heard.

  Yesterday she had insomnia and payed attention to our "visitor", believing the sounds came from the kitchen but still unable find traces of "it" nor a animal den.

  If my father was interested in the subject, I'm sure he would search the whole house for a nest, a mark or any hole that the animal has dug in a wall or even underground.


  March -20

  After a time the sounds began to vary in intensity, but the animal came back loud last night, woke up my father, who got up and turned every light in the ay to my room.

  We went down the stairs, to the kitchen, the origin of the noises.

  For the first time we found a trail, a proof, thrown on the floor, shattered.

  The animal opened the closet and dropped some cookies, spreading them everywhere, dropping it from a high spot.

  By the height, we now know the animal is able to climp, probably one of those big rats that can climb very fast... And probably spread some nasty diseases too.


  March -24

  That afternoon, while I was in school, my mother spread baits and traps everywhere.

  This rodent have his days counted, as soon he, or she, will fall for one of our baits.

  I bet he will get stuck in a strange thing my mom put there, like a paper full of glue, enough to trap the invader in the first step, trying to grab a piece of fruit placed in the middle.

  The glue is so strong that almost caught my mother instead of the mouse.


  March -26

  The mouse escaped!

  Unfortunately, last night he came and came to fall into a trap, but seems the trap was too small or weak to contain the weight and size of the rat.

  We're pretty sure it's one of those huge rats, which we already saw at a road is when we drove by. It looked as a big as a dog.

  The invader appeared in the night and went straight to the paper with glue, but took the paper and baits as he escaped.

  He fled without a trace and not even bothered looking at many of our traps.

  I think these animals go through so much they learn to avoid the most common dangers.


  April -2

  It had been a while since we had heard from the invader, but the paper with glue reappeared, now in the yard.

  My mother was busy, so I managed to throw it out, being careful not to get my hands in the middle where the animal must have gotten stuck around ...

  I didn't tell anyone... But it seems that there was something in the dry glue on paper.

  I think the rat scratched the whole thing and, when the glue dried, became some kind of mark as he made a lot of effort trying to take it off.

  As I saw it up close and threw it in the trash, it seemed to me that the mark of the scratch was not normal ... In a crazy way, almost too well drawn.

  It seemed like something made on purpouse, like a symbol.

  I think this impression also happens with spots and the wrinkles of trees trees and wood, and our brain tries to turn the datails in understandable patterns...

  It shouldn't be anything ...


  April -9

  My mother woke up strange, thoughtful, and it seems that she haven'y slept last night.

  When we talked by the morning, I tried to liven things up a bit and said that, at least, the mouse seems to have gone.

  She became even more strange, but pretended to be okay and "celebrate" the end of the problem.


  April -10

  Last night, my mother stayed a time in my room before sleeping, talking, talking about common things, but visibly nervous, apprehensive ...

  I do not know what it was, but she slept well and woke up fine, no problems, and she looked pretty relieved in the morning, as if overcome a problem.

  I think it must be something personal.


  April -12

  Last night was very hot, was difficult sleeping, so I left the door to the corridor opened, waiting for a wind to help me sleep.

  In the middle of the night, I had a strange dream about someone coming from the hallway, which made little noise when got to my door.

  When I looked, it was someone walking on fours... mimicking a dog or something.

  That strange thing in the dark, looked at me and had a twinkle in the eye ... and seemed to have only one eye ...

  After that I woke up on a beautiful morning.


  April -18

  I dreamed again about it, just like that day, then I decided to talk about it with my parents.

  So as I told them, fear turned to the face of my mother, who despaired and went towards the table pulling up a chair and calling my father to talk.

  She is also had these dreams and that's what shook her mood these past days.

  My father thought it was best for us to leave the doors closed at night, because it could not have been just a fantasy of our heads.

  I never believed and do not think it can be something so serious, I mean... Paranormal and stuff like that, but I'll close my doors from now on.


  April -19

  I thought the problem was over, but now I saw scratch marks on the bottom of the door to my room, and are like the thing I've seen in that trap for the mouse...

  Now I must hide it, because my mother did not see these signs and I don't know how she would feel after seeing this.

  I researched on the Internet about the marks, some symbol, mark, any ancient writing that resembled those marks, but found nothing.

  There are spots with traces and larger round symbols, well organized too ... It is impossible to be another coincidence, but I can not believe entirely in something like this.


  May -1

  Last night the mouse noise came back, but I know and everybody knows that it is not a mouse.

  The noise started after midnight, as always beggining low, but after a few minutes, was picking up momentum, getting louder and closer...

  I'm sure it went up the stairs, clattering on the floor, stepping hard, as a person ...

  I do not know what it is, so I held my door and heard
my parents doing the same thing on the other side of the corridor, with wood creaking and everyone afraid of "it" trying to pry open a door.


  May -2

  My father, my mother and I are staying in the same room today, waiting to see what happens at night.

  If there's a closer noise, we'll open the door and attack whatever is doing it.

  We took the broom cables and knives even not knowing how to do much with them. Perhaps our number can scare the animal...


  May -3

  I still don't know how to understand what I saw, but I was there... And I can not say it was no illusion.

  When night came, we all went to my parents' room, which is more spacious, and we were there talking very low, waiting for the thing that arrived at midnight, bringing the noise with it.

  So came the first step softly, like the steps of a dog, and we were quiet, still.

  I was careful and full of anguish, and I gripped the handle of the knife in my hand as my father did the same thing with a knife and a broomstick.

  My mother seemed ready to go out and hit someone, but it wasn't the time yet.

  After that, the stairs creaked and the thing came to the second floor, walking the corridor.

  We were three, my father opened the door and rushed out, running and screaming, and I followed doing the same thing, with my mother at the end of the line, but I'm sure that our screams were more of scared people than fierce hunters or something like that.

  I haven't seen anything with my father in front of me, but I ran too, the heart accelerated, then he hit the broom handle on something that jumped downstairs.

  My father started to descend the stairs when my mother and I saw that, in the first floor.

  It clearly could not be our minds, nor the fear of the momment.

  There was something among the shadows, like a person but also moving on all fours, like a dog, and the legs and arms were too thin, too abnormal...

  My God, what was that?

  I saw the figure get down in the dark and jumped back to second floor running away from my father, climbing in our direction.

  The thing went up and grappled me so hard I could only scream and