Page 22 of Unraveled

Page 23


  That he wanted to have sex with me was out of character but in a good way, as if he and I were both stretching outside of our comfort zones because something we wanted was just out of reach.

  Eve was right. I realized that now. Wills death had broken my heart. Actually, his death hadnt just broken it. For a while I thought my life had been buried with him. And like I told Gray, I only knew how to do serious relationships. Casual sex didnt sound appealing. It took me a while to get used to having sex with Will, which told me that based on my physical reaction to Gray, I must have a few feelings for him. When he was holding me and I could feel the deep rumble of his chest against my own body, I wanted to sink into that. And the body that I thought was too muscular when I first saw him in the bar had become a source of constant fascination. When hed rowed us to the middle of the lake, I couldnt stop staring at the way the muscles under his skin undulated and flexed.

  The light dusting of hair had felt wonderful against my breasts. Will hadnt had a lot of chest hair but Gray not only had hair around his chest but there was a lovely trail that bisected his stomach and led the eye downward. Id heard Eve call it the treasure trail and it did beg for me to do some exploring.

  And his erection. I smiled a little to myself, glorying in some heretofore unrealized feminine power, but Gray was erect around me a lot. His heavy cotton cargo shorts didnt hide it, and neither did the swim trunks hed worn during the slip and slide party.

  But it wasn’t just his physical power that attracted me. It was fun to talk to him and to do things like going out on a boat and pretending to fish. Gray watched out for me, too, always making sure I had enough to eat or drink. There was a tenderness in his gestures, a sweetness too. Carrie had been a fool, but I wouldn’t be.


  AFTER THE FISHING TRIP, GRAY and I were inseparable. He’d call or I would. May wound into June and each day brought us closer together. When I wasn’t working or he wasn’t off doing something with his friends, we’d meet up for a hike or just to play catch in the park. I wasn’t very good at it, but he never complained. I started to get to know his friends and was excited to find out that some of them were currently enrolled at Central. All my high school friends had either graduated already or had never gone to college so it was a relief to know that I’d see at least a couple of familiar faces on campus in the fall.

  I’d fielded one awkward phone call from Carolyn who asked sad questions about this guy I’d been seen spending a lot of time with. A friend, I’d told her.

  “A male friend?” she’d asked plaintively.

  “Yes. ” I’d packed up most of the stuff around the condo but the felt still hung on the wall. I needed a damn ladder but I wasn’t about to ask Tucker for one. Maybe I’d hit up Adam for real this time, not just as an excuse to see Gray. Besides, I thought, a little giddy, I didn’t need an excuse.

  “I hope you’re enjoying yourself. ” Her voice turned sharp. “I’ve been at home looking through Will’s letters. I just can’t believe it’s only been two years since he’s been gone. ”

  My memories of Will were fading and I hadnt realized how much until I met Gray. Will had been such a big part of my life that at one time I felt like I was losing pieces of me. For so long Id been a part of the unit that was Will and Samantha. I hadn’t been able to move on because my future had always been as part of that unit. Everyone I knew identified me as Wills girlfriend, Wills wife and then Wills widow.

  “I’ll always miss him but…” Looking down at my ring, I started tugging and it slid off like my finger had been buttered. Palming it, I spoke more forcefully. “He’s not here anymore. ”

  Carolyn started crying and usually that set me off, but not this time. “I’m sorry. You should talk to Tucker. ” I’m not sure if she even noticed I hung up. I texted Tucker right after to call his mom and then I shut the phone off. I went upstairs and pulled out my jewelry case. I didn’t have much. There was a pearl necklace my parents had given me when I was sixteen and a watch that my grandmother had gifted me on my graduation from high school. There were a few pairs of earrings and a couple of bracelets. I wore none of it other than a pair of gold hoops I never took out. I slid the ring inside, shut the lid and then kissed the box. I loved Will. Some part of me always would.

  But it was time.

  Out on my deck, I soaked in the sun and finished up the cap, sweater, and tiny booties, all in ivory alpaca yarn. Making baby items was one of my favorite crafts—and not just because the projects were a lot quicker to complete. I loved the soft yarns, the tiny booties, and the idea that some of my items were the first thing that a new human being ever wore.

  I had started ticking off the days left in Gray’s visit. My chest would get tight when I thought about him leaving. July was fast approaching. Ever since the fishing trip, Id had different fantasies, imagining attending class with him. Holding hands as we walked across campus. Eating together in the cafeteria. We’d both be older students, and so we’d talk about how no one around us makes any sense, only we make sense together.

  One night he appeared at the bar without Adam or any of the other guys. He just showed up.

  “When are you on break?”

  “Maybe ten minutes? The band has two more songs in the set list. ”

  He leaned over and kissed me on the forehead and then spent the next ten minutes downing two waters. “Driving,” he explained when I asked him.

  Eve’s eyes were wide but she didn’t say a word. When the band finished its last song of the set, she pushed me out of the bar saying that she’d be fine. Gray took me by the hand and led me inside, down the hallway and into the storeroom.

  “It occurred to me,” he said as he knelt down between my legs, “that I’d made some promises I never delivered on. ” I was so glad I was leaning against the door because otherwise I would have fallen over.

  His rough fingers and mine made swift work of my shorts. When I was nude from the waist down, he lifted one leg over his shoulder. “Lean against the door, baby. Your knees are going to get weak. ” He was smug when he said this, but why wouldn’t he be? I was coming two minutes later.

  “One more time,” he said, kissing my inner thigh and rubbing the heel of his hand against me softly while I convulsed around his fingers.

  This time both my legs were over his shoulders and he held me up with just one palm. He used his other hand to spread my lips and spear me repeatedly with his tongue. I felt the abrasiveness of his evening stubble against my super-sensitive skin. The only thing I could do was hang on. I dug my hands into his hair and clenched him tightly with my thighs, but he never complained that I hurt him. If anything, my eager response turned him on because he half growled, half laughed against my skin.

  My heels thrummed against his back as my second orgasm swam through my bloodstream, setting fire to my nerves. It was sensory overload, and I sobbed out my release when I climaxed. Lowering me to the floor, he hugged me close, making sure that he didn’t release me until my shaking had stopped and I could stand on my own, although I felt as wobbly as an infant.

  “Shit hot in the bedroom, right?” He winked.

  “And the storage room,” I muttered weakly. Wickedly, he licked each of his fingers clean and I almost had another orgasm right there. When I reached for him, though, he danced away.

  “You can return the favor later. ” Then he pressed me up against the door and kissed me so hard that I couldn’t remember my own name. Drunk on the taste of him and in a fog from my orgasms, I couldn’t come up with a decent counter argument so I just clung to his shoulders and kissed him back. I don’t remember much about the rest of the night. I was in a sex daze.

  I’m not sure where he went for the rest of the night but when the bar closed he was leaning against my Rover. I had a hard time not attacking him there but he made me drive to my condo and take him upstairs to the bedroom. Waiting could be foreplay according to Gray. Maybe he was r
ight. I shot off like a rocket when he first entered me and came two more times before I went into my post sex coma.

  I WANTED TO DO SOMETHING special for him, so with a little help from Adam, I took Gray out to Finn O’Malley’s farm the next weekend.

  "Im excited about our excursion. " Gray said. "I want ice cream to be included at some point. "

  Just the look of him made me feel good. "Not to worry. Well get that on the way back. ”

  “Sounds good. ” He made a big show of licking his lips. “Make sure it has whipped cream. In my sex dream about you last night, you were wearing a whipped cream bikini. ”

  “You had enough energy for sex dreams?”

  “Baby, every night after you wear me out, I’m dreaming about waking up and doing you again. And let me tell you, last night had me so horny this morning, I had a hard time getting out of bed. Good thing you’d gone down for breakfast because otherwise I’d have eaten you before the coffee and bagels. ”

  I held up a hand to forestall any further description of his fantasies. "I only brought one pair of panties with me today, so youve gotta stop talking about sex right now. "

  "Does my talking turn you on, Samantha?" Just the tone of his voice could get my engine working.

  "You know it does. "

  Taking pity on me, Gray started telling me about his friend Hamilton and Hamiltons sister, who was a dead ringer for some girl who posed in Playboy. "So you harass poor Hamilton about this, knowing that its not his sister. "

  "Sure, wed never do it if it was his sister. "

  "Why not?"

  "Because were assholes but not that big of assholes,” Gray explained. Marine logic, I guess.

  "So where we going?” he asked as we moved further west from the city center.

  "Finns farm. His dad owns—or I guess Finn, since his dad died, now owns about a hundred acres of land out west. His mom has horses. "

  "I dont know how to ride," Gray admitted.

  "Me neither,” I answered. "I want you to teach me to shoot a gun. "

  "For real?" There was surprise and excitement in that question.

  "Yup. "

  "Thats some hot shit, Samantha. Now Im the one with wet panties. "

  Finn met us at the back lot of his property. There were wooden targets at various angles and then just a lot of empty space. A couple of collapsible tables holding cases, ammunition and protective ear gear were waiting for us.

  "So some of this stuff is Noah’s and Bos and some is mine and Adams. Mal doesnt believe in firearms so he sent this along for you to enjoy after you’re done shooting. " Finn held up a bottle of red wine that read The Prisoner on the label.

  "Nice man, what do I owe you?" Gray stuck his hand in his back pocket to reach for his wallet.

  Shaking his head, Finn replied, "Nothing. Its for Sam. " He slapped Gray on his back and kissed me on the cheek. There was grief in his eyes, still lingering from his fathers death, and I followed my instincts by throwing my arms around his waist and squeezing him tight.

  "It gets easier. I swear,” I said.

  Finn hugged me back and then pushed away to hold me by my shoulders. "I can see that. "


  INSTRUCTING A HOT GIRL HOW TO shoot a gun was a lot different and more pleasurable than doing it with a recruit. I even found myself curling around her like some doofus in a chick flick, but I guess those doofuses knew what they were doing because it felt damn good. Holding Sam snug against my frame as we both held and shot guns was one of the best things Id ever done with a girl before outside of the bedroom.

  She shot the Ruger 357 revolver that had a barrel only a couple inches long. Her arm jerked up with every shot and not one of the bullets hit the mark that stood only fifteen feet away. I handed her the Magnum 45. It weighed over three pounds more than the little pistol but the longer barrel would have less of a kickback.

  "You can do a two-handed stance or try the one-handed side stance. " I reluctantly let her go but realized that the sight of her holding the big gun all on her own was just as hot. She shot all six of the bullets in quick succession and then laid it on the table.

  Pulling her ear protection off, she said, "I kind of like that one. Im surprised at the amount of recoil in the smaller guns. ”

  The revolvers had to be Noah’s because he was the more methodical and patient. He’d like spinning the cylinder and placing his bullets in the chamber one by one. Bo, on the other hand, wouldve wanted the ability to shove another magazine in as quickly as he’d emptied the one in the stock of the gun so the Glock and the Sig Sauer were probably his. I preferred my Colt 1911 Rail Gun. The . 45 bullets it shot packed a big punch, and despite the fact that it took more maintenance, it had better accuracy. There was nothing quite like the toys that the Corps issued. Everything else may suck but the munitions were awesome.