Produced by Kent Fielden


  By Thornton W. Burgess

  CHAPTER I: Jerry Muskrat Has A Fright

  What was it Mother Muskrat had said about Farmer Brown's boy and histraps? Jerry Muskrat sat on the edge of the Big Rock and kicked hisheels while he tried to remember. The fact is, Jerry had not halfheeded. He had been thinking of other things. Besides, it seemed to himthat Mother Muskrat was altogether foolish about a great many things.

  "Pooh!" said Jerry, throwing out his chest, "I guess I can take care ofmyself without being tied to my mother's apron strings! What if FarmerBrown's boy is setting traps around the Smiling Pool? I guess he can'tfool your Uncle Jerry. He isn't so smart as he thinks he is; I can foolhim any day." Jerry chuckled. He was thinking of how he had once fooledFarmer Brown's boy into thinking a big trout was on his hook.

  Slowly Jerry slid into the Smiling Pool and swam over towards hisfavorite log. Peter Rabbit stuck his head over the edge of the bank."Hi, Jerry," he shouted, "last night I saw Farmer Brown's boy comingover this way with a lot of traps. Better watch out!"

  "Go chase yourself, Peter Rabbit. I guess I can look out for myself,"replied Jerry, just a little crossly.

  Peter made a wry face and started for the sweet clover patch. Hardly washe out of sight when Billy Mink and Bobby Coon came down the LaughingBrook together. They seemed very much excited. When they saw JerryMuskrat, they beckoned for him to come over where they were, and when hegot there, they both talked at once, and it was all about Farmer Brown'sboy and his traps.

  "You'd better watch out, Jerry," warned Billy Mink, who is a greattraveler and has had wide experience.

  "Oh, I guess I'm able to take care of myself," said Jerry airily, andonce more started for his favorite log. And what do you suppose he wasthinking about as he swam along? He was wishing that he knew what a traplooked like, for despite his boasting he didn't even know what he wasto look out for. As he drew near his favorite log, something tickled hisnose. He stopped swimming to sniff and sniff. My, how good it did smell!And it seemed to come right straight from the old log. Jerry began toswim as fast as he could. In a few minutes he scrambled out on theold log. Then Jerry rubbed his eyes three times to be sure that he sawaright. There were luscious pieces of carrot lying right in front ofhim.

  Now there is nothing that Jerry Muskrat likes better than carrot. Sohe didn't stop to wonder how it got there. He just reached out for thenearest piece and ate it. Then he reached for the next piece and ate it.Then he did a funny little dance just for joy. When he was quite out ofbreath, he sat down to rest. Snap! Something had Jerry Muskrat by thetail! Jerry squealed with fright and pain. Oh, how it did hurt! Hetwisted and turned, but he was held fast and could not see what had him.Then he pulled and pulled, until it seemed as if his tail would pulloff. But it didn't. So he kept pulling, and pretty soon the thing let goso suddenly that Jerry tumbled head first into the water.

  When he reached home, Mother Muskrat did his sore tail up for him. "Whatdid I tell you about traps?" she asked severely.

  Jerry stopped crying. "Was that a trap?" he asked. Then he rememberedthat in his fright he didn't even see it. "Oh, dear," he moaned, "Iwouldn't know one to-day if I met it."

  CHAPTER II: The Convention At The Big Rock

  Jolly round, red Mr. Sun looked down on the Smiling Pool. He almostforgot to keep on climbing up in the blue sky, he was so interested inwhat he saw there. What do you think it was? Why, it was a convention atthe Big Rock, the queerest convention he ever had seen. Your papa wouldsay that it was a mass-meeting of angry citizens. Maybe it was, but thatis a pretty long term. Anyway, Mother Muskrat said it was a convention,and she ought to know, for she is the one who had called it.

  Of course Jerry Muskrat was there, and his uncles and aunts and allhis cousins. Billy Mink was there, and all his relations, even oldGrandfather Mink, who has lost most of his teeth and is a little hard ofhearing.

  Little Joe Otter was there, with his father and mother and all hisrelations even to his third cousins. Bobby Coon was there, and he hadbrought with him every Coon of his acquaintance who ever fished in theSmiling Pool or along the Laughing Brook. And everybody was looking verysolemn, very solemn indeed.

  When the last one had arrived, Mother Muskrat climbed up on the Big Rockand called Jerry Muskrat up beside her, where all could see him. Thenshe made a speech. "Friends of the Smiling Pool and Laughing Brook,"began Mrs. Muskrat, "I have called you together to show you what hashappened to my son Jerry and to ask your advice." She stopped andpointed to Jerry's sore tail. "What do you think did that?" shedemanded.

  "Probably Jerry's been in a fight and got whipped," said Bobby Coon tohis neighbor, for Bobby Coon is a graceless young scamp and does notalways show proper respect to his neighbors.

  Mrs. Muskrat glared at him, for she had overheard the remark. Then sheheld up one hand to command silence. "Friends, it was a trap--a trapset by Farmer Brown's boy! a trap to catch you and me and our children!"said she solemnly. "It is no longer safe for our little folks to playaround the Smiling Pool or along the Laughing Brook. What are we goingto do about it?"

  Everybody looked at everybody else in dismay. Then everybody began totalk at once, and if Farmer Brown's boy could have heard all the thingssaid about him, his cheeks certainly would have burned. Indeed, I amafraid that they would have blistered. Such excitement! Everybody hada different idea, and nobody would listen to anybody else. Old Mr. Minklost his temper and called Grandpa Otter a meddlesome know-nothing. Itlooked very much as if the convention was going to break up in a sadquarrel. Then Mr. Coon climbed up on the Big Rock and with a stickpounded for silence.

  "I move," said he, "that in as much as we cannot agree, we tellGreat-Grandfather Frog all about the danger and ask his advice, for heis very old and very wise and remembers when the world was young. All infavor please raise their right hands."

  At once the air was full of hands, and everybody was good-natured oncemore. So it was agreed to call in Great-Grandfather Frog.

  CHAPTER III: The Oracle Of The Smiling Pool

  Grandfather Frog sat on his big green lily-pad with his eyes halfclosed, for all the world as if he knew nothing about the meeting at theBig Rock. Of course he did know, for there isn't much going on aroundthe Smiling Pool which he doesn't see or at least hear all about. TheMerry Little Breezes, who are here, there, and everywhere, told himall that was going on, so that when he saw Jerry Muskrat and Little JoeOtter swimming towards him, he knew what they were coming for. But hepretended to be very much surprised when Jerry Muskrat very politelysaid: "Good morning, Grandfather Frog."

  "Good morning, Jerry Muskrat. You're out early this morning," repliedGrandfather Frog.

  "If you please, you are wanted over at the Big Rock," said Jerry.

  Grandfather Frog's eyes twinkled, but he made his voice very deep andgruff as he replied: "Chugarum! You're a scamp, Jerry Muskrat, andLittle Joe Otter is another. What trick are you trying to play on menow?"

  Jerry Muskrat and Little Joe Otter looked a wee bit sheepish, for it wastrue that they were forever trying to play tricks on Grandfather Frog."Really and truly, Grandfather Frog, there isn't any trick this time,"said Jerry. "There is a meeting at the Big Rock to try to decide what todo to keep Farmer Brown's boy from setting traps around the Smiling Pooland along the Laughing Brook, and everybody wants your advice, becauseyou are so old and so wise. Please come."

  Grandfather Frog smoothed down his white and yellow waistcoat andpretended to think the matter over very seriously, while Jerry andLittle Joe fidgeted impatiently. Finally he spoke.

  "I am very old, as you have said, Jerry Muskrat, and it is a long wayover
to the Big Rock."

  "Get right on my back and I'll take you over there," said Jerry eagerly.

  "I'm afraid that you'll spill me off," replied Grandfather Frog.

  "No, I won't; just try me and see," begged Jerry.

  So Grandfather Frog climbed on Jerry Muskrat's back, and Jerry startedfor the Big Rock as fast as he could go. When all the Minks and theOtters and the Coons and the Muskrats saw them coming, they gave agreat shout, for Grandfather Frog is sometimes called the oracle of theSmiling Pool. You know an oracle is one who is very wise.

  Bobby Coon helped Grandfather Frog up on the Big Rock, and when he hadmade himself comfortable, Mrs. Muskrat told him all about Farmer Brown'sboy and his traps, and how Jerry had been caught in one by the tail, andshe ended by asking for his advice, because they all knew that he was sowise.

  When she said this, Grandfather Frog puffed himself up until it seemedas if his white and yellow waistcoat would surely burst. He sat verystill for a while and gazed straight at jolly, round, red Mr. Sunwithout blinking once. Then he spoke in a very deep voice.

  "To-morrow morning at sunrise I will tell you what to do," said he. Andnot another word could they get out of him.

  CHAPTER IV: Grandfather Frog's Plan

  Just as Old Mother West Wind and her Merry Little Breezes came down fromthe Purple Hills, and jolly, round, red Mr. Sun threw his nightcap offand began his daily climb up in the blue sky, Great-Grandfather Frogclimbed up on the Big Rock in the Smiling Pool. Early as he was, all thelittle people who live along the Laughing Brook and around the SmilingPool were waiting for him. Bobby Coon had found two traps set by FarmerBrown's boy, and Billy Mink had almost stepped in a third. No one feltsafe any more, yet no one knew what to do. So they all waited for theadvice of Great-Grandfather Frog, who, you know, is accounted very, verywise.

  Grandfather Frog cleared his throat. "Chugarum!" said he. "You must findall the traps that Farmer Brown's boy has set."

  "How are we going to do it?" asked Bobby Coon.

  "By looking for them," replied Grandfather Frog tartly.

  Bobby Coon looked foolish and slipped out of sight behind his mother.

  "All the Coons and all the Minks must search along the banks of theLaughing Brook, and all the Muskrats and all the Otters must searchalong the banks of the Smiling Pool. You must use your eyes and yournoses. When you find things good to eat where you have never found thembefore, watch out! When you get the first whiff of the man-smell, watchout! Billy Mink, you are small and quick, and your eyes are sharp. Yousit here on the Big Rock until you see Farmer Brown's boy coming. Thengo hide in the bulrushes where you can watch him, but where he cannotsee you. Follow him everywhere he goes around the Smiling Pool or alongthe Laughing Brook. Without knowing it, he will show you where everytrap is hidden.

  "When all the traps have been found, drop a stick or a stone in each.That will spring them, and then they will be harmless. Then you canbury them deep in the mud. But don't eat any of the food until you havesprung all of the traps, for just as likely as not you will get caught.When all the traps have been sprung, why not bring all the good thingsto eat which you find around them to the Big Rock and have a grandfeast?"

  "Hurrah for Grandfather Frog! That's a great idea!" shouted Little JoeOtter, turning a somersault in the water.

  Every one agreed with Little Joe Otter, and immediately they began toplan a grand hunt for the traps of Farmer Brown's boy. The Muskratsand the Otters started to search the banks of the Smiling Pool, andthe Coons and the Minks, all but Billy, started for the Laughing Brook.Billy climbed up on the Big Rock to watch, and Grandfather Frog slowlyswam back to his big green lily-pad to wait for some foolish green fliesfor his breakfast.

  CHAPTER V: A Busy Day At The Smiling Pool

  Everybody was excited. Yes, Sir, everybody in the Smiling Pool and alongthe Laughing Brook was just bubbling over with excitement. Even Spottythe Turtle, who usually takes everything so calmly that some peoplethink him stupid, climbed up on the highest point of an old log where hecould see what was going on. Only Grandfather Frog, sitting on his biggreen lily-pad and watching for foolish green flies for his breakfast,appeared not to know that something unusual was going on. Really, hewas just as much excited as the rest, but because he is very old andaccounted very, very wise, it would not do for him to show it.

  What was it all about? Why, all the Minks and the Coons and the Ottersand the Muskrats, who live and play around the Smiling Pool and theLaughing Brook, were hunting for traps. Yes, Sir, they were hunting fortraps set by Farmer Brown's boy, just as Grandfather Frog had advisedthem to.

  Jerry Muskrat and Little Joe Otter were hunting together. They wereswimming along close to shore just where the Laughing Brook leaves theSmiling Pool, when Jerry wrinkled up his funny little nose and stoppedswimming. Sniff, sniff, sniff, went Jerry Muskrat. Then little coldshivers ran down his backbone and way out to the tip of his tail.

  "What is it?" asked Little Joe Otter.

  "It's the man-smell," whispered Jerry.

  Just then Little Joe Otter gave a long sniff. "My, I smell fish!" hecried, his eyes sparkling, and started in the direction from which thesmell came. He swam faster than Jerry, and in a minute he shouted indelight.

  "Hi, Jerry! Some one's left a fish on the edge of the bank: What afeast!"

  Jerry hurried as fast as he could swim, his eyes popping out withfright, for the nearer he got, the stronger grew that dreadfulman-smell. "Don't touch it," he panted. "Don't touch it, Joe Otter!"

  Little Joe laughed. "What's the matter, Jerry? 'Fraid I'll eat it all upbefore you get here?" he asked, as he reached out for the fish.

  "Stop!" shrieked Jerry, and gave Little Joe a push, just as the lattertouched the fish.

  Snap! A pair of wicked steel jaws flew together and caught Little JoeOtter by a claw of one toe. If it hadn't been for Jerry's push, he wouldhave been caught by a foot.

  "Oh! Oh! Oh!" cried Little Joe Otter.

  "Next time I guess you'll remember what Grandfather Frog said aboutwatching out when you find things to eat where they never were before,"said Jerry, as he helped Little Joe pull himself free from the trap. Buthe left the claw behind and had a dreadfully sore toe as a result.Then they buried the trap deep down in the mud and started to look foranother.

  All around the Smiling Pool and along the Laughing Brook their cousinsand uncles and aunts and friends were just as busy, and every once in awhile some one would have just as narrow an escape as Little Joe Otter.And all the time up at the farmhouse Farmer Brown's boy was planningwhat he would do with the skins of the little animals he was sure hewould catch in his traps.

  CHAPTER VI: Farmer Brown's Boy Is Puzzled

  Farmer Brown's boy was whistling merrily as he tramped down across theGreen Meadows. The Merry Little Breezes saw him coming, and they racedover to the Smiling Pool to tell Billy Mink. Farmer Brown's boy wascoming to visit his traps. He was very sure that he would find BillyMink or Little Joe Otter, or Jerry Muskrat, or perhaps Bobby Coon.

  Billy Mink was sitting on top of the Big Rock. He saw the Merry LittleBreezes racing across the Green Meadows, and behind them he saw FarmerBrown's boy. Billy Mink dived head first into the Smiling Pool. Thenhe swam over to Jerry Muskrat's house and warned Jerry. Together theyhunted up Little Joe Otter, and then the three little scamps in brownhid in the bulrushes, where they could watch Farmer Brown's boy.

  The first place Farmer Brown's boy visited was Jerry Muskrat's old log.Very cautiously he peeped over the edge of the bank. The trap was gone!

  "Hurrah!" shouted Farmer Brown's boy. He was very much excited, as hecaught hold of the end of the chain, which fastened it to the old log.He was sure that at last he had caught Jerry Muskrat. When he pulled thetrap up, it was empty. Between the jaws were a few hairs and a littlebit of skin, which Jerry Muskrat had left there when he sprung the trapwith his tail.

  Farmer Brown's boy was disappointed. "Well, I'll get him to-morrow,anyway," said he to himself. Then he went on
to his next trap; it wasnowhere to be seen. When he pulled the chain he was so excited that hetrembled. The trap did not come up at once. He pulled and pulled, andthen suddenly up it came, all covered with mud. In it was one littleclaw from Little Joe Otter. Very carefully Farmer Brown's boy set thetrap again. If he could have looked over in the bulrushes and haveseen Little Joe Otter and Billy Mink and Jerry Muskrat watching him andtickling and laughing, he would not have been so sure that next time hewould catch Little Joe Otter.

  All around the Smiling Pool and then up and down the Laughing BrookFarmer Brown's boy tramped, and each trap he found sprung and buried inthe mud. He had stopped whistling by this time, and there was a puzzledfrown on his freckled face. What did it mean? Could some other boy havefound all his traps and played a trick by springing all of them? Themore he thought about it, the more puzzled he became. You see, he didnot know anything about the busy day the Minks and the Otters and theMuskrats and the Coons had spent the day before.

  Old Grandfather Frog, sitting on his big green lily-pad, smoothed downhis white and yellow waistcoat and winked up at jolly, round, red Mr.Sun as Farmer Brown's boy tramped off across the Green Meadows.

  "Chugarum!" said Grandfather Frog, as he snapped up a foolish green fly."Much good it will do you to set those traps again!"

  Then Grandfather Frog called to Billy Mink and sent him to tell all theother little people of the Smiling Pool and the Laughing Brook that theymust hurry and spring all the traps again as they had before.

  This time it was easy, because they knew just where the traps were, soall day long they dropped sticks and stones into the traps and once moresprung them. Then they prepared for a grand feast of the good things toeat which Farmer Brown's boy had left, scattered around the traps.