Page 31 of Born of Night

  Nykyrian moved his drink out of the way. "I'll go to Tondara tonight and try to find Driana at the club they told us about." Aksel kept his address as guarded as they did--they couldn't even pinpoint which planet the scab lived on. The only lead they had was that Driana went to the same Tondarian dive every weekend, which ironically was an old haunt of theirs. "If we can find her she'll gladly give me Aksel's plans, and knowing him, he's run his mouth in front of her, thinking she'd never betray him."

  Syn swilled his drink. "From my reports, I'm surprised Aksel hasn't killed her. Everything I have says they hate each other."

  "Aksel won't kill her because of her trust fund. If they divorce or she dies under mysterious circumstances, all her money reverts to her family. Aksel's too greedy to let something like hatred interfere with his wealth."

  "Why doesn't she divorce him?"

  "He'd kill her and her family. You have to remember, Aksel's one psycho bastard."

  "Why are you talking about that scum?"

  Nykyrian turned to see Ryn approaching them. Ryn's red hair was a shade darker than his brother Darling's, but his eyes were an identical shade of blue. Even though Ryn had a jaded past, he, like Darling, showed no traces of being anything other than a high-ranking aristocrat. Their past was completely shielded behind a mask of arrogant disdain.

  Dressed in bright imperial robes, Ryn looked like he'd just left a council meeting.

  "We were discussing ways to kill him. Want to join the fun?"

  Ryn ignored Syn's sarcastic question as he took a seat in front of Nykryian. "So how's my renegade little brother? He still running with you guys?"

  Knowing Darling wouldn't want his brother, who couldn't help him, anyway, informed about his condition, Nykyrian shrugged the question off. Besides, it wasn't like Ryn didn't know what Arturo did behind closed doors--he'd fallen under the man's fists too many years to not be well acquainted with his brutality. But unlike Darling, he'd at least had their father to run interference. "He's fine."

  "Good." Ryn took a seat and handed Nykyrian a copy of the Probekeins' latest contract on Kiara's life. "That hasn't been posted yet," he said, adjusting the voluminous yards of his robe--the only sign he gave of not being completely at ease with his duties. "But it goes up first thing in the morning. They've quadrupled the bounty and upgraded from bill-kill to spill-kill. They're getting antsy that she has yet to die."

  Nykyrian ground his teeth at the news. Spill-kill meant anyone around her was considered fair game. The messier, the better, and each vic would have a lesser fee paid for their assassination, too.

  Zamir had screwed up royally where she was concerned.

  Syn scowled. "Why are they so hot to kill her, anyway? I would think by now they'd let it go and move on."

  Ryn sighed. "All I could find out about what set them off was that Zamir told Emperor Abenbi to burn in a very uncomfortable position for a long time. At this point, Abenbi refuses to call the contract off even if Zamir gives him the surata. His honor has been too abused by President Zamir, so Kiara must die."

  Syn smirked. "I could've learned that online."

  Ryn frowned at Nykyrian. "What did you do to put him in such a foul mood?"

  Syn flipped him off.

  Ignoring him, Ryn continued talking to Nykyrian. "Abenbi also wants the weapon to go after the Fremick territory. He feels since they're his neighbors, they should be part of his territories. I really wish you guys would put a stop to him."

  Syn crossed his arms over his chest. "Pay our fee."

  Ryn glared, but again wisely chose to ignore him. "That's all I know. I hope it helped."

  At Syn's scoff, Ryn faced Nykyrian. "You should keep him on a leash."

  Nykyrian barely had time to grab Syn's arm before his fist made contact with the ambassador's chin. "Calm your ass down."

  Grudgingly, Syn retook his seat.

  Nykyrian shook Ryn's hand. "Your information helped a lot. Thanks."

  Syn rolled his eyes as Ryn took his leave. "We waited all this time for that?"

  Nykyrian jerked the papers off the table. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

  Syn slammed his hand down on the table so hard it almost upended his drink. "You slept with her last night. I waited up half the night hoping you'd come back downstairs. But you didn't. You stayed with her."

  "I know where I spent the night."

  Syn's gaze narrowed dangerously. "When she betrays us, just remember I warned you."

  Nykyrian clenched his fist, tempted to send Syn flying. Their friendship was the only thing that saved Syn's jaw from being shattered. He tried to remind himself that Syn's anger was only because his friend was watching out for him, but right now, he was sick of hearing Syn's shit. "How could I forget, since you'll no doubt remind me every day of my life?"

  From the clenched fists Syn kept at his own side, Nykyrian knew he wanted to knock his head from his shoulders.

  After a few tense minutes, Syn snatched his papers up. "It's your funeral." He stormed out of the room.

  With Syn's dire warning echoing in his head, Nykyrian made his way slowly to his ship. Maybe Syn was right. Things had been going too good. His life never went smoothly. Just when things seemed to improve, something always happened to screw it up.

  Nykyrian climbed aboard his ship. He sat in the leather seat, thinking. His thumb played across the trigger for his lasers. A bad feeling crept along his spine.

  Checking his power grid and fuel levels, he didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

  Still the dread feeling persisted--he could literally see himself in a massive dogfight with his ship damaged--it was as clear as day.

  And if he'd learned anything in his life, it was to always trust his instincts, and now those instincts were buzzing loudly in alarm.

  Something awful was definitely going to happen and he was going to be in the middle of it.


  Nykyrian froze as he found Kiara dancing in his training room. The embodiment of grace and gentle beauty, she twirled around his instruments of death. The dichotomy of that wasn't lost on him.

  And as he watched her, he remembered the sensation of her making love to him last night. The way her lips had felt as she tongued his nipples--who knew how much pleasure that could hold? It'd startled him at first, but once the initial shock had faded, he'd willingly submitted to her painstaking exploration. He was still getting used to allowing another person complete access to his body. It was so odd to lie there and not have to protect himself from her.

  The fact that she didn't hurt him never ceased to amaze him.

  Kiara twirled and caught sight of him watching her. The smile that spread over her face made his gut wrench.

  Would he ever get used to her being happy to see him? The way her eyes lit up and her cheeks rushed with color . . .

  It made him feel so welcomed and wanted, and to his complete horror, it made him return her smile.

  She walked into his arms and planted a sweet kiss on his cheek. "How'd it go?"

  "Not as good as it could have, but it was basically uneventful."


  "I didn't kill anyone."

  She rolled her eyes at him, then stepped back and tugged at his arm. "Come dance with me."

  "I really don't dance."

  Kiara tightened her grip on his hand. Having seen the vid of his past, she understood why--the only time he'd danced, he'd been beaten ferociously over it, but she wanted to replace his bad memories with good ones. She wanted him to trust her.

  Most of all, she wanted him to love her as much as she loved him.

  "Dance with me, Nykyrian," she insisted.

  Nykyrian wanted to decline, but the look on her face . . .

  He hated disappointing her. Growling at her playfully, he allowed her to pull him deeper into the room. The music started in a slow ballad.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, swaying gently to the music. "See, it doesn't hurt."

  Not en
tirely true. It raised a lump in his throat that burned as he ached to stay like this forever. Closing his eyes, he savored the sensation of her arms wrapped around him, her breasts pressing against his chest as the music teleported him to a realm of heaven he'd never imagined.

  Kiara buried her face against the opening of his shirt and inhaled the warm scent of his skin. She loved the feeling of his arms wrapped around her. He always held her as if she were unspeakably precious. As if he were afraid of hurting her. The strength of him never ceased to amaze her. His body was so hard and yet his touch gentle.

  Adoring him, she tilted her head up to kiss him as they danced. His fangs scraped against her tongue, sending a chill down her spine.

  She felt him tense before he pulled back. "Let's not start this fire while Darling's here. Otherwise, I'm going to toss you over my shoulder, take you upstairs and make love to you until we're both limping."

  Smiling at his threat, she twisted her hand playfully in the small hairs at the nape of his neck. "You said the room was soundproof."

  He smiled at that. "You are an evil temptress."

  She kissed his cheek. "Only for you, baby. Only for you." Reluctantly, she stepped back and released him. But not before she nipped at his chin. "Go on with your bad self. I need to finish working out."

  Nykyrian had to force himself to let go of her. With one last smile at him, she headed back to her dancing. Her touch and scent lingered on his skin as he realized why he couldn't listen to Syn.

  Kiara healed him.

  Somehow she took all the ugliness of his past and made it not matter to him anymore. Yes, it still stung when he thought about it, but with her here, it wasn't as severe.

  I'm a fucking idiot.

  No, he was a man in love with a woman who meant the entire universe to him.

  Like I said, you're a fucking idiot.

  And for the first time in his life, he was happy being stupid because the only alternative would be existing without her, and now that he'd tasted the sunlight she brought into his world, he never wanted to live in darkness again.

  Please don't send me back to the night.

  Hours later, Nykyrian, Darling and Hauk stood in the main room of Nykyrian's house waiting for Kiara to join them.

  I can't believe I'm doing this. What kind of moron would even contemplate taking her to Club Blood?

  He didn't like the answer to that question since it was him.

  If only she hadn't pleaded with those big amber eyes, he might have been able to stand fast and make her stay behind. But he was entirely too weak-willed where she was concerned, and her disappointed pout completely overrode his common sense.

  "Your advice didn't help," Hauk said darkly, eyeing the stairs.

  Nykyrian turned around to see Kiara descending. As he'd requested, she'd pulled her hair back from her face into a severe bun. The old, ragged battlesuit that added inches to her waist didn't deter from her beauty in the least.


  And even worse was the major hard-on he had just looking at her.

  Just what I need--more blood drained from my already impaired brain.

  Darling let out a loud sigh. "What else can we do?"

  "Put something over her head." Hauk's tone was completely dry.

  Kiara's face flushed bright pink. "Why don't you wear something over your head, you big, hairy--"

  "That's it," Nykyrian said, interrupting her before she said something that might piss the Andarion off. "Keep her mad. She looks like she could kick ass now."

  Hauk didn't comment as he came forward to strap a blaster and a belt of knives around her waist.

  Kiara frowned. She hadn't realized before how much things like this weighed. It was a wonder Nykyrian and the others could move, never mind fight when armed. "What are you doing with those? I've never been able to shoot straight."

  Hauk snorted. "No one else has to know that. Just consider them for show and make sure that if you do pull out the blaster, warn me so I can duck before you pull the trigger."

  Kiara scoffed at him as Nykyrian went to the closet and pulled out a thick, padded leather jacket that was four times her size. He brought it over to her. "What are you doing? I already look like a shuttlecraft."

  Nykyrian winked. "That's the idea."

  Kiara pursed her lips, no longer sure if she should go with them, given their behavior. When Darling had told her what type of club it was, her curiosity had gotten the best of her.

  But now . . .

  Maybe she should stay here.

  While Nykyrian helped her into the jacket, her gaze drifted over his hot, taut body. He wore a pair of tight leather pants and an oversized leather jacket without a shirt on beneath it as a show of strength and power--I'm such a badass that I don't need protection from your unworthy attempts to hurt me. An act of silent defiance that was helped by the presence of scars that advertised exactly how many battles and fights he'd been in.

  And obviously survived.

  But it was the sight of his well-defined eight-pack that left her all but drooling.

  His tanned, muscled flesh begged her hand to touch him. If not for Hauk and Darling, she'd pull him back upstairs and make him beg her for mercy. She licked her dry lips as she met Nykyrian's eyes.

  Color stained Nykyrian's cheeks at her hungry look.

  Hauk's laugh rang out. "That may actually be the first time in my life I've seen that boy blush. Damn, someone grab a pic quick. We might be able to use it for blackmail later."

  Nykyrian cast him a dark scowl.

  Hauk took a step back, still laughing.

  Muttering a curse about the Andarion, Nykyrian undid Kiara's hair and gently plaited it into three braids, then the three into one. He stood up the collar of her jacket and turned her to face Darling and Hauk.

  "Now what do you think?"

  Hauk grimaced. "I still think she's too damned attractive. She's going to get us killed."

  Darling shoved playfully at him. "Relax. Shahara goes there all the time and no one ever bothers her."

  Hauk gave him a droll stare. "That's because she'd kill you for nothing more than asking her the time of day."

  Kiara hesitated as she looked up at Nykyrian. "I would love to go with you, but . . ."

  "We'll keep our eyes on you. Don't worry. If anything happens to you, I'll kill Hauk for it." Nykyrian took her hand in his gloved one.

  Hauk arched a brow, but wisely said nothing as he followed them out to the landing bay and they boarded their ships.

  Time passed quickly for Kiara as they made their way to the large planet of Tondara and the thriving port city called Touras.

  They landed and docked outside the grimiest bay Kiara had ever seen. When they'd told her the club was filled with riff-raff, she'd assumed they would at least attend to basic hygiene, but apparently she was wrong.

  As the hatch raised, she choked on the pungent odor of rotting garbage and body odor--now she understood where Chenz had learned his cleanliness from. Maybe she should have listened to Hauk and stayed home after all. This place was disgusting.

  She pressed her hand to her nose to help block the odors.

  Nykyrian unstrapped her. "You'll have to jump down unassisted. Act like you know what you're doing and if anyone looks at you, snarl at them like you're going to kill them where they stand."

  "Are you serious?"


  She definitely wanted to go home. But it was too late. She'd argued with all of them to come, so the least she could do was be a woman about. Trying to look tough, she got out and did just as he told her. When her feet hit the pavement, pain jarred through her knees.

  "Ow," she breathed. But at least the fierce grimace on her face was real.

  And she did great maintaining her kick-ass facade until several unidentifiable vermin squeaked past her feet, rushing under a nearby garbage heap. Unable to stand it, she made a most undignified shriek and ran to Hauk for protection.

  Several beings turned to star
e at her with interest.

  Hauk let out a disgusted sigh as he pried her hands loose from his arm and scowled at the people who were now eyeing them.

  Nykyrian jumped down beside her.

  Like Hauk, he gave the onlookers a fierce scowl that threatened total dismemberment. This time, they paid attention and quickly averted their gazes.

  Nykyrian placed his arm around her shoulders in an act of overt possession.

  Darling joined them. He glared at Nykyrian. "My knees hate the shit out of you, boss."

  Nykyrian shrugged. "Mine don't think much of me, either."

  Hauk narrowed his eyes as he glanced around the area. "Looks crowded tonight. I think we should turn back before we get pulverized."

  Nykyrian pushed Hauk toward the entrance.

  Kiara tilted her head down and used her peripheral vision to pinpoint the lethal predators around them who watched them intently. It was obvious their group was being sized up and judged by them.

  Luckily, she was with the deadliest of the bunch.

  Nykyrian leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Don't meet anyone's gaze."

  Kiara nodded even though a lump of dread settled in her stomach. When the doors to the club opened, she flinched. Loud music blared at a level that pulsed in her body like a second heartbeat.

  Her curiosity faded in the wake of true panic. This is a major mistake . . . After being with Nykyrian and his group, she'd mistakenly thought most outlaws were similar to them, but she was wrong. The men, women and aliens moving inside the dark club were the roughest, most intimidating individuals she'd ever seen and she had no doubt any of them would kill someone for nothing more than looking at them askance.

  Dim lights blinked wildly overhead and flashed off elaborate outfits and weaponry. The stench of cheap alcohol and expensive perfume and aftershave lodged in her throat. Creatures tumbled over one another, shoving, snarling, picking fights.

  Or, more to the point, picking pockets.

  Nykyrian paid their fee before he led her in. "You won't be hurt so long as you stay with us." He pulled a pair of filters from his pocket and held them out to her.

  Grateful for them, she put them in her ears so they would muffle the throbbing sound. No wonder Nykyrian wasn't flinching from his sensitive hearing.

  She let out a relieved breath as the music and voices dropped to a tolerable level. Thank you! she mouthed at him.

  He inclined his head to her.