The _ksiondz_ Wyszoniek dressed Zbyszko's wounds and he stated that onlyone rib was broken; but the first day he could not affirm that the sickman would live, because he could not ascertain whether the heart had beeninjured or not. Sir de Lorche was so ill toward morning that he wasobliged to go to bed, and on the following day he could not move his handnor his foot, without great pain in all the bones. The princess Danusiaand some other ladies of the court nursed the sick men and prepared forthem, according to the prescriptions of the _ksiondz_ Wyszoniek,different ointments and potions. But Zbyszko was very severely injured,and from time to time blood gushed from his mouth, and this alarmed the_ksiondz_ Wyszoniek very much. He was conscious however, and on thesecond day, although very weak, having learned from Danusia to whom heowed his life, called Hlawa to thank and reward him. He remembered thathe had received the Czech from Jagienka and that had it not been for herkind heart, he would have perished. He feared that he never would be ableto repay the good-hearted girl for her kindness, but that he would onlybe the cause of her sorrow.

  "I swore to my _panienka_," said Hlawa, "on my honor of a _wlodyka_, thatI would protect you; therefore I will do it without any reward. You areindebted to her for your life."

  Zbyszko did not answer, but began to breathe heavily; the Czech wassilent for a while, then he said:

  "If you wish me to hasten to Bogdaniec, I will go. Perhaps you will beglad to see the old lord, because God only knows whether you willrecover."

  "What does the _ksiondz_ Wyszoniek say?" asked Zbyszko.

  "The _ksiondz_ Wyszoniek says that he will know when the new moon comes.There are four days before the new moon."

  "Hej! then you need not go to Bogdaniec, because I will either die, or Iwill be well before my uncle could come."

  "Could you not send a letter to Bogdaniec? Sanderus will write one. Thenthey will know about you, and will engage a mass for you."

  "Let me rest now, because I am very ill. If I die, you will return toZgorzelice and tell how everything happened; then they can engage a mass.I suppose they will bury me here or in Ciechanow."

  "I think they will bury you in Ciechanow or in Przasnysz, because onlythe Kurpie are buried in the forest, and the wolves howl over theirgraves. I heard that the prince intends to return with the court toCiechanow in two days' time, and then to Warszawa."

  "They would not leave me here alone," answered Zbyszko.

  He guessed correctly, because that same day the princess asked theprince's permission to remain in the house in the wilderness, withDanusia and the ladies-in-waiting, and also with the _ksiondz_ Wyszoniek,who was opposed to carrying Zbyszko to Przasnysz. Sir de Lorche at theend of two days felt better, and he was able to leave his bed; but havinglearned that the ladies intended to remain, he stayed also, in order toaccompany them on their journey and defend them in case the "Saracens"attacked them. Whence the "Saracens" could come, the Lotaringer did notknow. It is true that the people in the East used thus to call theLitwins; but from them no danger could threaten Kiejstut's daughter,Witold's sister and the first cousin of the mighty "Krakowski king,"Jagiello. But Sir de Lorche had been among the Knights of the Cross forso long a time, that notwithstanding all he had heard in Mazowsze aboutthe baptism of the Litwa, and about the union of the two crowns on thehead of one ruler, he could not believe that any one could expect anygood from the Litwins. Thus the Knights of the Cross had made himbelieve, and he had not yet entirely lost all faith in their words.

  In the meantime an incident occurred which cast a shadow between PrinceJanusz and his guests. One day, before the departure of the court,Brother Godfried and Brother Rotgier, who had remained in Ciechanow, cameaccompanied by Sir de Fourcy, who was a messenger of bad news to theKnights of the Cross. There were some foreign guests at the court of theKrzyzacki _starosta_ in Lubowa; they were Sir de Fourcy and also Herr vonBergow and Herr Meineger, both belonging to families which had renderedgreat services to the Order. They having heard many stories about Jurandof Spychow, determined, to draw the famous warrior into an open field,and ascertain for themselves whether he really was as dreadful asrepresented. The _starosta_ opposed the plan, giving as a reason thatthere was peace between the Order and the Mazowiecki princes; butfinally, perhaps hoping thus to get rid of his terrible neighbor, notonly connived at the expedition but even furnished the armed _knechts_.The knights sent a challenge to Jurand, who immediately accepted it underthe condition that they would send away the soldiers and that three ofthem would fight with him and two of his companions on the boundaries ofSzlonsk and Spychow. But when they refused to send away the _knechts_ orto retire from the land belonging to Spychow, he suddenly fell upon them,exterminated the _knechts_, pierced Herr Meineger dreadfully with aspear, took Herr von Bergow into captivity and put him into theSpychowski dungeon. De Fourcy alone escaped and after three days'wandering in the Mazowiecki forests, having learned from somepitch-burners that there were some brothers of the Order in Ciechanow, hesucceeded in reaching them. He and the brothers of the Order made acomplaint to the prince, and asked for the punishment of Jurand, and foran order for the deliverance of Herr von Bergow.

  This news disturbed the good understanding between the prince and hisguests, because not only the two newly arrived brothers but also Hugo vonDanveld and Zygfried von Loeve, began to beseech the prince to renderjustice to the Order, to free the boundaries from the plunderer and topunish him once for all his offences. Hugo von Danveld, having his owngrievance against Jurand, the remembrance of which burned him with shameand grief, asked for vengeance almost threateningly.

  "The complaint will go to the grand master," he said; "and if we be notable to get justice from Your Grace, he will obtain it himself, even ifthe whole Mazowsze help that robber."

  But the prince, although naturally good-tempered, became angry and said.

  "What kind of justice do you ask for? If Jurand had attacked you first,then I would surely punish him. But your people were the first tocommence hostilities. Your _starosta_ gave the _knechts_, permission togo on that expedition. Jurand only accepted the challenge and asked thatthe soldiers be sent away. Shall I punish him for that? You attacked thatdreadful man, of whom everybody is afraid, and voluntarily broughtcalamity upon yourselves--what do you want then? Shall I order him not todefend himself, when it pleases you to attack him?"

  "It was not the Order that attacked him, but its guests, foreignknights," answered Hugo.

  "The Order is responsible for its guests, and then the _knechts_, fromthe Lubowski garrison were there."

  "Could the _starosta_ allow his guests to be slaughtered?"

  Here the prince turned to Zygfried and said.

  "You must take heed lest your wiles offend God."

  But the stern Zygfried answered:

  "Heir von Bergow must be released from captivity, because the men of hisfamily were high dignitaries in the Order and they rendered importantservices to the Cross."

  "And Meineger's death must be avenged," added Hugo von Danveld.

  Thereupon the prince arose and walked threateningly toward the Germans;but after a while, evidently having remembered that they were his guests,he restrained his anger, put his hand on Zygfried's shoulder, and said:

  "Listen: you wear a cross on your mantle, therefore answer according toyour conscience--upon that cross! Was Jurand right or was he not?"

  "Herr von Bergow must be released from prison," answered Zygfried vonLoeve.

  There was as a moment of silence; then the prince said:

  "God grant me patience!"

  Zygfried continued sharply, his words cutting like a sword:

  "The wrong which was done to us in the persons of our guests, is only onemore occasion for complaint. From the time the Order was founded, neitherin Palestine, nor in Siedmiogrod,[103] nor among the heathenish Litwa,has any man wronged us so much as that robber from Spychow. YourHighness! we ask for justice and vengeance not for one wrong, but forthousands; not for the blood shed
once, but for years of such deeds, forwhich fire from heaven ought to burn that nest of wickedness and cruelty.Whose moanings entreat God for vengeance? Ours! Whose tears? Ours! Wehave complained in vain. Justice has never been given us!"

  Having heard this, Prince Janusz began to nod his head and said:

  "Hej! formerly the Krzyzaks were received hospitably in Spychow, andJurand was not your foe, until after his dear wife died on your rope; andhow many times have you attacked him first, wishing to kill him, as inthis last case, because he challenged and defeated your knights? How manytimes have you sent assassins after him, or shot at him with a crossbowfrom the forest? He attacked you, it is true, because vengeance burnswithin him; but have you not attacked peaceful people in Mazowsze? Haveyou not taken their herds, burned their houses and murdered the men,women and children? And when I complained to the grand master, he sent methis reply from Marienburg: 'Customary frolic of the boundaries' Let mebe in peace! Was it not you who captured me when I was without arms,during the time of peace, on my own land? Had it not been for your fearof the mighty Krakowski king, probably I would have had to moan until nowin captivity. Who ought to complain? With such gratitude you repaid me,who belonged to the family of your benefactors. Let me be in peace; it isnot you who have the right to talk about justice!"

  Having heard this, the Knights of the Cross looked at each otherimpatiently, angry because the prince mentioned the occurrence atZlotorja, in the presence of Sir de Fourcy; therefore Hugo von Danveld,wishing to finish the conversation about it, said:

  "That was a mistake, Your Highness, and we made amends for it, not onaccount of fear of the Krakowski king, but for the sake of justice; andwith regard to the frolics on the boundaries, the grand master cannot beheld responsible, because on every frontier there are some restlessspirits."

  "Then you say this yourself, and still you ask for the punishment ofJurand. What do you wish then?"

  "Justice and punishment!"

  The prince clenched his bony fists and repeated:

  "God grant me patience!"

  "Your Princely Majesty must also remember," said Danveld, further, "thatour wantons only wrong lay people who do not belong to the German race,but your men raise their hand against the German Order, and for thisreason they offend our Saviour Himself."

  "Listen!" said the prince. "Do not talk about God; you cannot deceiveHim!"

  Then having placed his hands on the Krzyzak's shoulders, he shook him sostrongly, that he frightened him. He relented immediately and said,mildly:

  "If it be true that our guests attacked Jurand first and did not sendaway the soldiers, I will not blame him; but had Jurand really acceptedthe challenge?"

  Having said this, he looked at Sir de Fourcy, winking at him, to deny it;but the latter, not wishing to lie, answered:

  "He asked us to send our soldiers away, and to fight three againstthree."

  "Are you sure of that?"

  "Upon my honor! Herr von Bergow and I agreed, but Meineger did notconsent."

  Here the prince interrupted:

  "_Starosta_ from Szczytno! you know better than anybody else that Jurandwould not miss a challenge."

  Then he turned to all present and said:

  "If one of you will challenge Jurand to a fight on horseback or on foot,I give my permission. If he be taken prisoner or killed, then Herr vonBergow will be released without paying any ransom. Do not ask me foranything else, because I will not grant it."

  After these words, there was a profound silence. Hugo von Danveld,Zygfried von Loeve, Brother Rotgier and Brother Godfried, although brave,knew the dreadful lord of Spychow too well to dare to challenge him forlife or death. Only a foreigner from a far distant country, like deLorche or de Fourcy, would do it; but de Lorche was not present duringthe conversation, and Sir de Fourcy was still too frightened.

  "I have seen him once," he muttered, "and I do not wish to see him anymore."

  Zygfried von Loeve said:

  "It is forbidden the monks to fight in single combat, except by specialpermission from the grand master and the grand marshal; but I do not askfor permission for a combat, but for the release of von Bergow and thepunishment by death of Jurand."

  "You do not make the laws in this country."

  "Our grand master will know how to administer justice."

  "Your grand master has nothing to do with Mazowsze!"

  "The emperor and the whole German nation will help him."

  "The king of Poland will help me, and he is more powerful than the Germanemperor."

  "Does Your Highness wish for a war with the Order?"

  "If I wanted a war, I would not wait for you to come to Mazowsze, butwould go toward you; you need not threaten me, because I am not afraid ofyou."

  "What shall I say to the grand master?"

  "He has not asked you anything. Tell him what you please."

  "Then we will avenge ourselves."

  Thereupon the prince stretched forth his arm and began to shake hisfinger close to the Krzyzak's face.

  "Keep quiet!" said he, angrily; "keep quiet! I gave you permission tochallenge Jurand; but if you dare to invade this country with the army ofthe Order, then I will attack you, and you will stay here not as a guestbut as a prisoner."

  Evidently his patience was entirely exhausted, because he threw a capviolently on the table and left the room, slamming the door. The Knightsof the Cross became pale and Sir de Fourcy looked at them askance.

  "What will happen now?" asked Brother Rotgier, who was the first to breakthe silence.

  Hugo von Danveld turned to Sir de Fourcy and menacing him with his fists,said:

  "Why did you tell him that you attacked Jurand?"

  "Because it is true!"

  "You should have lied."

  "I came here to fight and not to lie."

  "Well, you fought well, indeed!"

  "And you! did you not run away from Jurand of Spychow?"

  "_Pax!_" said von Loeve. "This knight is a guest of the Order."

  "It is immaterial what he said," added Brother Godfried. "They would notpunish Jurand without a trial, and in the court, the truth would comeout."

  "What will be done now?" repeated Brother Rotgier.

  There was a moment of silence; then the sturdy and virulent Zygfried vonLoeve spoke:

  "We must finish once for all with that bloody dog!" said he. "Herr vonBergow must be released from his fetters. We will gather the garrisonsfrom Szczytno, Insburk and Lubowa; we will summon the Chelminsk nobilityand attack Jurand. It is time to settle with him!"

  "We cannot do it without permission from the grand master."

  "If we succeed, the grand master will be pleased!" said Brother Godfried.

  "But if we do not succeed? If the prince go against us?"

  "He will not do that if there is peace between him and the Order."

  "There is peace, but we are going to violate it. Our garrisons will notbe sufficient to fight against the Mazurs."

  "Then the grand master will help us and there will be a war."

  Danveld frowned again and became thoughtful.

  "No! no!" said he after a while. "If we be successful, the grand masterwill be pleased. Envoys will be sent to the prince, there will benegotiations and we will go scot-free. But in case of defeat, the Orderwill not intercede for us and will not declare war. Another grand masteris necessary for that. The Polski king is behind the prince, and thegrand master will not quarrel with him."

  "But we have taken the Dobrzynska province; it is evident that we are notafraid of Krakow."

  "There was some pretext--Opolczyk. We took it apparently in pledge, andthen----" Here he looked around and said quietly:

  "I heard in Marienburg, that if they threaten us with war, we will returnthe province."

  "Ah!" said Brother Rotgier, "if we had Markward Salzbach with us, orShomberg who killed Witold's whelps, he would find some remedy againstJurand. Witold was the king's viceroy and a grand duke! Notwithstandingthat, Shomber
g was not punished. He killed Witold's children, and wentscot-free! Verily, there is great lack among us of people who can find aremedy for everything."

  Having heard this, Hugo von Danveld put his elbows on the table, leanedhis head on his hands and plunged into deep thought. Then his eyes becamebright, he wiped, according to his custom, his moist, thick lips with theupper part of his hand and said:

  "May the moment in which you mentioned, pious brother, the name of thevaliant Shomberg be blessed."

  "Why? Have you found a remedy?" asked Zygfried von Loeve.

  "Speak quickly!" exclaimed Brother Godfried.

  "Listen," said Hugo. "Jurand has a daughter here, his only child, whom heloves dearly."

  "Yes, so he has. We know her. The princess Anna Danuta loves her also."

  "Yes. Listen then: if you capture this girl, Jurand will give as a ransomfor her, not only, Bergow, but all his prisoners, himself and Spychow!"

  "By Saint Bonifacius' blood shed in Duchum!" exclaimed Brother Godfried;"it would be as you say!"

  Then they were silent, as if frightened by the boldness and thedifficulties of the enterprise. But after a while Brother Rotgier turnedtoward Zygfried von Loeve, and said:

  "Your judgment and experience are equal to your bravery: what do youthink about this plan?"

  "I think that the matter is worthy of consideration."

  "Because," said Rotgier further, "the girl is a lady-in-waiting with theprincess--the princess loves her as if she were her own daughter. Think,pious brother, what an uproar will arise."

  But Hugo von Danveld began to laugh:

  "You said yourself, that Shomberg poisoned or strangled Witold's whelps,and what happened to him? They will raise an uproar about anything we do;but if we sent Jurand in chains to the grand master, then it is certainthat we could expect reward rather than punishment."

  "Yes," said von Loeve, "there is a good opportunity for an attack. Theprince is going away and Anna Danuta will remain here alone with hercourt. However it is a serious matter to invade the prince's house duringthe time of peace. The prince's house is not Spychow. It will be the samething that happened in Zlotorja! Again complaints against the Order willgo to all kings and to the pope; again that cursed Jagiello will threatenus, and the grand master; you know him: he is glad to take hold ofanything he can, but he does not wish for war with Jagiello. Yes! therewill be a great uproar in all the provinces of Mazowsze and of Polska."

  "In the meanwhile Jurand's bones will whiten on a hook," answered BrotherHugo. "Then we do not need to take his daughter from the prince'smansion."

  "But we cannot do it from Ciechanow either, because there, besides thenoblemen, there are three hundred archers."

  "No. But Jurand can become ill and send for his daughter. Then theprincess would not prevent her going, and if the girl be lost on theroad, who will accuse you or me and say to us: 'You captured her!'"

  "Bah!" answered von Loeve, impatiently. "You must first make Jurand sickand then make him summon the girl."

  At this Hugo smiled triumphantly and answered:

  "I have a goldsmith, who having been driven from Marienburg for theft,settled in Szczytno and who is able to make a seal; I also have people,who although our bondmen, came from the Mazurski country. Do youunderstand me yet?"

  "I understand," shouted Brother Godfried.

  And Rotgier raised his hands and said:

  "May God bless you, pious brother, because neither Markward Salzbach, norShomberg could find better means."

  Then he half closed his eyes, as if he saw something afar.

  "I see Jurand," said he, "with a rope around his neck, standing at theGdansk gate in Marienburg and our _knechts_ are kicking him."

  "And the girl will become a servant of the Order," said Hugo.

  Having heard this, von Loeve turned his severe eyes on Danveld; but thelatter again rubbed his lips with the upper part of his hand and said:

  "And now to Szczytno as soon as we can!"

  Before starting on the journey to Szczytno, the four brothers of theOrder and de Fourcy went to bid the prince and the princess adieu. It wasnot a very friendly farewell; but the prince, not wishing to act contraryto the old Polish custom which did not permit the guests to depart withempty hands, made each brother a present of some beautiful marten-fur andof one _grzywna_ of silver; they received the presents with greatpleasure, assuring the prince that being brothers of an order, and havingmade a solemn promise to live in poverty, they would not retain the moneyfor themselves, but would distribute it among the poor, whom they wouldrecommend to pray for the prince's health, fame and future salvation.

  The Mazurs laughed in their sleeves at such an assurance, because theyknew very well how rapacious the Order was, and still better what liarsthe Knights of the Cross were.

  It was a popular saying in Mazowsze: "As the skunk smells, so the Krzyzaklies." The prince waved his hand to such thanks, and after they went outhe said that by the intervention of the Knights of the Cross, one wouldgo to heaven as swiftly as the craw-fish walks.

  But before that, while taking leave of the princess, at the moment thatZygfried von Loeve kissed her hand, Hugo von Danveld approached Danusia,put his hand on her head and caressing her, said:

  "Our commandment is to return good for evil, and even to love our enemy;therefore I will send a sister of the Order here, and she will bring youthe healing balm."

  "How can I thank you for it?" answered Danusia.

  "Be a friend of the Order and of the monks."

  De Fourcy noticed this conversation, and in the meantime he was struck bythe beauty of the young girl; therefore as they traveled toward Szczytno,he asked:

  "Who is that beautiful lady of the court with whom you were talking whiletaking leave of the princess?"

  "Jurand's daughter!" answered the Krzyzak.

  Sir de Fourcy was surprised.

  "The same whom you propose to capture?"

  "Yes. And when we capture her, Jurand is ours."

  "Evidently everything is not bad that comes from Jurand. It will be worthwhile to guard such a prisoner."

  "Do you think it will be easier to fight with her than with Jurand?"

  "I mean that I think the same as you do. The father is a foe of theOrder; but you spoke words as sweet as honey to the daughter, and besidesyou promised to send her the balm."

  Evidently Hugo von Danveld felt the need of justification before Zygfriedvon Loeve who, although not better than the others, observed the austerelaws of the Order, and very often scolded the other brothers.

  "I promised her the balm," said Hugo, "for that young knight, who wasinjured by the bison and to whom she is betrothed. If they make an outcrywhen the girl is captured, then we will tell them that we did not wish toharm her any, and the best proof of it will be that on account ofChristian mercy we sent her some medicine."

  "Very well," said von Loeve. "Only we must send somebody whom we cantrust."

  "I will send a pious woman, entirely faithful to the Order. I willcommand her to look and to listen. When our people, apparently sent byJurand, arrive, they will find the road already prepared."

  "It will be difficult to get such people."

  "No! In our province the people speak the same language. There are in ourcity, bah! even among the _knechts_ of the garrison, some men who leftMazowsze because they were pursued by the law; it is true they arethieves and robbers; but they do not fear anybody and they are ready todo anything. To those men, I will promise, in case they succeed, a largereward; if they fail, a rope."

  "Bah! Suppose they betray us?"

  "They will not betray us, because in Mazowsze every one of them deservesto be hanged. Only we must give them decent clothes so that they will betaken for Jurand's servants; and we must get the principal thing: aletter with Jurand's seal."

  "We must foresee everything," said Brother Rotgier. "It is probable thatJurand will go to see the prince, and justify himself on account of thelast war. If he is in Ciechanow, he will
go to see his daughter. It mayhappen that our men when they go to capture Jurandowna, will come incontact with Jurand himself."

  "The men whom I am going to choose are sharp. They will know that theywill be hanged if they come in contact with Jurand. It will be to theirown interest not to meet him."

  "But they may be captured."

  "Then we will deny them and the letter. Who can prove that we sent them?And then if there be no outrage, there will be no outcry, and it will notharm the Order, if Mazury cut several scoundrels into pieces."

  Brother Godfried, the youngest of the monks, said:

  "I do not understand your policy, nor your fear that it may be known thatthe girl was carried off by our command. Because if we have her in ourpossession, we will be obliged to send some one to Jurand to tell him:'Your daughter is with us; if you wish her to be set at liberty, give vonBergow and yourself in exchange for her.' You cannot do otherwise, andthen it will be known that we ordered the girl to be carried off."

  "That is true!" said Sir de Fourcy, who did not like the whole affair."Why should we hide that which must come out?"

  But Hugo von Danveld began to laugh, and turning to Brother Godfried,asked:

  "How long have you worn the white mantle?"

  "It will be six years the first week after the day of the Holy Trinity."

  "When you have worn it six years longer, you will understand the affairsof the Order better. Jurand knows us better than you do. We will tellhim: 'Your daughter is watched by Brother Shomberg; if you say a word,remember what happened to Witold's children!'"

  "And then?"

  "Then von Bergow will be free and the Order also will be free fromJurand."

  "No!" exclaimed Brother Rotgier; "everything is planned so cleverly thatGod ought to bless our enterprise."

  "God blesses all deeds whose purpose is the good of the Order," said thegloomy Zygfried von Loeve.

  Then they rode silently, and before them went their retinue, to open theway, because the road was covered with a heavy snow, which had fallenduring the night. The day was cloudy, but warm; therefore the horses weresteaming. From the forest flocks of crows were flying toward thevillages, filling the air with their gloomy cawing.

  Sir de Fourcy remained a little bit behind the Knights of the Cross androde along in deep thought. He had been the guest of the Order forseveral years, and had participated in the expeditions against the Zmudz,where he distinguished himself by great bravery. Everywhere he had beenreceived as the Knights of the Cross knew how to receive the knights fromremote countries; he became attached to them very strongly, and not beingrich, he planned to join their ranks. In the meanwhile he either lived inMarienburg, or visited the commanderies, searching in his travels fordistractions and adventures. Having just arrived at Lubowa with the richvon Bergow, and having heard about Jnrand, he desired very much to fightwith the man who was regarded with general dread. The arrival ofMeineger, who was always victorious, precipitated the expedition. The_comthur_ of Lubowa furnished the men for it, but in the meanwhile hetold them so much not only about Jurand's cruelty, but also about hiscunning and treachery, that when Juvand asked them to send away thesoldiers, they refused to do it, fearing that if they did, he wouldsurround and exterminate them or else capture and put them into theSpychowski dungeons. Then Jurand thinking that they cared less about aknightly fight than about plunder, attacked them and defeated them. DeFourcy saw von Bergow overthrown with his horse; he saw Meineger with apiece of a spear in his body, and he saw the men asking in vain formercy. He escaped with great difficulty, and wandered for several days inthe forests, where he would have died of hunger or been destroyed by wildbeasts, if by chance he had not reached Ciechanow, where he foundBrothers Godfried and Rotgier. From the expedition he emerged with afeeling of humiliation and shame, and with a desire for vengeance and alonging after Bergow, who was his dear friend. Therefore he joined withhis whole soul in the complaint of the Knights of the Cross, when theyasked for the punishment of the Polish knight and the freedom of hisunhappy companion. When their complaint had no effect whatever, in thefirst moment he was ready to approve of any plan for vengeance againstJurand. But now some scruples were aroused in him. Listening to theconversation of the monks, and especially to what Hugo von Danveld said,he could not refrain from astonishment. It is true, that having becomewell acquainted during the past few years with the Knights of the Cross,he knew that they were not what they were represented to be in Germanyand in the West. In Marienburg, he knew, however, a few honest andupright knights who often complained of the corruption of the brothers,of their lasciviousness and lack of discipline; de Fourcy felt that theywere right, but being himself dissolute and lacking in discipline, he didnot criticise them for those faults, especially because all knights ofthe Order redeemed them with bravery. He had seen them at Wilno, fightingbreast to breast with the Polish knights; at the taking of castles,defended with superhuman stubbornness by Polish garrisons; he had seenthem perishing under the blows of axes and swords, in general assaults orin single combats. They were merciless and cruel toward the Litwa, but atthe same time, they were as brave as lions.

  But now it seemed to Sir de Fourcy, that Hugo von Danveld advised suchactions from which every knight's soul should recoil; and the otherbrothers not only were not angry with him, but approved of his words.Therefore astonishment seized him more and more; finally he became deeplythoughtful, pondering whether it was proper to join in the performance ofsuch deeds.

  If it were only a question of carrying off the girl and then exchangingher for Bergow, he would perhaps consent to that, although his heart hadbeen moved by Danusia's beauty. But evidently the Knights of the Crosswished for something else. Through her they wished to capture Jurand, andthen murder him, and together with him,--in order to hide the fraud andthe crime--must assuredly murder the girl also.

  They had threatened her already with the same fate that Witold's childrenmet, in case Jurand should dare to complain. "They do not intend to keepany promise, but to cheat both and kill both," said de Fourcy, tohimself, "although they wear the cross, and ought to guard their honormore than anybody else."

  He became more and more indignant at such effrontery, and he determinedto verify his suspicions; therefore he rode near Danveld and asked:

  "If Jurand give himself up to you, will you set the girl at liberty?"

  "If we let her go free, the whole world would immediately say that we hadcaptured both of them," answered Danveld.

  "Then, what do you propose to do with her?"

  At this Danveld bent toward the knight, and laughing, showed his rottenteeth from beneath his thick lips.

  "Do you mean what will be done with her, before or after?"

  But Fourcy, surmising already that which he wished to know, becamesilent; for a while he seemed to struggle with himself; then he raisedhimself in his stirrups and said so loudly that he could be heard by allfour of the monks:

  "The pious brother, Ulrych von Jungingen, who is an example and anornament of knighthood, said to me: 'Among the old knights in Marienburg,one can still find worthy Knights of the Cross; but those who control thecommanderies near the frontier, only bring shame upon the Order.'"

  "We are all sinful, but we serve the Saviour," answered Hugo.

  "Where is your knightly honor? One cannot serve the Saviour by shamefuldeeds. You must know that I will not put my hand to anything like that,and that I also will prevent you."

  "What will you prevent?"

  "The artifice, the treachery, the shame!"

  "How can you do it? In the fight with Jurand, you lost your retinue andwagons. You are obliged to live on the generosity of the Order, and youwill die from hunger if we do not throw you a piece of bread; and then,you are alone, we are four--how could you prevent us?"

  "How can I prevent you?" repeated de Fourcy. "I can return to the mansionand warn the prince; I can divulge your plans to the whole world."

  Here the brothers of the Order looked at one another, and th
eir faceschanged in the twinkling of an eye. Hugo von Danveld, especially, lookedquestioningly into Zygfried von Loeve's eyes; then he turned to Sir deFourcy:

  "Your ancestors," said he, "used to serve in the Order, and you wished tojoin it also; but we do not receive traitors."

  "And I do not wish to serve with traitors."

  "Ej! you shall not fulfill your threat. The Order knows how to punish notonly the monks----"

  Sir de Fourcy being excited by these words, drew his sword, and seizedthe blade with his left hand; his right hand he put on the hilt and said:

  "On this hilt which is in the form of the cross, on St. Denis, mypatron's head, and on my knightly honor, I swear that I will warn theMazowiecki prince and the grand master."

  Hugo von Danveld again looked inquiringly at Zygfried von Loeve, whoclosed his eyelids, as if consenting to something.

  Then Danveld said in a strangely muffled and changed voice:

  "St. Denis could carry his head after he was beheaded, but when yoursonce falls down----"

  "Are you threatening me?" interrupted de Fourcy.

  "No, but I kill!" answered Danveld. And he thrust his knife into deFourcy's side with such strength, that the blade disappeared up to thehilt. De Fourcy screamed dreadfully; for a while he tried to seize hissword which he held in his left hand, with his right, but he dropped it;at the same time, the other three brothers began to pierce himmercilessly with their knives, in the neck, in the back, and in thestomach, until he fell from his horse.

  Then there was silence. De Fourcy bleeding dreadfully from severalwounds, quivered on the snow. From beneath the leaden sky, there cameonly the cawing of the crows, which were flying from the silentwilderness, toward human habitations.

  Then there began a hurried conversation between the murderers:

  "Our servants did not see anything!" said Danveld, panting.

  "No. The retinues are in front; we cannot see them," answered von Loeve.

  "Listen: we will have cause for a new complaint. We will publish thestatement that the Mazowiecki knights fell upon us and killed ourcompanion. We will shout aloud--they will hear us in Marienburg--that theprince sent murderers even after his guests. Listen! we must say thatJanusz did not wish to listen to our complaints against Jurand, but thathe ordered the accuser to be murdered."

  In the meanwhile, de Fourcy turned in the last convulsion on his back andthen remained motionless, with a bloody froth on his lips and with dreadpictured in his widely-opened dead eyes. Brother Rotgier looked at himand said:

  "Notice, pious brothers, how God punishes even the thought of treachery."

  "What we have done, was done for the good of the Order," answeredGodfried. "Glory to those----"

  But he stopped, because at that moment, behind them, at the turn of thesnowy road, there appeared a horseman, who rushed forward as fast as hishorse could go. Having perceived him, Hugo von Danveld quickly exclaimed:

  "Whoever this man is--he must die." And von Loeve, who although the oldestamong the brothers, had very keen eyesight, said:

  "I recognize him; it is that shield-bearer who killed the bison with anaxe. Yes; it is he!"

  "Hide your knives, so that he may not become frightened," said Danveld."I will attack him first, you shall follow me."

  In the meanwhile, the Bohemian arrived and reined in his horse at adistance of eight or ten steps. He noticed the corpse lying in the poolof blood, the horse without a rider, and astonishment appeared on hisface; but it lasted only for the twinkling of an eye. After a while, heturned to the brothers as if nothing had happened and said:

  "I bow to you, brave knights!"

  "We recognize you," answered Danveld, approaching slowly. "Have youanything for us?"

  "The knight Zbyszko of Bogdaniec, after whom I carry the spear, sent me,because being injured by the bison, he could not come himself."

  "What does your master wish from us?"

  "My master commanded me to tell you that because you unrighteouslyaccused Jurand of Spychow, to the detriment of his knightly honor, youdid not act like honest knights, but howled like dogs; and if any one ofyou feels insulted by these words, he challenges him to a combat onhorseback or on foot, to the last breath; he will be ready for the duelas soon as with God's help and mercy he is released from his presentindisposition."

  "Tell your master, that the Knights of the Order bear insults patientlyfor the Saviour's sake, and they cannot fight, without special permissionfrom the grand master or from the grand marshal; for which permissionthey will write to Malborg."

  The Czech again looked at de Fourcy's corpse, because he had been sentespecially to that knight. Zbyszko knew that the monks could not fight insingle combat: but having heard that there was a secular knight withthem, he wanted to challenge him especially, thinking that by doing so hewould win Jurand's favor. But that knight was lying slaughtered like anox, by the four Knights of the Cross.

  It is true that the Czech did not understand what had happened; but beingaccustomed from childhood to different kinds of danger, he suspected sometreachery. He was also surprised to see Danveld, while talking with him,approach him closer and closer; the others began to ride to his sides, asif to surround him. Consequently he was upon the alert, especially as hedid not have any weapons; he had not brought any, being in great haste.

  In the meanwhile Danveld who was near him, said:

  "I promised your master some healing balm; he repays me badly for my gooddeed. But no wonder, that is the usual thing among the Polaks. But as heis severely injured and may soon be called to God, tell him then----"

  Here he leaned his left hand on the Czech's shoulder.

  "Tell him then, that I--well--I answer this way!----"

  And at the same moment, his knife gleamed near the throat of theshield-bearer; but before he could thrust, the Czech who had beenwatching his movements closely, seized Danveld's right hand, with hisiron-like hands, bent and twisted it so that the bones cracked; thenhearing a dreadful roaring of pain, he pricked his horse and rushed awaylike an arrow, before the others could stop him.

  Brothers Rotgier and Godfried pursued him, but they soon returned,frightened by a dreadful cry from Danveld. Von Loeve supported him withhis shoulders, while he cried so loudly that the retinue, riding with thewagons in front at quite a distance, stopped their horses.

  "What is the matter with you?" asked the brothers.

  But von Loeve ordered them to ride forward as fast as they could, andbring a wagon, because Danveld could not remain in his saddle. After amoment, a cold perspiration covered his forehead and he fainted.

  When they brought the wagon, they put him on some straw in the bottom andhurried toward the frontier. Von Loeve urged them forward because herealized that after what had happened, they could not lose time innursing Danveld. Having seated himself beside him in the wagon, he rubbedhis face with snow from time to time; but he could not resuscitate him.At last when near the frontier, Danveld opened his eyes and began to lookaround.

  "How do you feel?" asked Loeve.

  "I do not feel any pain, but neither can I feel my hand," answeredDanveld.

  "Because it has grown stiff already; that is why you do not feel anypain. It will come back in a warm room. In the meanwhile, thank God evenfor a moment of relief."

  Rotgier and Godfried approached the wagon.

  "What a misfortune!" said the first. "What shall we do now?"

  "We will declare," said Danveld in a feeble voice, "that theshield-bearer murdered de Fourcy."

  "It is their latest crime and the culprit is known!" added Rotgier.