To a certain extent the Bohemian adored Jagienka, but his love for thecharming Sieciechowna was on the increase, nevertheless his young andbrave heart caused him to be eager above all for war. He returned toSpychow with Macko's message, in obedience to his master, and thereforehe felt a certain satisfaction that he would be protected by bothmasters, but when Jagienka herself told him what was the truth, thatthere was none to oppose him in Spychow and that his duty was to be withZbyszko, he gladly assented. Macko was not his immediate authority. Itwas therefore an easy matter to justify himself before him, that he hadleft Spychow at the command of his mistress to go to Zbyszko.

  But Jagienka did it purposely, that the valiant and clever armor-bearermight always be of assistance to Zbyszko and save him in many dangeroussituations. He had already shown his ability at the prince's huntingparty in which Zbyszko nearly perished from the attack of a urus; muchmore so would he be useful in war, specially such as the present one onthe Zmudz frontier. Glowacz was so eager for the field, that when he leftJurand with Jagienka he embraced her feet and said:

  "I desire to kneel before you at once and beg you for a good word for myjourney."

  "How is that?" asked Jagienka. "Do you want to go to-day?"

  "Early to-morrow, so that the horses may rest during the night, for theexpedition to Zmudz is very far."

  "Then go so that you may easily overtake Macko."

  "It will be a hard task. The old gentleman is hardy in all kinds of toil,and he is several days ahead of me. In order to shorten my way I shallhave to travel through Prussia, through pathless forests. Pan Macko hasletters from Lichtenstein which he can show when necessary; but I havenothing to show, I shall therefore be obliged to make a free road formyself."

  Then he placed his hand upon his sword. At that Jagienka exclaimed:

  "Be careful! It is necessary to travel as fast as possible, but on theother hand you must be careful to avoid being caught and imprisoned bythe Knights of the Cross. Also be careful whilst you are in the wildforests, for there are just now all kinds of gods whom the people of thatland who have not been converted to Christianity worship. I remember whatMacko and Zbyszko said about them in Zgorzelice."

  "I too remember what they said about those gods, but I am not afraid ofthem; they are puny things and no gods, and they have no power whatever.I shall manage them as well as the Germans whom I shall meet in the fieldand make it hot for them."

  "But you can't kill gods! Tell me, what did you hear of them among theGermans?"

  Then the discreet Bohemian wrinkled his brow, stopped for a moment, andsaid:

  "Killing or no killing, we informed ourselves of everything, speciallyPan Macko, who is cunning and able to circumvent every German. He asksfor one thing or another, or pretends to salute, and says nothing thatmight betray him, and whatever he says is to the point and draws hisinformation as the angler draws out the fish. If your grace will listenpatiently I will tell you: Some years ago, Prince Witold planned anexpedition against the Tartars, but wished to be at peace with theGermans; he therefore ceded to them the province of Zmudz. Then there wasgreat friendship and peace. He allowed them to build castles. Bah, heeven assisted them. They, including the master, met at an island, wherethey ate, drank and showed each other much friendship. They were evenpermitted to hunt in those wild forests. When the poor people of Zmudzrose in arms against the rule of the Order, Prince Witold helped theGermans with his own soldiers. The people throughout Lithuania murmuredthat the prince was against his own blood. All this the under-bailiff ofSzczytno related to us; he praised the courts of the Knights of the Crossin Zmudz because they sent priests to that country to convert the peopleto Christianity and feed them in time of dearth. Something of that kindwas done, for the grand master, who fears God more than the others,ordered it. But instead of it, they gathered together the children andsent them to Prussia, and they outraged the women in the presence oftheir husbands and brothers; whoever dared to oppose it was hanged. This,lady, is the cause of the present war."

  "And Prince Witold?"

  "The prince had his eyes shut for a long time to the wrongs of theoppressed people of Zmudz, and he loved the Knights of the Cross. It isnot long since the princess, his wife, went to Prussia to visit Malborg.They received her with great pomp, as though she were the queen ofPoland. That happened quite recently! They showered gifts upon her, andgave numerous tourneys, feasts, and all kinds of fetes wherever she went.The people thought that it would result in everlasting friendship betweenthe Knights of the Cross and Prince Witold. But suddenly his heart waschanged...."

  "This confirms what I heard from my lamented father and Macko more thanonce, that the prince often changed his heart."

  "Not often toward the upright, but frequently toward the Knights of theCross, owing to the very reason that they themselves keep no faith, andare unreliable in everything. They asked him to give up deserters tothem. His reply was that he would give up only those of ill repute, butfree men he would not, because, as such, they were entitled to livewherever they chose. Just now they are soured and engaged in writingletters, complaining against each other. The people of Zmudz, now inGermany, heard of it; they left the garrisons, stirred up the people inthe small castles, and now they make raids in Prussia itself and PrinceWitold not only does not hinder them any longer, but he also laughs atthe German trouble, and assists the Zmudzians secretly."

  "I understand," said Jagienka. "But if he assists them secretly, open waris not yet declared."

  "There is open war with the Zmudz people, but as a matter of fact thereis also war against Prince Witold. Germans are coming from all parts ofthe country to defend their strongholds on the frontier and arecontemplating a great expedition to invade Zmudz. But they cannot executeit before the winter season arrives, because it is a swampy country andimpossible for them to fight in, and where a Zmudz warrior could pass, aGerman knight would stick fast. Winter, therefore, would be favorable tothe Germans. As soon as it begins to freeze, the whole German forces willmove, but Prince Witold will come to the aid of the Zmudz people. He willcome with the permission of the king of Poland, since the king is thehead of all great princes and, above all, Lithuania."

  "Then there will be war against the king?"

  "The people here, as well as in Germany, say that there will be war. TheKnights of the Cross are probably now collecting forces in all courts,with cowls upon their heads like thieves. For every Knight of the Crossknows that the king's army is no joke, and, most likely, the Polishknights would easily vanquish them."

  Jagienka sighed, and said:

  "A boy is always more happy than a girl is. Here is proof of what I say.You will go to the war, as Zbyszko and Macko went, and we shall remainhere, in Spychow."

  "How can it be otherwise, lady? It is true that you remain here, butperfectly secure. The name of Jurand I have learned in Szczytno, is stilla terror to the Germans, and if they learn that he is now at Spychow theywill be terrified at once."

  "We know that they will not dare to come here, because the swamps and oldTolima defend this place, but it will be hard to sit here without news."

  "I will let you know if anything occurs. Even before we departed forSzczytno, two good young noblemen volunteered to start for the war.Tolima was unable to prevent it, because they are noblemen and come fromLenkawice. We shall now depart together and if anything occurs, one ofthem will be sent to you with the news."

  "May God reward you. I have always known that you are wise in anyadventure, but for your willingness and good heart toward me I shallthank you as long as I live."

  Then the Bohemian knelt upon one knee and said:

  "I have had nothing but kindness from you. Pan Zych captured me nearBoleslawce, when I was a mere boy, and set me free without any ransom.But I preferred captivity under you to freedom. God grant that I mightshed my blood for you, my lady."

  "God lead you and bring you back!" replied Jagienka, holding out her handto him.

; But he preferred to bow to her knees and kiss her feet to honor her themore. Then he lifted up his head and said submissively and humbly:

  "I am a simple boy, but I am a nobleman and your faithful servant. Giveme therefore some token of remembrance for my journey. Do not refuse methis request; war time is approaching and I take Saint Jerzy to witnessthat I shall always try to be one of those in front, but never in therear."

  "What kind of souvenir do you ask for?"

  "Girdle me with a strip of cloth for the road, so that if I fall in thefield my pain may be lessened in having, when dying, the belt youfastened round my body."

  Then he bowed again at her feet, folded his arms and gazed into her eyesimploringly.

  But Jagienka's face assumed a troubled look, and after a while shereplied as if with involuntary bitterness:

  "O, my dear! Ask me not for that, my girdling will be of no use to you.Whoever is happy can impart happiness to you. Only such an one can bringyou fortune. But I, surely, have nothing but sorrow! Alas! I can givehappiness neither to you nor others; for that which I do not possessmyself I cannot impart to others. I feel so, Hlawa. There is nothing,now, for me in the world, so, so that...."

  Then she suddenly ceased, because she knew that if she said another wordit would cause her to burst into tears, even so her eyes became clouded.But the Bohemian was greatly moved, because he understood that it wouldbe equally bad for her, in case she had to return to Zgorzelice and be inthe neighborhood of the rapacious villains Cztan and Wilk: or to remainin Spychow, where sooner or later Zbyszko might come with Danusia. Hlawaseemed to understand Jagienka's troubles, but he had no remedy for them.He therefore embraced her knees again and repeated.

  "Oh! I will die for you! I will die!"

  "Get up!" she said. "Let Sieciechowna gird you for the war, or let hergive you some other keepsake, because you have been friends for some timepast."

  Then she began to call her, and Sieciechowna entered from the neighboringroom immediately. She had heard before she entered, but she dared notenter although she burned with desire to take leave of the handsomearmor-bearer. She therefore was frightened and confused, and her heartwas beating violently when she entered; her eyes were glistening withtears, and with lowered eyelashes she stood before him; she looked likean apple blossom, and could not utter a single word.

  Hlawa worshipped Jagienka, but with deepest respect, and he dared notreach her even in mind. He often thought familiarly about Sieciechownabecause the blood in his veins coursed rapidly at the very sight of herand he could not withstand the presence of her charms. But now his heartwas taken by her beauty, especially when he beheld her confusion andtears, through which he saw affection as one sees the golden bed of acrystal stream.

  He therefore turned toward her and said:

  "Do you know that I am going to war. Perchance I shall perish. Will yoube sorry for me?"

  "I shall feel very sorry for you!" replied the girl, in soft tones. Thenshe shed copious tears as she was always ready to do. The Bohemian wasmoved and began to kiss her hands, smothering his desire for morefamiliar kisses in the presence of Jagienka.

  "Gird him or give him something else as a memento for the road, so thathe may fight under your colors and in your name."

  But Sieciechowna had nothing to give him, because she was attired inboy's clothes. She searched for something but found neither ribbon, noranything that could be fastened, because her women's dresses were stillpacked up in the baskets, which had not been touched since they leftZgorzelice. She was therefore greatly perplexed until Jagienka came toher rescue by advising her to give him the little net upon her head.

  "My God!" Hlawa joyously exclaimed, "let it be the net, attach it to thehelmet, and woe betide that German who attempts to reach it."

  Then Sieciechowna took it down with both hands and immediately her brightgolden hair fell upon her shoulders and arms. At the sight of herbeautiful disheveled hair, Hlawa's face changed, his cheeks flamed andthen paled. He took the net, kissed it, and hid it in his breast. Then heembraced Jagienka's feet once more, and did the same, though a littlemore strongly than was necessary, to Sieciechowna. Then with the words:"Let it be so," he left the house without another word.

  Although he was about to travel and in want of rest, he did not go tosleep. With his two companions who were to accompany him to Zmudz, hedrank throughout the whole night. But he was not intoxicated, and at thefirst ray of light he was already in the courtyard where the horses wereready for the journey.

  From the membrane window above the carriage house two blue eyes werelooking upon the courtyard. When the Bohemian observed them, he wished toapproach and show the net which he had attached to his helmet, then wishher good-bye once more, but Father Kaleb and old Tolima, who came to givehim advice for his journey, interrupted him.

  "Go first to the court of Prince Janusz," said the priest. "Perhaps PanMacko stopped there. At all events, you will get there properinformation; you will find there numerous acquaintances. Also the roadthere to Lithuania is known, and it is not difficult there to procureguides for the wilderness. If you are indeed bent on seeing Pan Zbyszko,then do not go directly to Zmudz, for there is the Prussian reservation,but go via Lithuania. Remember that the Zmudzians themselves might killyou even before you could shout to them who you were. But it is quite adifferent matter in Lithuania in the direction where Prince Witold is.Finally, may God bless you, and those two knights. May you return in goodhealth and bring the child with you. I shall daily lie prostrate beforethe cross from vespers to the rising of the first star in prayer for thiscause."

  "I thank you, father, for your blessing," replied Hlawa. "It is not aneasy task to rescue one alive from their devilish hands. But sinceeverything is in God's hands, it is better to hope than to sorrow."

  "It is better to hope, for this reason I do not despair. Hope lives,although the heart is full of anxiety.... The worst is, that Jurandhimself, when his daughter's name is mentioned, immediately points withhis finger toward heaven as though he already sees her there."

  "How could he see her without eyes?"

  The priest then replied, partly to himself and partly to Hlawa:

  "Perchance he who has lost his bodily vision sees more with his spiritualeyes.... It may be so. It may be! But this, that God should permit somuch wrong to be done to such an innocent lamb I do not understandclearly. Why should she suffer so much, even if she had offended theKnights of the Cross. But there was nothing against her and she was aspure as the divine lily, loving to others and lovely as yonder littlefree singing bird. God loves children, and is compassionate. Bah! If theywere to kill her, He is able to resuscitate her as He did Piotrowina, whoafter having risen from the grave lived for many long years.... Depart inpeace, and may God's hand protect you all!"

  Then he returned to the chapel to say early Mass. The Bohemian mountedhis horse, for it was already broad daylight, and bowed once more towardthe window and departed.