Page 13 of Alec

  "Rein it in kitten and close your eyes for me."

  I looked to Alec whose face was blurry, all I could make out were his eyes.

  "Your eyes are pretty."

  The corners of his pretty blue eyes creased.

  "Yeah? Well, I just happen to think you have pretty eyes too little kitten."

  I giggled.

  Yep, giggled.

  "I like your voice," I murmured as I leaned forward.

  "What else do you like about me?" Alec's voice asked from a distance.

  "Abs," I answered, "and your ass."

  I heard laughter, but it was far away.

  Everything stopped and my mind went blank, the last thing I saw was a pair of pretty blue eyes staring down at me before darkness consumed me.

  I was uncomfortable.

  The mattress on my bed was either lumpy as hell or Storm's paws were underneath me and were digging into my back.

  I wanted to tell him to move but my throat felt funny, like it was tingling.

  I slowly blinked my eyes open and just as I was about to sit up I froze. I heard an annoying high-pitched giggle and it confused the hell out of me.

  Who the hell was giggling?

  I focused my eyes on my surroundings and after a few seconds I remembered where I was. I was on the plane heading to the Bahamas for Micah’s and Jason's wedding. I was just waking up but I didn't remember falling asleep. I remember freaking out about flying on the plane then Alec giving me a drink.

  A drugged up drink to relax me... or to knock me out.

  I wasn't sat upright like I thought I was. I was leaning to the right on a hard surface. Without being fully coherent, I still knew it was Alec's chest that I was leaning on and that was why my back was hurting.

  I was about to sit upright and stretch so my back would crack but the giggling that I heard before sounded again and it fully got my attention.

  Let it be known that I have no claim on Alec, he is my fake boyfriend and is on this plane as a favour to me. I don't like him in that way or want him to feel trapped from flirting with other girls.

  That being said, he should not fucking flirt with an air hostess when I am lying across his fucking chest!

  "What is goin' on here?" I asked in my firmest tone as I pushed myself upright.

  It was hard though because I had just woken up and my voice was crackling. I doubt I sounded like anything other than a chain smoker.

  I wanted to smile when the air hostess who was leaning into Alec jumped upright like a fish out of water.

  "Good morning, sleeping beauty."

  How dare he try and be nice when he was flirting with the air hostess while I was sleeping on him.

  He was a free agent, but hello, I was laying on him!

  I cut my eyes to him and glared. "Keep your tongue behind your teeth before I cut it off."

  Alec's eyebrows jumped. "You aren't a morning person, are you?"

  Was I that obvious?

  "No, and I don't like mornin' people... or mornin's... or people."

  "Wow, I'm a lucky guy to have you, baby."

  Sarcastic pig!

  "Blow me."

  Alec snorted then looked to the air hostess who was still frozen like a statue.

  "Are you okay, sweetie?" he asked her.



  The woman snapped out of her daze and focused on Alec, the smile that overtook her face was so big that I felt sorry for her cheeks.

  "I'm great Mr. Slater, thank you."

  "I'm great Mr. Slater, thank you," I mimicked the woman's voice.

  The woman abruptly excused herself so she could go back to work. I didn't say goodbye or watch her leave, though I'm sure Alec did.

  "You're fuckin' disgustin’. You couldn't wait to try and join the mile high club with air hostess Barbie until a time when I am not sleeping on you?"

  I cracked my back, folded my arms across my chest and looked straight ahead.


  I set my jaw. "What?"

  "What makes you think I'm not already a part of the mile high club?"

  I snapped my head to Alec, unfolded my arms and shoved him.

  "You really are disgustin'!"

  "Don't knock it until you try it."

  I scoffed. "I don't think so, playboy."

  Alec's laughter stopped and a growl took its place. "It was funny the first few times you called me that but stop it now, please."

  I smiled as I looked out the plane window. "I don't think so, playboy."

  I felt Alec's glare so I turned to look at him and smiled when I found him all but drilling holes into me with his eyes.

  "If looks could kill, I'd be dead," I joked.

  "My pretty eyes won't harm you, don't worry."

  Conceited much?

  "Did you just call your own eyes pretty?"

  Alec devilishly grinned then and it made me slightly uneasy.

  "No, you said I have pretty eyes."

  Was he high?

  "Are you in your right mind? I have never said you have pretty eyes-"

  "Yes, you have. Right before you fell asleep. You said I have pretty eyes."

  I felt my face heat up.

  It was the shite he gave me to knock me out that said that, not me!

  "Did I say anythin' else?" I murmured.

  Alec leaned in close to me and whispered is a slow, seductive voice, "You said you like my voice, my abs, and my ass."

  I audibly gasped. "I did not!"

  Alec snickered. "You did."

  I was mortified, absolutely mortified!

  "I hate you right now."

  Alec laughed at me and for a moment my embarrassment subsided and anger took over as I gave him the finger.

  "That was just rude."

  "Sorry, I can't help it."

  "Oh, so your middle finger has a mind of its own then?" Alex asked with an amused look.

  I glared at him and said, "Yeah, and she was just sticking up for me."

  Alec burst out laughing which gained us some attention from people sitting near us. I side kicked him in the shin under the table, making him hiss throughout his laughter.

  "Do you ever shut up laughin'? You're like a hyena!"

  Alec was still lightly chuckling as he said, "I'm a happy person and if that makes me like a hyena then so be it."

  I shook my head. "No one should be as happy as you thirty thousand feet up in the air."

  "We're actually under ten thousand feet, look out the window and you will see. Can you not feel us descending?"

  I focused on the movement of the plane and actually did feel the decent.

  "That means we're nearly there, right?" I asked, hopeful.

  I could not wait to get off this plane.

  "Yep, we're nearly there. Are you excited?"

  Was that a serious question?

  "One nightmare ends when I get off this plane and another one begins when I step foot in the Bahamas. I'm very excited."

  "Are you always this sarcastic?"


  "I'm in for a wild ride with you, aren't I?" Alec asked.

  I glanced to him and smiled. "You have no idea, buddy."

  We were off the plane, thank God, out of the airport, again, thank God, and now on our way to the Pink Sands Resort where Micah's and Jason's wedding would be. You can thank the Devil for that one.

  I was tensed up and angry in the car on the way to the resort until twenty or so minutes passed and we came to a stop outside of a strikingly beautiful hotel.

  "Oh my Jesus," I whispered earning a snort from Alec, which I ignored.

  "It is pretty nice I guess," he mumbled.

  "Pretty nice? It's beautiful! I've never seen somethin' so beautiful before," I said in awe looking out of the window.

  "It's only a hotel."

  I turned and looked at him. "Look at the detail, the layout and the settin' of it. It's like a beautiful back drop," I stated then shook my head. "It might not be th
at nice to you but I've never been away before, so this is gorgeous to me."

  I was about to turn away when Alec frowned at me. "You've never been away before, as in on vacation? Ever?"

  I shrugged. "No, this is the first time I have ever left Ireland. I thought I told you that?"

  Alec didn't say anything as we came to a full stop.

  We both got out of the car, me with a smile on my face as I looked around to see Alec with a passive face on. I didn't care if he was cranky because he was tired, I was tired too, I know I slept on the plane ride over but I was still tired. But tired or not, I wasn't going to act like a bitch to him so he should quit acting like one to me.

  I took off walking into the hotel not really caring about Alec behind me. I breezed through the hotel lobby until I came to large desk where a young man smiled to me. "Welcome to the Pinks Sands Hotel. How may I help you today?" he asked polity.

  My tune suddenly changed as I smiled; I was so happy I was here. Obviously not for the reason I was here, I was just happy to be somewhere so beautiful.

  "Thank you, I'm checkin' in."

  "Name?" he asked.

  "Keela Daley."

  He tapped away on the computer then moved away and picked up a key off the wall. "Your room number is four-seventy-six, Miss Daley. You'll be on the fourth floor. Enjoy your stay and if you need anything the telephone in your room connects you to the front desk... to me."

  I took my key, still smiling widely. "Thank you."

  "You're welcome," he smiled back.

  I turned and bumped into Alec, who was looking behind me with a grin on his face. "Hey babe," he smiled then, looking down at me.

  I raised my eyes and looked around to see who he was talking to.

  "Who are you talking to?" I asked, confused.

  He snorted. "You of course. Did you get the key to our room?" he asked, happily.

  What was going on here?

  Why was he so happy all of a sudden?

  I just looked at him then held up my hand that contained the key card to our room. "Great, let's get upstairs then," he chirped and took my suitcase before heading over to the elevator.

  I stumbled after him and into the elevator, hitting the button for the fourth floor. "Are you high? Why were you being so boyfriendy?" I asked when I got inside.

  He laughed as the doors shut and moved my cases back to my side. "Boyfriendy isn't a word and I just had to do that. That guy's face was priceless."

  I raised my brow. "What guy? What are you talkin' about?"

  Alec shook his head. "The dude at the desk, he was checking you out. Judging by the looks and grins he was giving you I could tell that he was into you, and when you turned around to talk to me he leaned over and straight out stared at your ass."

  I gasped. "He did not stare at me arse, you're makin' that up!"

  Alec snorted. "I'm not, he really was. He pouted when I asked about 'our' room though, funny stuff."

  I glared at him then. "Why do you care if someone checks me out?"

  "Because you're my girlfriend, at least while we're here anyway. The only person staring at your ass will be me."

  Oh, lord.

  "You're so weird."

  Alec smiled, but his smile dropped when the elevator jolted to a stop.

  He saw the look I gave him.

  "I'm a little claustrophobic, I can't stay in small spaces for too long," he explained.

  I laughed. "How can you stand bein' inside me apartment then?"

  Alec shrugged. "There is a lot of windows, I manage just fine."

  I chuckled as I grabbed the handle of my suitcase and walked out of the elevator when the doors opened and down the hallway of the hotel looking for room four-seventy-six.

  "It's weird not being on the top floor of a hotel," Alec mumbled from behind me.

  Escorts must always get the best of everything.

  "Sorry, this will be a huge downgrade for you."

  He grunted from behind me. "I don't need the top floor, I was just saying."

  "Okay," I chuckled then paused outside the door when we got to room four-sevetny-six.

  I swiped my key card and opened the door. "Omigod, it's so feckin' cute!" I gushed and barged into the room.

  "Omigod, Alec! Look at the view, look at it!" I yelled and rushed to open the double doors leading to the balcony. "I love this!"

  I heard a chuckle from behind me but I ignored it. I didn't care if he thought I was stupid.

  "It's so pretty," I jumped up and down and clapped my hands. "I am in complete and total love with this view."

  "Are you going to have an orgasm? It sounds like you're building up to something earth shattering."

  I turned my body around, still smiling. "Say whatever nasty little thing you want, you cannot ruin my mood. This view just makes me happy."

  And it did, something so irrelevant to most people – like dickhead Alec – made me very happy. I always did enjoy the little things in life.

  "So, now that we're here what's the plan?" Alec asked me as I finished unpacking my suitcase.

  I placed all my clothes into the wardrobe, there was only one so Alec said he was cool with his stuff staying in his suitcase on the floor. I didn't argue with him and just did as I wanted and put my things away.

  I glanced at Alec when he spoke and shrugged, "I know you're here so I can rub you in Jason's face, but I don't really want to go lookin' for them right now. If we bump into them or anyone I know that is attendin' the weddin' then so be it. But if we don't, I think we should just chill on the beach by ourselves since it's mornin' time here."

  "That's fine by me. Once I can lie down, I'm happy."

  I smiled. "You're tired?"

  Alec was currently lying on the bed we would be sharing throughout this death sentence.

  "I didn't sleep at all on the flight over here, I'm still on Ireland time, and it's evening time there."

  I whistled. "Maybe you should have taken a sleepin' tablet yourself so you could have gotten some shut eye on the plane."

  "Nah, I wouldn't have been able to look after you if I was out cold too."

  I swallowed. "You didn't have to look after me, Alec."

  He sat up on the bed and looked down at me from my position on the floor.

  "I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to."

  That was so... sweet.

  "Well, thank you. I appreciate it," I mumbled and looked down to my make up bag, fiddling with the products so I could keep my head down and escape the embarrassment of Alec seeing my flushed cheeks.

  He wanted to look after me!

  I wanted to smile but kept my face passive and aimed down as doubt entered my mind.

  I hated that I couldn't just accept his gestures of being sweet and genuine because in the back of my mind a voice told me he was only doing all this to get into my knickers. The more he buttered me up by being sweet, the easier it would be to slide my knickers off.

  I wasn't being paranoid with my thoughts either, he has flat out told me he wants to fuck me and will fuck me by the end of this trip. I just have to keep my guard up to avoid that happening.

  "Are you okay?" Alec's voice asked, which got my attention.

  I cleared my throat. "Yep, I'm grand, just thinkin' about how Aideen is gettin' on with Storm."

  "One of them might be dead - my money is on it being Aideen."

  "Alec!" I shouted. "Don't say somethin' like that!"

  Alec howled with laughter. "I'm playing, I'm sure they're fine and will be fine for the rest of this vacation. Don't worry about them."

  Easy for him to say, he didn't know what Storm and Aideen were like when they were left alone for long periods of time. I dreaded to think of the damage that could be done, war could easily erupt between those two.

  "Maybe I should call. You know, just to check in."

  Alec lay back down on the bed and waved me on with his hand. "Go ahead then, mama bear."

  I smiled as I crawled over to my bag and dug ou
t my phone. I typed in Aideen's number and waited for it to go international. The phone rang a few times before Aideen answered.

  "Hey, you arrived safely?" Aideen asked when she answered.

  I grinned. "No, we died. I'm callin' to tell you that you get to keep Storm forever now that I'm dead."

  Alec snorted while Aideen huffed over the phone.

  "Over my dead body, he will be put in a kennel so fast you would turn in your grave!"

  How lovely.

  "Things aren't goin' well then?"

  "He chewed my gym runners up, they are completely destroyed and in the bin. The fat fucker did it on purpose, I know he did."

  I held back a chuckle as I said, "He is brave for puttin' his nose anywhere near your runners."

  I heard her dramatic gasp then a firm, "Fuck you!"

  I did laugh then. "Don't get your knickers in a twist, I'm jokin'."

  "Sure you were."

  I smiled. "Jokin' aside, is everythin' okay?"

  "Yeah, he is fed and sleepin'. I'll bring him out for his second walk later."

  Hold the phone.

  "Second walk, what do you mean second walk?"

  I looked at Alec when he sat up on the bed and before Aideen spoke, I knew exactly what she was going to say.

  "Alec told you to bring him out twice, didn't he?"

  "Yep, to help shift the fat fucker's fat."

  I narrowed my eyes at Alec and growled at Aideen, "Stop. Callin'. Him. Names."

  "I will when he stops eatin' me shoes and growlin' at me all the time. I'm the only one here to feed him so he better learn quick."

  It was like I was talking to a five year old.

  "I'm not arguin' with you. Just take it easy on him when you're out walkin'."

  "Aye, Captain."


  "Thanks, look I'll ring you-"

  "Have you had sex with Alec yet?"

  Is that all she bloody thought about?

  "No, I have not have sex with Alec and I won't be havin' sex with him either. You're worse than him for goin' on about it!"

  I could feel Alec smiling as I spoke.

  Aideen laughed. "Yeah, yeah. When you do finally buck him I want to hear all about it. Every sexy little detail."

  She was a male inside a female's body.

  "Goodbye, Aideen."

  "Slan!" Aideen sang and laughed as she hung up.