Page 16 of Alec

  I wasn't just kissing him back though, oh no, my legs where wrapped around his waist and my hands where behind his head and neck pulling him as close as he could get. I didn't want to kiss or touch him, but obviously my body had other ideas.

  "Say it," he growled onto my lips.

  Say fucking what?

  My mind was like mush - I couldn't comprehend what he wanted me to say. There was a battle going on inside my head; one side couldn't believe what I was doing and told me that I had to stop, while the other side was chilled out and telling me to get laid and that me and Alec should fuck our problems out.

  Literally fuck them out.

  "Say it, Keela," Alec's voice growled again getting my attention.

  "Say what?" I asked, breathless.

  "That you want me," he said and he reconnected our lips. "Tell me you want me to fuck you. Say 'fuck me, Alec'."

  The rational side of my head told me to tell him to fuck off, while the other side - I'm dubbing the slutty side - was hooting and singing a song that just repeated of the same line.

  Fuck me, Alec!

  "Fuck me, Alec," I mumbled then groaned when he pushed himself off me again.

  "Louder," he snarled.

  I swallowed my pride, gave the rational side of my mind the finger and looked him directly in the eyes. "Fuck me, Alec," I said before pulling his head back to mine.

  He growled into my mouth and used one of his hands to trust my borrowed t-shirt upwards, exposing my breasts. I gasped when his mouth left mine and then latched onto my left nipple. He suckled and bit on me a little before switching to the right nipple. I grinded my lower half into him, and he shuddered.

  "These need to go," he snarled as he sat up, removed my legs from around his waist, hooked his hand around my black lace knickers before yanking them down my legs and clean off my feet before throwing them somewhere behind him.

  He lost his boxers in record time and moved back over me before stopping.

  "What?" I asked as I lifted my hips upwards and started to grind myself on him.

  He closed his eyes as my juices made it easy for him to slide through my folds and upwards towards my belly button.

  "I don't have condoms," he said in a strained voice.

  My heart broke. I didn't have any either, I wasn't planning on having sex with anyone on this trip, especially Alec. I was about to tell him this was a sign that we weren't meant to have sex when he suddenly used his hand to guide himself to my entrance.

  "I'll pull out," he said before he rocked into me.

  I screamed out in pleasure at the sensation of being so full. Alec's eyes rolled back a little before he pulled out a little and repeated his earlier actions.

  "My God," he groaned. "So fuckin' good."

  I agreed wholeheartedly.

  He set a steady pace of thrusting and retreating before he leaned back down on his elbows and brought his face back to mine.

  "Do you like that?" he asked.

  Was that a serious question?

  "Yes!" I hissed as I opened my legs further for him.

  He made me scream again when he rocked into me harder than he had before.

  It felt incredible, too fucking incredible.

  "I can't take that, don't-" I screamed when he did it again.

  Every trust after that he seemed to apply more power to and each time it made me scream and cry out. I felt myself trying to get away from him because what he was making me feel pleasure so intense that I couldn't take it, while at the same time I was forcing myself to stay put so it could last forever.

  "Good girl," Alec purred just as his teeth latch onto my bottom lip.

  I started to pant when a warm feeling started to swirl around my core.

  "Right there," I said then screamed as a blanket of pleasure and ecstasy crashed over me.

  I felt my hands fall back to the mattress when Alec put his hands on my shoulders. I opened my eyes as he smiled at me. "Wake up, kitten," he said.

  I looked at him in confusion then widened my eyes he started to become blurry. I squeezed my eyes shut.

  "Wake up, kitten!" he shouted.

  My eyes snapped open to find the t-shirt I was wearing was stuck to me with sweat and between my legs was pulsing. I instantly sat up and looked around. Alec sat up now as well from his side of the bed.

  "You were shouting in your sleep and moving around a lot," he yawned.

  I felt myself turned red.

  "I thought you were awake because you were saying my name and- Why is your face so red?" he asked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

  I felt myself heat up even more as I jumped from the bed. "No reason, it's just hot in here," I lied.

  He looked at me for a moment then looked to my shaking legs before he looked up at my face. I looked down myself as well and nearly died when I saw my inner thighs were wet and it was easily visible.

  "It's sweat!" I blurted.

  Alec looked at me for a few more seconds before a smile stretched across his face. It was the smuggest smile I have ever seen on someone's face.

  "Stop fuckin' smilin'. It's sweat, that's all!" I bellowed.

  Alec's teeth where showing now because he was smiling that wide. "You dreamt about me, didn't you? You were shouting my name, it woke me up. You were gasping and-"

  "Shut up!" I screamed and ran into the bathroom hearing him laugh behind me.

  I wanted to die, I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole.

  "Did I come as well or did you finish before me?" he asked through a belly rumbling laugh.

  I picked up a towel and screamed into it.

  I was so utterly mortified that I felt like crying.

  What the fuck was wrong with me? Why did I dream about Alec like that, why? I knew I fancied him but dammit, I hated the bastard. Now that he knew I dreamt of him, the fucker would be smug about it for the rest of this trip and possibly the rest of his life.

  I sat down on the floor and buried my face in my hands trying to think of something else, anything else.

  "I'll call room service and tell them to send someone up later to change the sheets!" Alec shouted from somewhere in the hotel room.

  I screamed into the towel again and he burst into laughter.

  "I'm so happy," he announced in a sing-song voice.

  I wasn't - I was far fucking from it.

  I closed my eyes and sighed when I heard my phone ring from somewhere in the room. I didn't want to deal with Aideen, but I had to know if Storm was okay so I sat up from the bed, listened for my phone then followed the noise to the wardrobe.

  "Is Storm okay?" I asked as soon as I answered the phone.

  "This is Storm. Aideen is dead because I ate her."

  I felt myself smile.

  "I'm sure she deserved it."

  "Cow," Aideen muttered then asked, "how did you know it was me?"

  I sighed. "Because you're the only person who ever rings me."

  "Babe, that is pretty pathetic."

  I snorted. "Tell me about it."

  Aideen chuckled. "So, how is the Bahamas? I hope it's pissin' down rain because it is here."

  I turned my head to the right and looked through the open windows and out to the stunning view of the blue ocean and an even bluer sky.

  "Hope again, it doesn't look like rain is on the cards here, just heat and sunshine."

  "I hate you."

  "Don't be jealous."

  Aideen huffed. "Jealous of you in paradise with prince charmin'? Why would I be jealous of that?"

  I groaned at the mention of him and felt my cheeks heat up as I remembered how he laughed at me.

  No, no fucking way.

  We were not discussing the fucker. I didn't want to think about him.

  "Can this conversation remain Alec Slater free, please? Tell me about me baby, does he miss me?"

  "I don't know, I'll ask Storm later if he feels like talkin' to me."

  I snickered. "Smartarse."

  "We know I'm
a smartarse, let's bypass that already known information and tell me why we can't talk about Alec sexy-as-fuck Slater?"

  She was no help, no help at all.

  "Aideen," I whined.

  "Don't Aideen me, tell me... Unless you killed him, then I don't want to know. I can't vouch for you if I know you did it."

  I furrowed my eyebrows, pulled my phone from my ear and glanced at it before shaking my head and placing it back against my ear.


  I heard Aideen's sharp intake of breath before she said, "Oh, my God! You didn't deny killin' him! Forget what I said before about not tellin' me, tell me!"

  I couldn't help but laugh at her, she was so dramatic and crazy that it was nothing but funny.

  "I didn't kill anybody. Alec is perfectly fine and in the same condition as he was when he left Ireland... He might be a bit happier now though."

  "Why would he be happier? Also, let me just add that I'm happy you didn't kill him that would have been a terrible waste of delicious man meat."

  Mother of God.

  "There is somethin' wrong with you, you're not normal."

  Aideen snorted. "Normal is overrated, now answer me question. Why is he happier? Did you shag him?"

  What the hell?

  "No! Why would you even ask me that?"

  There was a long pause.

  "Because I know you're attracted to him even though you don't want to be. You’re fightin' that attraction so you don't dive into bed with Alec, shag him, then wake up feelin' used."

  I looked down to my now shaking knees and sighed.

  "Am I that obvious?"

  "To me? Yes. To Alec? No."

  I blew out a breath.

  "Thank God for that at least, I can't handle him knowin' I fancy him after what happened this mornin'."

  I admitted out loud to Aideen that I fancied Alec, there was no going back from that now even if I want to because she wouldn't forget I said it.

  "If you make me ask what happened I'm comin' through the phone and bitch slappin' you."

  I swallowed and closed my eyes. "It's so embarssin'."

  "It's you, Keela, anythin' that happens to you is never less than embarrassin'.'

  I huffed. "Thanks a bloody lot."

  Aideen laughed and then waited for me to tell my horror story.

  "I had a dirty dream about Alec and he knows about it," I blurted out and closed my eyes.

  Things were silent for a moment, and when that moment was over, hollering and wolf whistling blared through the receiver of my phone.

  "You had a wet dream? Get in there, babe. Woot woot! Keela had a dirty dream. A d-i-r-t-y dream about-"

  "Aideen, please! You're not helpin'!"

  "Oh, stop it! This is funny, find your sense of humour and laugh at this!"

  I groaned. "I can't, I can't find anythin' funny about this. He knows I had a dirty dream about him Ado, he knows and he laughed at me!"

  Aideen's laughter and chuckling paused.

  "He laughed at you or laughed at your reaction to havin' a dirty dream about him?"

  I opened my mouth to answer her but closed it as I thought on what she said.

  "That's exactly what I thought. You just assumed he was laughin' at you and you flipped."

  I frowned. "You make it sound like snappin' at him is somethin' I do often-"

  "You've done nothin' but snap at him from the moment you met him. You forget he is there as a favour to help you. He doesn't have to be there, Keela. He doesn't have to have anythin' to do with you and yet he is there with you. Cut him some slack. I know you're wary because he wants to shag you but give him a break, at least he admits what he wants from you instead of goin' behind your back to use you. I'm also pretty sure sayin' he wants to fuck you is just his way of sayin' he is interested in you."

  I frowned.

  "I hate that you're right."

  "Of course you do, no one likes bein' wrong."

  I sighed.

  "Great, the next step is actin' on your attraction."

  I rolled my eyes. "I hate Alec."

  "You're attracted to his looks, but hate him as a person, that is possible."

  "That is so shallow, likin' someone for their looks."

  Aideen snorted. "Then the majority of the human population is shallow because most of the time that is what attracts people to others first, their looks."

  I didn't reply because I knew she was right.

  "I guess," I mumbled.

  She sighed dreamily. "Was he good?" she asked.

  I gasped. "It was a dream, no actually it was a nightmare."

  Aideen burst out laughing. "It was a dream, not a nightmare. I've had lots of dreams about Alec-"

  "He wasn't next to you when you had said dream though."

  "That's why you’re freakin' out? Because you think he knew what you where dreamin-"

  "He did know. He laughed his arse off at me when he seen-" I cut myself off with a cry.

  "Did we not already address this? How do you know he wasn't laughin' at your reaction-"

  "He saw the... evidence." I winced, covering my face with my free hand.

  Aideen was quiet for a second before bursting into laughter. "You came? Like really came over a dream? Shite, you literally had a wet dream."

  "It's not funny!" I shouted. "I had a sex dream about Alec, what about that is funny?"

  "It's not funny at all, nothing about me getting laid in a dream but not in real life is funny," his voice said.

  I closed my eyes for a moment before turning my head and looking in the direction of the hotel room door. Alec stood in the doorway with a plastic bag in one hand and a bunch of flowers in the other.

  "Are those flowers a sorry for laughing at me?" I asked, curiously.

  "No, they are to brighten up the room because a dark cloud is hanging over it thanks to your panties being in a twist over something stupid."

  "Don't you talk about me knickers, you big bastard. Don't you fuckin' dare!" I snapped making Alec and Aideen burst into laughter.

  I wanted to shoot them both.

  I looked away from Alec and focused on my phone.

  "You shouldn't laugh with him, you're me friend, back me up!"

  "No, because he is right. Your knickers are in a twist over somethin' stupid."

  I narrowed my eyes and sighed out loud. "Okay, maybe they are in a twist but for a very good reason! I feel like I've committed the biggest sin ever."

  Alec snorted. "You had a wet dream, big deal."


  I hung up on a laughing Aideen then dove under the covers of the bed and wished death upon myself. Alec's laughter followed me and I tried to plug my fingers in my ears to make it go away but it wouldn't.

  He dove on the bed then, making me grunt as he applied some of his weight down on me.

  "Get off, you weigh a ton!" I complained.

  Alec moved around then until he was lying next to me. "Look, I know you're embarrassed about what happened this morning, but I have something to cheer you up."

  Curiosity got the better of me, so I slowly peeked my head out from under the covers. Alec was looking at me and began grinning while he held up the plastic bag that was in his hand when he entered the room.

  I looked at the bag. "What did you buy me? A time machine?" I asked.

  He snorted. "No, just some things to make you feel better," he said as he handed me the bag.

  I took the bag from him and looked inside. I smiled when I eyed a box of chocolates.

  "Thanks, but I'm on a diet and can't eat-"

  Alec held up his hand and shook his head. "No, I got you these chocolates as a peace offering and you're going to take them, and you will eat them, and you will like them."

  Who did he think he was?

  "And if I don't?"

  Alec smirked. "If you don't, when your mom gets here, I'll tell her that you had a wet dream about me and destroyed the bed sheets."

  "Bastard!" I screamed and dove forward and
swung my hands at him.

  Alec grabbed me and laughed as he fell onto the bed, pulling me with him. I struggled to get off him when I sat up.

  Alec gave me a wink before looking at where I was seated on him. "Does this remind you of something? A certain dream maybe?"

  "No, because you were on top in the dream-" I widened my eyes in horror at what I just said. "Shut the fuck up, Alec."

  He laughed as I rolled off him.

  "I hate you," I said into my pillow.

  He threw his arms over me. "No, you don't. You may not like me, but you don't hate me. We're friends after all and friends shouldn't fight like we do."

  I grunted. "Friends, huh?"


  I sighed, caving in. "Okay, we're friends. Now will you get off us?"


  I rolled my eyes and said, "Me."

  "But you said us."

  "Us means me as well."

  Alec tilted his head at me. "You know something? I’ve been living in Ireland for three years and the Irish still make me scratch my head when they say certain things."

  I shrugged my shoulders. "It can't be that bad since you still live there."

  "Even if I hated the people I'd still live there."

  I raised my eyebrows. "Why?"

  "It where my family is, where home is... I like the view, too."

  I chuckled. "I like it too, it's pretty."

  "You're pretty."

  I deadpanned, "Stop that."

  "Stop what?" Alec smiled while giving me the 'fuck me' look.

  "That! Stop tryin' to seduce me."

  Alec blinked his eyes, stared at me for a moment then laughed. "I'm sorry, I didn't even realise I was hitting on you."

  "Maybe because you flirt with people so much it has become second nature to you, just like breathin', you do it and don't even notice."

  "It's a skill."

  "It's a pain in the arse, that's what it is."

  Alec waggled his eyebrows at me. "I know something else that can be a pain in your ass-"

  "Alec, I swear to God, if you finish that sentence I will shove me foot so far up your arse that you will need a surgeon to remove it."

  Alec stared at me blankly, unblinking then mumbled, "You're even more creative with your threats than Bronagh."