Page 5 of Alec

  Aideen whistled. "I can't believe you can write so many words. I struggle writing a text with more than twenty words."

  I chuckled as I pulled up in front of the house Aideen pointed out to me.

  "How do you know this is their house? Have you been here before?" I asked Aideen as we unbuckled our seat belts and got out of my car.

  "No, but Branna said it was a four story house that has a white post box on the wall next to the hall door."

  I looked to the house and spotted the post box Aideen spoke of and blew out a big breath. I felt sick now that I was here in front of their house.

  "Come on, let's get this over with," I muttered.

  "Lose that attitude and think positive, clear your mind," Aideen said from behind me as I walked into the garden and up the steps that led to a porch.

  "Okay, yoga weirdo," I said making Aideen chuckle.

  I bit down on my bottom lip as I read Slater labelled across the white post box next to the hall door. I closed my eyes then opened them again as I pressed the doorbell.

  For a whole ten seconds nothing happened so I shrugged and said, "Looks like no one is home. Oh well, I tried. Let's go."

  Aideen grabbed my arm as I tried to turn away from the door. "Oh, no you don't! Have patience and wait!"

  I grunted and folded my arms across my chest while Aideen rang the bell again.

  "Coming!" a male voice from inside the house hollered a few seconds later.

  "Fuck!" I whispered making Aideen snicker.

  A few seconds after I spoke the hall door to the Slater residence opened. I had already seen what Alec and Kane looked like and this man was neither of them.

  Nope, I was gazing upon another God.

  A God who had on shorts that fell to his knees and a vest top that was stretched over his torso. Tattoo's where inked on his body, lots of tattoos. He was nothing short of a masterpiece. Easily over six feet tall with short dark brown hair, bright grey eyes and plump lips.

  "Aideen," the man smiled revealing straight white teeth.

  This really wasn't fair.

  He was simply beautiful.

  "Hey Ryder," Aideen chirped then glanced to me and whispered, "He is the eldest."

  Ryder heard Aideen and smiled at us. I mentally, and probably audibly, sighed because he was so fucking good looking that it almost hurt to look at him and this was Alec's eldest brother?

  These lads will only get better with age, let me tell you!

  "Branna isn't here right now and-"

  "Oh, we aren't here to see Branna. We're here to see Alec. Well, me friend is here to see Alec."

  Ryder's eyes fell on me, he glanced to my stomach then to my face. "You're not pregnant, are you?"

  I flushed every shade of red imaginable.

  I looked fucking pregnant?

  "No!" I stated, appalled that he even asked that question.

  Ryder quickly cleared his throat. "You don't look pregnant, that came out wrong. Having a girl show up here looking for Alec is extremely rare so I'm a bit worried. He never tells his lays' where he lives."

  His lay?

  I felt my eyes practically fall from my head. "I did not have sex with your brother!"

  Ryder bit down on his bottom lip and ran his hands through his trimmed hair. "I'm so sorry, this is coming out all wrong. You don't look like Alec's usual lay, I mean, you're gorgeous but his girls' are usually blonde and-"

  "Jesus Christ, Ryder, just stop talkin'! You're diggin' yourself into a never endin' pit here," Aideen angrily snapped.

  Ryder jumped a little at the volume of Aideen's shout, but nodded his head and focused on me. "I'm so sorry."

  I just nodded my head to him not knowing what to say so I stayed silent. He blew out a long breath before he turned around and shouted, "Alec, a woman is here to see you!"

  A few moments passed by until I heard a door open, a few light footsteps then a whisper, "If she has blonde hair, a mole on her left cheek, and huge tits, close the door right fucking now."

  I felt my face twist in disgust as I shook my head, he was such a fucking dick.

  "I don't have blonde hair, a mole on me cheek or big tits, it's safe to come out!" I shouted.

  Ryder grinned at me, but tried to hide it by rubbing his hand over his mouth. He then stepped to the right and allowed Alec to fill the doorway. I was embarrassed and mad over what Ryder said to me, but I forgot about that when my eyes landed on Alec.

  Shirtless Alec.

  Shirtless Alec who whas a large dragon tattoo that covered his right arm and part of his chest and possessed six pack abs and the ultimate V line.

  Did all of these brothers have bodies and tattoos like this?

  "Keela?" Alec said, clearly surprised that I was on his doorstep.

  "The Keela that put you on your ass last night? That Keela?" Ryder murmured to Alec.

  "Yeah, that Keela. Don't worry, she is calm and won't hurt Alec again, promise," Aideen chirped making both of the brothers chuckle and me bristle. I glared at her, but the bitch paid me no attention.

  I cast my head down and cleared my suddenly dry throat.

  "Can I speak to you?" I asked when I looked back up at Alec.

  I narrowed my eyes when I found his eyes on my legs instead of on my face. "Eyes on me face buddy, me face."

  Alec lifted his head and flicked his eyes across my face. "And what a pretty face it is."


  I groaned out loud. "Did you really just say that? That was beyond pathetic."

  Alec grinned while Ryder snorted and murmured, "Kane was right, she isn't affected by you."

  "All in good time bro," Alec muttered back.


  I could hear them talking.

  "Are you goin' to leave two lovely ladies stood outside on your porch or are you goin' to invite us in?" Aideen asked with a beaming smile.

  Ryder quickly nodded his head. "Right, sorry, come on in. Branna shouldn't be too long so you can hang with me and my brothers while Alec and Keela talk."

  Aideen was happy with that and headed into the house with Ryder on her heels. I wanted to slap her silly, she just bloody abandoned me in my time of need. Some best friend she is!

  "You're the last person I expected to see today, kitten. How did you know where I lived?" Alec asked me as he leaned his shoulder against the doorframe.

  I shrugged. "Branna told Aideen and Aideen told me."

  I let my eyes wander everywhere except for his body and face, he didn't like this though because he reached out and gripped my chin with his fingers and lifted my head until I was looking at him.

  "Why won't you look at me?" he asked.

  I shrugged. "Because."

  He smiled and dropped his hand. "Because what?"

  Because you're the hottest person I have ever seen.

  His brothers were fine as hell but Alec was... in your face hot! That hot!

  I shrugged again. "Just because."

  Alec chuckled and folded his arms across his chest. "To what do I owe this unannounced pleasure, miss?"

  I rolled my eyes and said, "Daley."

  "Miss Daley." Alec smiled.

  I stared at his smile before I looked down and mumbled, "I need to ask you somethin'."

  "Okay, but look at me when you do it."

  I felt my heart pound against my chest as butterflies filled my stomach. "Look, it's hard enough to swallow my pride and ask a stranger this question, a stranger who I had an argument with less then twelve hours ago."

  Alec regarded me. "You physically assaulted me less than twelve hours ago as well."

  I snapped my head up and fixed a deadly glare on him. "Are you tryin' to piss me off?"

  A thoughtful look fell over his face as he scratched his chin. "You clearly aren't shy when you're angry, I'm helping you relax."

  I clenched my hands into fists. "I'm not shy at all."

  "Then ask the question that you came here to ask me," he challenged.

  I glanced
at my surroundings and said, "Can we not do this inside?"

  Alec raised his brows as he gave me a once over, but did as requested and pushed away from the doorframe and strightened to his full height. He then turned to his side and gestured me into the house with his hand. I swallowed and turned to my side so I could slide past him. While I shimmed by him I locked eyes with his pecs then looked up to his handsome face.

  "Hi," he smiled down at me, revealing deep identical dimples in his cheeks.

  Why did he have to have dimples? Why?

  I let out a big puff of air and replied, "Hey."

  A sly smile curved his mouth as he shook his head. Once inside his house I fully looked him over. He had his hair back in a bobbin, but the strands from the front of his head escaped the tie and hung loose. I clenched my hands into fists so I wouldn't brush them out of his face even though I really wanted to.

  "We can talk here or in my bedroom, which do you prefer?"

  His bedroom?

  My legs shook and nearly buckled from under me.

  "Here," I squeaked then quickly cleared my throat. "Here is fine, thank you."

  Alec fully smiled at me so I looked down to my fingers and said, "I need help with somethin' and Aideen told me you are more than qualified help me with it."

  "Clarify 'it'."

  I felt my face heat up, so covered my face with my hands. "God, this is so bloody embarrassin'."

  Alec didn't say a word so I closed my eyes and blurted, "She told me you're an escort."


  A long period of fucking silence.

  Oh my God.

  I wanted to die.

  "I'm retired," Alec replied after ten seconds that felt more like an hour.

  I looked up at him and found his face completely passive.

  I shifted my stance a little and licked my suddenly dry lips.

  "Oh, so you can't help me then?" I frowned.

  Alec titled his head to the side and looked at me for a long moment.

  "No, I can't. I don't deal in that business anymore. You will have to find another guy."

  I felt my heart jump.

  "But I don't want your, um, regular services. You don't have to do anythin' sexual or anythin' like that, I swear," I blurted out then tensed up when Alec's face turned to stone.

  "Sexual? I was an escort, Keela, not a prostitute."

  I shrugged my shoulders in confusion. "Are they not the same thing?" I asked, quizzically.

  I regretted my question as soon as the words left my mouth because Alec's jaw set and his face hardened even more than it already was. He was glaring at me, and was clearly angry but I couldn't help but notice that he looked so bloody hot when he was mad.

  "I'm s-sorry," I stuttered. "I didn't mean to offend you. I just don't know the difference. I thought escorts-"

  "You thought escorts were paid money to fuck people, right?" Alec cut me off.

  I swallowed, nervous over his clipped tone.

  "Um, well yes, I did," I replied honestly.

  Alec shook his head and muttered something under his breath before his fixed his eyes on mine. "Escorts provide companionship to a person, sex is optional, but not the baseline. Prostitutes are paid for sex and only sex, that is the baseline."

  I wondered how many times he had to explain that to people who knew about his previous job.

  I swallowed feeling awful that I assumed the worst in him.

  "I apologise for bein' naive."

  Alec shrugged uncaringly. "It's okay, but I still can't help you. I'm not in that business anymore."

  I felt my stomach drop at the rejection. I was mentally prepared for it, but it still wasn't a nice feeling.

  I nodded my head to Alec and looked down to my fingers. "I understand, sorry again for offendin' you, I didn't mean to pass judgement. I know I probably came off as a bitch last night but I am a nice person and I wouldn't purposely try to hurt your feelin's. I'm not like that. I'm very sorry."

  I heard Alec hiss as he inhaled.

  "Damn kitten, don't be getting upset on me." I looked up at him and he growled.,"Put that pouty lip away otherwise I'm going to bite it."

  I didn't even realise I was pouting, but I sucked my bottom lip into my mouth on a gasp and bit down on it.

  Alec's lip twitched as he scrubbed his face with his hands. I took the momentary break from his gaze to clear my throat and gather myself.

  "I'll go and get Aideen so we can leave-"

  "Out of curiosity, what did you want an escort for?"

  "I'd rather not say, it's embarrassin'."

  "You didn't want me to take your virginity, did you?"

  I snapped my head up and hurt my neck a little doing so. "What? No, that is not what I came here for!" I angrily snapped.

  I felt heat spread across my chest and up my neck then onto my face. "First your brother thinks I am pregnant by you and now you think I am virgin? I'm not pregnant and I'm not a damn virgin!"

  Alec raised his eyebrows and looked a little shocked. I ignored him and his expression, as I turned my body then shouted, "Aideen! Move it, we're leavin'!"

  I felt a rush of air touch my skin seconds before a body molded into my back and arms came around my waist. "Now wait just as second, kitten. I jumped to conclusions, but so did you. Give me a break here - I'm not being a dick, I'm just trying to understand what you would need an escort for."

  I opened my mouth to snap off a snarky reply, but nothing came to me because Alec was right. I relaxed a little and he must have felt it becuase he moved back away from me, giving me back my space.

  I was about to reply to Alec when I heard movement and mumbling in the room behind the doors across from me. Without a second thought I walked to the double doors and opened them. Three large males fell forward taking me to the ground with them.

  A mountain of muscle was crushing me, most would say this was the ideal way to die, but not me!

  "Can't breathe," I wheezed from under the bodies.

  "Get off her!" I heard Alec bellow.

  Courses of the word 'sorry' were offered as I was dug free from the mountain of muscle and helped to my feet. I took in a few deep breaths and groaned in delighted as oxygen filled my lungs.

  "Fuck, that hurt me chest."

  "Do you think something might be broken?" Alec asked as he appeared in front of me, placing his hands on my bare shoulders.

  I shook my head and took a few more breaths. "No, I'm fine. I just couldn't breathe, and it burned."

  Alec looked to his right and said, "You almost smothered a woman."

  "Sorry," three voices said in unison.

  I got control of my breathing then looked to my left and saw a frowning Ryder and Kane as well a frowning younger man who looked similar to Alec.

  "Which brother are you?" I asked him.

  "Nico," he replied at the same time all three of his brothers said, "Dominic."

  I looked to the lad and asked, "What am I callin' you, Nico or Dominic?"

  He shrugged and grinned at me. "You can call me whatever you want, gorgeous."

  I raised my eyebrows at him and couldn't help but smile a little, his forwardness and the way he held himself was kind of charming. I observed him with my eyes which he fully appreciated, judging by his smile which revealed dimples that matched Alec's.

  "I'll call you Nico," I replied, smiling wide myself now.

  I settled on Nico since that was the name he said when I asked his name. His name was obviously Dominic, but if he wanted to be called Nico, I would call him Nico.

  "And you are?" Nico asked, keeping eye contact with me.

  "Keela," I said and blushed.

  His stare was very intense and I couldn't help but flush under it.

  "Kee-lah," Nico purred. "Beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

  Alec used his hands, which were still on my shoulders, to push me behind him as he stepped forward towards his younger brother.

  "Boy, cut that shit out or I'm knocking your ass
out," Alec snarled to Nico.

  I looked around Alec's body and watched as Nico, Kane, and Ryder all dropped their jaws and gaped at Alec. I furrowed my eyebrows, why did they look so shocked? Did brothers not threaten physical beatings to each other over random things all the time?

  "Are you okay?" I asked them.

  Nico was the first brother to compose himself, before the other two quickly followed suit.

  "We're fine," Ryder assured me.

  I stepped to Alec's side and curtly nodded to Ryder which he frowned at. "I really am sorry for what I said to you earlier Keela. It was a dick move just to assume something like that. Forgive me?"

  I gave him a genuine smile and nodded my head because he looked a little distressed that I was still upset with him, and it just confirmed that he was a good man if a stranger could do that to him.

  "Where you all listenin' to the conversation I had with Alec?" I asked the brothers.

  One by one they hung their heads in shame and nodded. I found the sight hilarious, but I didn't laugh. They were huge men but they were acting like a bunch of little lads who were caught with their hands in the cookie jar before dinner.

  "Great, now I'm even more embarrassed," I muttered.

  "What do you need an escort for? Don't you have a boyfriend?" Kane suddenly asked me.

  My stomach fell out of my arse when he asked that question because I forgot all about pretending that Storm was my boyfriend.

  "Oh Jesus," I groaned and covered my face with my hands.

  "Yeah, what was his name again? Thunder?" Alec sarcastically asked making Kane snicker.

  I uncovered my face and looked at Alec with my eyes narrowed. "Storm."

  "Ah yes, Storm. Why can't Storm escort you?" he asked, a grin tugging at his lips.

  He was such a dickhead, he knew I didn't have a boyfriend.

  "Because I don't have a boyfriend. I only said that Storm was me boyfriend last night to stop you from chattin' me up because I didn't want to have sex with you. I still don't want to have sex with you. I just need your help, but you said you can't help me so I'll be goin' now. Aideen!"

  Aideen suddenly appeared walking down the hallway that I think led from the kitchen, she had a bottle of Bulmers in her hand and a smile on her face.

  I pinched the bridge of my nose and shook my head at her.

  "Really? It's not even the afternoon and you're drinkin?"