Take my mother, so generous with her gifts, handing out good luck and goodwill as, inside her, the cancer grew like the interest from a deposit account she never even knew she had. The universe balances its books. Even such a small thing as a charm, a cantrip, a circle drawn in sand—all must be paid for. In full. In blood.

  There’s a symmetry, you see. For every piece of luck, a blow; for everyone we helped, a hurt. A red silk sachet over our door—and somewhere else, a shadow falls. A candle burned to banish ill luck—and somebody’s house across the road catches fire and burns to the ground. A chocolate festival; the death of a friend.

  A piece of malchance.

  An Accident.

  That’s why I can’t confide in Zozie. I like her too much to lose her trust. The children seem to like her too. There’s something youthful about her somehow, something more akin to Anouk’s age than mine, that makes her more approachable.

  Perhaps it’s her hair—long, loose, and dyed pink at the front—or her exuberantly colored charity-shop clothes, flung together like the contents of a child’s dressing-up box, but oddly right on her, somehow. Today she is wearing a nip-waisted 1950s dress in sky blue, with a pattern of sailboats, and yellow ballet shoes, quite wrong for November—not that she cares. Not that she would ever care.

  I remember being like that once. I remember that defiance. But motherhood changes everything. Motherhood makes cowards of us all. Cowards, liars—and sometimes worse.

  Les Laveuses. Anouk. And—oh! That wind.

  Four days—and I am still surprised to find myself relying on Zozie, not just to keep an eye on Rosette, as Madame Poussin used to do, but also for all kinds of little things in the shop. Wrapping, packaging, cleaning, ordering. She says she likes it—tells me she always dreamed of working in a chocolaterie—and yet she never helps herself to the stock, as Madame Poussin often did, or exploits her position by asking for samples.

  I haven’t yet mentioned her to Thierry. I’m not sure why, except that I feel he will not approve. Perhaps because of the extra cost; perhaps because of Zozie herself, who is as far removed from the staid Madame Poussin as it is possible to be.

  With customers she is cheerily—sometimes worryingly—informal. She talks constantly as she wraps boxes, weighs chocolates, points out novelties. And she has a knack for making people talk about themselves: enquires about Madame Pinot’s backache; chats with the postman on his round. She knows Fat Nico’s favorites, flirts outrageously with Jean-Louis and Paupaul, the would-be artists touting for customers around Le P’tit Pinson, and chats with Richard and Mathurin, the two old men she calls “The Patriots,” who sometimes arrive at the café at eight in the morning and rarely leave until dinnertime.

  She knows Anouk’s school friends by name, asks after her teachers, discusses her clothes. And yet she never makes me feel uncomfortable; never asks the questions anyone else in her place would ask.

  I felt the same with Armande Voizin—back in the days of lansquenet. Unruly, mischievous, naughty Armande, whose scarlet petticoats I still sometimes see out of the corner of my eye, whose voice imagined in a crowd—so eerily like that of my mother—still sometimes makes me turn and stare.

  Zozie is nothing like her, of course. Armande was eighty when I knew her: dried up, cantankerous, and old. And yet I can see her in Zozie—her exuberant style, her appetite for everything. And if Armande had a spark of what my mother called magic . . .

  But we do not speak of these things now. Our pact is silent, but nonetheless strict. Any indiscretion—even as much as a spark lit—and once again, the little house of cards goes up in flames. It’s happened before, in Lansquenet, in Les Laveuses, and in a hundred places before that. But not anymore. No. This time, we stay.

  She came in early today, just as Anouk was leaving for school. I left her alone for less than an hour—just time enough to take Rosette for a walk— and when I got back the place looked brighter, somehow; less cluttered, more attractive. She’d changed the display in the shop window, spreading a swatch of dark blue velvet onto the pyramid of tins that filled it, and on top she had placed a pair of bright red, shiny, high-heeled shoes, brimming over with foil-wrapped chocolates in red and gold.

  The effect is eccentric but arresting nevertheless. The shoes—the same red shoes she was wearing on that first day—seem to shine in the dark shop window, and the sweets like buried treasure spill across the velvet in cubes and fragments of colored light.

  “I hope you don’t mind,” said Zozie as I came in. “I thought it could do with a bit of a lift.”

  “I like it,” I said. “Shoes and chocolates . . .”

  Zozie grinned. “Twin passions of mine.”

  “So—what’s your favorite ? ” I asked. Not that I really wanted to know, but professional curiosity made me ask. Four days, and I am no closer to guessing her favorite than I was before. She shrugged. “I like them all. But the bought ones aren’t the same, are they? You used to make your own, you said? ”

  “I did. But then I had more time.”

  She looked at me. “You’ve got plenty of time. Let me look after the front of the shop, and you can work your magic in the back.”

  “Magic? ”

  But Zozie was already making plans—seemingly unaware of the impact of that casual word—plans for a line of handmade truffles, the simplest of all chocolates to make; and then, perhaps some mendiants—my own favorites—sprinkled with almonds, sour cherries, and fat yellow sultanas.

  I could do it with my eyes closed. Even a child can make mendiants, and Anouk had often helped me in the days of lansquenet, selecting the plumpest raisins, the sweetest cranberries (always keeping a generous portion aside for herself ), and arranging them on the discs of melted chocolate, dark or light, in careful designs.

  I haven’t made mendiants since then. They remind me too much of those days, of the little bakery with the wheat sheaf over the door, of Armande, of Joséphine, of Roux—

  “You can ask what you like for handmade chocolates,” Zozie was saying, oblivious. “And if you put out a couple of chairs, made a bit of space here”—she showed me the spot—“then people could even sit down for a while, have a drink, perhaps, a slice of cake. It would be nice, wouldn’t it? Friendly, I mean. A way of getting them inside.”


  I wasn’t altogether sure. It sounded too much like Lansquenet. A chocolaterie should remain a place of business; its patrons should be customers and not friends. Otherwise one day the inevitable happens; and the box, once opened, cannot be shut. Besides, I knew what Thierry would say. . . .

  “I don’t think so,” I said at last.

  Zozie said nothing but gave me a look. I feel I have disappointed her, somehow. An absurd feeling—and yet— When did I become so fearful? I ask. When did I begin to care so much? My voice sounds dry and fussy, like that of some prude. I wonder, does Anouk hear it too?

  “OK. It was just an idea.”

  And where’s the possible harm? I thought. It’s only chocolate, after all; a dozen or so batches of truffles, just to keep myself in practice. Thierry will think I am wasting my time; but why should that stop me ? What do I care?

  “Well—I suppose I could make a few boxes for Christmas.”

  I still have my pans, the copper ones and the enamel, all carefully wrapped and boxed in the cellar. I have even kept the granite slab on which I temper the melted chocolate; the sugar thermometers; the plastic and the ceramic molds; the dippers and scrapers and slotted spoons. Everything is there, clean and stored and ready to go. Rosette might enjoy it, I thought—and Anouk.

  “Great! ” said Zozie. “You can teach me too.”

  Well, why not? What harm could there be?

  “All right,” I said. “I’ll give it a try.”

  So that was that. Back in business at last, without any fuss. And if any qualms remain in my mind—

  There can be no harm in a batch of truffles. Or a tray of mendiants, or a cake or two. The Kindly Ones
do not concern themselves with such trivial things as chocolates.

  Or so I hope—as with every day Vianne Rocher, Sylviane Caillou, and even Yanne Charbonneau recede more safely into the past, becoming smoke, becoming history, a footnote, names upon a faded list.

  The ring upon my right hand feels strange against fingers long accustomed to being bare. That name—Le Tresset—feels even stranger. I try it on, as if for size, halfway between a smile and not.

  Yanne Le Tresset.

  It’s just a name.

  Bullshit, says Roux, that veteran name changer, shape-shifter, gypsy, and pinpointer of home truths. It’s not just a name. It’s a sentence.

  Thursday, 15 November

  So there it is. she’s wearing his ring. THIERRY, of all people—Thierry, who doesn’t like her hot chocolate, or know anything about her, not even her real name. She says she hasn’t made any plans. She says she’s still getting used to it. Wearing it like a pair of shoes that need breaking in before they feel right.

  A simple wedding, Maman says. A registry office, no priest, no church. But we know better. He’ll get his way. The whole hog, with Rosette and me in matching frocks. It’s going to be terrible.

  I said so to Zozie, and she pulled a face and said each to his own, which was a laugh, really, because no one in their right mind could imagine that those two could ever be really in love.

  Well, maybe he does. What does he know? He came round again last night and took us out—not to P’tit Pinson this time, but to an expensive place on the river, where we could see the boats go by. I wore a dress, and he said I looked very nice, but I ought to have brushed my hair, and Zozie looked after Rosette at the shop, because Thierry said it wasn’t a suitable place for a small child (though we all knew that wasn’t the real reason).

  Maman was wearing the ring he’d given her. A great, fat, hateful diamond, perched on her hand like a shiny bug. She doesn’t wear it in the shop (it gets in the way of everything), and last night she kept playing with it, twisting it round and round on her finger, as if it felt uncomfortable.

  Getting used to it yet? he says. As if we could ever get used to that, or to him, or to the way he treats us, like spoiled children, to be bought and bribed. And he gave Maman a mobile phone, just to keep in touch, he said—I can’t believe you’ve never had one before—and afterward we had champagne (which I hate) and oysters (which I also hate), and a chocolate souff lé ice cream, which was quite nice, but not as nice as the ones Maman used to make, as well as being very, very small.

  And Thierry laughed a lot (at least, at first), and called me jeune fille, and talked about the chocolaterie. Turns out he’s going to London again, and this time he wanted Maman to go with him, but she was too busy, she said, and maybe after the Christmas rush.

  “Really? ” he said. “I thought you said business was slow.”

  “I’m trying something new,” said Maman and told him about the new line of truffles she was planning, and how Zozie was helping out for a while, and how she was bringing her old things out of storage. She talked about it for a long time, and her face was pink, the way it gets when she’s really into something, and the more she talked, the quieter Thierry got, and the less he laughed, so that finally she stopped talking and looked a bit embarrassed.

  “Sorry,” she said. “You don’t want to hear all this.”

  “No, it’s fine,” said Thierry. “And this was Zozie’s idea, was it? ” He didn’t sound too pleased about it.

  Maman smiled. “We like her a lot. Don’t we, Annie ? ”

  I said we did.

  “But do you think she’s management material? I mean, she may be all right, but let’s face it, in the long run you’re going to need a bit more than some waitress you poached off Laurent Pinson.”

  “Management material? ” said Maman.

  “Well, I was thinking, when we’re married, you might actually want someone to run the place.”

  When we’re married. Oh, boy.

  Maman looked up. She was frowning a little.

  “Well, I know you want to run the shop, but surely you don’t need to be there all the time ? There’d be all kinds of things to do instead. We’d be free to travel, to see the world. . . .”

  “I’ve seen it,” she said, a little too fast, and Thierry gave her a funny look.

  “Well, I hope you don’t expect me to move in above the chocolaterie,” he said, with a grin to show he was joking. He wasn’t, though; I could tell from his voice.

  Maman said nothing and looked away.

  “Well, what about you, Annie ? ” he said. “I bet you’d like to travel the world. How about America? Wouldn’t that be cool? ”

  I hate it when he says “cool.” I mean, he’s old—he’s fifty at least—and I know he tries, but it’s just so embarrassing, don’t you think?

  When Zozie says “cool,” it’s as if she means it. It’s as if she actually invented the word. America would be cool with Zozie in it. Even the chocolaterie looks cooler now, with the gilt mirror in front of the old glass case, and her lollipop shoes in the window like magic slippers filled with treasure.

  If Zozie was here, she’d sort him out, I thought, remembering the Jeanne Moreau waitress in the English tea shop. Then I felt bad—almost as if I’d done something wrong, as if just thinking about it might cause an Accident.

  Zozie wouldn’t care about that, said the shadow-voice inside my head. Zozie would just do as she pleased. And would that be so bad? I thought. Well, of course it would. But all the same . . .

  This morning as I was getting ready for school I caught Suze looking into the new shop window, nose pigged up against the glass. She ran off as soon as she saw me—we’re still not really talking right now—but for a minute I felt so bad that I had to sit down on one of the old armchairs Zozie had brought in from somewhere, and imagine Pantoufle sitting there listening, with his black eyes shining in his whiskery face.

  You know, it isn’t even that I like her that much. But she was so nice, when I was new; she used to come to the chocolaterie and we’d talk, or watch TV, or go to the Place du Tertre and watch the artists, and once she bought me a pink enameled pendant from one of the stalls there, a little cartoon dog with BEST FRIEND written on it.

  It was only a cheap thing, and I’ve never liked pink, but I’d never had a Best Friend, either—not a real one anyway. It was nice; it made me feel good just having it, even though I haven’t worn it for ages.

  And then Chantal came along.

  Perfect, popular Chantal with her perfect blond hair and her perfect clothes and that way she has of sneering at everything. Now Suze wants to be exactly like her, and I’m just the one who stands in when Chantal has something better to do, or, more often, I’m just a convenient stooge.

  It isn’t fair. Who decides these things? Who was it decided that Chantal deserved to be the popular one, even though she never raised a finger for anyone, or cared about anyone but her little self? What makes Jean-Loup Rimbault more popular than Claude Meunier? And what about the others? Mathilde Chagrin, or those girls in their black head scarves? What is it about them that makes them freaks? What is it about me?

  I was talking in my shadow-voice, and I didn’t notice Zozie come in. She can be very quiet sometimes, you know, quieter even than me, which was odd, because today she was wearing the kind of clacky wooden-soled clog-things that you can’t help making a noise with. Except that these were fuchsia-pink, which made them kind of fabulous.

  “Who was that you were talking to? ”

  I hadn’t realized I’d said it aloud.

  “No one. Just me.”

  “Well, there’s no harm in that.”

  “I guess.” I still felt awkward sitting there; very conscious of Pantoufle watching, quite real today actually with his stripy nose going up and down just like a proper rabbit’s. I see him more clearly when I’m upset—that’s why I shouldn’t talk to myself. Besides, Maman always says that it’s important to tell the difference b
etween what’s real and what isn’t. It’s when you can’t tell the difference that Accidents happen.

  Zozie smiled and made a little sign, a bit like an “OK” sign, with her thumb and index finger joined to make a circle. She looked at me through the circle, and then she dropped her hand again. “You know, I often talked to myself as a kid. Or rather, to my invisible friend. I used to talk to her all the time.”

  I don’t know why I was so surprised. “You? ”

  “Her name was Mindy,” Zozie said. “My mother said she was a spirit guide. Of course, my mother believed in all those things. In fact, she believed in pretty much everything—crystals, dolphin magic, alien abduction, the Yeti—you name it, my mother was a believer.” She grinned. “Still, some of it works—doesn’t it, Nanou? ”

  I didn’t know what to say to that. Some of it works—what did that mean? It made me feel uncomfortable—but a little excited at the same time. Because this wasn’t just a coincidence, or an Accident, like what had happened in the English tea shop. Zozie was talking about real magic, talking quite openly, as if it was really true and not some kids’ game I’d had to grow out of.

  Zozie believed.

  “I have to go.” I picked up my bag and made for the door.

  “You say that so often. What is it? A cat? ” She shut one eye and looked at me once more through the circle of her thumb and forefinger.

  “I don’t know what you mean,” I said.

  “Little guy, big ears.”

  I looked at her. She was still smiling.

  I knew I shouldn’t talk about it. Talking only makes things worse—but I didn’t want to lie to Zozie. Zozie never lies to me.

  I sighed. “He’s a rabbit. He’s called Pantoufle.”

  “Cool,” said Zozie.

  And that was that.

  Friday, 16 November

  Strike two. and I’m in again. all it takes is a well-placed blow, and the piñata begins to weaken and split. The mother is the weak link; and with Yanne on my side, Annie follows as sweetly as summer follows spring.

  That lovely child. So young, so bright. I could do great things with such a child—if only her mother were out of the way. But one thing at a time, eh? The mistake now would be to push my advantage too far. The child is still cautious and may still withdraw if I press too hard. And so I’ll wait, and work on Yanne, and to tell the truth I’m enjoying it. A single mother, with a business to run and a young child constantly underfoot—trust me to become indispensable, to become her confidante, her friend. She needs me; Rosette, with her endless curiosity and her knack for getting into all the wrong places, will give me all the excuse I need.