Back of Bourke. The middle of nowhere. Bourke is a town in New South Wales.
Banana Bender. Resident of Queensland.
Bangs like a dunny door in a storm. Someone who is sexually promiscuous.
Barbie. Barbecue. Australians are really into this.
Bash the bishop. Masturbate.
Beaut/Beauty. Excellent, real cool.
Bend the elbow. Drink alcohol.
Bet London to a brick on it. Something that's totally certain.
Big mobs. Humungous amount.
Big note yourself. Boast.
Billabong. A water hole in a dry riverbed.
Billy. A tin container for making coffee in over a camp fire.
Black Stump. A spot over the horizon, a long way away.
Blind Freddy could see it. It’s totally obvious.
Bloke. A man.
Blowie. A blowfly.
Bludge. To be lazy and feckless.
Bondi. Famous surfing beach near Sydney.
Bondi cigar. A turd in the sea, raw sewage.
Bonzer . Cool, ripper.
Booze bus. Random breath testing police wagon.
Boozer. A pub or bar.
Brisbane. Capital city of the state of Queensland.
Broken packet of biscuits. Something that looks okay from the outside but is a mess inside.
Buckley's Chance. No chance.
Bullamanka. Imaginary remote spot beyond even The Back of
Bourke or Black Stump.
Bull bar. Protection bar on front of a car.
Bulldust. A polite version of bullshit.
Bullshit Palace. A Government House or State Capitol.
Bum. Rectum, ass. if you must know.
Bush. The (almost) uninhabited countryside (See "Outback").
Bush Tucker. Native foods, found in the outback.
Bush Week. Fictional time when bushwhackers visit town.
Bushwhacker. Stupid, slow person who lives in the bush.
Bush Wire. Social grapevine which spreads gossip.
Busy as a bricklayer in Baghdad. Very busy.
Busy as a cat burying shit. Very very Busy.
Cactus. Broken, not functioning.
Calling for George. Vomiting down the toilet bowl.
Couldn't drive a greasy stick up a dog's arse. Is not a good car driver.
Chief cook and bottle washer. The person in charge.
Choko. A vegetable.
Chook. A chicken.
Christmas on a stick. Very good.
Chuck a sickie. Pretend to be sick and take a day off work.
Chunder. Vomit.
Clacker. Anus.
Clayton's. A bogus, fake.
Clobber. Clothes.
Cobber. Friend.
Come a gutzer. A plan goes wrong.
Compo. A competition.
Conk. Punch someone or something.
Cooee. A bush greeting.
Corroboree. Aboriginal festival.
Don't give a fat rats clacker. Don't care.
Cozzie. Swimming costume.
Crack a fat. Get an erection.
Cricket. A bat and ball game played by two teams of 11 players. The rules are deep and mysterious and nobody knows them all.
Crook. To be sick or something that is not well made.
Cunning as a dunny rat. Very cunning.