Fair dinkum. True, genuine.
Fair suck of the sav. Get a fair chance.
Few tinnies short of a slab. Dim witted.
Fire up the barbie. Prepare a barbecue for cooking food.
Fit as a buck rat. Very fit.
Fit as a mallee bull. Very, Very fit.
Fits like a bum in a bucket. Fits perfectly.
Flake. Shark meat, used in fish and chips.
Flaming Hell. A mild swearword.
Flash as a rat with a gold tooth. Well dressed or groomed.
Flog the log. Masturbate.
Fossick. To search for something.
From arsehole to breakfast. Totally disorganised.
Full as a goog. Eat or drink too much.
Furphy. A rumor or a false story.
Further behind than a python’s arsehole. A long way away.