Mad as a gumtree full of galahs. As mad as a hatter.
Make a quid. Earn a living.
Make shit gravy. Be really scared.
Marble orchard. A cemetery.
Mate. Common greeting. Comes from shipmate NOT lovemate!
Melbourne. Capital city of state of Victoria.
Melbourne or the bush. All or nothing.
More arse than class. Does not have much class.
More tired than a one-armed billsticker in a big wind. Very tired.
More tired than a one-armed cabbie with the crabs. Very, Very tired.
Murray. A river in South-East Australia.
Ned Kelly. A folk hero, a bit like Robin Hood. Died in a shootout.
Neil woz 'ere. Neil was here! I did all the hard yakka too.
Not enough brains to get a headache. Not clever. Pretty dumb, actually.
Not the full quid. Not very clever.
Not within Cooee. Not close by.
Not worth a brass razoo. Worthless.
No worries! No problem. A favorite Ozzie saying.
NSW. New South Wales state. The capital is Sydney.
Ocker. Uncivilised person.
Off like a bride's nightie. Something happens very quickly.
Off like a bucket of prawns in the sun. Leave quickly.
On the wallaby track. Being unemployed.
On you! Well done! (Sometimes said sarcastically).
Open your Lunchbox. To fart.
Outback. The empty interior of Australia (see also "Bush").
Pavement pizza. Vomit.
Perth. Capital city of the state of Western Australia.
Petrol. Gasoline.
Pig's arse! Expression of disagreement.
Piker. Someone who doesn't want to enjoy themselves.
Piss. Alcohol, usually beer.
Pissing in the wind. Wasting your time.
Podgy dodger. Cattle rustler.
Polly. Politician.
Pom or Pommie. English person.
Poofter. Homosexual.
Prawn. A shrimp.
Quid. British pound, similar to US dollar.