Teanne looked above at the moons—they seemed to shine brighter in the garden. Allowing her eyes to adjust she scanned the surroundings. The stone will guide you. Teanne hoped it would do as Elder Lin had foretold. She heard the sound of another fireball being ignited. Chev gently nudged her to take it. Lifting the flame high, it lit up the garden and its structures. The attack did not destroy much of the garden; it was untouched compared to the carnage that had befallen the village and temple surrounds. Teanne looked around the walls that enclosed the garden, vines grew and covered every available place, bright purple flowers were scattered amongst the vines, still fully abloom. She inhaled, the scents ignited her senses

  Where now?

  Teanne lifted the fireball high, looking – for what she did not know. She saw a small rotunda in the middle of the garden; it looked out of place compared to the grandeur of its surroundings. To either side stood two pillars covered in the same vines and purple flowers that were on the walls - it looked surreal. Teanne wished she could have seen this garden in the light of day to take in its true beauty.

  Gently touching the pouch housing the Estrus, Teanne mentally trekked a route through the garden. The stone warmed, as she moved towards the structure, she heard Chev slowly follow.

  Turning she whispered, ‘Wait here, I’ll go first.’ Moving closer, Teanne saw a small well toward the back of the rotunda, it was old and rustic, worn by age in places. She stopped suddenly as she reached the first step. A tingling sensation started to fill her; it was as if a small current of electricity was coming up through the ground to fill her body. She slowly took the first step, and the surge intensified, as did the warming sensation of the stone, she carefully lifted the pouch to make sure it hadn’t burnt through. Taking the next step, she felt her hackles begin to rise.

  Reaching the platform, she looked down at the well. It was made from stone, and the lid had odd carvings around the edge, symbols she did not recognise. Towards the centre four lines were carved deep into the stone. Teanne knelt down before the well. Was this where Elder Lin had meant her to find the message runes? A surge of electricity rose up her arm; she let her hand move to the edge - the surge lessened. Elder Lin had said beneath the sacred garden. Teanne felt around the rough stone until she found a groove and tucked her fingers under in an attempt to loosen the cover. It didn’t budge and Teanne fell backwards. She heard Chev stifle a laugh; only she could laugh at a time like this. Teanne pulled herself up and felt for the groove. Her skin began to tingle again, looking over her shoulder she motioned for Chev to help. Teanne noticed Chevs hair rise as she moved onto the rotunda, and knew she too felt the tingling sensation.

  The women gripped the cover and heaved—it didn’t move. With renewed determination, Chev and Teanne pulled, - the cover finally relinquished falling onto the platform with a loud thud. A gust of stale air rose from below. Holding her hand over her mouth, Teanne looked in; and could just make out the top of a spiral staircase, but could not see the bottom. Chev threw a fire bolt down that lit up the narrow shaft. Teanne noticed the stonewalls shimmering like gold. The fireball finally hit the bottom, and quickly extinguished.

  Nervously smiling at Chev, Teanne slowly lifted herself onto the well’s edge and placed one foot onto the top of the spiral staircase, it creaked under her weight. Chev gripped Teanne’s shoulder, cautioning her to wait, she looked up at Chev and smiled,

  ‘Wait till I get to the bottom, I don’t think it will hold both of us.’

  Teanne slowly began her descent placing her hands onto the wall of the shaft; it was warmer and a lot smoother than she had expected. Moments later the shaft lit up, the golden walls almost blinded her. Squinting, she looked up and could only just make out Chevs shadow as she peered over.

  Teanne finally reached the bottom and looked around but could not make anything out. The only light was that drifting from the shaft; she waited as she heard Chev take the stairs; reaching the bottom, she crashed into Teanne; almost falling backward she whispered ‘sorry’.

  A flint sounded and a flame grew from Chevs hand. Both women waited as the room filled with light. Chev spread her hands wider and as the flame intensified, the light grew brighter, revealing hints of the structure before them.

  ‘How did you know this was here?’ Chev asked

  'A lucky guess'

  Moving into the room, Teanne noticed thin veins running throughout the walls, and watched as Chev approached and started sniffing the thin veins, ‘What are you doing?’

  Pulling a small flame from the fireball in her palm to her fingertip Chev held it to the wall; a loud crackling sound echoed and Teanne watched mouth agape as the veins on the walls started to light, she watched as they raced around the room, and in an instant the entire room was alight. Chev turned defiantly to Teanne and shrugged her shoulders,

  'A lucky guess.'

  Chev moved back to Teannes side, and watched as the large room materialised out of the shadows. It was a chamber not a room, larger than Teanne could have imagined; she saw the pillars that hid Chev and her during their childhood games in the Mother Temple above stretched from the ceiling to the floor and ran the expanse of the interior. It was another world; it mirrored the temple above yet the shimmer from the walls made it unworldly. Teanne stood speechless—another world existed beneath her, her entire life.

  'What is this place?' Chev said softly, Teanne could only shake her head.

  The chamber was made to look larger by the meagre furnishings; there were bookshelves that held no books; tables scattered around, and toward the far corner, four doorways – how big was this world? Teanne thought.

  Not sure where to look first, Teanne found it hard to focus on anything as she stood in awe of the simple beauty of this chamber. Chev gently nudged her.

  ‘… Elder Lin said I was to recover four stones’

  'I think you and I have a lot to talk about, once we find these stones' Chev replied sternly then began looking around the chamber, ‘Do you know what they look like?'

  Teanne shook her head, 'No, she only said that there were four'

  'I’ll look over here.’ Chev moved across the chamber, Teanne was thankful that Chev did not push for any more information, but she knew that she would be berated with questions soon enough. She froze. Was it her imagination or did she see something move? Ignoring it she continued to look for the stones.

  Teanne felt a surge of anxiety fill her; she was conflicted with how easy she had accepted this request from Elder Lin, and how eager she was to take the Estrus – without question. She swept her white hair away from her eyes and looked around the chamber. Why in Mothers name am I here?

  Toward the far side of the chamber she saw a large stone altar resembling a tomb. A small opening directly above it in the earthen ceiling cast a thin light onto it. On each of the four sides sat stone stumps, obviously meant to resemble seats. Teanne crossed to the altar and looked up towards the hole, she could not make out the moons but she knew they were there. Slowly she ran her fingers around the edge of the altar—it was cold as ice. The top of the altar was covered with a heavy layer of dust but for four distinct shapes cutting through the layers. Teanne felt a chill run up her spine, she knew that this was where the message runes should be – but they were gone. She cautiously looked around the chamber once more, noticing Chev studying the four doors. Teanne suddenly felt the stone heat up.

  The room went dark.

  ‘Who are you?’

  The voice was like silk; it filled every corner of the room, bouncing off the walls. Teanne felt a lump grow in her throat. She turned from side to side; seeing nothing but blackness.

  ‘No one is supposed to be here. You do not belong here.’

  Teanne moved forward a little trying to get her bearings and bumped into the altar.

  ‘I was sent by the Head Elder Elite, to retrieve…’ before she could finish, the voice broke into a maniacal laugh. The laughter seemed to surround Teanne; she looked around vigorously trying to find wha
t direction it was coming from.

  ‘How is Lin?’

  Teanne flinched as something moved behind her. ‘Elder Lin died, this day.’

  The room went still. The only noise Teanne could hear was that of heavy breathing; and she realised it was her own.

  'Why are you here?’ The voice was now full of malice.

  Teanne did not reply, and protectively cradled the pouch in her hand, noticing that the stone had cooled. She tried to summon its guidance, but it did not offer any, ‘I seek the message runes’ Teanne faltered as she heard the words leave her lips. She had no idea why she was here or what was expected of her. Slowly drawing breath she steadied her nerves, and waited.

  ‘Those stones are not yours to have. Why would you want them? Do you even know how they work?'

  Teanne felt her cheeks heat, she had no idea what message runes were, let alone how they worked. She jumped as she felt Chev reach out for her. Taking her hand tightly they moved closer together.

  ‘Why would Lin need this girl to find the message runes? They are meaningless without the ....’ the voice that followed made Teanne shiver with fear, 'did Lin give you a little treasure girl?’

  Teanne bit her lower lip.

  ‘Tell me, do you carry the stone?’ A slight hint of excitement entered the voice.

  ‘I do.’ Teanne did not know why she had revealed that, she heard Chev behind her gasp at her answer.

  The altar began glowing, bringing glints of light back into the chamber. Teanne turned to Chev her eyes wide and confused. Teanne opened her hand and looked down at the pouch, she wished with all her might for the stone to guide her. Suddenly something gripped her wrist hard. Teanne’s eyes went wide as she struggled to move but felt like she had been tied with ropes. Her arm lifted, she fought and wished she could see her attacker. A force slowly opened her gripped fingers to reveal the pouch.

  Finally finding her voice, Teanne screamed ‘Show yourself!’ She couldn’t contain the anger rising in her. ‘I said show yourself!' The suffocating grip released its hold. Teanne breathed hard and moved back to Chevs side.

  A warm gust of wind blew behind them. They moved closer together. Above the altar a crackling sound revealed a swirling flame, it resembled a whip circling, and it moved faster and faster up toward the ceiling and drove back down. Teanne watched, as the air above the altar seemed to shift, falling in and out of sync at each pass of the whip-like fire. She felt Chevs grip tighten as the flames stopped and the glow from the altar moved towards the ceiling slowly revealed the anatomy of the voice.

  She was dressed in a pair of black pants and a loose fitting black shirt; her hair, scarlet, was worn long and unbraided. Teanne watched as the figure threw four stones down onto the altar, and then turned to face them, her face was a glow. Teanne found herself covering her eyes from the light, and then she heard the woman laugh.

  ‘There are your stones, now give me what you have in that little pouch of yours, and you may take them, a fair trade don't you think?’

  Teanne stood defiantly, this woman aggravated her and she did not know why. The strength in her voice as she replied surprised her, ‘Who are you to demand such a thing?’ Teanne teased the figure by lifting the stone from the pouch and dangling it ahead of her.

  Chev gasped ‘The Estrus, praise be to mother. You have the Estrus! But how Teanne?’

  A flash of light, shot towards Chev. Teanne turned to see Chev frozen in time; her arms lifted in exasperation, her mouth wide, holding her last words. Teanne looked around furiously.

  ‘What have you done to her?’ Her fury ignited the stone, the heat almost scolding her. Teanne flicked her wrist to dull the pain. The figure laughed, and jumped off the altar and moved to stand in front of Teanne.

  ‘She is fine, my pretty little thing.’ The venomous voice echoed off the walls.

  The figure stopped and looked at the Estrus then back at Teanne. She could feel the glare move right through her as if searching for her soul. ‘Give me the Estrus.’ She held out her hand, urging Teanne to place the stone into her palm. Teanne backed away a step, bumping into Chev. She looked at her friend’s face, and suddenly felt helpless again. Turning to the figure she took a long-drawn breath.

  ‘Are you the rightful owner?’

  The figure cocked her head to the side and studied Teanne a moment, and ran her fingertips through her long hair.

  'The Estrus belongs to no one but the rightful owner, and sweet child I am the rightful owner... now.’'

  Teanne squinted past the bright glow that surrounded the woman, occasionally catching a glimpse of her features. She did look familiar, Teanne searched her memories.

  'Do you not recognise me, child?’ The woman easily ignited a fireball and lifted it up to her face. Teannes hand flew to her mouth and she fell to her knees.

  ‘Forgive me Mother Sovereign, I did not recognise you.’

  The woman moved toward Chev stopping as she looked into her face, she studied her closely then stepped back, ‘Why would you? I am from a time long before yours’ she paused and looked back at Chev, ‘This one is a Sister of the Flame.’ then turned toward Teanne, ‘But you, you are not.’

  Teanne felt her head lower, a sense of shame filled her, and she wished she was back in the arms of Jacob, safe and secure. Why had Elder Lin chosen her?

  ‘No Mother Sovereign, I am… I am a Initiate.’

  The woman moved around Teanne and looked down at her; Teanne looked up and could just make out a look of confusion through the glow.

  ‘And why do you carry the Estrus?’ Teanne couldn’t answer. She was wondering the same thing. ‘Lin has a rather odd sense of humour.’ The figure paused and lifted her finger to her chin stroking it contemplatively.

  ‘Tell me, how did she die?’

  ‘The Order Lords attacked, she was badly injured from the battle and died from her wounds.’

  Teanne noticed a sly smile form on the woman’s face.

  ‘Interesting, and do you know why the Order Lords attacked?’

  Teanne looked down at the floor, she had wondered the same; after hundreds of turns of peace, why would they attack now? She sombrely replied ‘I do not know Mother Sovereign.’

  'No matter, do you know that your Head Elder and I were the best of friends?'

  Teanne shook her head.

  'Yes we shared many adventures as children, many adventures and secrets, but it would seem that my friend kept a few secrets of her own, she never was much for sharing',

  Teanne glanced up at the woman dumbfounded.

  'Yes many things changed when I took my mother’s place as the Mother Sovereign.'

  Abruptly the woman changed the subject. ‘You were to let the stone lead you, return the stone to its rightful owner?’ Teanne nodded, ‘Then bring it forward.’

  Teanne slowly rose feeling her knees buckle slightly as she moved toward the figure. She stopped, the Mother Sovereign was suddenly mere inches in front of her; Teanne could feel the heat emanating off her body. The woman lifted her arm up, turning her hand over and opening her palm. Teanne hesitated then gently lifted the Estrus, it was cold. She looked into the woman’s eyes, and noticed the hunger as the stone rose. Teanne suddenly dropped her arm; the woman looked viciously at her.

  ‘Give me the Estrus!’

  Teanne looked at the stone then at the woman and smiled.

  ‘Elder Lin said you could not control this stone. And that you tried to manipulate it but failed. You are not the rightful owner.' Teanne saw the anger flash in the woman’s eyes, she waited for the retaliation. Instead the Mother Sovereign stood back and leant against the altar; crossing her arms and glaring at Teanne fiercely.

  'That was my mother!' The woman responded venomously. 'She never had the strength to do what was needed; she was too easily seduced by power.' The woman continued, 'Whereas I am simply a servant of the greater good... now my pretty little thing, GIVE me the Estrus!'

  'Why are you here? You lived a hundred turn
s ago' Teanne asked, as the Mother Sovereign circled, occasionally looking at the stone.

  'That my sweet is far above your station as a Initiate

  You have absolutely no idea why you were asked to do what you have do you? Does Lin think you are this carrier that she was so obsessed with?' Teanne did not respond.

  'Mother praise us all Lin, what were you thinking? Do you know that your Head Elder, stole that stone from my mother, and blamed another land for its disappearance, that she was so caught up in notions and beliefs of her own that she was blind to the truth?'

  'My path is to retrieve the message runes, then return the stone to its rightful owner' Teanne said. The Mother Sovereign laughed, the sound bouncing off the walls,

  ‘You put too much faith in your Head Elder child; she was a thief and a deluded one at that’.

  Teanne looked at the stone and closed her fingers over it, defiantly she looked at the Mother Sovereign. 'If you are truly its rightful owner, take it.’ Teanne felt a pulse of warmth from the stone shoot up her arm,

  ‘You cannot take it can you? Unless I willingly give it to you.’ Teanne felt another pulse of warmth as the figure’s face filled with anger. 'If I am this carrier Elder Lin thinks I am; then you cannot take it from me.' The woman reached out to take the stone but pulled her hand back as if in pain.

  ‘You are not the rightful owner.’ Teanne glared

  ‘You are a fool, little one! Give me the Estrus!’ Teanne took another step back and looked at the woman as her power seemed to falter, and she lifted the stone in front of her defiantly challenging the woman, to take it, the woman’s eyes grew dark.

  ‘There will be no need for you to give it to me if you are no longer the carrier... child’ the woman spat back and raised her arms, clapping them above her head.

  A loud cracking noise filled Teanne’s ears, and she attempted to smother it with her hands. Bolts of light enveloped her, every hair rose like she was being filled with electricity, her body stiffened as flashes of unseen faces filled her mind’s eye; voices screamed and swirled through her head. She felt like she was drowning in fire. She felt like she was flying, she felt like she was being buried alive. Teanne tried to scream but nothing left her mouth. Her lungs felt like they were suffocating; her body suddenly went limp. She felt relief. But before she could relax a crash of lightning hit her, her arms flailed to her sides, and she felt her body slowly lift into the air. Teanne wondered if this was death. She felt the stone burning her, but there was no pain, she wanted to live; she wanted to die, to be born again. Teanne looked down at the woman who was reaching up for the stone, her face was contorted with anger and confusion. Teanne felt like she was laughing at the woman, a maniacal laugh, but why would she be laughing, she was dying.

  Everything went dark.

  Teanne found herself crouching on the ground panting, trying to catch her breath. She opened her hand; the stone was silent, and black. Standing, she realised she was now outside, and the moons were high in the night sky. A breeze blew a strand of hair across her face. She was alive, her pounding heart evidence of that. Her eyes finally adjusted as Teanne looked around, looking for the Mother Sovereign. She turned and fell to her knees.

  There before her stood Luia, completely.

  The buildings rose in all their glory reaching for the moons, there were people milling about, going about their business, running errands, gathered around fires. Teanne stood while tears streamed from her eyes, then started laughing at the sight, the glorious sight of her home, safe and secure, it was like waking from a bad dream. Teanne turned to find Chev, and then nothing.

  Discover more from Willan Ellis at:



  You can also download other episodes here:

  Episode Two


  Episode Three

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