“Yes. I have very few memories of her, of course. But there were pictures, and her grandmother—whom I called my babushka—always told me stories about her, to keep Mother’s memory alive. I know she was a very brave woman.”

  Metcalfe nodded. “Brave like no one else I’ve ever known. And I know that she passed that bravery on to you. The history of our two countries is filled with so many missteps, so many terrible errors. You have the opportunity to set things right, to take the right step, make the right move. And I know you will do it.”

  Ambassador Stephen Metcalfe’s limousine pulled up at the Sheremetyevo Airport outside Moscow. There were no photographers to meet him here, no television cameras, no journalists. That was the way he wanted it. He had flown into Moscow quietly, and he would leave quietly. Let others grant interviews, claim credit.

  One of the most earthshaking moments in the twentieth century—a century filled with earthshaking moments—was over. The coup attempt had collapsed: without the support of the man known as the Conductor, the plotters could not go on. Statues of the old tyrants had been pulled down; the streets were filled with rejoicing.

  History had been made; no one needed to know who had made it. The world had no idea of his role in changing history half a century ago. It would never know about the role he had just played now, either. The only ones who would know were the son he had never known and Metcalfe’s old friend, a red-haired GRU lieutenant named Kundrov who had become a white-haired three-star general.

  The marine Metcalfe had been assigned by the U.S. embassy helped him with his bags. The crewcut young man seemed starstruck in Metcalfe’s presence, thrilled to have met someone of such eminence.

  Metcalfe was cordial enough, but his mind was elsewhere.

  A special gift, Lana had said. The gift of your love.

  And for the first time in his eight decades, Stephen Metcalfe understood that certain gifts are indeed beyond price.

  Read on for an excerpt from


  Jason Bourne



  A novel by

  Eric Van Lustbader

  Available from St. Martin’s Paperbacks

  David Webb, professor of linguistics at Georgetown University, was buried beneath a stack of ungraded term papers. He was striding down the musty back corridors of gargantuan Healy Hall, heading for the office of Theodore Barton, his department head, and he was late, hence this shortcut he had long ago discovered using narrow, ill-lighted passageways few students knew about or cared to use.

  There was a benign ebb and flow to his life bound by the strictures of the university. His year was defined by the terms of the Georgetown semesters. The deep winter that began them gave grudging way to a tentative spring and ended in the heat and humidity of the second semester’s finals week. There was a part of him that fought against serenity, the part that thought of his former life in the clandestine service of the U.S. government, the part that kept him friends with his former handler, Alexander Conklin.

  He was about to round a corner when he heard harsh voices raised and mocking laughter and saw ominous-seeming shadows playing along the wall.

  “Muthfucka, we gonna make your gook tongue come out the back of your head!”

  Webb dropped the stack of papers he had been carrying and sprinted around the corner. As he did so, he saw three young black men in coats down to their ankles arrayed in a menacing semicircle around an Asian, trapping him against a corridor wall. They had a way of standing, their knees slightly bent, their upper limbs loose and swinging slightly that made their entire bodies seem like blunt and ugly aspects of weapons, cocked and ready. With a start, he recognized their prey was Rongsey Siv, a favorite student of his.

  “Muthafucka,” snarled one, wiry, with a strung-out, reckless look on his defiant face, “we come in here, gather up the goods to trade for the bling-bling.”

  “Can’t ever have enough bling-bling,” said another with an eagle tattoo on his cheek. He rolled a huge gold square-cut ring, one of many on the fingers of his right hand, back and forth. “Or don’t you know the bling-bling, gook?”

  “Yah, gook,” the strung-out one said, goggle-eyed. “You don’t look like you know shit.”

  “He wants to stop us,” the one with the tattooed cheek said, leaning in toward Rongsey. “Yah, gook, whatcha gonna do, kung-fuckin-fu us to death?”

  They laughed raucously, making stylized kicking gestures toward Rongsey, who shrank back even farther against the wall as they closed in.

  The third black man, thick-muscled, heavyset, drew a baseball bat from underneath the voluminous folds of his long coat. “That right. Put your hands up, gook. We gonna break your knuckles good.” He slapped the bat against his cupped palm. “You want it all at once or one at a time?”

  “Yo,” the strung-out one cried, “he don’t get to choose.” He pulled out his own baseball bat and advanced menacingly on Rongsey.

  As the strung-out kid brandished his bat, Webb came at them. So silent was his approach, so intent were they on the damage they were about to inflict that they did not become aware of him until he was upon them.

  He grabbed the strung-out kid’s bat in his left hand as it was coming down toward Rongsey’s head. Tattoo-cheek, on Webb’s right, cursed mightily, swung his balled fist, knuckles bristling with sharp-edged rings, aiming for Webb’s ribs.

  In that instant, from the veiled and shadowed place inside Webb’s head, the Bourne persona took firm control. Webb deflected the blow from tattoo-cheek with his biceps, stepped forward and slammed his elbow into tattoo-cheek’s sternum. He went down, clawing at his chest.

  The third thug, bigger than the other two, cursed and, dropping his bat, pulled a switchblade. He lunged at Webb, who stepped into the attack, delivering a short, sharp blow to the inside of the assailant’s wrist. The switchblade fell to the corridor floor, skittering away. Webb hooked his left foot behind the other’s ankle and lifted up. The big thug fell on his back, turned over and scrambled away.

  Bourne yanked the baseball bat out of the strung-out thug’s grip. “Muthafuckin’ Five-O,” the thug muttered. His pupils were dilated, unfocused by the effects of whatever drugs he’d taken. He pulled a gun—a cheap Saturday-night special—and aimed it at Webb.

  With deadly accuracy, Webb flung the bat, striking the strung-out thug between the eyes. He staggered back, crying out, and his gun went flying.

  Alerted by the noise of the struggle, a pair of campus security guards appeared, rounding the corner at a run. They brushed past Webb, pounding after the thugs, who fled without a backward glance, the two helping the strung-out one. They burst through the rear door to the building, out into the bright sunshine of the afternoon, with the guards hot on their heels.

  Despite the guards’ intervention, Webb felt Bourne’s desire to pursue the thugs run hot in his body. How quickly it had risen from its psychic sleep, how easily it had gained control of him. Was it because he wanted it to? Webb took a deep breath, gained a semblance of control and turned to face Rongsey Siv.

  “Professor Webb!” Rongsey tried to clear his throat. “I don’t know—” He seemed abruptly overcome. His large black eyes were wide behind the lenses of his glasses. His expression was, as usual, impassive, but in those eyes Webb could see all the fear in the world.

  “It’s okay now.” Webb put his arm across Rongsey’s shoulders. As always, his fondness for the Cambodian refugee was showing through his professorial reserve. He couldn’t help it. Rongsey had overcome great adversity—losing almost all his family in the war. Rongsey and Webb had been in the same Southeast Asian jungles, and try as he might, Webb could not fully remove himself from the tangle of that hot, humid world. Like a recurring fever, it never really left you. He felt a shiver of recognition, like a dream one has while awake.

  “Loak soksapbaee chea tay?” How are you? he asked in Khmer.

  “I’m fine, Professor,” Rongsey replied in
the same language. “But I don’t . . . I mean, how did you . . . ?”

  “Why don’t we go outside?” Webb suggested. He was now quite late for Barton’s meeting, but he couldn’t care less. He picked up the switchblade and the gun. As he checked the gun’s mechanism, the firing pin broke. He threw the useless gun in a trash bin but pocketed the switchblade.

  Around the corner, Rongsey helped him with the spill of term papers. They then walked in silence through the corridors, which became increasingly crowded as they neared the front of the building. Webb recognized the special nature of this silence, the dense weight of time returning to normal after an incident of shared violence. It was a wartime thing, a consequence of the jungle; odd and unsettling that it should happen on this teeming metropolitan campus.

  Emerging from the corridor, they joined the swarm of students crowding through the front doors to Healy Hall. Just inside, in the center of the floor, gleamed the hallowed Georgetown University seal. A great majority of the students were walking around it because a school legend held that if you walked on the seal you’d never graduate. Rongsey was one of those who gave the seal a wide berth, but Webb strode right across it with no qualms whatsoever.

  Outside, they stood in the buttery spring sunlight, facing the trees and the Old Quadrangle, breathing the air with its hint of budding flowers. At their backs rose the looming presence of Healy Hall with its imposing Georgian redbrick facade, nineteenth-century dormer windows, slate roof and central two-hundred-foot clock spire.

  The Cambodian turned to Webb. “Professor, thank you. If you hadn’t come . . .”

  “Rongsey,” Webb said gently, “do you want to talk about it?”

  The student’s eyes were dark, unreadable. “What’s there to say?”

  “I suppose that would depend on you.”

  Rongsey shrugged. “I’ll be fine, Professor Webb. Really. This isn’t the first time I’ve been called names.”

  Webb stood looking at Rongsey for a moment, and was swept by sudden emotion that caused his eyes to sting. He wanted to take the boy in his arms, hold him close, promise him that nothing else bad would ever happen to him. But he knew that Rongsey’s Buddhist training would not allow him to accept the gesture. Who could say what was going on beneath that fortresslike exterior. Webb had seen many others like Rongsey, forced by the exigencies of war and cultural hatred to bear witness to death, the collapse of a civilization, the kinds of tragedies most Americans could not understand. He felt a powerful kinship with Rongsey, an emotional bond that was tinged with a terrible sadness, recognition of the wound inside him that could never truly be healed.

  All this emotion stood between them, silently acknowledged perhaps but never articulated. With a small, almost sad smile, Rongsey formally thanked Webb again and they said their good-byes.

  Webb stood alone amid the students and faculty hurrying by, and yet he knew that he wasn’t truly alone. Despite his best efforts, the aggressive personality of Jason Bourne had once again asserted itself. He breathed slowly and deeply, concentrating hard, using the mental techniques his psychiatrist friend, Mo Panov, had taught him for pushing the Bourne identity down. He concentrated first on his surroundings, on the blue and gold colors of the spring afternoon, on the gray stone and red brick of the buildings around the quad, of the movement of the students, the smiling faces of the girls, the laughter of the boys, the earnest talk of the professors. He absorbed each element in its entirety, grounding himself in time and place. Then, and only then, did he turn his thoughts inward.

  Years ago he had been working for the foreign service in Phnom Penh. He’d been married then, not to Marie, his current wife, but to a Thai woman named Dao. They had two children, Joshua and Alyssa, and lived in a house on the bank of the river. America was at war with North Vietnam, but the war had spilled over into Cambodia. One afternoon, while he was at work and his family had been swimming in the river, a plane had strafed them, killing them.

  Webb had almost gone mad with grief. Finally, fleeing his house and Phnom Penh, he’d arrived in Saigon, a man with no past and no future. It had been Alex Conklin who had taken a heartsick, half-mad David Webb off the streets of Saigon and forged him into a first-rate clandestine operative. In Saigon, Webb had learned to kill, had turned his own self-hatred outward, inflicting his rage on others. When a member of Conklin’s group—an evil-tempered drifter named Jason Bourne—had been discovered to be a spy, it was Webb who had executed him. Webb had come to loathe the Bourne identity, but the truth was that it had often been his lifeline. Jason Bourne had saved Webb’s life more times than he could remember. An amusing thought if it hadn’t been so literal.

  Years later, when they had both returned to Washington, Conklin had given him a long-term assignment. He had become what amounted to a sleeper agent, taking the name of Jason Bourne, a man long dead, forgotten by everyone. For three years Webb was Bourne, turned himself into an international assassin of great repute in order to hunt down an elusive terrorist.

  But in Marseilles, his mission had gone terribly wrong. He’d been shot, cast into the dark waters of the Mediterranean, thought dead. Instead, he had been pulled from the water by members of a fishing boat, nursed back to health by a drunkard doctor in the port they’d set him down in. The only problem was that in the shock of almost dying he’d lost his memory. What had come slowly back were the Bourne memories. It was only much later, with the help of Marie, his wife-to-be, that he had come to realize the truth, that he was David Webb. But by that time the Jason Bourne personality was too well ingrained, too powerful, too cunning to die.

  In the aftermath, he’d become two people: David Webb, linguistics professor with a new wife and, eventually, two children, and Jason Bourne, the agent trained by Alex Conklin to be a formidable spy. Occasionally, in some crisis, Conklin called on Bourne’s expertise and Webb reluctantly rose to duty. But the truth was that Webb often had little control over his Bourne personality. What had just happened with Rongsey and the three street thugs was evidence enough. Bourne had a way of asserting himself that was beyond Webb’s control, despite all the work he and Panov had done.

  Khan, having watched David Webb and the Cambodian student talking from across the quad, ducked into a building diagonally across from Healy Hall, mounted the stairs to the third floor. Khan was dressed much like all the other students. He looked younger than his twenty-seven years and no one gave him a second look. He was wearing khakis and a jeans jacket, over which was slung an outsize backpack. His sneakers made no sound as he went down the hallway, past the doors to classrooms. In his mind’s eye was a clear picture of the view across the quad. He was again calculating angles, taking into account the mature trees that might obscure his view of his intended target.

  He paused in front of the sixth door, heard a professor’s voice from inside. The talk about ethics brought an ironic smile to his face. In his experience—and it was great and varied—ethics was as dead and useless as Latin. He went on to the next classroom, which he had already determined was empty, and went in.

  Quickly now, he shut and locked the door behind him, crossed to the line of windows overlooking the quad, opened one and got to work. From his backpack, he removed a 7.62-mm SVD Dragunov sniper rifle with a collapsible stock. He fitted the optical sight onto it, leaned it on the sill. Peering through the sight, he found David Webb, by this time standing alone across the quad in front of Healy Hall. There were trees just to his left. Every once in a while, a passing student would obscure him. Khan took a deep breath, let it out slowly. He sighted on Webb’s head.

  Webb shook his head, shaking off the effect his memories of the past had on him, and refocusing on his immediate surroundings. The leaves rustled in a gathering breeze, their tips gilded with sunlight. Close by, a girl, her books clutched to her chest, laughed at the punchline of a joke. A waft of pop music came from an open window somewhere. Webb, still thinking of all the things he wanted to say to Rongsey, was about to turn up the front steps of He
aly Hall when a soft phutt! sounded in his ear. Reacting instinctively, he stepped into the dappled shadows beneath the trees.

  You’re under attack! shouted Bourne’s all-too-familiar voice, reemerging in his mind. Move now! And Webb’s body reacted, scrambling as another bullet, its initial percussion muffled by a silencer, splintered the tree bark beside his cheek.

  A crack marksman. Bourne’s thoughts began to flood through Webb’s brain in response to the organism finding itself under attack.

  The ordinary world was in Webb’s eyes, but the extraordinary world that ran parallel to it, Jason Bourne’s world—secret, rarefied, privileged, deadly—flared like napalm in his mind. In the space of a heartbeat, he had been torn from David Webb’s everyday life, set apart from everyone and everything Webb held dear. Even the chance meeting with Rongsey seemed now to belong to another lifetime. From behind, out of the sniper’s sight, he gripped the tree, the pad of his forefinger feeling for the mark the bullet had made. He looked up. It was Jason Bourne who traced the trajectory of the bullet back to a third-floor window in a building diagonally across the quad.

  All around him, Georgetown students walked, strolled, talked, argued and debated. They had seen nothing, of course, and if by chance they had heard anything at all, the sounds meant nothing to them and were quickly forgotten. Webb left his protection behind the tree, moving quickly into a knot of students. He mingled with them, hurrying, but as much as possible keeping to their pace. They were his best protection now, blocking Webb from the sniper’s line of sight.

  It seemed as if he was only semiconscious, a sleepwalker who nevertheless saw and sensed everything with a heightened awareness. A component of this awareness was a contempt for those civilians who inhabited the ordinary world, David Webb included.

  After the second shot, Khan had drawn back, confused. This was not a state he knew well. His mind raced, assessing what had just happened. Instead of panicking, running like a frightened sheep back into Healy Hall as Khan had anticipated, Webb had calmly moved into the cover of the trees, impeding Khan’s view. That had been improbable enough—and totally out of character for the man briefly described in Spalko’s dossier—but then Webb had used the gash the second bullet had made in the tree to gauge its trajectory. Now, using the students as cover, he was heading toward this very building. Improbably, he was attacking instead of fleeing.