Matthews, Chris, 31

  Matthews, Dylan, 26

  Mattis, James, 84–87

  congressional waiver for, 84, 85, 86

  “Mad Dog” nickname, 84

  military experience, 85

  as moderating influence, 80

  nuclear agreement with Iran, 116

  philosophy of, 84–85

  powerlessness of, 81

  qualifications, 84

  Maume, David, 201

  Mayer, Jane, 24

  McCain, John, 29, 92, 103, 126, 161

  McCarthy, Melissa, 163

  McConnell, Mitch, 171–174

  background, 171–172

  as Elaine Chao’s husband, 230

  history of hypocrisy, 143

  objection to extension of deliberations on Pruitt vote, 260

  Supreme Court vacancy obstruction, 208, 211

  Coretta Scott King letter interruption, 173

  McCulloch, William, 145

  McDonald, Charles “Chuck,” 286, 290

  McGarity, Thomas, 235

  McMaster, H. R., 102–108

  background, 102

  as moderating influence, 80

  philosophy of, 106–108

  powerlessness of, 81

  McMullin, Evan, 13

  Meals on Wheels, 96

  Mencimer, Stephanie, 243

  Menendez, Robert, 139, 140, 304

  Mercer, Robert and Rebekah, 16–20

  alternative media ecosystem, 19

  campaign-finance law and, 17–18

  costume party, 16

  Kellyanne Conway connection, 33

  links to radical right-wing causes, 18

  profile of in New Yorker magazine, 24

  Steve Bannon connection, 18, 19, 24

  Ted Cruz, support for, 16–17, 33

  view of politics, 20

  Merkley, Jeff, 96, 259–260, 263

  Meronek, Toshio, 282

  Metz, Steven, 106

  Meyers, Seth, 40, 144

  Milbank, Dana, 149

  military, civilian control of, 83–84, 86–87, 105

  military expenditures of US, 100

  military-industrial complex, 81, 105

  Miller, George, 234

  Miller, Jason, 44

  Miller, Stephen, 36–44

  on American judiciary, 37

  anti-immigrant and anti-Islam views, 40–41

  co-writer of inaugural address, 23

  Face the Nation interview, 36

  Miller-Bannon-Sessions connection, 42–43

  on North Korea weapons testing, 36

  on presidential powers, 37–38

  at Santa Monica High School, 40–41

  travel ban role, 194

  as true believer in Trump, 36, 40, 44

  on voter fraud, 38–39

  mine safety, 234

  Minton, Sherman, 212

  Mnuchin, Steven, 302–307

  aggressive foreclosure practices, 305–306

  financial career, 304–305

  lack of qualifications, 304

  responsibilities as secretary of the treasury, 303

  suspension of rules for, 304

  Moglen, Damon, 288

  Moniz, Ernest J., 287

  Moore, Michael, 53

  Morris, Edmund, 143

  Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 149

  Mueller, Robert S. III, 70

  Muilenburg, Dennis, 90

  Muir, John, 264, 270

  Mulvaney, John Michael “Mick,” 91–101

  budget blueprint proposal, 94–95, 252, 262

  on climate change programs, 95, 262

  increase in military spending and cuts in social programs, 94–97, 107

  on Meals on Wheels, 95

  political career, 92

  real estate development, 92

  ties to Koch brothers, 110

  Murphy, Chris, 82

  Musk, Elon, 272

  NAACP, 57, 60

  Nader, Ralph, 320

  Nadler, Jerrold, 49, 67, 225

  NARAL Pro-Choice America, 62, 120

  NASA, 272–274

  National Council of Churches, 57

  National Nurses United, 246

  National Priorities Project, 100

  National Right-to-Life Coalition, 120

  National Space Council, 273

  Navarro, Peter, 273, 313

  Nelson, Bill, 133, 134

  nepotism, 229–231

  net neutrality, 299, 301

  Netanyahu, Benjamin, 128, 187

  New Deal, 27, 237

  Nichols, Mark, 112

  Nixon, Richard, 68, 146, 215, 266

  Noah, Trevor, 278

  Noble, Larry, 18

  Norris, George, 136, 138

  Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 289

  nuclear waste disposal, 288–290

  Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, 287

  nuclear weapons, 79

  Oath of office, presidential 7

  Obama, Barack, 48, 49, 58, 61, 167, 208, 287

  Olson, Barbara, 30

  One West Bank, 305

  One Wisconsin Now, 257

  O’Neil, Colin, 294

  opposition bench, 320

  Organic Consumers Association, 293, 296

  Orwell, George, 164

  Outer Space Treaty (1967), 275

  Owens, Christine, 204

  Oz, Amos, 127

  Page, Carter, 65

  Pai, Ajit, 298–301

  as foe of net neutrality, 299

  record as FCC commissioner, 298–299

  Paine, Tom, 231

  Palin, Sarah, 184

  Panetta, Leon, 88, 197

  Panic of 1837, 26

  Patir, Yael, 129

  Patton, George, 79

  Patton, Lynne, 170

  Paul, Rand, 92

  Paul, Ron, 284

  Peace Action, 100, 103

  Pelosi, Nancy, 65

  Pence, Mike, 215–222

  background, 219

  as co-head of Commission on Election Integrity, 73

  desire to be president, 218

  endorsement of Cruz, 217–218

  political career, 219–221

  as political opportunist, 216

  position in Trump staff, 217

  Religious Freedom Restoration Act, 220–221

  as right-wing talk radio host, 220

  skill as liar, 215–216

  tie-break for DeVos, 8, 318

  Trump’s attraction to, 221

  People for the American Way, 62, 256

  Perdue, Sonny, 291–297

  alliance with corporate agribusiness, 292, 295, 296

  ethical lapses, 294–295

  as governor of Georgia, 293

  opinion of climate science, 293

  Perera, Liz, 262

  Perkins, Frances, 6, 204

  Perot, Ross, 158

  Perry, Rick, 284–290

  champion of privatized nuclear waste disposal, 285–286

  financial interests in major energy projects, 288

  lack of preparation for secretary of energy position, 285, 287

  in presidential debate of 2011, 284–285

  Pesticide Action Network, 296

  Pickering, Thomas, 128

  piracy, modern, 224

  Planned Parenthood, 58

  Pocan, Mark, 71, 137

  political hack, defined, 149, 158

  PolitiFact, 72, 126, 162

  Polling Company, 31

  Pompeo, Mike, 109–113

  disagreement with Trump, 79

  Koch brothers connection, 109–113

  philosophy, 109–110

  Potter, Trevor, 6

  “Pottery Barn Rule,” 78

  Powell, Colin, 78, 148

  Powell, Dina Habib, 183, 190, 311–312

  Powell, Michael, 231

  power, abuse of, 7–8

  Power, Samantha, 114–115

  Pressler, Jessica, 184

  Price, Tom, 241–

  confirmation hearing, 245–246

  link with Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, 242

  plan to replace Affordable Care Act of 2010, 247–248

  stocks in medical companies, 244

  Priebus, Reince, 152–159

  interview on Fox News, 152–154

  powerlessness of, 155

  role in Trump’s election, 158–159

  vision for Republican Party, 157

  Prince, Erik, 253

  privateers, 224, 228, 238–240

  privatization, 224–227, 233, 235–236, 238–239, 253–257, 368, 281–283, 285–286, 290

  ProPublica, 245, 305

  Pruitt, Scott, 258–263

  climate science denier, 258

  cut in EPA funding, 262

  failure to abide by Oklahoma Open Records Act, 258–259

  relationship with fossil fuel industry, 259–262

  ties to Koch brothers, 110

  Public Citizen, 289, 290, 319

  Putin, Vladimir, 53, 68, 114, 115, 132, 133

  Puzder, Andrew, 199–200, 318

  Quijano, Elaine, 216

  Rainwater, Jon, 100

  Rand, Ayn, 18

  Raspail, Jean, 25

  Ravitch, Diane, 2, 252, 254

  Reagan, Ronald, 54, 97, 117, 146, 150, 168

  Real Clear Politics, 161

  Reich, Robert, 237

  Reid, Harry, 157

  Reid, Joy-Ann, 169, 170

  Reiner, Rob, 53

  Renaissance Technologies, 17

  Republican Party, history of, 143–151

  resistance, importance of, 317–318, 320–321

  Rich, Joseph, 202

  Richardson, Elliot, 68, 143

  Roberts, Deborah, 191

  Robinson, Rashad, 62

  Rock the Vote, 62

  Rogers, Mike, 126, 189

  Romney, Mitt, 140, 156, 159, 276, 284, 311

  Roosevelt, Eleanor, 75

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., xi, 1, 9, 10, 27–28, 47, 167, 223, 227, 236–237, 242

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 264–267, 270

  Rosenstein, Rod, 64–71

  background, 64, 69

  Comey memo, 66–67

  confirmation as US deputy attorney general, 69

  Rosenthal, Hannah, 125

  Ross, Jean, 246

  Ross, Scot, 257

  Ross, Wilbur, 131–135

  background, 131–132

  ties to Bank of Cyprus, 132–134

  Rove, Karl, 71

  Rubin, Lawrence P., 50

  Rubio, Marco, 157, 255

  Ruckelshaus, Catherine, 234

  Ruckelshaus, William, 68

  Ryan, Paul, 175–180

  on 2016 election results, 11

  as hypocritical big spender, 177–178

  identification of Trump as legitimate candidate, 180

  party loyalty before principles, 176

  political background, 12, 156

  refusal to defend Trump, 29

  response to Trump’s Muslim ban, 178–179

  reversal of stand on Trump, 175

  Sánchez-Moreno, Maria McFarland, 109

  Sanders, Bernie, 5, 6, 116, 135, 246, 247

  Sands, Darren, 169

  Saturday Night Live, 183, 276, 316

  “Saturday Night Massacre,” 68, 69

  Saxon, John, 61

  Scahill, Jeremy, 253

  Scalia, Antonin, 58, 208

  Scalia, Eugene, 231

  Scarborough, Joe, 39, 40

  Schafer, Kristin, 296

  Schiller, Keith, 167

  Schlafly, Andrew, 243

  Schlesinger, Arthur Jr., xiv

  Schulman, Loren DeJonge, 81

  Schumer, Charles “Chuck,” 73, 134, 194, 244, 245

  Scott, Darrell, 169

  Seby, Paul, 261

  Semuels, Alana, 282

  Senate, US, 3–8

  Serwer, Adam, 53

  Sessions, Jefferson Beauregard III, 52–63

  approval as US Attorney General, 63

  as attorney general of Alabama, 57

  Bannon connection, 59

  Coretta Scott King’s letter, 54–56, 172–173

  endorsement of Trump, 58

  as follower of Breitbart News, 59

  influence of, 9

  Ku Klux Klan and, 53–54, 57

  letter recommending that Comey be fired, 67

  as member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, 57

  nomination of Trump at Republican National Convention, 59

  objections to, 60–62

  opposition to Supreme Court nominees, 58

  as part of Trump’s campaign, 59

  recusal from inquiries into Trump campaign, 59, 65, 318

  Senate Judiciary Committee’s rejection of judgeship confirmation, 57, 172

  Russian ambassador contacts, 59, 64

  Stephen Miller connection, 42

  support of policies suppressing black votes, 63

  as US Senator, 57

  voting record in US Senate, 60

  Shaheen, Jeanne, 121

  Shakespeare, William, 1

  Shanahan, Patrick, 88–90

  Shapiro, Andrea, 283

  Sharp, Phil, 219

  Sharry, Frank, 193

  Sierra Club, 269, 270

  Simelton, Benard, 60

  Simmons, Harold, 286

  Smith, Stanley, 93

  Smith, Tom, 289, 290

  Snowden, Edward, 109

  solidarity, importance of, 317–318, 320–321

  Solnit, Rebecca, 320

  Soros, George, 19

  Sotomayor, Sonia, 58

  Southern Poverty Law Center, 53, 61, 319

  Spencer, Donald and Marian, 200

  Spencer, Richard, 41

  Spicer, Sean, 160–164

  background, 161

  comparison of size of Obamacare plan and Republican plan, 163–164

  comparison to Orwell’s 1984, 164

  on election results, 12

  exclusion of reporters from press gaggle, 163

  #SpicerFacts, 163, 164

  as subject of comedy sketches, 163

  on Trump inauguration crowd size, 162

  on Trump’s comments on Douglass, 144

  Spratt, John, 92

  stand-your-ground gun bills, 72

  Starr, Kenneth W., 67, 69

  Steele, Michael, 156

  Steinhauer, Jennifer, 44

  Stephanopoulos, George, 38–39

  Stewart, Potter, 212

  Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act of 2012, 245

  Storer, Cindy, 50

  Strategic Initiatives Group, 49

  Streicher, Julius, 53

  Students for Academic Freedom, 41

  Supreme Court vacancies, 211–213

  Sweeney, John, 235

  Taibbi, Matt, 309

  Taylor, Jared, 43

  Taylor, Maxwell, 106

  Tea Party Patriots, 242–243

  Telecommunications Act of 1996, 301

  Teleki, Pál, 46

  Terrorism Awareness Project, 41

  Tester, Jon, 268, 309

  Thiel, Peter, 186, 272

  ThinkProgress, 294

  Thomas, Clarence, 210, 212

  Thornberry, Mac, 86

  Thrush, Glenn, 44

  Thune, John, 232–233

  Thurmond, Strom, 54, 146

  Thurmond, Strom Jr., 231

  Tiefer, Charles, 121–122

  Tillerson, Rex, 136–141

  lack of preparation for secretary of state position, 139–140

  objections to appointment of, 137–138

  powerlessness of, 81

  testimony before Foreign Relations Committee, 138–139

  Timmons, Aletia Haynes, 258–259

  Todd, Chuck, 34–35, 162

  Touré, 144

  Trail of Tears, 26

  Trudeau, Justin, 314

  Truman, Harry S., 212, 266
  Trump, Donald

  Access Hollywood tape, 29

  administration of, 1

  administrative appointees’ importance, xii

  adoration of generals, 79–80

  African American History and Culture Museum visit, 169

  alleged wiretapping of Trump Tower, 195–197

  appointment of donors to high-level posts, 6

  approach to budgeting, 98

  authoritarian personality, 15

  Black History Month kick-off, 169

  Breitbart News influence on, 24

  budget blueprint proposal, 94–95, 226, 252, 262, 300

  campaign message, 13

  campaign promise to rebuild infrastructure, 236

  claims of voter fraud, 72

  comparison of US and Canadian cabinets, 316

  consequences of election, 78–79

  creation of Commission on Election Integrity, 73

  identification with Andrew Jackson, 26–27

  illusions about election results, 11

  inaugural address, 23, 27, 271

  infrastructure plan, 237–240

  joint address to Congress, February 2017, 91

  lack of firm political beliefs, 14–15

  lack of qualifications, xiii

  news media as “enemy of the American people,” 152–154

  Pence’s attraction for, 221

  “priming the pump” comment, 310–311

  on privatization of space, 272

  pursuit of government subsidies, 225

  removal of James Comey, 67

  State Department budget and personnel cuts, 141

  view of United Nations, 121–122

  strategy for winning, 158–159

  Trump, Donald Jr., 183

  Trump, Ivanka, 181–186

  business operations of, 183

  childcare plan, 190–191

  as facilitator for Trump, 187

  office in White House, 183

  relationship with father, 184–186, 191

  Trump, Melania, 183

  Trumpism, 2, 9, 15, 149

  truth, eternal nature of, 1

  Tubman, Harriet, 25

  Turley, Jonathan, 60

  Turner, Albert, 55–56

  Turner, Evelyn, 56, 60, 63

  Udall, Thomas, 116, 133

  UltraViolet, 31, 62

  Union for Reform Judaism, 129

  Urban League, 57

  Vekselberg, Viktor, 133

  Verma, Seema, 249–251

  background, 250

  freedom for states to alter Medicaid programs, 249

  objection to nomination of, 251

  Vietnam war, 105–106

  Vitézi Rend, 45–48

  vote-caging, 202

  voter fraud claims, 72–73

  voter suppression, 12, 72, 73–74

  Voting Rights Act of 1965, 171

  Voto Latino, 62

  wage theft, 233, 234

  Walker, Bob, 272–274

  Walker, Edward, 128

  Walker, Scott, 156, 256

  Wallace, Chris, 152–154

  Wallace, Henry, 11

  Warner, Mark, 309

  Warren, Earl, 212

  Warren, Elizabeth, 2, 67, 70, 137, 172–173, 199, 245, 279, 306, 309