Page 6 of Andy Grant's Pluck



  Thoroughly mortified and crestfallen, Conrad went home. He hoped to goup to his room without observation, but his father noticed his entrance.

  "Well, Conrad," he said, with a smile, "did you carry off the honors atthe picnic?"

  "No, I didn't," answered Conrad, bitterly.

  "Did Valentine Burns defeat you?"


  "Who did win the prize?"

  "Andy Grant."

  Squire Carter was amazed.

  "Can he row?" he ejaculated.

  "Yes, a little."

  "But he beat you?"

  "I tell you how it was, father," said Conrad, who had decided upon hisstory. "I was well ahead till we got halfway back, when I got a terriblepain in my arm. I must have strained it, I think. Of course I couldn'tdo anything after that, and Andy, who was next to me, went in and won."

  Squire Carter never thought of doubting Conrad's story. His prideextended to his family and all connected with him, and he felt satisfiedthat Conrad was the best rower in the village.

  "Where did the Grant boy learn to row?" he asked.

  "I heard him tell Mr. Gale that he learned at the academy."

  "You don't think he is equal to you?"

  "Of course he isn't. I am miles ahead of him."

  "It was very unfortunate that your arm gave out. You had better speak toyour mother, and she will put some arnica on it."

  "I will," said Conrad cunningly. "I would rather have had any boy beatme than that upstart, Andy Grant. He will put on no end of airs.Besides, I shall miss the money."

  "That, at any rate, I can make up to you. Here are two five-dollarbills."

  "Thank you, father," said Conrad, as, with much satisfaction, hepocketed the bills. "It was lucky I thought about the strain," he saidto himself. "All the same, it is awfully humiliating to be beaten bythat beggar."

  "How do you think Conrad accounts for his defeat, Andy?" said Valentinethe next day.

  "I can't tell."

  "He says he strained the muscles of his arm."

  Andy smiled.

  "If it will make him feel any better, I have no objection to thatexplanation."

  "His father has given him ten dollars, so he will not lose any money.But he won't get any of the boys to believe his story."

  "The money is very acceptable to me," said Andy. "If I had lost, myfather couldn't have made it up to me."

  At five o'clock, on his way to the post office, Andy met Mr. Gale.

  Walter Gale was a young man about twenty-five. He had a pleasant face,and his manner was genial. He had a strong sympathy with boys, and hewas a favorite with them.

  "Well, Andrew," he said; "have you recovered from your exertions in theboat race?"

  "Oh, yes; I am used to rowing, and felt very little fatigue."

  "I hear that Conrad is very much mortified by his defeat."

  "I believe he is. He felt sure of winning."

  "And he would have done so if you had remained out of the list."

  "He told Valentine Burns that he strained the muscles of his arm, andthat this defeated him."

  "I should think better of him if he would acknowledge that he was fairlybeaten. Are you at leisure this evening?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "Then call upon me at the hotel. I shall be glad to know you better."

  This invitation Andy was very glad to accept. He was drawn to the youngman, and felt that he was likely to prove a sincere friend.

  At seven o'clock he left the farmhouse, and on arriving at the hotelfound Mr. Gale sitting on the piazza.

  "I was looking for you," said the young man. "Come up to my room."

  He led the way to a front corner apartment on the second floor. It wasthe best room in the hotel, and he had furnished it in the mostcomfortable and attractive manner. Pictures hung on the walls, and therewas a bookcase containing a goodly array of volumes.

  "What a pleasant room!" exclaimed Andy.

  "Yes; I have tried to make myself comfortable. What I lack most issociety."

  "I wonder that you are content to live in the country. Are you notaccustomed to the city?"

  "Yes; but I had a severe sickness in the spring, and the doctorsrecommended me to absent myself for a time from the excitement of thetown and take up my residence in the country."

  "Didn't that interfere with your business?"

  Walter Gale smiled.

  "Fortunately, or unfortunately," he answered, "I have no business. Untiltwo years since I was employed in an insurance office in the city. Thedeath of an uncle has made me pecuniarily independent, so that I hadleisure to be sick."

  "You look in good health now."

  "Yes; but I have a nervous temperament, and am obliged to be careful.Now tell me about yourself. You have been for some time at PenhurstAcademy?"

  "Yes; for two years."

  "Do you go back there?"

  "No; my father has met with serious losses, and can no longer afford tosend me. I must stay at home and help him."

  "And this is a disappointment to you?"

  "Yes; I was expecting to go to college in a few months."

  "I believe your father is a farmer?"


  "Do you expect to assist him on the farm?"

  "Till I can get something to do. I shall try to get some businesssituation. Business pays better than farming."

  "I suppose you are a good Latin and Greek scholar?"

  "Yes; that is, I like the languages, and stood high in my classes."

  "My own education is limited. Though I am rich now, I was a poor boy. Atsixteen I had made some progress in Latin and commenced Greek, when myfather's failure obliged me to seek employment. The uncle who has nowmade me rich would do nothing for me; so I left school half educated."

  "You would be able to make up deficiencies now," suggested Andy.

  "That is what I have been thinking of, if I can get a satisfactoryteacher."

  "I don't think you can find a classical teacher in Arden."

  "I know of one, if he would be willing to undertake the task."

  "Who is it?" asked Andy, puzzled.

  "Andrew Grant," answered this young man, with a smile.

  "Do you mean me?" asked Andy, with a wondering face.

  "Certainly. You are fresh from school, and I am sure you would becompetent to teach me."

  "But I am only a boy."

  "Age has nothing to do with a teacher's qualifications, except as todiscipline. You wouldn't find me a very advanced pupil. I had read onebook in _Caesar_ when I was compelled to leave school, and had begun totranslate Greek a little. Now the question is, are you willing to teachme?"

  "If you think I am competent, Mr. Gale."

  "I don't doubt that. We will begin, if you like, next Monday. Perhaps,in order to avoid village gossip, it will be well to pass yourself offas my private secretary. Indeed, I will employ you a little in that wayalso."

  "I shall be very glad to serve you in any way."

  "Then come to-morrow morning at nine and remain with me till twelve. Nowabout the compensation."

  "Fix that to suit yourself, Mr. Gale. I am almost ashamed to askanything."

  "The laborer is worthy of his hire, Andy. Suppose I pay you six dollarsa week to begin with?"

  "The money will be very acceptable, but I am afraid you will beoverpaying me."

  "I will take my risk of that. On the whole, I will call it nine dollarsa week, and we will spend the afternoon together also. I will send tothe city for a boat, and you shall give me lessons in rowing."

  Andy's eyes sparkled. Nothing would please him better, and the prospectof earning nine dollars a week made him feel like a millionaire.