Page 34 of Acheron



  "What did you do?"

  Tory jumped at the sound of Ash's deep, accented voice behind her. Guilty about contacting his friend, she turned around to face him and froze. Dressed in black pants and boots, he'd left his damp hair to hang freely around his broad shoulders. Good night, the man was unbelievably delectable. But it was the faded gray T-shirt that had a pile of skeletons on it that really caught her off-guard and made her wonder if his propensity for that wouldn't have him kill her over what she'd done behind his back.

  She cleared her throat and tried her best not to look too nervous. "What?"

  "You turned something on while I was in the shower and froze the crap out of me. "

  Relieved that was all that had him ticked off, she laughed. "Sorry. Dishwasher. I won't do it again. "

  "Please don't. One minute it was scalding. The next freezing. "

  She scowled as she saw the dragon tattoo back on his forearm-where it'd been originally. "Is that like some sort of temporary thing you do to screw with people's heads? I swear it keeps moving to different parts of your body. "

  Before he could answer, her phone rang. Tory groaned at the sound. "You know, between the two of us, we can't have a minute's peace from these stupid phones. " She picked up the phone, surprised to find Bruce there. "Hey, sweetie. Did you get the journal for me?"

  "No. Someone killed Dimitri last night and ransacked his place. They must have taken the book. "

  Staggering back at the unexpected news, Tory dropped the phone as horror and grief enveloped her.

  Ash barely caught Tory before she fell to the floor, sobbing. "Breathe," he whispered.

  But she didn't appear to hear him as she kept saying, "No, no, no," in a low tone.

  He picked up the phone from the floor. "Hello?"

  "Where's Tory?" a man demanded.

  Ash looked at her. She'd gathered her legs to her chest and was sobbing against them while she covered her head with her arm. "She's really upset. What happened?"

  "One of our friends was killed last night. "

  Ash ground his teeth as he remembered the horror of Dimitri's final hours-no one deserved that. "Okay. I'll have her call you back when she calms down. " He hung up the phone and pulled her against him.

  Tory buried her face against his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his neck in a stranglehold that somehow didn't manage to hurt him. "How can he be dead? Why?"

  He held her close. "I don't know, Tory. Shit happens to the best of us. "

  "No. Not over a fucking book. " Her language shocked him and let him know exactly how upset she was. "Please, Acheron, tell me a book isn't worth a man's life. " She launched herself from the floor and grabbed the phone.

  "What are you doing?"

  Lifting her glasses up, she wiped at her eyes as her cheeks flushed red with anger. "I'm calling everyone on my team and telling them to hide immediately. I won't have another person hurt. I won't!"

  He didn't try to stop her as he rose to his feet. Instead, he attempted to sense something about this with his powers. It was so frustrating to have no insight or clues about what was going on. He hadn't felt this vulnerable since the day he'd died.

  After calling everyone she could think of, Tory hung up and sighed. "Everyone else is accounted for and safe. Let's hope they stay that way. " Sniffing, she pulled her glasses off and used her shirttail to wipe the lenses. Ash admired the way she'd pulled herself together.

  She put her glasses back on and pierced him with an angry, hurt look. "What do you think is in that book that makes it so important?"

  "The end of the world. "

  She scoffed at him. "Be serious. "

  "What if I was?" he asked, wanting to feel her out and see what she'd do if she had it. "What if there was something in that book totally apocalyptic?"

  She didn't hesitate with her answer. "Then it would have to be destroyed. "

  "Even if it contained proof of Atlantis?"

  She pushed her glasses up with the back of her hand. "Well since we're being hypothetical, yes. Proof of Atlantis wouldn't be worth the destruction of the world. I mean, really, what good would it do to save my father's reputation when there's no one left who cares?"

  He smiled at her indignation. "You think quickly on your feet. "

  "So they tell me. " Tory paused and closed her eyes. "I can't believe Dimitri. God, I hope he didn't suffer. "

  Ash didn't comment. He didn't want to lie to her and the truth . . .


  Instead, he tried to get her mind off it. "What do you normally do on a Saturday?"

  She sighed as she put away her dishtowel. It was obvious she was still torn up over Dimitri, but trying to be brave. "Depends on the Saturday. Here, lately, I've been skydiving, but my pilot canceled day before yesterday due to illness. So I was planning on grading papers and watching bad movies. What about you? Other than stomping a young boy's ego first thing in the morning, what do you do?"

  Smiling at the mock sarcasm in her voice, he pulled a pocket watch out of his jeans. "In about two hours, you'll know. "

  "What's in two hours?"

  "Basketball game. "

  She made a sound of supreme disgust. "Oh no. I don't do spectator sports. They bore me to tears. "

  Ash tsked at her. In this one thing, he was the mighty mountain who wouldn't be moved. He'd made a promise and he was going to be there no matter what. "You might as well reconcile yourself to the fact that you will be sitting on the bench today since I can't leave you here alone. "

  She actually hissed at him like a cat. "Dream on, buddy. Not going to happen. "

  "Yes it will. "

  "No," she said firmly. "It won't. "

  Tory couldn't believe his obstinacy. Why was he being so unreasonable? What difference would it make if he missed a stupid game with his friends?

  But the more she protested, the more he ignored her. They literally fought over it up until Ash came downstairs wearing a black and white polyester referee shirt. He even had on basketball shoes instead of his requisite boots.

  The sight of him dressed like that stunned her until the ludicrousness of it struck her.

  It was all she could do not to laugh at the sight he made with his long red and black hair pulled back in a ponytail and nose ring . . . not a stud. A small silver hoop to match the two he now wore in his left earlobe. "They let you referee, huh?"

  "No one argues with my calls. "

  "I'll bet. "

  He shrugged his coat on and picked up the backpack of death. "You want to ride with me over to the game?"

  His offer surprised her since she hadn't seen him do anything other than walk or ride with her. "You have your car?"

  Ash smiled. "Motorcycle. I brought it over last night when I went to get my clothes. " It was a small lie. He'd actually manifested it this morning when he'd decided he wanted to ride for a bit and he was hoping she wouldn't balk over it.

  "I don't have a helmet. "

  He pulled a black one out of the backpack. "You do now. What do you say? You up for some adventure?"

  Tory wrinkled her nose at the helmet and folded her arms over her chest. She would love to join him, but she wasn't stupid either. "I have no gear to wear and the last thing I want to be is SQUID. "

  He laughed at her use of a biker's term to describe anyone dumb enough to ride without the proper safety gear on.

  He pulled a worn, black Stitch Brazilian leather jacket out of his backpack. The shoulders, elbows and waist of it were heavily stitched and the armor in it extremely lightweight, but it was the dark gray skull and crossbones on the back with a gold Hayabusa symbol over it that made her laugh. "You have a thing for skulls don't you?"

  "They're all right. "

  His attention to detail was admirable and the truth was, she hadn't been on a bike since the summer.

  "You game?" he asked.

; She took the jacket and shrugged it on. As she did so, the scent of leather and Acheron struck her hard. He must have worn this jacket a lot. Completely broken in, it felt warm and soft as she tightened it up with laces and Velcro. It fit her surprisingly well. It was also extremely expensive. She wouldn't be surprised if he hadn't paid at least a grand for it given the way it was made.

  What on earth did he do for a living that he could afford toys like this? And just how did he fit everything in that Mary Poppins backpack of his?

  Grateful that it was obviously bigger than it looked, she took the helmet from him and smiled. "Lead the way. "

  Ash's throat went dry at the sight of her in his favorite riding jacket. It looked alien and adorable on her. Definitely not her usual style and at the same time it made him feel as if she'd somehow claimed him by wearing his clothes. She reminded him of a kid in her big brother's jacket as she pushed her glasses up on her nose, then braided her hair to fall down her back so that the wind wouldn't tangle it. He waited for her to put her boots on before she was ready to leave.

  Damn, the woman was strangely beautiful. Those brown eyes seared his soul and made him hard every time she met his gaze. And if he didn't get her out of this house soon, he was going to scoop her up in his arms, take her upstairs to her bed and show her exactly where his true talents lay . . .

  Pushing that thought away before it got him into trouble, he took her down to the street where his sleek black and gold motorcycle gleamed in the sunlight. It looked like a nasty predator that tore up the road and made him feel a freedom he only had when he dreamed. There was nothing he loved more than climbing on the back of it and flying down the interstate like a bullet.

  On that bike, his soul felt free and no matter how bad he felt, it made everything okay.

  "What in the world is that?" she asked as she cocked her head to look it over.

  "Custom built Hayabusa-Turbo," he said as he pulled his helmet off the handlebars and put it on over his head.

  Tory hesitated as she realized that the bike had been built for only one rider. But truthfully, the thing was gorgeous. "I don't think we're both going to fit. "

  "Sure we will. " He flipped the tail of it up to show her the customized passenger seat before he secured his backpack over the gas tank with custom-made clips to hold it into place. Then he straddled the bike with an undeniable male grace that said he was more at home here than anywhere else she'd ever seen him. He closed the shield on his helmet and pulled a key out of his pocket. Then he secured his long coat around him.

  Oh good grief, there was something innately masculine about him on that motorcycle. Commanding. Fierce.

  Most of all, he was hotter than hell and made her want to strip him naked and throw him down on her lawn in front of God and everyone as she made love to him until they were both begging for mercy.

  "Hop on, koukla. "

  Her heart warmed at the Greek endearment that meant doll. Tory was a little more hesitant than normal as she approached the huge bike that had been built for obvious speed. She slung her leg over and wrapped her arms around his lean waist as he started it.

  Oh yeah baby. She could stay like this for eternity. Snuggled up against his hot body as the clean scent of him filled her nostrils . . . surely there was nothing better to be found.

  "Hold tight. " His voice came through an intercom in her helmet.

  She did and he squealed out, into the street. Her heart sped up at the way he rode as if hellbent for Lucifer. But honestly, she loved it. There were two truths about her-Things could never be old enough to please her and nothing could ever go fast enough to scare her. She loved history and she loved speed.

  "You do this a lot?" she asked.

  "Every chance I get. I live to ride. "

  Wow, he'd actually admitted to something. That was a first. Maybe she should mark the date to remember it by. But that thought left her as he flew over a bump that made them airborne for a minute.

  She whooped and laughed at the feeling.

  Ash smiled at the sound of her laughter in his ears. He'd been afraid at first that doing that would scare her. But as Pam had noted, she was fearless, and it softened his heart for her even more.

  So did the sensation of her arms wrapped around him as she leaned against his back. Now if she'd only drop one of those hands a few inches down to the sudden bulge he had for her, he'd be open for business. Unfortunately, he wasn't that lucky.

  He growled at the thought and urged the bike faster.

  Tory didn't say anything else as they sped over to Kenner, to a grade school gym in what had to be record time-thank God she didn't have to pay his insurance bill if he went this fast all the time. She couldn't even begin to fathom the number of tickets he must have collected-it was a wonder the man still had a license.

  "What are we doing here?" she asked as he put the side stand down.

  "Game. " He held the bike upright as she climbed off. He grabbed his sunglasses out of his backpack before he removed his helmet.

  Tory didn't miss the fact that he kept his eyes closed while he exchanged the helmet for the sunglasses. For some reason she couldn't name, it bothered her that he was so self-conscious over his eyes. And yet at the same time, that one vulnerable self-doubt made him seem more human and actually adorable. How could a man so gorgeous and confident be that shy over something she found extremely seductive?

  Tossing his backpack over one shoulder, he carried his helmet under his arm as he led her through a back door into the gym where a group of small boys were practicing. The kids had to be between seven and nine in age.

  Tory's heart melted at the sight of them. Oh they were so cute and as they saw Ash, they came running to high five him-only he had to stoop over to accommodate their heights. She knew he was tall, but right then, he really looked like a giant. They surrounded him as they all chattered and vied for his attention.

  Ash laughed. "All right, guys, you need to practice while you can. I don't want to see any traveling today or fouls. Got it?"

  They nodded and shouted before they went back to their ends of the court.

  Tory shook her head as she closed the distance between them. "You're just full of surprises, aren't you?"

  He frowned. "I'm not sure what you mean. "

  She gestured toward the kids. "I'm truly amazed. This is the last thing I would have ever imagined you doing on a Saturday afternoon. "

  "Ash is one of the best refs we got. He's always fair and the kids love him. "

  Tory turned to see an average height, older African-American man with graying hair and a well-groomed mustache.

  Ash held his hand out to him and smiled. "Hey Perry, how's it going?"

  Perry shook his hand and patted him on the arm. "Glad you could make it. We had two refs call in sick and was afraid we'd have to cancel the games. I really appreciate you and your friend helping us out. "

  "Anytime. You know how much I love watching the kids dribble. "

  Perry laughed as he playfully elbowed Tory in the side. "And he doesn't mean the balls either. "

  Tory smiled.

  Ash pulled his coat off and slung it over his shoulder. "Perry Stallings meet Tory Kafieri. "

  Perry winked at her. "So Ash has a girl finally. I was beginning to wonder if he'd ever settle down on one female. "

  Ash snorted. "Ah, you think too much. "

  "And T-Rex doesn't think enough. "

  Ash shook his head as a tall, well-built blond man approached them. "Good to see you, Talon. Even if you are nothing but a pain in my ass. "

  "You too. " Talon hitched a thumb over his shoulder. "Was that your Busa outside?"

  "Yeah. "

  "Sweet. Anytime you're ready to let it go, call me. "

  "Don't hold your breath," Ash said teasingly before he introduced them. "Talon this is Perry and Tory. "

  Talon shook their hands in turn and held onto Tory's as he s
aw the helmet she held by its strap in her left hand. He arched an inquisitive brow. "Matching Busa helmets?"

  "I came with Ash," Tory explained.

  He turned a curious eye to Ash.

  Ash wiped the corner of his mouth with his thumb. "Friends, Celt. Don't make anything more out of it than that. "

  "Whatever you say, T-Rex. Whatever you say . . . " there was enough doubt in that tone to fill the Superdome.

  Perry clapped his hands together. "Well, now that the two of you are here, I'll let the coaches know. You get settled and we'll be underway in just a few. "

  Ash looked past Talon to the bleachers behind him. "Sunshine with you?"

  "Parking the car. "

  "Cool. " Ash gently took Tory's arm and led her toward the small crowd of parents. "Let me get you situated. "

  Tory looked at his shoulder where his ever-present backpack was snuggled close. "You going to trust me to guard the magic backpack?"

  He smiled. "Sure. I know where you live and I've seen where you sleep. " He sat her down on the bleachers just as an exuberant, voluptuous brunette came in with a flurry of excitement.

  Dressed in a flowing pink skirt and tunic that was covered with a painted denim jacket trimmed in pink lace, the woman headed straight for Ash and placed a quick kiss on this cheek. "How have you been, baby?"

  "Decent. " He indicated Tory with a tilt of his head. "Sunshine meet my friend Tory. Sunshine's Talon's wife. "

  Tory smiled as she shook Sunshine's hand. "The tall blond who can't shoot hoops?"

  Sunshine's laugh was infectious as she looked at Talon proudly. "That's my baby. Ain't he beautiful?" She raised her hand at her husband. "Go Talon, show them how it's done," she shouted.

  Ash turned and laughed as Talon made a shot that fell far from its mark.

  "Well, maybe next time," Sunshine whispered under her breath before she shouted. "Good try, baby, good try! Next time you'll make a home run!"

  Ash exchanged an amused grin with Tory. "Yeah and on that note let me go stop him from embarrassing himself further. " He dropped his coat, helmet and backpack at her feet.

  Tory smiled as he ran across the court, pulling a silver whistle out of his back pocket before he put it on over his head and blew it. Talon turned toward him and Ash made an ancient Celtic obscene gesture at him that luckily only Talon, Tory and possibly Sunshine would recognize as extremely offensive.

  Talon glared at him. "You're lucky there are kids here, buddy. "

  Ash gave him an evil grin before he wrangled the kids toward their starting places.

  Sunshine sat down beside her and pulled a bottle of water out of her giant organic wicker bag. "So how long have you known Ash?"

  Tory watched the grace Ash showed as he moved fluidly around the kids who were so tiny compared to him. She didn't know why, but he reminded her of some ancient warrior trying to train them for battle. "Not very. About a week. "

  "And he brought you here?"

  Tory shrugged, not really understanding his compassion herself. "My house was broken into and a good friend of mine killed last night. Ash was afraid to leave me alone. "

  Horror filled Sunshine's dark brown eyes as she reached out to touch Tory's arm. "Oh my God, sweetie . . . are you okay?"

  Tory swallowed as she thought about Dimitri and grief overwhelmed her. He'd always been the jokester of their crew. Full of life and preciously sweet. She was really going to miss seeing him on the boat and hearing his good-natured taunts. "Not really. But I'm holding it together. One step at a time, right?"

  Sunshine took her hand into hers and offered her a kind smile. "Absolutely. And if you need anything, you call us. Talon and I live outside of town and can be anywhere pretty quickly because he drives like a lunatic. Night or day, you need something, you call. "

  The warmth from this woman touched her deeply. They were strangers and yet Sunshine didn't care in the least. "Thank you. Ash is lucky to have you guys as friends. "

  Sunshine waved her words away as Ash blew the whistle and separated two of the boys who were trying to bite each other. Smiling a smile that warmed her heart, he tucked one of the boys under his arm as he moved him away from the other one before he set him on his feet.

  "I don't know," Sunshine said wistfully. "I think we're more lucky to have him. "

  Yeah, Tory was beginning to feel lucky that she'd met Ash too. Though to be honest, she wished they'd met under a better set of circumstances than his embarrassing her. "How long have you guys known him?"

  "A few years for me. A lifetime for Talon. The two of them go way back. "

  Tory looked at the tall blond who was probably no more than two or three years older than Ash. His short curly hair was sweaty and he had two tiny braids that fell from one temple. She was glad to meet someone Ash knew really well. "No kidding? Ash never really talks about the people he knows. "

  "Yeah, he's brutally evasive. "

  Tory nodded in agreement. "Good description. "

  Sunshine offered her a bottle of water. "But even so, you have to love Ash. He's one of the few truly reliable people you'll ever meet. "

  Taking the water from her hand, Tory watched as Ash showed Talon how to shoot a basket during a time-out, then he laughed and shook his head when Talon screwed it up again. This was the first time she'd seen him really having fun. Most of the time, he was so reserved and closed off-as if afraid of allowing anyone to have any kind of power over him. There was only one reason she could think of that he'd be like that.

  "Ash had a hard childhood, didn't he?"

  Sunshine frowned. "I don't know. I've heard mixed things from different people. Some say he was very privileged and rich. "

  Yeah there was something very wealthy and Old World about him. Dignified as if he were accustomed to only the best things in the world . . . like the handsewn jacket she wore. "He does seem to have a lot of money. "

  Sunshine snorted. "Oh no, hon. What he has now, he earns. Believe me. But no one I know-and I know a lot of people who've known him for many years-really knows anything about his past or his family. He just refuses to talk about it. "

  Which meant it had to be brutal. Why else would someone hide it? Thoughts of family should be comforting. She was forever thinking about hers and smiling. The fact that Ash had closed himself off entirely from the subject said it all.

  They were sources of pain for him.

  Her heart heavy, she watched as the game picked up again. Ash was actually adorable as he ran alongside the kids who could barely play. They bumped into each other and tripped onto the court. Ash would run to make sure they were okay before he picked them up and set them back on their feet.

  She'd never seen anything quite like it. But they were all cute. Especially Ash in all his Goth glory.

  Sunshine dug out a bag of cinnamon flavored oatcakes. "Want some?"

  "Thanks," she said, taking one from the small bag.

  As they snacked, a mother and a small boy in a wheelchair came in and parked beside them so that the boy could watch the game. The boy who had short black hair and bright blue eyes grimaced as if he were in pain while his mother gently stroked his back. He was an almost exact physical duplicate of his mother, except the boy had a smattering of freckles over the bridge of his nose.

  Tory scooted down to sit closer to him. "Hi," she said, holding her hand out to him. "My name's Tory. "

  He looked at his mother to make sure it was okay to talk to her.

  "His name's Toby. "

  "Toby?" Tory grinned at him. "Really? My friend Ash was playing a boy named Toby this morning on the Xbox. "

  Toby smiled through his tears. "That was me! I kicked his butt!"

  "Toby," his mother chided, "such language. What have I told you about that?"

  He sat taller in his chair. "Well, I did. "

  Tory introduced herself and Sunshine to Toby's mother. "So are you two here to watch Ash?"

  Toby shook his head. "My brother Zack is number seven on the blue team. "

  "Oh," she said, spotting the boy with brown hair, "he's the best player on his team. "

  The buzzer sounded for halftime. Ash came running over. His cheeks were mottled with red from his exertion. He held his hand out for Toby to high five him. "Hey Tobinator. How you doing?"

  Toby squealed in glee. "Can we play?" he asked Ash.

  Ash looked at Trish. "Is it okay?"

  She frowned in apprehension. "Be gentle. He had a hard session with his therapist today. "

  "Will do. " Ash picked him up and cradled him against his chest before he returned to the court where the teams were practicing again.

  Zack passed his brother the ball. Laughing, Toby caught it and Ash ran him at the basket so that he could slam dunk it in to the basket that had been lowered to accommodate their smaller size. He held Toby over his head and twisted him back and forth, making the boy squeal in delight.

  Trish's eyes misted at the sight of Ash with her son. "I don't know what I'd do without that man. "

  Tory frowned. "What do you mean?"

  Trish wiped at her eyes. "Toby and my husband were in a bad car wreck a year ago. Barry was killed instantly and Toby was partially paralyzed. For weeks in the hospital, Toby was unresponsive to everyone. He wouldn't eat or speak. And then one day Ash and a friend of his came in and were singing with the kids on Toby's floor, handing out gifts. When he saw Toby, he went over and the next thing I knew, he had Toby laughing again. " She sniffed. "Just look at them out there . . . God love that man. "

  Ash was holding Toby low to the ground so he could dribble the ball while his brother tried to block him. Lifting him up, Ash feigned to the right and ran at the basket so Toby could slam dunk it again. The boy lifted his arms up and whooped in triumph. Ash tickled him before he cradled him in his arms and ran him back over to his mother.

  He set Toby back in his wheelchair and wiped his arm over his sweaty face. "All right, Tobe, we have to get back to the game. But Zack wants a rematch afterwards. "

  "He's on!"

  Ash ruffled his hair before he glanced to Tory. "You doing okay?"

  "Fine. "

  "Cool. But stay away from Sunshine's oatcakes. Talon says they're disgusting. "

  "Hey!" Sunshine shouted indignantly. "I'll get you for that, Ash. "

  Laughing, he stood up and returned to the center of the court.

  "How are you doing, Toby?" Trish asked, her voice full of concern. "Did that make you hurt more?"

  He beamed. "Nope. I feel great. Ash says I'll be walking again this time next year. "

  His mother winced as if the thought made her ache. "Oh baby . . . you know what the doctors think. "

  Toby lifted his chin. "I believe Ash. He says I'll be walking and I will. Just watch and see. "

  Tory smiled at the little guy. "That's the spirit. "

  Toby took her hand while they watched the rest of the game and cheered for his brother Zack.

  When the game ended, Talon grabbed a ball to shoot again.

  Ash scoffed at him. "Stop embarrassing the gene pool, Celt. "

  "Shut-up, T-Rex. " He shot and missed.

  Ash came to stand in front of Toby, arms akimbo. "Ready, squirt?"

  "Ready. "

  Ash picked him up and looked at Tory. "You know how to play?"

  "It's been a while, but yeah. "

  His grin taunted her. "Want to join us for a game?"

  "Love to. "

  Talon handed her the ball as he came to sit beside Sunshine and drink some water. "I'm tired of being laughed at. Go avenge me. "

  Tory took her jacket off before she bounced the ball on the floor. Ash held Toby to his chest. "All right, Toby, let's annihilate the kyria. "

  Toby frowned. "Kyria?"

  "Lady. "

  "Oh. Okay. "

  Tory feigned left and twisted around them as she ran at a basket. She was almost to it when Toby grabbed the ball and Ash put him up on his shoulders. Shouting in glory, Toby shot it at the basket and scored.

  "And the crowd goes wild. Ahhhhh," Ash mocked the sound of cheering fans.

  "Hey Ash?" Zack asked, running up to them. "Can I dunk one too?"

  "Sure. " He held Toby out to Tory who took the boy. He wrapped his little arms around her neck and made her melt while Ash grabbed his brother and put him up on his shoulders.

  Zack dunked the ball and held his hands up in triumph while he bounced on Ash's shoulders.

  Trish came forward, shaking her head at them. "Okay boys, tell Ash thank you, but it's time for us to go and let the next team have the court. "

  Toby pouted like a pro.

  "Aw, mom," Zack whined as Ash set him on his feet.

  Then Ash took Toby from her arms and carried him back to his wheelchair. "Don't worry, squirt. We'll beat Zack in a couple of weeks when I'm back in town. "

  "Okay and don't forget next Saturday! Nine a. m. sharp!"

  Ash gave him a staunch Roman salute. "Ever at your service, my lord and tormentor. " He brushed his hand over Zack's hair. "You played unbelievably well today. Keep practicing, kiddo. "

  "Will do. Bye Ash. "

  "Bye guys. "

  Tory walked up to him as they left. "You are so not an asshole. "

  He glanced down at her, making her wish she could see his eyes through his dark sunglasses. "Trust me, I can be. But I have a height requirement before I break ass on someone. "

  Talon snorted as he walked past them. "Yeah, take it from someone who's had his ass broken by him. Ash ain't all fun and games. "

  Without thinking, Tory put her hands on Ash's hips and leaned against his back. The moment she did, she realized she'd made a mistake as a wave of desire hit her so forcefully, it was all she could do not to pull his lips down to hers. Oh dear heaven, the man was sweaty, but he didn't stink at all. Instead, he smelled so good she wanted to take a bite out of him.

  And all she wanted to do was run her hands down that hard chest and nibble him until he begged her for more.

  Ash couldn't breathe as he hardened to the point of pain. Thank the gods he wasn't wearing tight pants. And the thought of her hands only being a few inches away from his cock only made him ache more.

  Clearing her throat, she stepped back. "How many more games do you have to referee?"

  "Two. "

  "Okay, I'm going back to my seat to eat some oatcakes. Good luck with the kids . . . oh and my favorite has to be the little guy over there, picking his nose. "

  Ash didn't speak as she went to sit by Sunshine. It took every bit of his willpower not to pull her back to him.

  Talon handed a ball to him. "You all right, T-Rex?"

  "I'm fine, why?"

  "Cause in all the centuries I've known you, I've never seen you do that with a woman before. "

  "Do what?"

  Talon laughed. "Boy, I don't think you need me to tell you what that is. " He cast an incredibly quick glance down to Ash's groin.

  Ash went ramrod stiff as he discreetly looked down to make sure he wasn't standing at attention. Well, he was, he just wanted to make sure it wasn't obvious.

  Thankfully, it wasn't.

  Which begged the question . . . how did Talon know?

  Out of nowhere a ball came at his head. Ash caught it. Picking up his whistle, he blew it to call the players to start the game.

  Tory was still rattled by what had happened. By how badly she wanted a piece of that man . . .

  Sunshine wiped at the crumbs on her skirt. "Are you sure the two of you are just friends?"

  Tory tried to appear nonchalant. "What do you mean?"

  "I have never seen Ash allow someone to touch him from behind before. He normally bolts across the room if someone even comes near his back. The fact he didn't even twitch . . . highly suspicious. "

  Tory frowned at that new disclosure. "I didn't kn
ow that bothered him. He rode me on the back of his motorcycle over here. "

  Sunshine gave her a wide-eyed stare. "Touch you, girl. You are special. "

  "You think?"

  "Honey, trust me. What you just did was a freaking miracle and I really wish you could appreciate how amazing it was. "

  Tory took a sip of water as she watched Ash with a set of older kids. And as she watched him and pieced together what little she knew about his past, she had a really bad feeling about his childhood.

  There was only one reason she could think of that it would bother him that much for someone to stand behind him. And the thought of it made her sick to her stomach.

  "Every time I've ever made the mistake of trusting someone . . . it was a mistake that I regretted and paid for dearly. I'm really happy that no one has hurt you, but I haven't been so lucky, okay?"

  His words rang ominously in her ears as she watched him calling a foul.

  Please let me be wrong . . .

  But the more she thought about it, the more sense it made. Someone had hurt him badly in the past. So much so that he couldn't even deal with it.

  It was why he hid his eyes from the world. Why he pierced a face that was so perfectly handsome it beckoned to be touched . . . Why he dressed in those FU clothes. It was to keep everyone away from him.

  Closing her eyes, it was all she could do not to go to him and just hold him. To promise him that he was safe. How stupid a thought was that? The man was huge and he was fierce. The last thing he needed was her protection.

  But he hadn't always been a man . . .

  Tory winced as she remembered what he'd said about his parents. What had they done to him?

  She didn't speak much until the last game was over. Ash and Talon stayed on the opposite side to talk to Perry for a few minutes.

  Sunshine was packing up as Talon came over. "Did you have fun, baby?" she asked her husband.

  Talon grinned at her. "I'm thinking we ought to make a few of those small things for ourselves. "

  Sunshine laughed. "Anytime you're ready. My mother is more than willing to be a grandma. "

  Talon kissed her passionately. "Yeah, we definitely need to get home and practice . . . "

  Sunshine pulled back with a smile before she handed him her purse. "Lead the way. "

  Talon sucked his breath in before he turned to Tory. "It was nice meeting you. "

  "You too. "

  Sunshine hooked her arm in his. "Don't forget what I told you. If you need us . . . "

  "Will do. "

  Ash pulled the whistle over his head as he approached her and tucked it back into his pocket. "I hope you weren't too bored on the sidelines. "

  "No, it was actually fun. You have great friends. "

  "Yeah, I do. "

  He bent over to pick up his coat. The moment he did, she decided to test her theory. She reached down and lightly brushed her hand under the band that held his ponytail over his neck. Her ring caught in his hair and pulled it.

  Hissing in anger, he grabbed her hand and snatched it away from his hair. "Don't you ever touch me like that again. " His growl was so feral, she actually thought he might hit her.

  She swallowed against the severe lump in her throat. "I would never hurt you, Ash. "

  He didn't respond as he jerked his backpack and helmet up from the floor and stalked toward the doors.

  Grabbing the jacket and helmet she'd worn, Tory followed him, wanting to cry. "Ash?"

  He didn't stop until he reached his bike. He put his keys between his teeth before he shrugged his coat on.

  "Ash?" she repeated. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you angry. "

  Ash tried to calm down. She'd done nothing wrong and he knew it. It was just . . .

  He ground his teeth at the memories. He'd shave his hair off except the only thing he hated more than having his hair grabbed was feeling something, especially a breath or breeze against the nape of his neck. He hated people breathing in his ears or standing close to him, especially at his back. Even after all this time, one touch, one breath could make him feel worthless all over again. Make him feel . . .

  Like a whore.

  But Tory wasn't a part of that past. She wasn't Artemis who used those tactics to remind him of his place in her world. To remind him that he should be grateful he was allowed any kind of dignity.

  Tory was simply a woman who'd touched a man not knowing the scars that lined his soul.

  He let out a long breath as he calmed down. "I'm sorry I overreacted. I just don't like people grabbing my hair. "

  "Duly noted. Will never happen again. "

  He nodded.

  Tory lifted her helmet as she again watched him close his eyes, remove his sunglasses and put his helmet on. Was he aware of what he did or was it so habitual that he didn't even realize his actions?


  He turned toward her as he fastened his chin strap.

  "I think you have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. "

  Ash froze as those words touched him. But then Artemis had said that to him once . . . and then cursed him for them later. Don't be suckered in.

  "Thanks," he said, his voice hollow as he slung his leg over to straddle the bike. Then he set his backpack over the gas tank while she climbed on behind him.

  She slid up against his back, her thighs intimately pressed against his buttocks.

  He waited for that familiar disgust to fill him, but it didn't. And when she wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned against his back, he actually savored it. Starting the engine, he looked down at her tiny hands that she had laced together over his stomach.

  He'd never allowed another soul to ride on his bike with him . . . not even Simi.

  She squeezed him in a tight hug and it was all he could do not to haul her off this bike and screw her like an animal in the parking lot until the fire he felt was quenched. But he'd never do that to her. He wasn't an animal and she was . . .

  There were no words to describe her. She was infuriating, stubborn.

  And wonderful. Absolutely wonderful.

  Touching her hands with his, he gave a light squeeze before he took the handlebars. "Hold tight. "

  "Will do, Achimou. "

  He laughed and cringed simultaneously at the Greek endearment of his name. Since the true pronunciation was Ack-uh-rahn the shortened form of it was Ack-ee-moo. Something he'd always feared someone using. So he'd learned to Anglicize his name to Asheron and then later to Ash to keep anyone from doing what she'd just done.

  Yet, for reasons that were totally beyond him, he didn't mind her doing it.

  Amazed by that, he headed out of the parking lot, back toward her side of town. They hadn't gone far when he felt a weird sensation go down his spine . . .

  They were being followed.

  Looking around, he saw a gray sedan closing in on them while the car in front of them was slowing down. Ash wanted to pass the car ahead, but there was too much traffic in the other lane.

  Suddenly the car in front of him stopped.

  He slammed on brakes at the same time a man sat up in the back seat of the car in front of them with a gun and opened fire. "Hold on!" he roared as the bullets slammed into him. Had he been human, he'd be dead. As it was, he put a shield around them to keep Tory from being hit and him from taking any more damage.

  Gearing the bike down, he gunned it full throttle and shot around the car to the right, onto the sidewalk to get away from them.

  Tory was terrified as she clung to Ash with everything she had. She wasn't sure how the gunshots had missed them, but she was grateful they had.

  Now she saw the two cars racing behind them.

  Ash took a corner so low to the ground he was amazed Tory stayed with him even with the shield around her. She hadn't been kidding. She had to be an experienced rider to take the corner and not fall off.

He considered using his powers to get them out of this, but that would tip her off big time that he wasn't human and she would lose her mind over the fact that they literally popped back into her yard. No, he was a god. He could surely outrun them.

  At least until a third car cut them off. He swung to the left at the same time a fourth car drove straight for them. That car clipped his back tire.

  Cursing, he felt the bike slipping out from under him. Before he could react, they went flying off the bike. Making sure to keep Tory shielded as she slid, Ash hit the ground hard as he skidded on the road.

  Damn the consequences.

  He was about to teleport them out of this right when the car that had hit them ran him over. Ash bellowed in pain as the front then rear tires crushed his legs. Unable to focus on anything but the agony, he dropped the shield around Tory at the same time she went slamming into a set of garbage cans that were lined around a pole.

  Tears of pain filled his eyes as he struggled to breathe. He replaced the shield around Tory to protect her from any more harm and to knock her out as he rose to his feet.

  Pain hit him hard. He might be a god, but he wasn't immune to damage. It wouldn't kill him. It just hurt like hell.

  The men opened fire on him.

  Ash slung his hand out and turned the bullets back on them. Fury rode him hard as he killed them as mercilessly as they'd tried to kill Tory.

  All except one . . .

  A small, wiry man, he was cowering beside the brown Audi sedan that had run him over.

  "Who the fuck are you?" Ash snarled angrily.

  The man didn't answer.

  Ash grabbed him up by his throat and slammed him against the trunk of the car. "Answer me!"

  But then he didn't have to . . . In that instant, Ash saw everything about him and the organization he served. Don't kill me please . . .

  He heard the voices from the man's past. Voices of people who'd begged for their lives and this prick had killed them without caring.

  So be it.

  Ash crushed his windpipe and left him sprawled dead on the trunk of the car not caring who saw what he was doing. Still not satisfied, he looked at Tory who lay unmoving.

  As he started toward her, he realized his legs were torn open and most of his body was covered with road rash because she'd been wearing his protective jacket. But none of that mattered as he knelt down on the ground beside her. Carefully, he pulled her helmet off to see the bruises on the side of her pale face and the blood on her lips.

  He threw his own helmet aside. Fear and grief racked him as he felt for her pulse. She had to be okay. She had to be . . . His stomach knotted until he touched the faint beat.

  He wanted to cry in relief. She was still alive, but she was weak from internal injuries.

  Ash held his hand out for his backpack which flashed into his grip. Slinging it over his back, he picked Tory up and teleported them to Tulane Hospital. He cradled her against him as he limped painfully into the emergency room entrance.

  Luckily it was someone he knew, Wanda, at the front desk.

  A heavyset African-American woman, she gaped as she saw him walking toward her. His leg buckled from the pain and he almost fell. But he wouldn't do that. Not while he held Tory. He had to get her help.

  "Oh my God, Ash! What happened?"

  He couldn't speak as he felt Tory expel one last shallow breath before she died in his arms.