Chapter 14

  Vance and I noticed a serious decline in Shelly’s mental attitude over the next few weeks, so I began making an extra special effort to incorporate her into my day-to-day activities. I sat by her at lunch and called her after school. Vance and I even went on a few double dates with Brad and her.

  The puzzling thing about it was, while Brad and Vance became ever closer as friends, Shelly and I drifted further and further apart. It wasn’t just me who was experiencing the apparent cooling either. Brad pulled me aside one day to tell me things between him and Shelly had been getting difficult also.

  “I don’t know what to do,” he said in a frustrated voice. “She’s totally despondent. I can’t get her to be excited about anything. All the things she used to like, she doesn’t have an interest in anymore. She wants to be alone all the time, and it worries me.”

  I promised him I’d try talking to her again and see if I could find out what was going on. That led me to where I was today, sitting outside the school early in the morning, waiting for her to arrive.

  I almost missed her when she came, not because I didn’t see her, but because I didn’t recognize her when she did. I wasn’t prepared for her once pink mustang to be painted pitch-black with a funky skull and crossbones air-brushed onto the back. As shocked as I was about that, it was nothing to what I experienced when she stepped out of the car.

  Gone were the gorgeous, blond, curly locks. While it was still long, she had dyed her hair jet black except for a few platinum streaks. It had been flat-ironed straight and had several small braids with tiny silver threads running through them. Her makeup was a shade too pale, and she had lined her eyes thickly with coal-black liner. She also wore a deep shade of red lipstick.

  Shelly reached into her car and pulled out a large leather bag with silver studs. She slung it over her form fitting leather jacket, which matched her equally tight leather pants, and began walking toward the school. The heels of her knee-high boots clicked against the pavement as she moved, causing the round emblem bearing a skull and crossbones hanging from her neck to swing about.


  She paused for only a moment to arch an eyebrow as she glanced at me. She gave me a not-so-nice sardonic grin, flipped her hair, and continued right past me into the school. I sat dazed for a moment, too shocked for words, then turning to follow through the glass doors.

  Apparently, I wasn’t the only one surprised. The students who lined the locker hall had gone completely silent, staring at Shelly as she made her way down the hall. In fact, the clacking of Shelly’s boots was the only sound I could hear. Seeming completely oblivious to the silent stares, she made her way through the crowd toward her locker. She stopped, quickly twirling out her combination, opening the door to grab a book, and slammed it closed again. That’s when I noticed Brad standing on the other side of her wearing a disbelieving stare of his own.

  “What the heck, Shelly?” he said, giving her the once over. “Are you all right?”

  “Whatever could you possibly be referring to?” Shelly gave him the same arched eyebrow she’d given me.

  “What’s all—this?” He gestured toward her hair and clothing with his hand.

  The two stood there staring at each other for several moments without speaking. Finally, Shelly broke the silence.

  “Let it go, Brad, okay? I have better things to deal with than you.”

  With that, she shoved past him, knocking him against the lockers as she went. She didn’t apologize or even look back as she continued down the hall and into one of the classrooms. Instantly everyone was abuzz, students talking and pointing at Brad, unable to believe what they’d just witnessed.

  Brad turned, catching my eye, and began weaving through the throng of people toward me.

  “Hey, Vance, Portia,” he said, nodding to each of us.

  I hadn’t even realized Vance was standing behind me until Brad spoke.

  “How long have you been there?” I asked, wondering why I hadn’t felt him.

  “Long enough to catch the show,” he muttered.

  “Yeah,” Brad broke in. “What’s up with that?”

  “I have no idea.” I shook my head. “She wouldn’t even give me the time of day when I tried to talk to her outside.”

  “Well, I’m guessing the two of us are through,” Brad replied, looking totally downcast. “She made it pretty clear I’m not too high on her list of priorities.”

  “Sorry, guy.” Vance reached out to clap Brad on the shoulder. “Hopefully it’ll get better.”

  Brad shook his head. “I’m not holding my breath.”

  I felt bad as Brad turned and walked away from us. I wished I could’ve said something to make him feel better, but I was as stunned as he was.

  “Something isn’t right with Shelly,” Vance said, breaking into my thoughts.

  “I thought that was obvious.”

  “No. I mean something besides the obvious. I’m sensing some sort of weird vibe around her.”

  “Weird vibe? You don’t mean something magical, do you?”

  He shrugged his shoulders slightly. “I’m not sure, maybe.”

  “Well, that’d definitely be a twist I didn’t see coming,” I said, wondering what was going on. “Is there a way we can find out for sure?”

  “I don’t know. I’d need to watch her a while longer. Maybe even follow her around a bit.”

  “Do whatever you think you should. This is Shelly we’re talking about. You have my complete support.”

  He nodded, leaning in to give me a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll do what I can.”

  The next few weeks were a total testament to Shelly’s popularity at school. Dozens of girls were soon sporting her new gothic look, as well as more than a few of the guys. Of course, their look was more masculine, but still, it was unreal to see.

  I watched in amazement as Shelly routinely dropped each one of her previous friends. She steadily recruited new friends to replace each of those she’d dumped. These new “friends” of hers were the kind we never really bothered to notice—the druggies, partiers, and students who were generally always in trouble with some type of authority, whether it be the school administration or the local law enforcement.

  I studied her closely, trying to find any resemblance to the girl who’d previously been my best friend. Occasionally, I noticed Vance shadowing her from a distance also, observing her actions. I asked a lot of questions, but he had few answers. He kept saying something wasn’t right, and he felt compelled to find out what it was. We spent a lot less time together as he followed her around. At the same time Vance was gradually slipping out of my life, Brad became a near-constant figure at my house.

  Basketball season was drawing nearer, and he would come over after practice to hang out. We watched a lot of television together, or we’d just sit swaying on the porch swing wrapped in our coats. He seemed to desire my company, though he never said much. I hadn’t realized until now how much he must’ve cared for Shelly. It was obvious he was taking their break up very hard.

  “I’d better get going,” Brad said when we heard Vance’s motorcycle roar into the driveway one evening.

  “Okay. Have a good night.” I stood to give him a hug.

  “I don’t even know what that means anymore,” he said with a small laugh, reaching his arms around me, holding tightly. “Thanks for being here, Portia.”

  “Anytime.” I stepped out of his embrace as Vance walked into the courtyard.

  “Hey, man,” Vance said to Brad, and they gave each other some sort of fist-bump guy thing.

  “I’m just heading out,” Brad said, clapping him on the shoulder in a friendly gesture when he walked by. “Thanks for loaning me your girl. Have fun.”

  “Later,” Vance answered.

  Vance waited until Brad was gone, then he wrapped his arms around me and gave me a big kiss.

  “You two shouldn’t sit out here so long every night. You’re freezing.” He shuttl
ed me back into the house.

  “Sorry,” I said. “Brad seems to enjoy it, though, and I’m trying to help him out.”

  “I know. I want you to be careful, though. Your health is important too.”

  “I’m fine.” I led him upstairs into my room. “So how’s Shelly?” I asked, shutting the door behind us.

  Vance shrugged, sitting on the end of the bed. “More of the same.” He sighed, sounding exhausted himself.

  “Still hanging out at that bar?”

  “Yep, every single night this week.” He ran his fingers through his hair, like he always did when he was frustrated. “The funny thing is, no one seems to care. Her parents act like they don’t even notice anything’s different. No one at the bar cares she’s underage. They serve her whatever she wants. Even an officer doing a business patrol didn’t blink an eye at her. It’s so weird. I haven’t seen evidence of anything magical, but my gut keeps telling me something is different.”

  “That does seem strange. By all means, keep listening to your instincts.” I watched him shrug out of his jacket. “Would you like to use the shower?” I added, changing the subject. “You positively reek of cigarette smoke.”

  “Sorry. I was hanging around of people who were smoking outside.” He got up and grabbed some of the clean clothes he’d started leaving here out of my dresser. He went into the bathroom, and I heard him turn the shower on.

  I used this time to change into my pajamas and crawl into bed. I must’ve fallen asleep quickly, because the next thing I knew he was lying on top of the quilt, and he smelled wonderful.

  “I love you,” he whispered, placing a soft kiss against my cheek.

  I didn’t even know if my answer made it out of my lips before I fell asleep again.

  Vance was gone in the morning when I woke. I hurriedly got ready for school and headed downstairs to eat breakfast.

  “Hey kiddo!” Dad called out. He stood up from the table to give me a kiss, then settled back down to the morning newspaper.

  My mom gave me a quick peck on the cheek too as she placed a plate of hot eggs and toast in front of me.

  “Isn’t this nice?” she said, pouring orange juice. “It’s been a long time since we’ve had family breakfast together.” She brought three glasses of juice back to the table and sat down to join us, looking expectantly at my dad.

  Dad folded his paper, and the three of us held each other’s hands while he said grace over the meal.

  When he was done, Dad asked casually, “What’re everyone’s plans today?”

  “Just school and any homework I have,” I replied and bit into a piece of toast.

  “I’m off tonight,” Mom added.

  “Let’s go to dinner and a movie in Flagstaff tonight then. It’s been a while since we’ve been able to do anything as a family.”

  “That sounds fun,” I said, really meaning it, but worrying about being away from Vance too.

  Dad must have read my mind. “Vance can come too if you’d like.” He smiled. “It’ll be a double date.” He winked at me.

  “Thanks. I’ll ask him when he gets here.”

  I’d just finished and was putting my plate in the dishwasher when the roar of Vance’s motorcycle signaled his arrival. I met him at the door.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” he said softly, bending to give me a kiss on the cheek.

  “Hi there.” I smiled. “My parents want to know if we’d like to go out with them tonight. Maybe do dinner and a movie in Flag. You up for it?”

  “As long as you’re involved, I’m up for anything.” He kissed my cheek again, and I paused, closing my eyes for a brief moment to enjoy the contact.

  “He says he’ll go!” I called to my parents. “We’ll see you after school.”

  “Have a good day!” my mom’s voice echoed back through the house.

  When we got to school, Shelly and her brood were hanging out in a secluded part of the parking lot. As we passed, she sent a scalding look in our direction. It was really puzzling since we’d never done anything to her.

  Inside, Vance walked me to my locker and waited patiently for me to arrange my things and get what I needed, and then we went to his locker. I was leaning against the wall waiting for him when Shelly came into the hall, several of her flunkies following behind. Pausing, she glanced around then made a beeline straight for us. She walked up next to me and stood directly behind Vance.

  “Hey, Vance,” she said in a soft, sultry voice.

  He turned around to face her, a somewhat quizzical look on his face.

  I was horrified when she stepped forward, rubbing her body against him like a cat and wrapping her arms around his neck. She proceeded to kiss him full on the mouth, moving her lips back and forth on his for several seconds.

  Vance stood still, in complete shock until she stepped back away from him, her red lipstick smeared all over his mouth.

  “I knew you’d be hot,” she said, running a black polished nail down the side of her mouth as if she were wiping something away. She then trailed the same finger back and forth across his chest toward his flat stomach.

  Vance regained his senses and snagged her hand in his.

  “What the heck are you doing, Shelly?” he asked, holding it far away from his body.

  I didn’t wait for her to answer. I swung back and punched her square in the face.