Page 24 of Shadow Reaper

  He touched the fading marks on her skin from the ropes, lowered the tee and took her hands, turning them over to inspect her palms and the pads of her fingers where she'd taken skin off trying to brake in the gardens.

  "All quiet. We've got the cameras sweeping the grounds and house," Emilio said. "Ricco, you took a hit. How bad?"

  Ricco kissed the center of her palm and then her fingertips. "Bruising only. My chest feels like someone took a sledgehammer to it. Call Sal in. I want them to do the cleanup here and maybe he and his crew can find some clues to who is doing this."

  Her heart stuttered a little at the feel of his lips brushing so gently over her torn skin.

  Ricco looked at Mariko. "I'm fairly certain I know, but we need proof."

  She knew, too. She'd brought this down on the Ferraro family. "I'm so sorry," she said, meaning it. Very slowly she removed her hands from his. His touch was making it difficult to think. "I had no idea when I came here that this would happen."

  "The council threatened me years ago," he pointed out. "This has nothing to do with you and everything to do with me. With what happened."

  She lifted her chin. "If you're correct and I'm a Tanaka, then this is my fight. They allowed their sons to get away with killing my family. They made me believe I hurt my brother when one of their sons did it. I'm with you all the way."


  Riders came from all over the world to attend the funeral of Phillip Ferraro. Each family sent a representative. Every member of the International Council was there. The council was made up of retired riders from around the world. There were five at all times and it was significant that they were all present at Phillip's funeral.

  What was more significant was that the Archambault family had come in full force, with the exception of the one always secreted until the family came home. Riders in that family brought justice to any riders and their families if the laws were broken. There were five brothers and one girl, just like in the Ferraro family. Mariko was shocked to see the ruling council as well as the Archambault riders making their presence known to all the rider families. She could see that it made everyone uneasy.

  Emmanuelle sat between Vittorio and Taviano. Vittorio was still pale and walked carefully, but he had insisted on coming. Giovanni couldn't be there. Emilio and Enzo guarded him at the hospital. Stefano sat beside his mother, Francesca on his other side. Ricco had insisted Mariko sit with him. He kept his arm around her, his body sheltering hers from prying eyes--and she was well aware that her presence was shocking the world of shadow riders.

  A family friend, Henry, sat on the other side of Eloisa, and Lucia and Amo sat with Nicoletta in the family section. Valentino Saldi attended with his father Giuseppi and Val's cousin Dario. There were at least five other men in the Saldi party. Just about everyone who lived or worked in the Ferraro territory was present.

  There were seventeen families in the shadow rider community after the loss of the four families in Japan. The murder of the Tanaka family had been a terrible blow, but the loss of the Yamamoto, Ito and Saito families had crippled the riders there. Japan had sent a representative from their remaining family. His name was Kichiro Nakamura, and he had trained with Mariko. He hadn't been mean, but then he hadn't been very friendly, either. He spent a lot of time during the funeral looking from Mariko to Ricco.

  She pushed closer to Ricco, sensing his grief. The Ferraro family was shaken, no doubt about it. And angry. Stefano Ferraro was going to have someone's head. She could feel his rage smoldering just beneath the surface--and that rage was nothing compared to Ricco's.

  She'd never attended any gathering so grim. Even with the people from the Ferraro territory attending, the family didn't put on their calm, all-is-well faces. They looked angry. They felt angry. By the time they gathered together with the riders in the Ferraro Hotel, their rage wasn't to be contained.

  It was a long time to maintain that anger, all through the funeral, then the reception with everyone outside the shadow riding families giving their condolences. Ricco didn't let Mariko slip away from him. Even when she had to use the bathroom, he walked her there and was waiting for her when she came out. Everyone was hypervigilant. There was security everywhere. No one tried to be subtle about it. They were right out in the open, and all of them had guns.

  The Ferraro cousins had arrived en masse, bringing investigators, bodyguards and riders. They made it plain that they stood with their cousins and would remain until the threat was gone. Eventually, only the riders were left and they went to the Ferraro Hotel, filing into the large conference room. Catered food and drinks were on the tables, although Mariko noticed not too many people were eating.

  Stefano waited for the room to become quiet, holding Francesca's hand the entire time, keeping her close. When the five ruling members of the council indicated they were ready for a meeting, he brought her hand to his mouth. "You will excuse us, Francesca? I'll have Demetrio and Drago escort you up to our home. I want them to stay with you while I'm away from you."

  "You keep them here," she protested, leaning into him, anxiety on her face.

  "We have our cousins from New York. The riders in this room are skilled."

  She looked as if she would protest again, but Stefano shook his head slightly and she subsided, giving him a worried nod. Biting her lip, she turned away from her husband.

  Mariko couldn't imagine too many people, man or woman, going against Stefano Ferraro when he had that particular look on his face. Grim. Ice-cold. Eyes gleaming with suppressed fury. It didn't bode well for any member of the council who might think they had reason to oppose him.

  "Gentlemen," Stefano said quietly. "Please sit." He indicated the chairs around the table and then waited until a rider from every family had taken a seat as well as the five International Council members. The riders of the Archambault family remained standing, along with the riders from the Ferraro families that had come from New York and Los Angeles. The Ferraro riders looked as grim as their cousins.

  "In the history of our existence there has never been a time when riders have turned on one another. There are few of us," Marcellus Archambault said. He was head of the International Council. "This attack on the Ferraro family was aided by someone inside our circle. There is no other possible explanation when those attacking the family members knew to shoot into the shadows."

  Beside him, Alfieri Ferraro, another council member, nodded. "This is my family. My cousins. Our family. We have to find who did this and bring justice to them."

  "Stefano Ferraro contacted us and told us a horrendous tale recording his brother Ricco's time in Japan with our fellow riders there," Marcellus continued. "If this is true, and we've sent investigators to Japan, then our world is about to be shaken. We've provided detailed accounts to all the riders here. Read them and leave the account on the table. Every copy must be returned and then destroyed." He reached for his glass of water to allow the riders time to read the summary in front of them.

  Kichiro Nakamura shook his head the entire time he read. He kept looking up to glance at Mariko and Ricco. Mariko moved closer to Ricco. She didn't like the look on Kichiro's face. At. All. From the moment she'd entered the room, he had kept his eye on her, and every time he looked down at Ricco's and Mariko's hands joined, he frowned. It was clear he didn't like them together.

  Ricco was very silent, his face an expressionless mask, but she could feel him so close to her. He was a volcano inside. He didn't like any of these men sitting in judgment of him, considering he might be lying or knowing his personal business. He sat straight, shoulders wide and impressive in his pin-striped suit.

  "You believe that three of the families conspired to keep this information out of our hands?" Kichiro demanded, tossing the paper onto the table. "You want us to believe that their sons murdered the entire Tanaka family?"

  "Everything our investigators have uncovered so far has led us to that conclusion, yes," Marcellus answered. "Isamu Yamamoto committed su
icide after his wife died. He prepared a letter that his lawyer sent to the council upon his death. In the letter he admitted that his son, Nao, as well as Kenta Ito and Dai and Osamu's two sons, Eiji and Hachiro, murdered the Tanaka family. Isamu, Dai and Mikio conspired to cover it up. They told everyone their boys were killed in a car accident, when in fact Ricco Ferraro killed them to try to protect the two remaining members of the family, Mariko and Ryuu. Ryuu was stomped repeatedly by Nao, breaking all his bones. Mariko fought to save him as well. She was barely three years old. Ricco fought Nao, causing his existing injuries. In the fight, Ricco was sliced several times with a sword. He has the scars."

  The riders around the table stared down at the report and then looked from Ricco to Marcellus as if somehow they could make it all go away.

  "This can't be the truth," Kichiro said. "Those houses are respected houses. The Saito family took in Mariko and Ryuu and gave them a home for years."

  Ricco stirred then. The first time. Just that small movement brought him everyone's attention. Mariko's heart began to pound. He looked . . . invincible, like he did when he was shooting the attackers coming at him. Calm. Resolute. Scary dangerous. She tightened her fingers around his.

  "Mariko was treated as a servant in that home. She was beaten daily by Osamu Saito. She was told she caused those injuries to her brother. Her heritage was taken from her, the legacy of the Tanaka name. She was given a new last name and told her family didn't want her, that they'd abandoned her to the streets. The Saito family didn't take her out of kindness." There was a distinct warning in his voice. One that said if Kichiro persisted, they would do more than exchange words. The fact that, at fourteen, Ricco had managed to kill three promising riders and injure the fourth so severely would give anyone pause before they challenged him.

  They shouldn't have worried about him. They should have been watching Stefano. "Are you calling my brother a liar?" He looked relaxed, sprawled out in his chair, a tiger eyeing prey. His voice was very, very soft. So low they had to strain to hear it.

  "Stefano," Marcellus cautioned.

  "I want to know if he's calling my brother a liar. It's a simple enough question." Stefano didn't take his eyes from Kichiro. Neither did the other members of the Ferraro family, and that included every cousin in the room. The tension stretched out until Mariko wanted to scream.

  "Of course I'm not calling him a liar," Kichiro clarified. "Ricco's reputation has always been impeccable. It's just the shock of finding out three of our most legendary families covered up such a brutal event and a Tanaka still remains."

  "Why didn't Ricco's family go to the council?" a rider from Russia asked.

  "Ricco didn't tell them. He was threatened by the three families. He was told they would kill his entire family if he breathed a single word to anyone."

  A collective gasp went up from nearly every rider.

  Marcellus continued. "He was also told they would say they investigated and he had committed the murders of the Tanaka family."

  The riders looked at one another, frowning. "That wouldn't make sense," the Russian persevered. "All of us would have known if he was responsible; they would have brought him up on charges to the council immediately."

  "Isamu Yamamoto was part of the International Council as well at that time." It was Kirchiro who reminded everyone, his voice thoughtful. "He served on both councils."

  "The idea that anyone could wipe out the Ferraro family is ludicrous," a rider from England added.

  Stefano stirred again, but Eloisa laid her hand gently on her son's arm. She stood up and faced the council members. "I am not the head of my family. That falls to Stefano. But I have something to say. My child was fourteen years old. I sent him off to be trained, believing he would be safe in the hands of those riders meant to guide him. He was not. He was threatened, and he believed those threats as all children do. It changed the entire course of his life and who and what he was. Mariko's life was changed for all time. Compensation must be made to both. Justice must be served. In the world of riders, everyone must know what happened. This I demand as is my right."

  Eloisa had thrown down the gauntlet. The council couldn't ignore her demands. She was within her rights. More, Ricco and Mariko, especially, deserved compensation.

  "The investigation is ongoing. We have not had enough time--" Marcellus began.

  "You have my son's testimony. You have a letter written by Isamu Yamamoto before he died. He waited for his wife to die and then he committed suicide." Her tone suggested she believed Isamu to be a coward. He had been unable to face what his son had done, and he'd taken his life.

  "That is true, but of course, Mikio Ito and Dai Saito have denied the charges. We will get to the truth of this matter."

  "You know the truth or you wouldn't have given the report to the riders," Eloisa pointed out. "Spare us the bullshit, Marcellus. My son has been through enough. When I found this out, it was everything I could do to keep from seeking justice on my own."

  "That is the job of the Archambault riders," Marcellus said, his voice gentle.

  "Do you think I care?" Eloisa snapped. "I've lost my husband. I'm not a young woman. Retribution by the Archambault will not deter me as long as I bring these criminals to justice."

  Stefano put a hand on his mother's arm. Just laid it there. He said nothing, but she glanced down at it and some of the anger receded from her face to be replaced, just for a moment, by sorrow. That was quickly gone as she struggled to put her mask back in place. She sank back into her chair, looking small and tired.

  "I understand how you must be feeling, but we have laws for a reason," Marcellus said. "Those laws are very exacting. When a rider harms another in any way, justice will be served, but not before every single member of this council is convinced we have the absolute truth of what happened. This took place years ago. It is only coming out now."

  "You know it isn't coincidence that Mariko showed up here and suddenly every family member is under attack, just as Ricco was threatened all those years ago," Stefano said. "It isn't the first attempt on his life. The crash in his race car was no accident. There were numerous incidents prior to such a costly and coordinated attack."

  Kichiro stood. Very carefully he rested his hands on the edge of the table. "A great injustice has been done to Mariko. No rider knew she was from the Tanaka family. I will escort her home and claim her as my bride. She will be given every respect as befitting a Tanaka. My family will welcome her. With the loss of the Yamamoto, Saito and Ito families, it makes sense for us to join together. We need Mariko back in Japan. It is home to her. She will be well taken care of."

  Mariko stiffened. The council could very well see this as a solution. Her heart thudded. Kichiro hadn't wanted her when she had no pedigree. When she was an orphan left unwanted on the street and they thought her mother was a whore. His family would have lost it had they known he was ever considering her for a bride.

  "That's impossible," Ricco said. He brought her hand to his heart. "I have declared my intentions to marry Mariko. Isn't that true, farfallina mia?"

  Mariko nodded. This was her worst nightmare--Ricco being forced to stand up for her. To declare intentions he could never keep. She heard the sincerity in his voice, everyone could, but in the long run, he'd never be satisfied with one woman. She couldn't see him cheating, it wasn't his style. He had too much integrity, but he'd never be happy. The alternative wasn't a good one. She wasn't attracted to Kichiro, and his mother was a close friend of Osamu's. Her life would be a nightmare. She was too reserved to be able to stand up for herself in that environment.

  There was a shocked silence. Kichiro stared at them in open disbelief. "If Mariko has not given her consent, I would appeal to the council to stop this match. We need Mariko after losing so many families. The Ferraro family is strong. I am an only child. There are no more riders from any of the other families in Japan. Without a wife to provide me with children, we will lose all riders in Japan. We revere Tanaka riders. Mar
iko would have a good life and can be of service to our world by providing children. The Ferraros already have Francesca to provide them with riders."

  Mariko inhaled sharply, feeling a little faint. How had everything turned so suddenly? One moment they were talking about the murders, and now she had to choose a husband and quickly.

  Ricco smirked, looking more arrogant than ever. "That only goes to show Mariko she is wanted by me for far more than her ability to provide me with babies."

  Kichiro shook his head. "You have the luxury, but I don't."

  Mariko started to put her head down. Kichiro was all but saying she wasn't much more to him than a baby machine, but he'd sacrifice. Ricco's fingers on the nape of her neck stopped her. One finger sliding under her hair, just as he did when he was about to start Shibari with her. That one finger alone gave her confidence to face the room full of riders. Face the council with her head held high.

  The entire room stared at her. Waiting. Beside her, Ricco looked as arrogant and assured as always, but she felt his tension. Could she possibly humiliate him in front of an entire room of riders? She could always break the engagement when things had blown over, but she would never embarrass him. Not when he'd given her a glimpse of how life could be. Not when he'd given her the confidence to be a woman.

  "I'm sorry, Kichiro. Although I've known you since we were children, we never had a relationship like that. I never thought you were even considering one."

  "I couldn't before."

  "Before?" Ricco raised an eyebrow.

  Kichiro nodded. "My family would not have accepted Mariko, but knowing she is a Tanaka has changed everything."

  "I don't give a damn whether my family accepts her or not, she's my choice. She'll always be my choice," Ricco stated. "I'm not going to marry her so she can give me babies; I'm going to marry her because she's become my world."

  She wanted it to be that way. She knew she was important to him because he'd chosen her to do Shibari. To be his rope model. Suddenly she'd gone from that to his fiancee. He believed what he was saying, that she was his world, she could hear it in his voice. She wanted to believe it, too. Right then, she would allow herself to be his, but she had to remember leopards didn't change their spots.