
  The next day was extremely similar, with the exception of Mina failing to show up to school at all. My after school detention was another three hour long excursion, this time working on cleaning as much glass as I could inside the school. I got maybe halfway through before six o'clock hit, and I was ready to admit that the janitors got a lot less credit than they deserved. When dad picked me up that evening and started driving us home he seemed a lot less angry. By no means did he seem happy, but I was actually starting to get used to that.

  Less angry was a good thing, though, because when he dropped me off at school the next morning he asked, "Does your dance club start right after school?"

  "Yeah, why?" I responded, trying not to sound too hopeful.

  "I will be sitting in on your practice today."

  I couldn't help but grin. "Thank you, dad!" I exclaimed, and actually leaned over to give him a hug. "Oh! But I don't have my bag!"

  "Where is it?"

  "Next to my closet."

  "I can bring it for you. I had a conversation with Calvin - he has an excellent understanding of the way teenagers think, especially kids in magic families - and he convinced me that if going to this dance practice is what's going to keep you out of fights, you should go. I'll allow it, but only if you can show me that it really does help. That means you don't just hang out with your friends, and that you have to show me that you can keep your temper in check. Understood?"

  "Yes! Absolutely!"

  It didn't matter that having that conversation with my dad made me late for my first class, I was walking on air that day. I had never before looked forward to dance practice with such anticipation. I apologized to Nobuko for snapping at her, and she readily accepted my apology. She asked if I was okay from the fight and even teased me a bit, making a comment about how often I got myself injured.

  By sixth period I was practically giddy (especially since Mina didn't show up again), and when the final bell rang I ran down to the studio to try and meet Dane before my Dad got there. Dane walked in only about a minute after I did, and before he could say anything I threw my arms around him and kissed him.

  We parted, our arms still around each other, and Dane said, "You're here! Are you allowed to be here?"

  "Yeah! My dad's gonna come in any second to bring me my stuff, but I wanted to tell you that I'm gonna be able to practice!"

  "What about the show?"

  "I think so. He didn't say, but if I can come to practice, I don't see why not!"

  Dane picked me up and spun me around. "That's great!"

  He put me down and let go of me the second before the door opened. My dad stood there with my bag. He didn't say anything, but I could tell by the look on his face that he suspected that Dane and I were up to no good. Whatever, the important thing was that I could practice with the club now.

  After I got dressed I joined in on the warm ups. No one said it too loud since my dad was in the corner, but almost everyone told me they were thrilled that I was back, even though I had only missed a couple of practices. It was already Thursday, and also the last normal practice I would have with my group for the winter show.

  As I got ready to practice with the four girls in the group dance, I went over to my bag to take off my necklace. I heard my dad clear his throat in the corner. I looked up at him and he shook his head.

  I can't wear it, I mouthed to him.

  He shook his head again, and started to look angry.

  "Fine, have it your way," I breathed quietly to myself as I slipped the necklace back on. I didn't get it - he was supposed to know that I wasn't going to be able to use dancing as my outlet if the necklace was on. He was getting more and more irrational every day.

  Thankfully my own dance routine wasn't extremely set and the point of the practice was to help the other four girls practice their routine. I had a very basic idea of what I'd do, but every time I tried to dance the same routine twice it turned out mechanical. Dane finally told me not to worry about it, and that it would come together in time for the show, even if I had to make it up right before I got on stage.

  Practice ended, and I walked up to my dad. "I need to stay a few extra minutes. Is that okay?"

  "Why do you need to stay?"

  I talked quietly, since there were still a few people doing some cool down stretches. “I need to be able to dance with my necklace off. It doesn’t work otherwise.”

  Dad pondered this for a moment, then said, “Sorry, but I need you to keep that on. It’s not just for balance, it’s for your protection as well. Grab your stuff and let’s go.”

  I didn’t speak to him on the way home. From what I could figure, he could deal with my attitude if he wasn’t going to let me fix it.