Page 22 of Predatory Game

  All the while her hips moved in that slow steady rhythm that kept pushing heat through his body. Her breath caught in her lungs and her fingers tightened on his shoulders as her legs threatened to give out.

  Jess pulled back to lock eyes with her. He wanted her until he couldn't think straight, couldn't find air enough to breathe. The need had risen sharp and fast when he should have been sated already. Her skin was so soft, all bare, glistening as if the morning had covered her in dewdrops like rose petals. Still keeping her gaze locked with his, he leaned forward and licked at her scented skin, breathing her in even as the pads of his fingers began to explore.

  Saber gasped and trembled beneath the stroking caresses. He had to go slow, not simply devour her as he wanted to do. She was all woman, yet this was a new experience and, although she responded eagerly, there was a hesitance that told him she was a little frightened. He had never felt such a fever of absolute need. She tore him up inside with wanting her. For the first time in his life, he actually considered that his control was in jeopardy. His gaze dropped to her nipples, the hard pink tips. He blew out his breath and licked his lips in anticipation.

  Saber's body reacted with a convulsive jerk. Her stomach muscles bunched, hands tightened on his shoulders, and once more her hips rocked, sliding the warm, wet entrance over the broad head of his cock. He shuddered, his heart pounding in reaction. That had never happened either, that entire consuming chain reaction of body, mind, and heart dissolving into one single desire so sharp and piercing it became such a physical pain he was desperate for relief. He'd never been so hard, so ready to burst.

  Her body was flushed, the creamy mounds of her breasts inviting. He leaned forward until his face brushed against the soft swell, until he could taste with a lap of his tongue. She gasped, a soft moan of pleasure escaping, shredding his control even further. His tongue curled over the nipple in a lapping rasp before his mouth covered her and began to suckle, using his teeth to tug and scrape gently until her fingers bit deep and she threw back her head, arching into him.

  His hand slid up her thigh under the churning water. Her gaze, cloudy now with arousal, jumped to his face. He switched his attention to her other breast, interspersing teasing nips with the laving of long, curling strokes. His hand covered her hot, waiting mound and she jumped, her eyes going dark with lust, a soft cry escaping.

  "Look at me, baby," he whispered when her lashes swept down to cover her expression. He didn't want that--wouldn't have it. He needed to see her pleasure, needed to see her desire.

  He waited, his hand pushed into her heat, his mouth at her breast until she opened her eyes and locked her gaze with his. He slid his finger into her tight depths. She cried out again, eyes glazing over. He curled a second finger inside her, exploring the soft heat, circling her most sensitive spot while her hips pushed hard against his hand. He pushed deeper and her muscles clenched around his fingers, her small, gasping cry sending pulses of fire shooting through his body straight to his groin.

  She was in so much trouble. She recognized Jess was binding her body to his. She was in danger of becoming an addict, obsessed with the need for his touch. Pleasure swept through her, and her body grew tight and hungry.

  Jess caught her hips and held her directly over his hard shaft. She could feel the broad head lodged in her tight entrance. Fire raced down her thighs and back up into her feminine sheath. Every muscle contracted. He held her still.

  "I love how responsive your body is to mine. You love this, don't you?"

  How could she not? It didn't seem to matter what he did, where he led, she was going to follow, because she wanted it all--wanted him and the burning pleasure he could give her. She hadn't even known it existed, but now, every time she looked at him, her body was going to flood with heat and need.

  Holding her still, he filled her slowly, pushing through the tight, velvet-soft muscles, the fiery channel that gripped him until she had a stranglehold on him. She tried to move, tried to force him to fill her, but he held her firmly and took his time, watching her face and the dazed pleasure flushing her delicate features.

  "Do you know how many times, how many ways I've fantasized about having you like this?" he asked, his voice husky, nearly hoarse with desire. "I want to sleep wrapped around your body, my fingers inside of you, my mouth on your breast. When you're in the kitchen in the morning wearing nothing but my shirt, I want to sit you on the counter and devour all that honey simmering hot and spicy just waiting for me."

  Her head fell back, a soft groan escaping, his erotic images springing clearly into her mind while he ground himself deep into her, lodging against her womb. Her muscles tightened even more, her womb clenching, her body fighting hard for the freedom to ride him hard and fast. All the while the bubbles fizzed like tiny tongues licking at her sensitive bare skin.

  Jess leaned forward and took her nipple into his mouth with a gentle bite, sending waves of heat crashing through her. A small scream escaped, and her nails bit deep. She flooded his cock with liquid fire. Holding her locked in position, he lifted her and then drove her body down while he thrust upward, hard. She gasped as he filled her, his shaft pushing through soft, tight folds, the friction creating a fiery tango of sensation in the sensitive knot of nerves.

  She could barely breathe as her body tightened and clenched, every part of her on fire. "I don't know what to do." Because she had to do something or she was going to go crazy.

  "Ride me, baby, just like this." His hands urged her into a rhythm. He lifted her hips to let her feel his cock, hard and hot, sliding like so much steel, cutting through velvet folds. His breath came out in a rush and the muscles of his thighs bunched under the onslaught of pure feeling. "Oh, yeah, you're getting it," he encouraged, stopping her just before they were separated. "Does that feel good?"

  It was amazing how he stretched her, filling her completely as she moved in a slow downward glide. She moaned softly as she impaled herself on his thick shaft in a long, languorous rocking motion, inducing such pleasure she nearly screamed. His hands came up to tug at her nipples while he drove again and again through her silken heat. Each time was harder and deeper, sending streaks of fire racing through her body.

  "You like it hard like this?" His eyes glittered at her, dark with a mixture of lust and unmistakable love. She could see his muscles bunched, his teeth set as he fought for control, fought to keep the pace slow and leisurely while she learned how to pleasure herself with his body.

  She could only nod while her hips rose, her muscles gripping and squeezing around him. He was going to shatter her, take her apart before he was done. She lowered herself again while he thrust upward, another slow inch by excruciating inch, killing them both with a riot of sensations pouring into them. She'd never felt so wanton as she arched her body to get a different angle, to feel the thick length of him, as hard as steel, pressed against her throbbing clit.

  Her breasts thrust toward him and he leaned in to rake his teeth over the gentle curves. Electricity sizzled, hot and wet from her breasts to her womb to streak like liquid fire through her feminine core.

  One hand threaded through her hair and he kissed his way back up her throat to her lips, once again holding her still. She shuddered, her muscles clenching, her body clamping hard around his, the silken walls of her channel milking him even as he kept her hips from rocking. Her head tossed, her eyes dazed and dark with desire.

  "You're so beautiful," he whispered. "Like this. Loving me. You're so damned beautiful it hurts to look at you."

  Beneath her bottom, his thigh muscles bunched into hard ridges, and then he was changing the pace, taking her over, plunging deep and hard with exquisite purpose, building the heat until it was out of control. Her breath came in ragged gasps as the piercing pleasure built and built until she thought she might not live through it. She felt as if she were burning alive from the inside out, and if he didn't keep filling her, stretching her, if he didn't do something to quench the fire soon, she wouldn't

  "Please, Jesse." The soft cry was wrenched from her before she could stop it. There didn't seem to be inhibition or self-respect. She knew she was pleading--begging for release, but the pleasure was too much, it had to end soon or she was going to go insane. Her mind seemed to be shutting down altogether, and her craving for Jess Calhoun knew no bounds.

  "It's all right, Saber, love. Go with it. Let yourself fly. Come with me. Just come with me." He gripped her hips and plunged deeper, lodging himself against her womb, swelling thicker and larger than he'd ever been in his life, and his balls grew tight and hard, his thighs shaking.

  He moved again, setting a harsh pace, deep long strokes that invaded and receded, each harder and stronger than the last as he pumped into her hot, moist flesh. Around him, her tight, silken channel gripped him hard, milking until the erotic torture nearly strangled him with pleasure. He couldn't stop the bone-wrenching, muscle-tightening explosion as he climaxed, her body melting and rippling around his.

  She screamed, the sound vibrating through his groin as he flooded her tight sheath with hot jets of his release, as he surged one last time into her, his hoarse shout joining hers. She collapsed against him, falling onto his chest as he fought to drag air into his bursting lungs. She lay with her head pillowed on his shoulder, exhausted, a limp rag doll, her heart pounding so hard she couldn't bring it under control.

  "Are you all right?" he asked gently.

  "No. I'm never going to be all right again," she said, meaning it. "Jesse, I was looking for normal. I don't think that's what this is. This is obsession, addiction, something crazy. We could kill each other."

  He rubbed his mouth over her neck. "There's so much more. I could spend days, weeks, showing you more."

  "I wouldn't survive more," she said, knowing she had to have him again and again. And she wanted--even needed--the more. "What have you done to me?"

  "Nothing that you haven't done to me." He stroked caresses over her hair and waited until she stopped trembling, until the little aftershocks lessened to small ripples. "Whatever you're feeling, multiply that by a thousand, angel face, and that's what I'm feeling." He turned off the jets. "The water's getting cold and we're going to turn into prunes."

  "Well," she said, wrapping her arms around his neck. "We didn't solve the world's problems, but right at this moment, I'm not caring so much." Because, could he really believe she would betray him if he made love to her so thoroughly? She kissed his throat and nibbled on his chin.

  Jess kept his arms around her, holding her to him. "You solved my most immediate problems, baby. I'm thinking we need to get to bed. It's almost morning and we've had a full night."

  She lifted her head from where she was tracing the line of his heavy chest muscle with her tongue. "I don't have a bed right now. I'm not sleeping in that room."

  "Of course not. I was thinking you'd be sharing my bed."

  There was a small silence and she pulled back to look at him. Very slowly she slipped off his lap to move to the side of the Jacuzzi. "I've never done that before. Sleep with someone. Doesn't it make you feel vulnerable?"

  "I wouldn't know. I had sex with people, I didn't sleep with them."

  "You thought you were going to marry Chaleen, didn't you?"

  He shrugged. "We were together, but I don't know that I thought about the future all that much. Maybe at first I thought we'd be together, but after a while, I didn't push it. And no, we didn't sleep in the same bed. I always made some excuse and she was always happy to accept it. That should have told me something."

  She raised her eyebrow at him. "You think?"

  He slapped water at her. "You can look smug when you want to."

  "I know." She really hated the idea of turning her back on him to get out of the Jacuzzi. She didn't mind being naked, but she detested him looking at her back. For some reason, she couldn't overcome the shame, as if somehow she'd allowed the torture. They'd made certain she couldn't touch them, but maybe she could have scared them into believing she would have hunted them down. Now that she was older, that was exactly what she'd do, but back then, she'd been so frightened, and what they wanted from her had been repulsive. She'd loathed herself and her capabilities.

  She waited until Jess shifted to first the stair and then the platform before she climbed out and made certain his chair was locked so he could swing into it. She caught up Jess's shirt and pulled it on.

  "Chaleen was here tonight."

  He straightened up in his chair, frowning at her. "I know that, Ken told me, but how did you know?"

  She tried not to look or sound smug, since he'd just accused her of it. "I went out reconning tonight and saw her." She studied her fingernails. "Blew right past both of your enhanced supersoldier GhostWalker guards."

  "You got past Ken and Mari? Both of them?"

  "It was a walk in the park."

  Jess studied her face. It was obvious she was telling the truth. "Ken sent Chaleen packing."

  "If the CIA sent her here, Jess, it means they have suspicions that you're more than a SEAL, and if they think that, who knows who else does?"

  "You think a foreign government has sent someone to spy on me?" He thrust with his hands, powering the chair through the house toward the bedroom.

  Saber followed at a more leisurely pace, holding the edges of his shirt together around her. "Don't you think that's a possibility?"

  "I suppose. But I think my radar would have gone off sooner."

  Saber put on a burst of speed and caught up to him, catching at his chair to stop him. She waited until he'd turned to look at her. "So, Jess, what if something else is going on here, something not all about Whitney? Yes, I think he orchestrated our being together, but for what purpose? Just to grab me? Why go to all the trouble of the two of us living together for a year? If he provided the opening for the job and knew I'd take it--and who else could have known?--then why not grab me immediately before you called in the other GhostWalkers. Whitney had to have anticipated that move, right?"

  "Yes. There isn't a doubt in my mind he wants us to have a child together."

  "Well, I don't have a clue why he wanted me to read those files, but this suddenly doesn't feel like Whitney. I don't know why he'd do this when it isn't logical. Whitney may be a megalomaniac, but he has his own logic. He believes himself to be a patriot. He's not going to be giving other countries supersoldiers, so who is leaking the information? Who's looking for confirmation that you're enhanced?"

  Jess shook his head, his expression thoughtful. "It isn't Chaleen. Her job is to find out what I'm doing besides working for Rear Admiral Henderson at NCIS. My team has been out on enough assignments to raise a few rumors, especially after the Congo incident. Senator Ed Freeman was involved with that. He's high profile. Maybe it has something to do with the Congo, or the senator."

  She nodded. "He was my target. He and his wife. Whitney wanted them dead. He was in a recent accident and it's rumored he's in a coma."

  "He was shot in the head and taken to an undisclosed location. They're keeping his condition very quiet, but you can bet every agency from here to hell and back is looking into it and there are going to be rumors and conjecture about an elite fighting team. Since the CIA was already suspicious, after the senator's disappearance, I'm sure they want answers. What was in his file?"

  "Whitney considered him a traitor and wanted both the senator and his wife dead. He actually arranged for me to attend a state dinner and shake hands with the senator. The plan was for me to induce a massive heart attack, and when his wife knelt beside him to do CPR, I would aid her, long enough to release a blood clot into her system. Then I was supposed to disappear before she went down as well."

  "You can do that?"

  She was so small, yet she held so much power in her slender body. And it was somewhat disconcerting to think she'd been in his home, he'd introduced her to his sister and friends, and he'd never suspected that she could kill with a touch. The innocence in her eyes and the
youthful features were all the cover she really needed. No one would ever suspect her. As a shielder, not even Violet, the senator's wife, would have known that Saber was an assassin.

  Saber shrugged. "I told you I could."

  The significance of what Saber told him sunk in. She had left the house in full assassination mode. "You slipped past Mari and Ken in order to kill Chaleen, didn't you?"

  She'd hoped he'd missed that. Jess didn't miss very much. "Someone was out there watching you. I was afraid they'd been sent to kill you, so yes, I thought I might do something about it in order to protect you, but I changed my mind."

  "Ken came along."

  She shook her head. "He would have been too late. If I wanted her dead, she'd be beyond help by the time he arrived. He almost stepped on me."

  Jess shook his head, a slow grin of admiration escaping when he knew he shouldn't feel that way. "He's going to hate that."

  "Don't tell him. Don't tell any of them." She ducked her head. "I don't want them to know what I do."

  "Eventually they'll have to know. You're one of us. We work as a team."

  "Assassins don't work with a team, Jesse. I go out alone. The orders come in and I play whatever part, slip in and out, and no one ever knows it was a sanctioned hit. I'm the weapon everyone's been looking for. I can take out our enemies and no one will ever be able to prove a thing."

  "That doesn't negate the fact that you're one of us. We all have different--and lethal--capabilities, Saber. They'll understand."

  "Do you really believe they'll walk up to me and shake my hand the way they did earlier? They'll be terrified."

  "I'm not terrified of you, Saber," Jess said.

  She lifted her lashes. "Well, maybe you should be."

  A slow smile softened the hard line of his mouth. Her heart lurched. He looked so sexy. It was no wonder that she'd fallen for him--she would have without Whitney and his pheromones.

  "You said that before. I like to live dangerously."

  "You're a nut."

  "Come on, baby. Let's go to bed." He held out his hand to her. When she put hers in his, he kissed her palm and then placed it on his shoulder so he could maneuver the chair through the wide hallways to the master bedroom.